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Three inhalation formulations of ICI 204,219 were compared for antagonism of antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in 16 subjects with asthma who demonstrated reproducible hypersensitivity to allergen during screening challenges. Each subject received a single 0.2-mg dose of each formulation and was challenged with ragweed 30 min after administration of ICI 204,219 until the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) decreased by 20 percent or the maximum allergen concentration (100 micrograms/ml) was reached. The majority of subjects tolerated 100 micrograms/ml of allergen without a 20 percent decrease in FEV1. Inhalation formulations of ICI 204,219 successfully inhibited bronchoconstriction in subjects with reproducible sensitivity to ragweed challenges.  相似文献   

Clinical study on efficiency of the nedocromil sodium (Tilade, Fisons) was performed in 20 patients with atopic and nonatopic bronchial asthma. The drug was administrated in dose of 8 mg per day for 2 months which allowed to renounce regular using of Beclocort forte after 7 days of the treatment. In both types of bronchial asthma the positive effect of nedocromil sodium was confirmed, causing increase of pulmonary ventilation and decrease of bronchial hyperactivity. Especially profitably effect was noticed in atopic bronchial asthma in which statistically important increase of peak expiratory flow (PEF) was obtained and decrease of bronchial hyperreactivity by PC20 for histamine was observed (p < 0.05). Mentioned above spirometric parameters did not differ in statistically important pattern in patients with nonatopic bronchial asthma, when Beclocort forte group with Tilade group compared. Neither important differences in general number of cells nor percentage composition of cell smears were observed in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.  相似文献   

Inhaled steroids are the mainstay of anti-inflammatory treatment of asthma. Topical application of steroids to the asthmatic airway has many benefits as well as potential side effects; however, the side effects are much less prevalent than those caused by the use of chronic oral prednisone.  相似文献   

A corneal oblique incision running along the chord relative to the limbus has been developed, which enables to finish an operation without suturing the incision. A reliable union of the incision edges is attained after air injection to the anterior chamber, the incision being no more than 5 or 5.5 mm. The incision was used in 72 clinical operations for extraction of congenital, secondary, and traumatic cataracts. The shape of incision, absence of sutures and additional injury caused by removal of sutures helped reduce the postoperative astigmatism and brought about good functional results.  相似文献   

In a double-blind, randomized study, 93 corticosteroid-independent patients with chronic bronchial asthma were treated with either beclomethasone dipropionate aerosol at 400 mug per day of its vehicle for 4 wk to determine and compare the effectiveness and safety of the preparations. Evaluations made before, at weekly intervals during, and 1 wk after treatment indicated that beclomethasone dipropionate aerosol was superior to its vehicle is improving FVC, FEV1, FEF25%--75%, and clinical signs and symptoms, and in the overall evaluations by both the investigators and the patients. Plasma cortisol levels measured at the end of the second and fourth weeks were not substantially different from those before treatment in either group. No significant side effects or abnormalities in laboratory results were noted.  相似文献   

Twenty-one asthmatic patients participated in a single blind, crossover study comparing the effects of aerosol and oral salbutamol (a beta-adrenergic bronchodilator), on exercise-induced bronchospasm. By both routes of administration, salbutamol (albuterol) produced significant bronchodilatation at rest, but only the aerosol effectively prevented post-exercise bronchospasm in most patients. Because exercise-induced bronchospasm is a common problem in children and adults with asthma, these observations are relevant to the drug therapy of these patients. The existence of separate mechanisms for bronchodilatation and the prevention of exercise-induced asthma is postulated. It is possible that differing tissue concentrations of salbutamol are responsible for the observed differences between the 2 routes of administration.  相似文献   

Of 56 patients with bronchial asthma demanding emergency care 27 had moderate exacerbation (group 1) and 29--a severe one (group 2). All the patients inhaled berodual (B) solution with a compressive pneumatic nebuliser Medic-Aide. The relief of the attack was achieved for 20 minutes of the inhalation in 22 and 19 patients of groups 1 and 2, respectively. Inhalation monotherapy with B solutions using a compressive nebuliser provides control of moderate and severe attacks of bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

Examination of 400 patients with occupational bronchial asthma helped to identify various clinical and pathogenetic variants of the disease in accordance with independent and combined occupational allergens and irritants. The authors evaluated diagnostic value of endonasal tests with occupational allergen, rhinocytologic tests and some specific allergologic blood tests in vitro.  相似文献   

支气管哮喘简称哮喘,是儿童时期最常见的一种由多因素引起的气道高反应性疾病和气道慢性炎症疾病,是小儿常见病.严重威胁儿童健康,其发病率及死亡率呈上升趋势.目前全世界哮喘患者达1亿,我国已逾千万,儿童哮喘患病率为0.5%-2.0%,个别地区5%.哮喘病情反复发作,严重影响儿童生长发育、身心健康和学习,从而降低哮喘儿童生命质量.哮喘发作是突发性的,但气道炎症长期存在,因此是一种需要长期系统的治疗和管理的慢性疾病.儿童哮喘要长期根本的控制,目前最有效的治疗模式是采取以吸入药物为主,同时对患儿进行系统管理教育的综合防治措施.本组就我院250例小儿哮喘的吸入疗法的护理体会浅析如下.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the current data on the morphologic and functional damages to the epithelium in asthma. Structure of the normal airway epithelium is briefly described. Damage to the epithelium disrupts the barrier to the external environment, and may result in changes in mucous secretion, and mucociliary clearance; induce bronchoconstriction; promote chemotaxis of inflammatory cells. Epithelial cells can present antigens to T-lymphocytes. Epithelium is both target and effector in asthma. Hypothesis that eosinophils contribute to the damage of the epithelium gained increasing recognition.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effect of antioxidants aevit and glutaminic acid on the course of bronchial asthma (BA) and free radical processes in this disease, 54 BA patients were divided into 2 groups: glucocorticoid-untreated and glucocorticoid-treated. Each of two subgroups made of these groups either received antioxidants (AO) or not. The response was assessed by clinical BA symptoms and free radical processes reflecting production of active oxygen forms by leukocytes (PAOFL) and free radical peroxidation (FRPO). PAOFL was studied using luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (CL). CL basal and stimulated values were calculated. FRPO was measured by plasma levels of malonic dialdehyde. Aevit and glutaminic acid treated BA patients improved clinically and exhibited reduced CL of PAOFL and malonic dialdehyde in plasma compared to BA patients on conventional therapy or conventional therapy plus glucocorticoids. Aevit and glutaminic acid are recommended for BA patients.  相似文献   

Blood and sputum eosinophils, eosinophilic cation protein (ECP) in the serum and OPV1 were measured in 30 patients with atopic bronchial asthma (BA) of moderate severity showing eosinophilia at the beginning and the end of treatment week 1 and 4, respectively. In exacerbation of BA relative number of blood eosinophils averaged 10.4 + -1.4%, sputum 35.2 + -5.6%. Serum concentration of ECP, OPV1, IgE averaged 42.6% + -11.9%, 66.8 + -6.3%, 753.7 + -114 IU/ml, respectively. In exacerbation a strong correlation is noted between relative number of eosinophils in the blood and sputum, between the levels of IgE and ECP. At the end of the treatment OPV1 was higher while ECP level in the serum went down. Reduced eosinophilia in the blood and sputum correlated with OPV1 increment. In BA patients with high blood and sputum eosinophilia function of the lungs depends on eosinophilic number, while in normalization of blood eosinophil concentration and in a sharp fall of sputum eosinophil number OPV1 changes correlation with changes in ECP in the course of treatment. A close correlation between changes in eosinophil count, FVD indices, IgE and ECP levels during the treatment indicate relief of inflammation in BA patients.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) on airway sensitivity (provocative dose producing a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) from baseline (PD20)) and reactivity (slope of the dose-response curve) to inhaled aerosols of hyperosmolar (4.5%) saline, and histamine or methacholine. This was an open study on 13 patients referred to the laboratory by their respiratory physician for investigation of their asthma. These challenges were performed on separate days before (initial visit) and 8.8 +/- 0.8 (SD) weeks (range 5.6-12.4 weeks) after (visit 1) a treatment period with BDP (dose range 600-1,500 micrograms.day-1). At visit 1 there was a significant reduction in sensitivity to 4.5% NaCl and histamine/methacholine and in reactivity. The PD20 increased 5.6 fold for 4.5% NaCl and 4.1 fold for histamine/methacholine. All patients remained responsive to histamine/methacholine and a fall in FEV1 > 20% to 4.5% saline was documented in 10 of the 13 patients. We conclude that treatment with BDP reduces sensitivity and reactivity to both osmotic and pharmacological challenge.  相似文献   

Behavior therapy techniques have been applied to asthmatic individuals with some apparent success. The definitive studies isolating the critical ingredients of treatments and the efficacy of treatment over the long term have yet to be performed. An autonomic conditioning component can occur in asthma, and pulmonary function is improved when Ss are in a relaxed state. Studies reporting results of behavior therapy treatments are examined from an outcome and experimental design viewpoint. With the methodological deficiencies of these studies in mind, proposals for future research are presented. (French abstract) (41 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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