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BACKGROUND: During the milling of durum wheat to semolina, about 10–15% of total products produced is residue flour, a lower value product than the semolina. This study investigated the potential for using the durum residue flour as an additive in bread‐making to improve its potential commercial value. RESULTS: Incorporation of residue durum flour from 102 breeding lines into a low protein flour and standard bakers' flour at 20% incorporation improved the bake loaf volume with minimal change in Mixograph dough mixing time and peak resistance in many of the lines tested. Loaf yellow b was always increased even with only a 10% incorporation. Baking flours can tolerate 20% incorporation with no deleterious affects on loaf volume and bake score. CONCLUSION: The results show a potential for using the lower value durum residue flour for baking bread of acceptable quality with a slightly higher yellow colour. This would improve the profitability for the miller and provide alternative ingredients to the baker for preparing specialty breads. Copyright © 2008 Crown in the Right of the State of New South Wales and Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare five bread and five durum wheat genotypes for gliadins and glutenins profiles, the concentration of free sulphhydryl groups and disulphide bonds, antioxidant capacity of gluten proteins and their bread‐making performance. On average, bread wheat had significantly higher concentration of total sulphur‐rich (S‐rich) and sulphur‐poor (S‐poor) subunits of gliadins, as well as total low molecular weight (LMW) and high molecular weight (HMW) subunits of glutenins than durum wheat. However, durum wheat had higher concentration of S‐rich γ‐gliadins and S‐poor D‐LMW‐glutenins, but did not possess S‐poor ω‐gliadins. The concentration of disulphide bonds and total cysteine was higher in the durum gluten than that in the bread gluten, as well as antioxidant capacity (on average 90.6 vs. 85.9 mmol Trolox Eq kg?1, respectively). In contrast to the bread wheat, the concentration of HMW‐glutenins was negatively associated with extensibility, as well as resistance to extension in durum wheat flour dough.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of xylitol on wheat dough properties and bread qualities. The results showed that peak viscosity of bread flour containing 20% xylitol was about 12.59% higher than that of the control. The development time and stability time of dough containing 5% xylitol were 2.55 and 1.62 min longer than those of the control, and the drop value decreased from 454 FU to 359 FU. The extensibility of dough containing 10% xylitol was 21 mm longer than that of the control. The maximum resistance and energy area showed an increasing trend. Scanning electron microscopy images showed a discontinuous gluten matrix in which starch granules were not covered completely with gluten when containing xylitol. The springiness of bread with 10% xylitol was increased by 10.6% compared with that of the control, while the hardness was decreased by 21.5%. The bread added 10% and 15% xylitol had higher scores than the control.  相似文献   

Protein is an important component of grain which affects the technological properties of durum wheat. It is known that the amount and composition of protein can influence dough rheology and pasta quality but the influence of the major classes of protein is not well documented. The influence of the various gluten components on dough and pasta properties was investigated. The protein composition of durum semolina was altered by either adding gluten fractions to a base semolina or preparing reconstituted flours with varying protein composition. The effects on semolina dough rheology and spaghetti texture were measured. Published methods to isolate relatively pure quantities (gram amounts) of glutenin, gliadin, high molecular and low molecular weight glutenin subunits were evaluated and modified procedures were adopted. Reconstituted flours with additional glutenin increased dough strength while additional gliadin and LMW‐GS decreased strength. These changes did not impact on spaghetti texture. Results from using the addition of protein fractions to a base semolina showed that gluten and glutenin addition increased the dough strength of a weak base semolina while gliadin addition weakened the base dough further. Addition of HMW‐GS greatly increased dough strength of the base while addition of LMW‐GS greatly reduced dough strength. Again, these affects were not translated into firmer pasta. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

本实验分别采用微波、烘烤、常压蒸汽、高压蒸汽对小麦麸皮进行预处理,研究比较了不同预处理方法对全麦面团和面包品质的影响。结果表明:和未处理全麦粉相比,烘烤、常压蒸汽和高压蒸汽处理均使全麦粉的稳定时间提高,其中常压蒸汽效果最显著,提高了4.2 min;同时,这三种处理方式分别使全麦面包的比容增加了6.92%、9.34%、5.19%,硬度分别降低11.81%、21.79%、19.57%,弹性分别提高2.59%、3.06%、1.65%。推测原因是这三种处理方式均显著降低了麸皮中的还原型谷胱甘肽含量,使全麦面团的游离巯基显著减少,二硫键显著增加,其中常压蒸汽和高压蒸汽效果最显著,分别使还原型谷胱甘肽减少了66.77%、69.30%,使游离巯基减少了40.43%、42.77%,使二硫键增加了51.35%、38.63%。综上,采用烘烤、常压蒸汽、高压蒸汽对麸皮预处理,可以通过降低还原型谷胱甘肽含量、提高二硫键含量来提高面团的稳定性,进而改善面包品质,且常压蒸汽处理的改善效果最好。  相似文献   

采用马克斯克鲁维酵母(Marx Kluyveromyces)发酵麦麸,通过生化分析、流变特性测试及微观结构观察(Scanning electron microscope,SEM)等多种分析手段,研究其对面包面团生物化学特征和烘焙学特性的影响。结果表明:马克斯克鲁维酵母发酵麦麸中富含多种天然酶,主要包括纤维素酶、木聚糖酶和阿魏酸酯酶;水解酶在面包制作过程中持续作用,促进木聚糖溶解和酚类化合物释放,赋予面包较高的营养价值;与仅添加木聚糖酶的麦麸面包面团相比,马克斯克鲁维酵母发酵麦麸面包面团具有更好的持气性及连续的面筋网络结构,面包全质构特性和比容显著提升。研究结果显示,马克斯克鲁维酵母发酵麦麸可以作为一种天然面包功能配料。  相似文献   

研究添加不同比例(0.1%、0.3%、0.5%和0.7%)海藻酸钠对冷冻面团面包烘焙特性的影响。结果表明,添加海藻酸钠能提高冷冻面团的持水率,减少冷冻面团醒发时间;增大面包的比容,降低面包的硬度和咀嚼性,提高弹性,改善冷冻面团面包的品质。感官评定显示,冻藏不同天数后,添加0.3%的海藻酸钠面包感官评分值最高。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sowing time may impact semolina and pasta cooking quality by changing the environmental conditions during grain filling. The effect of an optimum and a delayed sowing time on semolina quality was studied by comparing six cultivars under irrigation, in order to isolate temperature from drought effects. RESULTS: Protein content was higher in the old cultivars and in the late sowings, according to the number of days with temperature between 30 and 40 °C during ripening. Gluten index increased as temperature rose to a threshold of about 30 °C, then decreased under higher temperatures. Mixograph parameters were less sensitive to high temperatures. Gliadin:glutenin correlated with gluten strength. Spaghetti firmness and protein content were positively correlated independently of sowing date. Cultivars Trinakria and Cappelli had the highest spaghetti firmness (900 and 828 g). CONCLUSIONS: Late sowings may represent a way of increasing pasta cooking quality whenever they place grain filling under thermal conditions able to increase protein percentage, although the accompanying decrease in yield may represent a drawback in environments prone to drought stress during ripening. The lower protein percentages of modern durum wheat cultivars under conventional sowing times results in a lower pasta cooking quality despite higher gluten strength. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationships between protein content and quality and the loaf characteristics of hearth breads made from the respective flours were investigated for 20 wheat genotypes, comprising both commercially grown cultivars and advanced breeding lines, grown in 1997 and 1998. In both years the average protein content was increased by increasing the level of nitrogenous fertiliser application, this effect being more pronounced in 1997 than in 1998. Grain samples were milled and evaluated for endosperm hardness, protein content, SDS sedimentation volume, mixing properties and baking quality determined by a hearth bread baking test using optimal mixing and fixed proving time. When producing hearth bread, both the form (height/width) ratio and loaf volume are critical external characteristics. Genotype differences, mainly due to differences in protein quality, were more important for both form ratio and loaf volume than differences in protein content. The dough development time of the Farinograph, operated at high speed (126 rev min?1), was the best indicator of heart bread baking quality, giving high positive correlations to both the volume (r = 0.89) and form ratio of the loaf (r = 0.90). Climatic differences between the two years, in particular temperature during ripening, also affected the quality parameters studied. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为拓宽百合的应用渠道,提高面包的营养价值,研究了百合粉添加量(0%,5%,10%,15%,20%)对面团的微观结构、糊化特性、流变学特性以及面包品质的影响。结果表明:随着百合粉添加量增大,混合粉的持油性先降低后增加,持水性显著增加(P<0.05)。添加了百合粉后,面团的糊化温度升高,回生值和峰值黏度下降,面团的弹性模量和黏性模量均呈上升趋势。百合粉的添加,破坏了面筋蛋白原本均匀致密的微观结构;使面包的硬度显著增大(P<0.05),弹性、内聚性、胶黏性、咀嚼性、回复性、比容和感官评分显著降低(P<0.05);改变了小麦面团的特性和面包的品质,在小麦粉中添加5%~10%的百合粉,能保证面包较高的感官品质。  相似文献   

通过将不同比例的热处理蛋清粉添加到小麦粉中,研究热处理蛋清粉对小麦面团及馒头品质的影响。结果表明:随着热处理蛋清粉的添加,混合面团吸水率明显下降,面团形成时间和稳定时间有所增加,且稳定时间最长至13.10min;添加了热处理蛋清粉混合粉的峰值黏度逐渐上升;当添加量为4%时,混合面团的拉伸距离和拉伸强度最大,分别提高了5.6%、75%;随着热处理蛋清粉添加量的增加,α-螺旋和β-折叠先上升后下降;添加热处理蛋清粉可增强面筋蛋白包裹淀粉颗粒的能力;热处理蛋清粉的添加使馒头的硬度、胶着度及咀嚼性增大;当热处理蛋清粉添加量为4%时,馒头比容增加了2.3%,且感官评价最好。  相似文献   

采用粉质仪、拉伸仪、质构分析仪(TA)研究不同添加量菊粉(2%~10%)对面粉粉质特性、拉伸特性和面包焙烤品质的影响。实验结果表明,随着菊粉的添加,面团的吸水率几乎不变,形成时间和稳定时间延长,弱化度降低,评价值增加;面团延伸度指标呈现一定的增大趋势,但拉伸曲线面积、拉伸阻力、最大拉伸阻力和拉伸比呈现先增加后减少的趋势。面包的硬度、弹性、咀嚼性和回复性因添加菊粉而下降。综合感官评定可知,当菊粉添加量为6%时,面包综合品质达到最佳状态。   相似文献   

A new scoring system for the evaluation of Arabic bread is presented which allows discrimination between flour samples. This system is suitable for the evaluation of bread in commercial bakeries. Dough thickness and baking temperature/time conditions were varied: doughs sheeted to <3.0 mm thick require baking temperatures higher than 500°C whereas doughs that are thicker than this will benefit from temperatures lower than 500°C. Thinner doughs baked at higher temperatures for shorter times produced better quality bread. The processing variables identified as being optimal in this study were incorporated into a test baking method. This method gave reproducible results and greater discrimination between flour samples than a previous method.  相似文献   

为探索茶蛋白作为添加剂在面制品中应用的可行性,以市售小麦粉为原料,添加不同比例的茶叶蛋白质置于小麦粉中,通过粉质实验和拉伸实验,研究其对小麦粉面团流变学特性的影响。结果表明:粉质特性参数中,随着茶叶蛋白质添加量的增加,面团吸水率增加,形成时间和稳定时间降低,弱化度增加;拉伸实验中,随着添加量的增加,面团拉伸比例、延伸度、拉伸阻力先增加后减小。  相似文献   

首先将白果蛋白按照不同比例添加到面包粉中,采用一次发酵法,经过38℃醒发,在190℃下将面团烘烤成面包.通过小米置换法、GB 5497 - 1985法和TA - Xtai质构仪分别对面包的比容、面包的水分以及面包芯的硬度进行测定,并根据《面包焙烤品质评分标准》对面包的感官进行评定,然后研究白果蛋白对面团流变特性、面包烘焙特性及面包货架期的影响规律.试验结果表明:添加一定量白果蛋白的面团吸水率增大,面团的形成时间、稳定时间和评价值增大,面团的粉力、拉伸阻力、拉力比数和延伸性也升高;添加适量的白果蛋白可改善面包的焙烤特性,增大面包的体积,提高面包的含水量,降低面包的硬度,改善面包的质地和口味,并且保持了面包在贮存过程中的水分及硬度,延长了面包的货架期.  相似文献   

利用多功能粉碎机、流化床式气流粉碎机与行星式球磨机对小米糠进行物理改性,以探究不同碾磨方式、不同添加量的小米糠对小麦面团特性及馒头品质的影响。结果表明,随小米糠粒径减小,持水力、水膨胀力、持油力均提高,其中气流碾磨的效果最明显,分别提高44.29%、41.67%、39.45%。馒头硬度、胶黏性、咀嚼性随添加量和粒径增大而增加,比容随添加量和粒径增大而减小,色差L*值随添加量的增加而下降,随粒度减小而上升。当普通碾磨米糠质量分数不高于5%,气流与球磨碾磨小米糠质量分数不高于10%时,综合感官评分最高。  相似文献   

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