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In this paper,a high-precision electromagnetic measurement system suitable for a high-temperature and high-speed plasma is built to provide a platform for scientific research on the interaction mechanism of the electromagnetic fields and a plasma.This paper presents a method to measure the electromagnetic field inside a plasma by using a probe and Poynting vector conversion,which is a new and completely different method from the traditional method of measuring the electromagnetic field inside plasma.In addition,for this system and method,this work designs a microstrip antenna probe that can suppress multipath effects.This method is confirmed to be valid and usable after closed-loop verification by the CST software.  相似文献   

A discharge ignited by an AC power source in contact with deionized water as one of the electrodes is investigated. Immediately after initiation, the discharge exhibits a unique phenomenon: the gasphase discharge is extended into the liquid. Later, a cone-like structure is observed at the liquid surface. Synchronous monitoring of current–voltage characteristics and liquid properties versus time suggests that the discharge shapes are functions of the liquid properties. The spatio-temporal profiles indicate the potential effects of water, ambient air impurities, and metastable argon on the discharge chemistry. This becomes more obvious near the liquid surface due to increasing production of various transient reactive species such as ·OH and NO·. Moreover, it is revealed that thermalization of the rotational population distributions of the rotational states(N' ≤ 6,J'≤13/2) in the Q_1 branch of the OH(A~2∑~+,v'S=0→X~2∏_(3/2),v'=0 ) band ro-vibrational system is influenced by the humid environment near the liquid surface. In addition, the transient behaviors of instantaneous concentrations of long-lived reactive species(LRS) such as H_2O_2,NO_2~-, and-NO_3~- are observed with lengthening the discharge time. The production of multiple transient and LRS proposes AC excited gas–liquid argon discharge as a potential applicant in industrial wastewater cleaning, clinical medicine, and agriculture.  相似文献   

A novel laser-assisted pulsed plasma thruster (LA-PPT) is proposed as an electric propulsion thruster, which separates laser ablation and electromagnetic acceleration. It aims for a higher specific impulse than that achieved with conventional LA-PPTs. Owing to the short-time discharge and the novel configuration, the physical mechanism of the discharge is unclear. Time and spatial-resolved optical emission spectroscopy was applied to investigate the variation in the plasma properties in the thruster discharge channel. The plasma species, electron temperature, and electron density were obtained and discussed. Our investigation revealed that there were Hα, Hβ, Hγ, Hε atoms, C I, C II, C III, C IV, Cl I, Cl II particles, and a small amount of CH, C3, C2, H2 neutral molecular groups in the plasma. The electron temperature of the discharge channel of the thruster was within 0.6–4.9 eV, and the electron density was within (1.1–3.0) $\times $ 1018 cm−3, which shows that the optical emission spectroscopy method is to measure the electron excitation temperature and electron density in heavy particles. But the Langmuir probe method is to measure the temperature and density of free electrons. The use of laser instead of spark plug as the ignition mode significantly changed the plasma distribution in the discharge channel. Unlike the conventional PPT, which has high electron density near the thruster surface, LA-PPT showed relatively large electron density at the thruster outlet, which increased the thruster specific impulse. In addition, the change in the ignition mode enabled the electron density in the LA-PPT discharge channel to be higher than that in the conventional PPT. This proves that the ignition mode with laser replacing the spark plug effectively optimised the PPT performance.  相似文献   

We study the dispersion properties of surface plasmon (SP) oscillations in a semi-bounded semiconductor plasma with the effects of the Coulomb exchange (CE) force associated with the spin polarization of electrons and holes as well as the effects of the Fermi degenerate pressure and the quantum Bohm potential.Starting from a quantum hydrodynamic model coupled to the Poisson equation,we derive the general dispersion relation for surface plasma waves.Previous results in this context are recovered.The dispersion properties of the surface waves are analyzed in some particular cases of interest and the relative influence of the quantum forces on these waves are also studied for a nano-sized GaAs semiconductor plasma.It is found that the CE effects significantly modify the behaviors of the SP waves.The present results are applicable to understand the propagation characteristics of surface waves in solid density plasmas.  相似文献   

俞世吉  马腾才 《核技术》2003,26(2):125-128
采用感应耦合等离子体源(ICPS)成功地实现化学气相沉积硬质类金刚石(DLC)膜,并考察了基片负偏压对类金刚石膜沉积过程和薄膜性质的影响。薄膜的微观形貌、显微硬度、沉积速率以及结构成分分析表明感应耦合等离子体源适于制备硬质类金刚石膜,并且在相对较低的基片负偏压条件就可以获得高硬度的类金刚石膜。基片负偏压对类金刚石膜化学气相沉积过程和薄膜性质都有显著影响。  相似文献   

文章涉及用袖珍永磁潘宁源产生毫安级氧负离子束的实验研究。给出了磁场、不同阴极材料及源的离子发射孔对引出氧负离子束的影响。目前,该类型离子源已成功地用于正负氧离子同时加速的1MVISR RFQ加速器上。  相似文献   

In this study,we report a laser interferometry experiment for the online-diagnosing of a laserproduced plasma.The laser pulses generating the plasma are ultra-fast(30 femtoseconds),ultraintense(tens of Terawatt) and are focused on a helium gas jet to generate relativistic electron beams via the laser wakefield acceleration(LWFA) mechanism.A probe laser beam(λ?=?800 nm) which is split-off the main beam is used to cross the plasma at the time of arrival of the main pulse,allowing online plasma density diagnostics.The interferometer setup is based on the No Marski method in which we used a Fresnel bi-prism where the probe beam interferes with itself after crossing the plasma medium.A high-dynamic range CCD camera is used to record the interference patterns.Based upon the Abel inversion technique,we obtained a 3D density distribution of the plasma density.  相似文献   

In order to further improve the propulsion performance of pulsed plasma thrusters for space micro propulsion, a novel laser ablation pulsed plasma thruster is proposed, which separated the laser ablation and electromagnetic acceleration. Optical emission spectroscopy is utilized to investigate the plasma characteristics in the thruster. The spectral lines at different times,positions and discharge intensities are experimentally recorded, and the plasma characteristics in the discharge channel are concluded through analyzing the variation of spectral lines. With the discharge energy of 24 J, laser energy of 0.6 J and the use of aluminum propellant, the specific impulse and thrust efficiency reach 6808 s and 70.6%, respectively.  相似文献   

Like the hollow cathode, discharge instability also occurs during the operation of a plasma contactor.Voltage and current probes were employed to test the change of keeper voltage, keeper current,anode voltage, and anode current parameters with time under different working conditions. The anode current range corresponding to the discharge instability phenomenon is about 0.4 A to 1.2 A,and the emission characteristic curve in this area appears to bulge wherein the four parameters all produce different degrees of oscillation, the anode current oscillation being the greatest. Its waveform is considered to consist of a small-amplitude, high-frequency triangular wave and a large-amplitude,low-frequency sawtooth wave, and we have explained the shape of the wave. Each parameter shows hundreds of Hz in oscillation frequency and the phases of the four parameters appear to be regular.After fast Fourier transform processing, the frequency and amplitude of the main peak of the anode current oscillation tend to change with changes of the anode current, and there are differences in the trends under different keeper currents and xenon flows.  相似文献   

Pulsed plasma thrusters(PPTs) are an attractive form of micro-thrusters due to advantages such as their compactness and lightweight design compared to other electric propulsion systems.Experimental investigations on their plasma properties are beneficial in clarifying the complex process of plasma evolution during the micro-second pulse discharge of a PPT. In this work, the multi-dimensional evolutions of the light intensity of the PPT plasma with wavelength, time, and position were identified. The plasma pressure was obtained using an iterative process with composition calculations. The results show that significant ion recombination occurred in the discharge channel since the line intensities of CII, CIII, CIV, and FII decreased and those of CI and FI increased as the plasma moved downstream. At the center of the discharge channel, the electron temperature and electron density were in the order of 10 000 K and 10~(17) cm~(-3),respectively. These had maximum values of 13 750 K and 2.3?×?10~(17) cm~(-3) and the maximum temperature occurred during the first half-cycle while the maximum number density was measured during the second half-cycle. The estimated plasma pressure was in the order of 10~5 Pa and exhibited a maximum value of 2.69?×?10~5 Pa.  相似文献   

The plasma characteristics of a gas-liquid phase discharge reactor were investigated by optical and electrical methods.The nozzle-cylinder electrode in the discharge reactor was supplied witha negative nanosecond pulsed generator.The optical emission spectrum diagnosis revealed that OH(A~2∑~+?→?X~2Π,306–309 nm),N~3_2(CΠ→B~3Π_g,337 nm),O(3p~5p→3s~5s~0,777.2 nm)and O(3p~3p→3s~3s~0,844.6 nm)were produced in the discharge plasma channels.The electron temperature(T_e)was calculated from the emission relative intensity ratio between the atomic O 777.2 nm and 844.6 nm,and it increased with the applied voltage and the pulsed frequency and fell within the range of 0.5–0.8 e V.The gas temperature(T_g)that was measured by Lifbase was in a range from 400 K to 600 K.  相似文献   

Optical emission spectroscopy is a passive diagnostic technique,which does not perturb the plasma state.In particular,in a hydrogen plasma,Balmer-alpha(Hα) emission can be easily measured in the visible range along a line of sight from outside the plasma vessel.Other emission lines in the visible spectral range from hydrogen atoms and molecules can be exploited too,in order to gather complementary pieces of information on the plasma state.Tomography allows us to capture bi-dimensional structures.We propose to adopt an emission spectroscopy tomography for studying the transverse profiles of magnetized plasmas when Abel inversion is not exploitable.An experimental campaign was carried out at the Thorello device,a simple magnetized torus.The characteristics of the profile extraction method,which we implemented for this purpose are discussed,together with a few results concerning the plasma profiles in a simply magnetized torus configuration.  相似文献   

Electric potential near a wall for plasma with the surface produced negative ions with magnetic field increasing toward a wall is investigated analytically.The potential profile is derived analytically by using a plasma-sheath equation,where negative ions produced on the plasma grid (PG) surface are considered in addition to positive ions and electrons.The potential profile depends on the amount and the temperature of the surface produced negative ions and the profile of the magnetic field.The negative potential peak is formed in the sheath region near the PG surface for the case of strong surface production of negative ions or low temperature negative ions.As the increase rate of the magnetic field near the wall becomes large,the negative potential peak becomes small.  相似文献   

A physical model of transport in an azimuthator channel with the sheath effect resulting from the interaction between the plasma and insulation wall is established in this paper.Particle in cell simulation is carded out by the model and results show that,besides the transport due to classical and Bohm diffusions,the sheath effect can significantly influences the transport in the channel.As a result,the ion density is larger than the electron density at the exit of azimuthator,and the non-neutral plasma jet is divergent,which is unfavorable for mass separation.Then,in order to improve performance of the azimuthator,a cathode is designed to emit electrons.Experiment results have demonstrated that the auxiliary cathode can obviously compensate the space charge in the plasma.  相似文献   

This paper presents a composite magneto hydrodynamics(MHD) method to control the lowtemperature micro-ionized plasma flow generated by injecting alkali salt into the combustion gas to realize the thrust vector of an aeroengine.The principle of plasma flow with MHD control is analyzed.The feasibility of plasma jet deflection is investigated using numerical simulation with MHD control by loading the User-Defined Function model.A test rig with plasma flow controlled by MHD is established.An alkali salt compound with a low ionization energy is injected into combustion gas to obtain the low-temperature plasma flow.Finally,plasma plume deflection is obtained in different working conditions.The results demonstrate that plasma plume deflection with MHD control can be realized via numerical simulation.A low-temperature plasma flow can be obtained by injecting an alkali metal salt compound with low ionization energy into a combustion gas at 1800–2500 K.The vector angle of plasma plume deflection increases with the increase of gas temperature and the magnetic field intensity.It is feasible to realize the aim of the thrust vector of aeroengine by using MHD to control plasma flow deflection.  相似文献   

Electric discharge plasma (EDP) can efficiently degrade aqueous pollutants by its in situ generated strong oxidative species (·OH, ·O, H2O2, O3, etc) and other physiochemical effects (UV irradiation, shockwaves, local high temperature, etc), but a high energy consumptions limit the application of EDP in water treatment. Some adsorbents, catalysts, and oxidants have been employed for enhancing the degradation of pollutants by discharge plasma. These hybrid plasma technologies offer improved water treatment performance compared to discharge plasma alone. This paper reviews the water decontamination performance and mechanisms of these hybrid plasma technologies, and some suggestions on future water treatment technologies based on discharge plasma are also proposed.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pressure low-temperature plasma is a promising tool in biomedicine applications including blood coagulation, bacterial inactivation, sterilization, and cancer treatment, due to its high chemical activity and limited thermal damage. It is of great importance to develop portable plasma sources that are safe to human touch and suitable for outdoor and household operation. In this work, a portable and rechargeable low-temperature plasma spark discharge device (130 mm × 80 mm × 35 mm, 300 g) was designed. The discharge frequency and plume length were optimized by the selection of resistance, capacitance, electrode gap, and ground electrode aperture. Results show that the spark plasma plume is generated with a length of 12 mm and a frequency of 10 Hz at a capacitance of 0.33 μF, resistance of 1 MΩ, electrode gap of 2 mm, and ground electrode aperture of 1.5 mm. Biological tests indicate that the plasma produced by this device contains abundant reactive species, which can be applied in plasma biomedicine, including daily sterilization and wound healing.  相似文献   

Arc plasma torch is an effective tool for spheroidization of metallic powders. However, as most conventional plasma torches were not specifically designed for plasma spheroidization, they may exhibit the disadvantages of the radial injection of powders, large fluctuations in the arc voltage, large gas flow rate, and disequilibrium between multiple plasma jets during the spheroidization process. Therefore, this paper presents a triple-cathode cascade plasma torch (TCCPT) for plasma spheroidization. Its structural design, including three cathodes, a common anode, and three sets of inter-electrodes, are detailed to ensure that powders can be inserted into the plasma jet by axial injection, the arc voltage fluctuations are easily maintained at a low level, and the plasma torches can work at a relatively small gas flow rate. Experimental results showed that the proposed TCCPT exhibits the following characteristics: (1) a relatively small arc voltage fluctuation within 5.3%; (2) a relatively high arc voltage of 75 V and low gas flow rate range of 10–30 SLM; (3) easy to be maintained at the equilibrium state with the equilibrium index of the three plasma jets within 3.5 V. Furthermore, plasma spheroidization experiments of SUS304 stainless steel powers were carried out using the proposed TCCPT. Results verified that the proposed TCCPT is applicable and effective for the spheroidization of metallic powders with wide size distribution.  相似文献   

Using the linearized relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell equations,a generalized expression for the plasma conductivity tensor is derived.The dispersion relation for the O-mode in a relativistic degenerate electron plasma is investigated by employing the Fermi-Dirac distribution function.The propagation characteristics of the O-mode (cut offs,resonances,propagation regimes,harmonic structure) are examined by using specific values of the density and the magnetic field that correspond to different relativistic dense environments.Further,it is observed that due to the relativistic effects the cut off and the resonance points are shifted to low frequency values,as a result the propagation regime is reduced.The dispersion relations for the non-relativistic and the ultra-relativistic limits are also presented.  相似文献   

In this work, an Ar plasma jet generated by an AC-microsecond-pulse-driven dielectric barrier discharge reactor, which had two ring-shaped electrodes isolated from the ambient atmosphere by transformer oil, was investigated. By special design of the oil insulation, a chemically active Ar plasma jet along with a safe and stable plasma process as well as low emission of CO and NOx were successfully achieved. The results indicated that applied voltage and frequency were basic factors influencing the jet temperature, discharge power, and jet length, which increased significantly with the two operating parameters. Meanwhile, gas velocity affected the jet temperature in a reverse direction. In comparison with a He plasma jet, the Ar plasma jet had relatively low jet temperature under the same level of the input parameters, being preferable for bio-applications. The Ar plasma jet has been tested to interact with human skin within 5 min without the perception of burnt skin and electrical shock.  相似文献   

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