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P Shekinah K Kadirvelu P Kanmani P Senthilkumar V Subburam 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2002,77(4):458-464
Activated carbon prepared from Eichhornia was used for the adsorptive removal of Pb(II) from aqueous solution. As the raw material for the preparation of the activated carbon is an aquatic weed, the production of this carbon is expected to be economically feasible. Parameters such as agitation time, metal ion concentration, adsorbent dose and pH were studied. Adsorption equilibrium was reached in 100 min for a solution containing 15 mgdm?3 and 125 min for solutions containing 20 and 25 mgdm?3 Pb(II), respectively. Adsorption parameters were determined using both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The adsorption capacity was 16.61 mgg?1 at pH 3.0 for particle sizes of 125–180 µm. Pb(II) removal increased as the pH increased from 2 to 4 and remained constant up to pH 10.0. Desorption studies were also carried out with dilute hydrochloric acid to recover both carbon and Pb(II). Quantitative desorption of Pb(II) from carbon indicates that adsorption of metal ion is by ion exchange. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Roberto Leyva-Ramos Laura Fuentes-Rubio Rosa Maria Guerrero-Coronado Jovita Mendoza-Barron 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1995,62(1):64-67
The adsorption of chromium (III) onto activated carbon was investigated as a possible alternative method for its removal from aqueous solutions. The adsorption data were obtained in a batch adsorber and fitted the Langmuir adsorption isotherm well. The effect of pH on the adsorption isotherm was investigated at pH values of 2, 4, 5 and 6. It was found that at pH values below 2 the Cr(III) was not adsorbed and at pH values above 6.4 the Cr(III) was precipitated as Cr(OH)3. Maximum adsorption occurred at pH 5. The pH plays a very important role in the adsorption of Cr(III) since Cr(III) can form different complexes in aqueous solutions. The adsorption capacity was increased by about 20% as the temperature was raised from 25 to 40°C. It was concluded that Cr(III) is adsorbed to an appreciable extent on activated carbon and that the adsorption is highly dependent upon pH. 相似文献
Şahika Sena Bayazit İsmail İnci 《Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry》2013,19(6):2064-2071
This study investigated the heavy metal adsorption of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) oxidized different methods. Besides the conventional ultrasonication method, the UV-light used as an oxidation agent. The two oxidation methods compared with each other by Pb(II) adsorption. The characterizations of oxidized CNTs were analyzed by FTIR, XRD, DTG, SEM and total acidity capacity analysis. The adsorption capacities of carbon nanotubes were compared with using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Two different kinetic theories were applied to experimental data. These theories are pseudo-second order and intra-particle diffusion models. The adsorption results can be compared using non-linear Langmuir isotherm parameters. For single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), theoretical adsorption capacity value (Qm) of UV-light method is 511.99 mg/g and ultrasonication method is 342.36 mg/g. The UV-light increased the surface acidity of the carbon nanotubes more than ultrasonication. After the adsorption experiments, it is apparently seen that the UV-light oxidation method is a useful method for heavy metal adsorption. 相似文献
Chungsying Lu Chunti Liu 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2006,81(12):1932-1940
Single‐walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were oxidized by NaClO solutions and were employed as sorbents to study sorption characteristics of nickel(II) from aqueous solution. The surface properties of CNTs such as functional groups, total acidic sites and negatively charged carbons were greatly improved after oxidation, which made CNTs become more hydrophilic and resulted in sorption of more Ni2+. The amount of Ni2+ sorbed onto oxidized CNTs increased with a rise in agitation speed, initial Ni2+ concentration and solution pH in the range 1–8, but decreased with a rise in CNT mass and solution ionic strength. The sorption mechanisms are complicated and appear attributable to electrostatic forces and chemical interactions between the Ni2+ and the surface functional groups of the CNTs. The oxidized SWCNTs and MWCNTs have shorter equilibrium time and better Ni2+ sorption performance than the oxidized granular activated carbon, suggesting that both NaClO oxidized CNTs are efficient Ni2+ sorbents and that they possess good potential applications in water treatment. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Despoina D. Asouhidou Kostas S. Triantafyllidis Nikolaos K. Lazaridis Kostas A. Matis 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2012,87(4):575-582
BACKGROUND: Water‐soluble reactive azo dyes are the most problematic dye house effluents, as they tend to pass through conventional treatment systems unaffected. The release of these compounds into the environment is undesirable and their removal becomes environmentally important. In this work, synthesis, characterization and sorption properties of hydotalcite‐like compounds (Mg/Al and Mg/Fe), calcined and uncalcined, were investigated for the removal of the reactive azo dye Remazol Red 3BS. RESULTS: The calcined compounds present higher surface area than the uncalcined. The optimum pH for sorption was found to be 6. Thermodynamic analysis reveals that the sorption is spontaneous and endothermic. Equilibrium data were fitted by a Langmuir model, and kinetic data by a second‐order model. The calcined Mg/Al compound showed the highest sorption capacity, at 0.125 mmol g?1. Regeneration of dye loaded derivative is achieved using the surfactant SDS. CONCLUSIONS: The prepared hydotalcite‐like compounds and especially calcined Mg‐Al exhibited significant adsorption capacity, kinetics, and regenerative ability. Its potential applicability as sorbent should be tested in a large‐scale implementation. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
《Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry》2014,20(3):916-924
In this study different estrogenic compounds, estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), and 17a-ethinylestradiol (EE2), were removed from the model and real solution by the newly emerged multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The effects of different factors which affect the removal process were studied and optimized for efficient removal. The kinetics of E1, E2, and EE2 adsorption on MWCNTs were analyzed using different kinetic models and the results showed that the removal was mainly a pseudo-second-order process. The thermodynamic study showed the spontaneity and exothermic nature of the removal process, with negative entropy. 相似文献
Batch sorption experiments were carried out to remove a cationic dye, methylene blue (MB), from its aqueous solutions using a commercial activated carbon as an adsorbent. Operating variables studied were pH, stirring speed, initial methylene blue concentration and temperature. Adsorption process was attained to the equilibrium within 5 min. The adsorbed amount MB dye on activated carbon slightly changed with increasing pH, and temperature, indicating an endothermic process. The adsorption capacity of methylene blue did not significantly change with increasing stirring speed. The experimental data were analyzed by various isotherm models, and found that the isotherm data were reasonably well correlated by Langmuir isotherm. Adsorption measurements showed that the process was very fast and physical in nature. Thermodynamic parameters such as the adsorption entropy (ΔSo) and adsorption enthalpy (ΔHo) were also calculated as 0.165 kJ mol−1 K−1 and 49.195 kJ mol−1, respectively. The ΔGo values varied in range with the mean values showing a gradual increase from −0.256 to −0.780 to −2.764 and −7.914 kJ mol−1 for 293, 313, 323 and 333 K, respectively, in accordance with the positive adsorption entropy value of the adsorption process. 相似文献
Vijayalakshmi P. Ravi Raksh V. Jasra Thirumaleswara S. G. Bhat 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1998,71(2):173-179
Adsorption of phenol, o-, m-, p-cresol and benzyl alcohol has been measured from their aqueous solutions on activated carbon at 278, 298 and 323 K in their complete solubility range. An anomalous temperature dependence of adsorption of these compounds has been observed. Desorption measurements at 278 K show that the adsorption is not reversible in the lower concentration range. This behaviour, as well as the anomalous temperature dependence, has been attributed to chemical transformations which the adsorbed species undergo on the activated carbon surface. © 1998 SCI. 相似文献
The adsorption of Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), and Pb(II) from aqueous solutions on acrylonitrile copolymer sorbents was studied. We prepared five types of sorbents from polyacrylonitrile by varying its concentration in the initial polymer solution and the composition of the coagulation bath, aiming to achieve a different porous structure. The specific area, pore volume, and pore radius of the sorbents were determined on a porosimeter. The porous structure was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Modification of sorbents with sodium hydroxide and hydroxylamine was carried out to form amidooxyme and carboxylic groups with proven complex‐forming properties toward heavy metal ions. The optimal pH of the sorption of metal ions was found. The adsorption kinetics were investigated. The order of polymer sorbents toward the sorption of Pb(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) ions, and the order of heavy metal uptake were determined for all types of sorbents. The effectiveness of heavy metal desorption and the coefficient of recovery of sorption ability were determined. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 83: 3036–3044, 2002; DOI 10.1002/app.2334 相似文献
Ayoung Choi 《Electrochimica acta》2008,53(5):2579-2584
Cobalt porphyrin (CoP)-modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and Nafion demonstrated a higher electrocatalytic activity for the reduction of dioxygen in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution. Cyclic and hydrodynamic voltammetry at the CoP-SWNTs/GCE-modified electrodes in O2-saturated aqueous solutions was used to study the electrocatalytic pathway. Compared with the CoP/GCE-modified electrodes, the reduction potential of dioxygen at the CoP-SWNTs/GCE-modified electrodes was shifted to the positive direction and the limiting current was greatly increased. Especially, the Co(TMPP)-SWNTs/GCE-modified electrode was catalyzed effectively by the 4e− reduction of dioxygen to water, because hydrodynamic voltammetry revealed the transference of approximately four electrons for dioxygen reduction and the minimal generation of hydrogen peroxide in the process of dioxygen reduction. 相似文献
活性炭对苯酚的吸附研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
进行了活性炭处理含苯酚废水的应用研究,考察了影响苯酚吸附效果的因素。确定了处理水中苯酚的最佳条件:吸附平衡时间为30 min;最佳pH值为6左右;苯酚初始浓度为10 mg/L;投炭量为20~25 mg/L;苯酚的吸附率高达97.4%;温度对苯酚吸附率的影响不明显。研究了活性炭对苯酚的吸附动力学特性,分别用伪一级动力学方程、伪二级动力学方程、修正伪一级动力学方程和颗粒内扩散模型进行拟合,对于不同浓度的苯酚废水都只有伪二级动力学方程拟合程度比较高,伪二级动力学方程更为真实地反映苯酚在活性炭上的吸附机理。 相似文献
采用化学修饰的方法,用偶联剂3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷(APTEs)对多壁碳纳米管进行酰胺化,并采用红外光谱和拉曼光谱对其结构进行表征,研究结果表明,用偶联剂修饰后的碳纳米结构并未发生改变。同时采用原位TG-MS技术研究了NO在多壁碳纳米管的吸附和脱附行为,TG等温吸附曲线结果表明,在温度一定的条件下,酰胺化多壁碳纳米管对NO的吸附量为未改性多壁碳纳米管的3倍;TG-DTG的等温脱附曲线实验研究表明,NO在酰胺化多壁碳纳米管脱附的温度点较多,同时其原位MS实验结果进一步印证了这一结论。另外考察了温度对碳纳米管吸附NO性能的影响,实验结果表明吸附温度对NO在多壁碳纳米管上的吸附量有较大的影响,酰胺化多壁碳纳米管对NO的最佳吸附温度为100 ℃。 相似文献
Adsorption of cadmium(II) from aqueous solution by surface oxidized carbon nanotubes 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were oxidized with H2O2, KMnO4 and HNO3. Their physicochemical properties were investigated by BET N2 adsorption, laser particle examination, Boehm’s titration, zeta potential measurement and cadmium(II) adsorption. The experimental results suggest that cadmium(II) adsorption capacities for three kinds of oxidized CNTs increase due to the functional groups introduced by oxidation compared with the as-grown CNTs. The cadmium(II) adsorption capacity of the as-grown CNTs is only 1.1 mg g−1, while it reaches 2.6, 5.1 and 11.0 mg g−1 for the H2O2, HNO3 and KMnO4 oxidized CNTs, respectively, at the cadmium(II) equilibrium concentration of 4 mg l−1. Adsorption of cadmium(II) by CNTs was strongly pH-dependent and the increase of adsorption capacities for HNO3 and KMnO4 oxidized CNTs is more obvious than that of the as-grown and H2O2 oxidized CNTs at lower pH regions. The experiments of CNT dosage effect on the cadmium(II) adsorption show that the adsorption capacity for KMnO4 oxidized CNTs has a sharper increase at the CNT dosage from 0.03 to 0.08 g per 100 ml than the as-grown, H2O2 and HNO3 oxidized CNTs and its removal efficiency almost reaches 100% at CNT dosage of 0.08 g per 100 ml. Analysis revealed that the KMnO4 oxidized CNTs hosted manganese residuals, and these surely contributed to cadmium sorption to a yet-undefined extent. 相似文献
碳纳米管及竹炭对双酚A和4-硝基苯胺的吸附动力学 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
研究了竹炭和碳纳米管从水溶液中吸附双酚A及4-硝基苯胺的动力学行为。结果表明,竹炭对双酚A和4-硝基苯胺的平衡吸附量qe均随着初始浓度和温度的增加而升高,相同条件下,qe大小为:4-硝基苯胺>双酚A;碳纳米管对双酚A和4-硝基苯胺的qe也随着初始浓度增加而增大,但随着溶液温度升高而减小,相同条件下,qe大小为:4-硝基苯胺<双酚A;吸附过程均符合伪二级动力学方程,颗粒内扩散过程是竹炭吸附速率控制的重要因素,同时还受颗粒外扩散过程的控制,但不是碳纳米管吸附速率控制的重要因素;竹炭、碳纳米管对双酚A和4-硝基苯胺的吸附活化能都比较低,依次为19.41,4.37,6.06,27.33 kJ/mol,表明吸附过程以物理吸附为主。 相似文献
N.A.Klimenko 《腐植酸》2013,(4):38-41
研究了在有和没有过氧化氢存在下,氧化活性炭和未经氧化的活性炭对中性水溶液中泥炭黄腐酸吸附行为。并估算了活性炭表面官能团对其吸附水溶液中的黄腐酸吸附平衡的影响。研究发现,用经过氧化处理的活性炭取代未经氧化处理的活性炭可以将水溶液中黄腐酸的吸附效率提高约49%。 相似文献