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利用数值计算的方法研究了核爆炸火球及其周围流场在可压缩上升阶段的演变过程。计算结果表明,火球在上升过程中压力和密度的分布发生变化,火球上部的压力增大而下部压力减小;初始时刻位于火球中部的低密度区域向上部移动,同时火球上部和两侧的密度梯度增大,而下部的密度梯度减小,密度云图的计算结果与实验的阴影图吻合得较好。 相似文献
复杂物理现象通常由多类复杂的物理过程紧耦合构成,其数值模拟也通常由适用不同物理过程的多类并行应用程序紧耦合完成。如何设计这些物理过程之间的联接算法,既要保证程序之间数据传递的高效,又要保证程序各自运行和总体模拟的高效,还要保证程序各自开发的独立,是一个值得研究的课题。文章基于广泛应用于高温高压物理研究中的辐射流体力学和中子输运多物理并行数值模拟,在非结构网格上,提出了两种联接算法:完全松散联接算法和两层紧耦合联接算法。前者侧重于实现程序各自运行的高效和开发的独立,后者在前者的基础上,还权衡了数据传递和总体模拟的高效。在两台并行机的数百个处理机上,通信复杂度分析和数值实验结果表明,两种算法均是有效的,可推广应用到其他多物理并行数值模拟。特别是,两层紧耦合联接算法是高效可扩展的,取得了近似最优的并行性能。 相似文献
对降雨过程中的环境地表γ辐射剂量率升高的原因进行了分析,参考大气科学领域降水对气溶胶粒子清除过程的相关研究成果,对剂量率升高的过程进行模型分析,并进行了理论模拟计算,结果证明一般情况下理论计算曲线和实际测量曲线可以较好地符合,通过理论推导,结合实测的降雨强度数据,可以较好地模拟计算降雨过程的剂量率升高幅度,为判断降雨过程中监测数据可信度及是否存在人工辐射异常提供了理论参考。 相似文献
对近地核爆火球色温第一峰值的估计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对测点处核爆光信号辐照度值的理论推算与实测结果的对照分析揭示了:近地核爆火球色温第一峰值既不是2×104K,也不会是8×104K.而应约为3×104K;还推知,就以硅宽波段光电传感器而言,相应于核爆光辐照度第一、二峰的光电流(和)值之间,恒满足。 相似文献
典型光电子器件辐射效应数值分析与试验模拟方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选取Si太阳电池与线阵CCD器件,进行了光电器件辐射效应的数值分析与模拟试验方法研究。分析了光电器件电离效应和位移损伤机理,利用二维器件模拟软件MEDICI,模拟了1MeV电子对n/p型硅太阳电池主要输出参数的影响,包括开路电压Voe、短路电流Isc和最大输出功率Pmax.在一定范围内,计算结果与文献实验数据符合较好。建立了线阵CCD器件辐照效应离线测量系统。利用^60Coγ源,进行了商用器件的总剂量效应试验,给出了暗电流信号和饱和电压信号的变化曲线。 相似文献
为解决cm级尺寸射线源的空间分布诊断,本文提出大孔径厚针孔成像方法。采用Geant4软件编写蒙特卡罗程序模拟5、10和15 mm大孔径厚针孔的成像过程,采用Matlab软件实现逆滤波、Wiener滤波和Lucy-Richardson复原算法,以均方根误差σ作为复原效果评判标准,优化了Wiener滤波信噪比参数和Lucy-Richardson算法迭代次数参数。将复原算法应用于不同孔径厚针孔的图像复原,发现理想逆滤波算法会引起噪声放大;Wiener滤波算法图像复原解存在较严重的伪影;Lucy-Richardson算法可获得清晰的复原图像。结合Lucy-Richardson算法的5、10、15 mm大孔径厚针孔成像获取的图像的σ是0.5 mm孔径传统针孔成像结果的1.15、1.21、1.26倍。结果表明,结合图像复原算法的大孔径厚针孔成像技术能获得与传统针孔成像接近的源图像测量结果,初步验证了该方法具有可行性。 相似文献
A zero-dimensional model which includes 56 species of reactants and 427 reactions is used to study the behavior of charged particles in atmospheric plasmas with different ionization degrees at low altitude (near 0 km). The constant coefficient nonlinear equations are solved by using the Quasi-steady-state approximation method. The electron lifetimes are obtained for afterglow plasma with different initial values, and the temporal evolutions of the main charged species are presented, which are dominant in reaction processes. The results show that the electron number density decays quickly. The lifetimes of electrons are shortened by about two orders with increasing ionization degree. Electrons then attach to neutral particles and produce negative ions. When the initial electron densities are in the range of 10l~ ~ 1014 cm-3, the negative ions have sufficiently high densities and long lifetimes for air purification, disinfection and sterilization. Electrons, O(2,-), O(4,-) CO(4,-) and CO(3,-) are the dominant negative species when the initial electron density neo ≤ 1013 cm^(-3), and only electrons and CO3 are left when neo 〉 1015 cm^(-3). N(+,2), N+ and O(+,2) are dominant in the positive charges for any ionization degree. Other positive species, such as 0(+,4), N(+,3), NO(+,2), NO(+,2), Ar(+,2) and H3O+. H2O, are dominant only for a certain ionization degree and in a certain period. 相似文献
A new type of AC PDP (alternating current plasma display panel) cell with a fiveelectrode structure is developed to improve the luminous efficiency of AC PDP, The discharge efficiency of this new cell structure is investigated by a 2D fluid simulation. Continuity equations and flux density equations for charged particles and excited atoms, energy balance equation for electrons are included in the model. The discharge gas is He 5%Xe. The reactions of ionization, excitation, recombination, and radiation are taken into account. The vacuum ultraviolet radiation efficiency of the five-electrode cell structure is about 20% higher than that of a conventional three-electrode cell structure. 相似文献
石墨加热器是测量球床堆芯等效导热系数实验的关键部件,加热器温度场对系统安全及数据准确性有重要影响。本文基于Fluent计算平台,分别采用DTRM模型、P1模型、ROSSELAND模型、DO模型对真空保护环境下的石墨加热器温度场进行数值模拟,确定适合真空保护石墨加热器温度场的计算方法并讨论石墨导热系数、表面发射率对温度场分布的影响。比较分析表明:DO模型计算得到的温度分布较为接近真实情况,导热系数小于35W/(m•K)时,最高温度对其敏感;导热系数大于35W/(m•K)时,其对加热体最高温度影响较小,最高温度较为稳定。 相似文献
Based on a two-dimensional axisymmetric magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) model, low current vacuum arc (LCVA) characteristics are studied. The influence of cathode process under different axial magnetic fields and different anode radii on LCVA characteristics is also simulated. The results show that the influence of both cathode process and anode radii on LCVA is significant. The sign of anode sheath potentials can change from negative to positive with the decrease of anode radii. The simulation results are in part verified by experimental results. Especially, as the effect of ion kinetic energy is considered, ion temperature is improved significantly; which is in agreement with experimental results. 相似文献