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Improved noise-immune phase-unwrapping algorithm 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An algorithm for unwrapping noisy phase maps has recently been proposed, based on the identification of discontinuity sources that mark the start or end of a 2π phase discontinuity. Branch cuts between sources act as barriers to unwrapping, resulting in a unique phase map that is independent of the unwrapping route. We investigate four methods for optimizing the placement of the cuts. A modified nearest neighbor approach is found to be the most successful and can reliably unwrap unfiltered speckle-interferometry phase maps with discontinuity source densities of 0.05 sources pixel(-1). 相似文献
Yang X Tan Q Wei X Xiang Y Yan Y Jin G 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2004,21(9):1677-1681
Through the optimization of the main interval of the fractional order, an improved fast algorithm for numerical calculation of the fractional Fourier transforms is proposed. With this improved algorithm, the fractional Fourier transforms of a rectangular function and a Gaussian function are calculated. Its calculation errors are compared with those calculated with the previously published algorithm, and the results show that the calculation accuracy of the improved algorithm is much higher. 相似文献
基于改进高斯混合模型的运动物体的图像检测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
传统的高斯混合模型在RGB色彩空间只对孤立像素建模,检测结果不够准确,存在拖影现象,检测到的运动物体内部容易出现空洞.针对这些问题,本文提出了一种改进的高斯混合模型.该方法从更符合人眼视觉特性的HSV色彩空间对中心像素和周边像素构成的向量进行建模,改善了原算法的性能;利用彩色分割算法提取连通区域,充分地利用了运动物体的彩色信息,并基于Phong物体光照模型进行了阴影抑制,提高了传统高斯混合模型检测的准确性.实验结果表明,与传统高斯混合模型相比,本算法能更精确地检测出运动物体,对光照变化和阴影具有鲁棒性. 相似文献
提出一种新的计算MIE散射系数的算法。该算法使用了改进的后向递推公式,可对MIE系数中的消光系数Kext和散射系数Ksca进行精确计算。由于新算法能显著地减少计算循环次数,因此明显缩短了计算时间。对广泛运用的递推法和连分式法进行了比较详细的讨论。并且把新算法的计算结果和已有的成果进行了比较。结果表明:(1)计算的循环次数与粒子的复折射率基本没有关系;(2)连分式得到的结果通常最准确;(3)新算法在尺度系数较大时(>1000),计算时间仅为连分式算法的10-2~10-3,计算的误差小于10-5;(4)算法的适用范围广,对于尺度系数从10-6到106,复折射率从从10-6到106都能很好地进行计算。 相似文献
改进的混合粒子群优化算法 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
针对粒子群算法后期收敛速度较慢,易陷入局部最优的缺点,提出了改进的混合粒子群算法.通过更改现有的速度更新公式,加入扰动项,以及引入交叉和变异算子等措施,改进了粒子群算法的性能.数值试验表明,改进后的粒子群算法在全局寻优和局部寻优能力上均得到提高,是一种有效的优化算法. 相似文献
根据最小均方误差算法(LMS)、自适应相干累积算法(ACI)及推广的自适应相干累积算法(Generalized Adaptive Coherent Integrator,GACI)在原理上的相关性和推广关系,提出了广义的自适应相干累积算法(IGACI)。以GACI为基础,在权系数迭代公式中引入更多的动量因子,即利用权系数的更多的历史信息,使被检测的单频或调频脉冲信号,在脉冲持续期间实现自适应相干累积,从而完成低输入信噪比条件下的信号检测,而无需或很少需要知道信号的先验信息。理论分析和仿真结果证明在低信噪比情况下,其性能优于GACI算法。 相似文献
Piecewise orthogonal signal correction (POSC), an algorithm that performs local orthogonal filtering, was recently developed to process spectral signals. POSC was shown to improve partial leastsquares regression models over models built with conventional OSC. However, rank deficiencies within the POSC algorithm lead to artifacts in the filtered spectra when removing two or more POSC components. Thus, an updated OSC algorithm for use with the piecewise procedure is reported. It will be demonstrated how the mathematics of this updated OSC algorithm were derived from the previous version and why some OSC versions may not be as appropriate to use with the piecewise modeling procedure as the algorithm reported here. 相似文献
Single-mode device-to-fiber alignment automation is usually achieved with a classical mathematical optimization approach. We present a different approach, which is based on the identification of particular intrinsic characteristics of the coupled optical power and on estimating residual axial, transverse, and angular misalignments in the far field. Such a model-based approach is based on the physical nature of the optical coupling phenomenon and can replace or be complementary to already known automated alignment methods. An alignment algorithm is described and validated experimentally using two single-mode fibers as Gaussian beam emitter and receiver. 相似文献
Divergent-light halos are produced when light from nearby light sources is scattered by ice crystals in the atmosphere. We present a theory of divergent-light halos leading to an improved algorithm for the simulation of such halos. Contrary to the algorithm that we presented earlier for simulating such halos, the new algorithm includes a mathematically rigorous weighting of the events. The computer implementation is very compact, and the whole procedure is elegant and conceptually easy to understand. We also present a new simulation atlas showing halos produced by crystals of different shapes and orientations for a set of elevations of the light source. 相似文献
一种改进多尺度形态边缘检测算法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出一种改进的多尺度形态边缘检测算法。用不同尺度大小的结构元素分别检测出图像的不同尺寸的边缘信息,运用本文提出的基于直方图配准的自适应方法对所获不同尺寸的图像边缘进行融合,获得理想的图像边缘,有效地消除了噪声。实验结果表明当图像中加入了强度超过20%的椒盐噪声后,检测到的边缘仍然非常清晰。 相似文献
基于连续函数优化的禁忌搜索算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了一种连续禁忌搜索算法,用于求解连续函数优化问题.邻域规则及禁忌规则是禁忌搜索算法的核心,针对连续函数解空间的连续性,提出了一种邻域分割法来进行邻域搜索,并对禁忌规则进行了设计.通过经典函数测试可以看出,禁忌搜索算法在连续函数优化问题中显示出很强的"爬山"能力,优化结果与实际最优值非常接近,是一种有效的全局优化算法. 相似文献
提出了一种应用于彩色图像的改进的Snake眼睛边缘检测算法.该算法首先将输入图像从RGB空间转换到YCbCr和YCb'Cr'空间,依据肤色点在Cb'Cr'空间中的聚类性提取人脸候选区域;然后通过在人脸候选区域上生成眼睛图(EyeMap)提取眼睛候选区域并计算候选区域Cr2图像的距离势能力场.采用两段首尾相连的抛物线进行初始化并从外部对Cr2图像的距离势能力场进行活动轮廓模型(Snake)匹配,在匹配过程中不断进行修正使检测结果更接近真实边缘.实验结果证明,该算法能精确地检测出眼睛的边缘并节省匹配时间. 相似文献
An improved genetic algorithm (IGA) is presented to solve the mixed-discrete-continuous design optimization problems. The IGA approach combines the traditional genetic algorithm with the experimental design method. The experimental design method is incorporated in the crossover operations to systematically select better genes to tailor the crossover operations in order to find the representative chromosomes to be the new potential offspring, so that the IGA approach possesses the merit of global exploration and obtains better solutions. The presented IGA approach is effectively applied to solve one structural and five mechanical engineering problems. The computational results show that the presented IGA approach can obtain better solutions than both the GA-based and the particle-swarm-optimizer-based methods reported recently. 相似文献