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有硫酸盐还原菌存在时J55套管钢的极化行为 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在接种硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)的培养基中,通过测量J55钢的极化曲线,分析了SRB对腐蚀过程的影响,结果表明,SRB的代谢产物-H2S对阳极过程和阴极过程影响很大,有显著的去极化作用。 相似文献
Comparative assessment of electrochemical hydrogen absorption by pipeline steels with different strength 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The assessment of ability to absorb hydrogen of three API grade pipeline steels: X52, X70 and X100 have been evaluated. The factors of cathodic hydrogen charging, time of exposure, and applied stress were taken into account. It has been shown that all steels demonstrate the sensitivity to hydrogenating in deoxygenated, near-neutral pH NS4 solution under relatively “soft” cathodic polarisation, although the efficiency of hydrogen permeation in metal is quite low and depends on time of exposure. Applied tensile stress, which equivalent to gross hoop stress in pipe wall under operating conditions, can accelerate the hydrogen absorption in several times. For studied steels the resistance to hydrogen absorption decreases with decreasing of steel strength. 相似文献
Electropolishing treatment (EP) can be used to remove the biofilm formed on AISI-304 stainless steel surface and protect it against bacterial colonization. High levels of both smoothness and brightness of AISI-304 stainless steel surfaces can be attained by using electropolishing technique, where the sample was fixed as anode and a suitable current was applied into electrolytic cell containing H3PO4. AISI-304 stainless steel was exposed to stabilized mixed culture of sulfate reducing bacteria (SMC-SRB) under different conditions as, temperature, pH, salinity, incubation time and inoculum size. The present study recorded the main indicators of bacterial activity such as S−−, Fe++, most probable number (MPN) of SRB and weight loss (corrosion rate) by milinches per year (mpy). The results revealed that the bacterial counts were obviously decreased under all conditions of bacterial biofilm formation after electropolishing treatment. 相似文献
The accumulation process of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) biofilms established in anaerobic stagnant batch bioreactors on the surface of carbon steel and the nutrient transport and corrosion products distribution in it were characterized by X‐ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). In addition, the corrosion occurrence and development of carbon steel under SRB biofilm was investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in‐situ. The results show that the thickness of SRB biofilms increases exponentially with time in the beginning and after 14 days reaches a maximum. From then on, the accumulation rate decreases to zero. In mature biofilms, SRB dispersed throughout the biofilm. In the inner layer near the substrate, due to the high sulfate‐reducing activity of SRB, corrosion products such S2?, H2S and organic acid are present, which lead to corrosion occurrence and development. In the outer layer of the biofilm SRB can also reduce the SO2?4 to SO2?3 and S2O2?3. This metabolism process enhances the Fe2+ transfer from the inner to the outer side. The activity of SRB in the biofilm plays a key role in the initial corrosion process. 相似文献
中原油田文10—1井套管腐蚀原因分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
通过现场检测和腐蚀产物X衍射分析,对文10-1井套管的腐蚀原因进行了探讨,检测结果表明是以内壁腐蚀为主,套管上部腐蚀严重,下部腐蚀轻微,两者腐蚀产物中铁的硫化物不同,室内试验研究了温度对硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)生长的影响,以及SRB对套管钢的腐蚀作用,文10-1井套管严重腐蚀部位的腐蚀产物为疏松的Fe9S8。而腐蚀轻微处主要是较致密的FeS。 相似文献
海洋微生物腐蚀的研究进展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
介绍了国内外海洋微生物腐蚀研究的最新进展,讨论了海洋中影响金属腐蚀的几类微生物,评述了微生物腐蚀研究中涉及的微生物的培养,测量方法以及表面分析手段;简介了不锈钢,铜和铜合金,镍合金的微生物腐蚀的特征和最新研究进展,并展望了微生物腐蚀研究的发展趋势。 相似文献
AbstractAccelerated low water corrosion of steel piling in sea water harbours in the UK, Europe and elsewhere has been shown recently to be the result primarily of water pollution. Elevated levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in sea and brackish waters are responsible for microbiologically influenced corrosion of steel piling below the low water tide level. This is demonstrated in field data from 13 Australian experimental sites, nine US naval sites and some severe sites in Australia, Norway, Japan and the UK. Localised perforation of sheet piling, often associated only with the webs of U and Z profile piles, is shown to be the result of centreline segregation, porosity and composition differences in steel profiles. These stem from the steelmaking process and are likely to be less severe for modern steels. The results explain most of the observations for actual steel piling in various harbours, both vertically and horizontally (i.e. for U and Z and other pile profile types). 相似文献
采用最大可能计数法对两种季盐型缓蚀剂BHP 1及BHP 2的杀菌效果进行了评价。结果发现 ,BHP 1具有良好的杀菌性能 ,且最佳杀菌浓度为 6 0× 10 -6g/L ,两者的杀菌效果均优于广泛使用的新洁尔灭。采用电化学方法、腐蚀失重实验及表面分析法研究了 4 5 # 碳钢在含硫酸盐还原菌 (SRB)的厌氧体系中的腐蚀行为。结果表明 :SRB能加速 4 5 # 碳钢的点蚀破坏。两种季盐能有效控制SRB溶液对 4 5 # 碳钢的腐蚀破坏 ,使点蚀电位正移 ,对SRB溶液中的 4 5 # 碳钢具有良好的缓蚀作用 ,缓蚀效果为BHP 1>BHP 2 相似文献
用自制的实验研究发现:水玻璃砂与铜合金形成机械粘砂的渗透压力为0.18MPa。可用铝矾土醇基快干涂料,改善大型铜合金铸件的表面质量。 相似文献
Desulfotomaculum kuznetsovii (D. kuznetsovii), a thermophilic sulfate‐reducing bacterium (SRB), was identified in a cooling tower of a petroleum refinery by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and its functional gene encoding dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrAB). The thermophilic sulfate‐reducing bacterial species have been reported for the first time in the cooling towers of an Indian petroleum refinery. The protein coded by dsrAB gene was cloned, expressed, and identified using recombinant DNA technology. Weight loss method, electrochemical and surface analysis showed the corrosion behavior of the isolate. In the presence of D. kuznetsovii, the corrosion rate was higher when compared to control at 55 °C. It suppresses the anodic reaction and enhances the cathodic reaction by the production of organic complex and iron sulfide, respectively. Numerous pitting were noticed on mild steel which is due to the presence of D. kuznetsovii and its role in the corrosion process has been discussed. 相似文献
为了了解氢渗透阻挡层的阻氢机理,在氢化锆表面电镀Cr-C后,再对镀层进行热处理(400℃),最后把试样在700℃的真空中保温10h.用EDS法对没有进行热处理的镀层的成分进行分析,再用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究氢渗透阻挡层不同深度处的化学态,并对阻挡层原子进行定量分析.结果发现:未热处理的镀层主要含有C和Cr,阻挡层中含有C、O、Cr和Zr,进行氢渗透试验(700℃保温)后的阻挡层中C-H和O-H含量都增加,前者更明显.由此可说明H因破坏C、O原来的成键方式而被C、O捕捉,C对氢渗透阻挡层的作用大于O的作用. 相似文献