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为防止压力容器内壁发生熔化,作为压力容器外部冷却技术的补充,本文设计了一种由耐高温陶瓷材料制成的堆内捕集器,利用陶瓷材料耐高温、高热阻的特性来优化热流分配。通过建模和计算,结果表明:熔融物氧化物层向下的平均热流密度明显降低,压力容器内壁不会出现熔化现象,保证了其完整性;向上的热流增加使上腔室温度升高,但未超过其结构材料熔点,不会造成上腔室熔化。研究结果显示了采用耐高温陶瓷堆内捕集器设计的潜在可行性。  相似文献   

朱光昱  郭超  刘巧凤  李春  依岩 《核技术》2023,(7):113-119
核电厂发生堆芯熔毁严重事故后,堆芯熔融物可能熔穿反应堆压力容器壁面造成第二道屏障失效,此时可通过堆芯捕集器收集并冷却熔融物以防止事故进一步发展。为了探讨俄罗斯VVER(Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor)采用的坩埚式堆芯捕集器中熔融物的冷却过程,本文根据VVER堆芯捕集器设计资料推导参数,采用多物理场耦合软件COMSOL建立相应的计算模型,对堆芯捕集器中熔融池的流场、温度场和结壳情况进行了数值模拟研究。计算结果表明:在分层熔融池结构下,金属层会迅速凝固,含衰变热的氧化物层冷却十分缓慢。为了实现坩埚式堆芯捕集器设计功能,需要相关设备和支持辅助系统在很长时间内保持可运行性。  相似文献   

堆外中子剂量计在反应堆压力容器中子注量测量准确性方面可达到和堆内辐照监督管相同的水平。但相比堆内辐照监督管,具有监测范围广、安装更换灵活、可长期持续监测、应用成本低等显著优势,是核电机组RPV辐照监督的有效补充手段,在核电厂延寿申请、堆内构件及堆芯燃料排布方案变更改造等方面有良好应用前景,已在国内外取得了广泛应用。  相似文献   

压力容器是反应堆不可更换部件,有效降低压力容器所受快中子注量、降低压力容器材料辐照损伤,对确保压力容器全寿期的完整性具有重要意义。为此,本文通过构建典型的压水堆简化模型,采用基于遗传算法的屏蔽优化方法,对反应堆堆内设置不锈钢反射层、设置不锈钢热屏,以及二者的结合等三种堆内屏蔽策略的有效性进行了研究,并形成了相应的结论。最后,将研究的堆内屏蔽策略应用于“华龙一号”反应堆,通过高精度的蒙特卡罗方法分析表明压力容器快中子注量获得了显著的降低,验证了本文提出的堆内屏蔽策略对降低压力容器快中子注量的有效性。  相似文献   

在田湾核电站堆芯捕集器的设计中,综合采用了压力容器外包容装置、非能动供水冷却堆芯熔融物包容体金属表面以及用"牺牲性"材料改善熔融物特性和降低热流密度等项技术;利用SCDAP/RELAP和MELCOR两个独立的程序包分析了压力容器内堆芯的损坏、碎片的分布、熔池的形成、压力容器熔穿和熔融物转移到堆芯捕集器等的动态过程,并对堆芯熔融物、"牺牲性"材料、金属材料等之间的物理、化学反应和热交换器的热工水力特性进行了实验研究.  相似文献   

5MW低功率堆辐照孔道内快中子通量谱测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要说明了测量快中子通量谱的阈探测片组激活方法,介绍了辐照孔道内快中子通量轴向相对分布的测量结果,报道了堆内 K_(11)、Ⅴ 和 Ⅶ 号辐照孔道内快中子通量谱和 Ⅴ 号孔道快中子积分通量的实验结果。并对实验结果进行了分析和讨论,为该堆的同位素生产和材料辐照提供了十分重要的数据。  相似文献   

核电厂反应堆压力容器是堆内个可更换的重要部件,保证其安全可靠,对于核电厂口的安全运行具有重要意义。根据《秦山核电站反应堆压力容器材料辐照监督大纲》的要求,在反应堆压力容器中设置辐照监督管,监测反应堆压力容器环带区筒体及焊缝因中子辐照和热环境引起的材质性能变化。定期抽出辐照监督管,实测辐照监督试样延性断裂韧度JIC试验数据,作为判断压力容器材料辐照脆化程度的参考数据,并用于修定反应堆冷却剂压力-温度限值曲线,以防止压力容器发生脆断,从而保证反应堆安全运行。同时为压力容器以及核电厂的寿命评估和延寿积累数  相似文献   

对于材料已经确定的反应堆压力容器,其辐照脆化效应的主要因素是快中子积分通量。本文应用中子输运格林函数法验算了秦山核电站压力容器1/4厚度处最大快中子通量。分析和评价结果表明,该压力容器的设计对中子辐照是安全的。  相似文献   

试验在反应堆孔道内进行。所达到的最高累积辐照水平为热中子1.6×10~(20)n/cm~2,快中子(能量≥1 MeV)3.8×10~(19)n/cm~2,γ剂量1.1×10~(11)R。电缆在堆内辐照时的温度一般在550℃以上。试验结果表明电缆性能良好。得到的主要结论有:(1)电缆绝缘电阻受温度影响,与堆功率有关,在一定范围内与辐照积分通量关系不大;(2) 中子与γ射线在电缆上引起感应电流,其大小与堆功率成正比,在一定范围内与辐照积分通量无关,γ射线对感应电流有较大影响;(3)电缆辐照后的机械性能良好。  相似文献   

对反应堆压力容器材料进行辐照监督是保障压力容器在设计寿期内安全运行的一项重要措施,其中,冲击试验是重要组成部分。 秦山核电公司30万干瓦反应堆压力容器用A508-3钢制成,它是一种铁素体低合金钢。筒身段的参考无延性转变温度(RTNDT)低于-20℃。但由于反应堆的中子辐照效应,钢的韧性下降,无延性转变温度上升,钢材性能从韧性向脆性转变,从而增加了压力容器发生脆性断裂的可能性。 辐照监督的目的,在于监测压力容器环带区(即压力容器筒体正对活性区的环带)材料受中子辐照和热环境影响所造成的材料性能变化。根据《辐照监督大纲》,定期从堆内抽出监督试样进行试验,实测冲击韧性试验数据,得到△RTNDT,并用这些数据来确定反应堆开、停堆的压力-温  相似文献   

This study addresses the issue of alternative pathways for breeding plutonium in a 900 MWe three loop thermal pressurized water reactor (PWR), either fueled with uranium fuel (3.5% U-235) or with mixed fuel (20% MOX). During the operation of a nuclear reactor the in-core neutron flux and the ex-core neutron flux are monitored with flux detectors. At the places where those detectors operate, the guide thimbles and the vessel wall, respectively, the neutron flux can be used to irradiate material samples. This paper investigates whether it would be possible to produce plutonium by breeding it at the walls of a PWR vessel and/or in the guide thimbles. The neutron flux in the reactor and the corresponding multi-group spectra are estimated with Monte Carlo simulations for different positions at the vessel wall of a PWR operating with either UO2 or MOX. Then the irradiation of fresh uranium samples at the vessel wall and in the guide thimbles are calculated and the isotopic composition of the irradiated samples are determined. The minimum irradiation period and the necessary minimum amount of fresh uranium to breed different grades of plutonium are derived.  相似文献   

TEM and PAS study of neutron irradiated VVER-type RPV steels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conventional transmission electron microscopy and positron lifetime and Doppler broadening positron annihilation spectroscopy techniques have been used to investigate the radiation-induced microstructural changes in surveillance specimens of VVER-type reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels, and RPV steels irradiated in the research reactor. Defects visible in transmission electron microscopy consist of black dots, dislocation loops and precipitates concentrated along the dislocation substructure. Their size and density depend on the neutron flux and fluence. The parallel set of thermally aged specimens, specimens recovery annealed after irradiation and specimens irradiated in a lower neutron flux was investigated too. No defects discernible in transmission electron microscopy were found after accelerated irradiation in the research reactor. In addition to visible defects, the small-volume vacancy clusters were identified by positron annihilation spectroscopy.  相似文献   

反应堆压力容器(RPV)作为压水堆中不可更换的关键部件之一,其安全和稳定是决定反应堆安全经济运行的重要因素。RPV钢的辐照脆化问题是制约RPV在堆内安全服役的关键。RPV钢的辐照脆化与其合金成分关系密切。本文利用神经网络方法研究了RPV钢中关键合金成分(Cu、Mn、Ni、Si、P)与辐照脆化之间的关系。研究结果表明,基于神经网络方法得到合金成分与辐照脆化的关系与传统认知基本一致,辐照脆化对Cu含量最敏感,Cu-Ni对辐照脆化存在协同作用,低Cu合金中Mn-Ni、Ni-Si对脆化存在协同作用。  相似文献   

As one of the key components that can not be replaced in PWR, the safety and stability of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel determine the safety and economy of the reactor. The irradiation embrittlement of RPV steel is the limiting factors for the operation of PWR. The irradiation embrittlement of RPV steel is closely related to its alloy composition. Based on the machine learning method, the relationship between key alloy components (Cu/Mn/Ni/Si/P) and irradiation embrittlement of RPV steel was constructed. The results show that the relationship between the alloy composition and irradiation embrittlement is basically consistent with the traditional cognition. The irradiation embrittlement is sensitive to Cu content, and Cu-Ni has synergistic effect on irradiation embrittlement. In low Cu alloys, Mn-Ni and Ni-Si have synergistic effects on embrittlement.  相似文献   

Advanced analytical techniques have been used to characterize nuclear materials at the Paul Scherrer Institute during the last decade. The analysed materials ranged from reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels, Zircaloy claddings to fuel samples. The processes studied included copper cluster build up in RPV steels, corrosion, mechanical and irradiation damage behaviour of PWR and BWR cladding materials as well as fuel defect development. The used advanced techniques included muon spin resonance spectroscopy for zirconium alloy defect characterization while fuel element materials were analysed by techniques derived from neutron and X-ray scattering and absorption spectroscopy.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the in-vessel phase of severe accident management (SAM) strategy for a hypothetical 1000 MWe pressurized water reactor (PWR). To examine the effectiveness of SAM strategy, it is necessary to identify and assess epistemic and aleatory uncertainties. The selected scenario is a station blackout (SBO) and the corresponding SAM strategy is reactor coolant system (RCS) depressurization followed by water injection into the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The analysis considers the depressurization timing and the flow rate and timing of in-vessel injection for scenario variations. For the phenomenological uncertainties, the core melting and relocation process is considered to be the most important phenomenon in the in-vessel phase of SAM strategy. Accordingly, sensitivity analyses are carried out to assess the impact of the cutoff porosity related to the flow area of core node (EPSCUT), the critical temperature (TCLMAX) and the minimum fraction of oxidized Zr (FZORUP) for cladding rupture, and the flag to divert gas flows in the core to the bypass channel (FGBYPA) on the core melting and relocation process. In this study, the effect of injection time on the integrity of RPV has been examined based on the quantification of the scenario and phenomenological uncertainties.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented for the accurate assessment of the fast neutron fluence at the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) of a pressurised water reactor (PWR). The basis is the transfer of results from deterministic CASMO-4/SIMULATE-3 core-follow calculations (power distribution, fuel compositions) into a 3D volumetric (pin-by-pin, axially distributed) fixed neutron source, for ex-core neutron transport simulations using the Monte Carlo code MCNPX. The modelling is supported by sensitivity and optimisation studies, using precise MCNPX calculations and detailed reactor condition specifications.  相似文献   

Within the German research program Forschungsvorhaben Komponentensicherheit (FKS), irradiation experiments were performed with ferritic reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels and welds. The materials cover a wide range of chemical composition and initial toughness to achieve different susceptibility to neutron irradiation. Different neutron flux was applied and the neutron exposure extended up to 8×1019 cm−2. The change in material properties was determined by means of tensile, Charpy impact, drop-weight and fracture mechanics tests, including crack arrest. The results have provided more insight into the acting embrittlement mechanisms and shown that the fracture mechanics concept of the Code provides in general an upper bound for the material which can be applied in the safety analysis of the RPV.  相似文献   

低铜合金反应堆压力容器钢辐照脆化预测评估模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
反应堆压力容器(RPV)材料辐照脆化预测评估对保证核反应堆安全运行、预防重大灾难性事故的发生具有重要意义。通过深入了解RPV材料辐照损伤机理和分析国外较为成熟的RPV辐照脆化预测模型,揭示了国外有关压力容器辐照脆化预测模型对低铜RPV辐照脆化预测的不足及其原因。在此基础上,发展和建立了适用于低铜RPV辐照脆化趋势的预测模型CIAE-2009。利用辐照性能数据对CIAE-2009模型进行了验证。结果表明,CIAE-2009对低铜含量RPV材料辐照脆化趋势预测具有较高的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

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