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Wang  Yanyan  Yin  Fulian  Liu  Jianbo  Tosato  Marco 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(31-32):22355-22373
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Sentiment lexicon is used to judge the sentiments of words and plays a significant role in sentiment analysis. Existing sentiment lexicons ignore the sentimental...  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - Sentiment lexicons in the English language are widely accessible while in many other languages, these resources are extremely deficient. Current techniques and...  相似文献   

Han  Hongyu  Zhang  Jianpei  Yang  Jing  Shen  Yiran  Zhang  Yongshi 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2018,77(16):21265-21280
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Lexicon-based approaches for review sentiment analysis have attracted significant attention in recent years. Lots of sentiment lexicon generation methods have...  相似文献   

自然网络都具有一定的聚簇结构, 聚簇之间的节点称之为桥节点, 桥节点对网络的流通性有着重要的作用。发现桥节点, 能够找到网络最为脆弱的部分。在随机游走中心性的基础上, 提出一种计算网络桥节点的快速算法。通过人工合成以及在自然网络上进行实验, 结果表明算法能够很好地发现各种网络的桥节点。  相似文献   

推荐系统可以帮助人们在海量的数据中发现所需的有价值的信息。传统的协同过滤推荐算法根据历史数据中用户对项目的各种行为操作构建用户-项目评分矩阵,进而计算相似度,从而预测用户对项目的偏好程度进行推荐。但因为评分数据通常较为稀疏,使得推荐的准确性不高,从而不能很好地对用户进行推荐。针对这个问题,提出一种结合场论理论的随机游走歌曲推荐算法,融合歌曲评分相似度和歌曲基本信息相似度,降低歌曲间综合相似度矩阵的稀疏性,并将物理学中的场论理论和歌曲的重要度结合,构造转移概率矩阵,从而实现歌曲推荐。实验表明,该算法较协同过滤算法的推荐准确性更佳。  相似文献   

Random walks are widely applicable in statistical and scientific computations. In particular, they are used in the Monte Carlo method to solve elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs). This method holds several advantages over other methods for PDEs as it solves problems with irregular boundaries and/or discontinuities, gives solutions at individual points, and exhibits great parallelism. However, the generation of each random walk in the Monte Carlo method has been done sequentially because each point in the walk is derived from the preceding point by moving one grid step along a randomly selected direction. A parallel algorithm for random walk generation in regular as well as irregular regions is presented. The algorithm is based on parallel prefix computations. The communication structure of the algorithm is shown to ideally fit on a hypercube of n nodes, where n is the number of processors  相似文献   

针对基于降维技术改进的多目标A*(NAMOAdr*)算法中存在的高原搜索现象,结合蒙特卡罗随机游走策略提出了一种基于随机游走的多目标A*(RWNAMOAdr*)算法,其基本思想是当NAMOAdr*算法陷入高原搜索时,利用随机游走策略及时找到一个出口(具有被上次扩展标签的启发值非支配的启发值的标签)逃离该高原搜索。针对NAMOAdr*算法何时陷入高原搜索的问题,提出了一种检测高原搜索的方法,即当连续扩展m次标签的启发值都被上一次扩展的标签的启发值支配时则认为NAMOAdr*算法陷入了高原搜索。使用多目标搜索算法的标准测试平台——随机网格进行了实验。实验结果表明RWNAMOAdr*算法比NAMOAdr*算法的运行时间平均减少了50.69%,占用的空间平均减少了约10%,能够为现实生活中加速多目标路径搜索提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Random walk algorithm (RWalkSAT) is one of the simplest and oldest heuristics for satisfiability problems. In contrast to many experimental results, relatively few rigorous analyses of RWalkSAT are available. Up to now, runtime results of small density random 3-SAT have been achieved showing RWalkSAT terminates successfully in linear time up to clause density 1.63. This paper presents a rigorous runtime analysis of RWalkSAT for 3-CNF formulas generated under the planted assignment distribution. It proves that with overwhelming probability, when starting from any initial assignment |x| 0.9999n, the expected number of steps until RWalkSAT on random planted formulas with a large constant density finds the planted assignment (1, . . . ,1) is at least Ω(1.1514n) and at most O(n21.1517n).  相似文献   

旅游在线评论情感分析的基础是情感词典的构建。在领域情感词典构建过程中,通常仅使用词频作为筛选种子词集的标准,而并未考虑其内部词语的关联程度,这会导致种子词集聚类效果不明显,进而影响情感词语归类精度。因此,基于词向量模型,提出一种情感词典种子词集筛选方法。该方法将情感词语以向量形式表征并计算词向量间距离,形成种子词集的筛选标准和分类依据,再通过类别判断形成在线评论的情感词典。最后,构建了山岳型旅游景区在线评论情感词典,并通过对比实验验证了方法的有效性,对提高情感词语归类精度和旅游在线评论情感词典的构建起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

Sentiment analysis aims to extract the sentiment polarity of given segment of text. Polarity resources that indicate the sentiment polarity of words are commonly used in different approaches. While English is the richest language in regard to having such resources, the majority of other languages, including Turkish, lack polarity resources. In this work we present the first comprehensive Turkish polarity resource, SentiTurkNet, where three polarity scores are assigned to each synset in the Turkish WordNet, indicating its positivity, negativity, and objectivity (neutrality) levels. Our method is general and applicable to other languages. Evaluation results for Turkish show that the polarity scores obtained through this method are more accurate compared to those obtained through direct translation (mapping) from SentiWordNet.  相似文献   

郑文萍  岳香豆  杨贵 《计算机应用》2020,40(12):3423-3429
社区发现是挖掘社交网络隐藏信息的一个有用的工具,而标签传播算法(LPA)是社区发现算法中的一种常见算法,不需要任何的先验知识,且运行速度快。针对标签传播算法有很强的随机性而导致的社区发现算法结果不稳定的问题,提出了一种基于随机游走的改进标签传播算法(LPARW)。首先,根据在网络上进行随机游走确定了节点重要性的排序,从而得到节点的更新顺序;然后,遍历节点的更新序列,对每个节点将其与排序在其之前的节点进行相似性计算,若该节点与排序在其之前的节点是邻居节点且它们之间的相似性大于阈值,则将排序在其之前的节点选为种子节点;最后,将种子节点的标签传播给其余的节点,得到社区的最终划分结果。将所提算法与一些经典的标签传播算法在4个有标签的网络和5个无标签的真实网络上进行比较分析,实验结果表明所提算法在标准互信息(NMI)、调整兰德系数(ARI)和模块度等经典的评价指标上的性能均优于其余对比算法,可见该算法具有很好的社区划分效果。  相似文献   

离群点检测算法在网络入侵检测、医疗辅助诊断等领域具有十分广泛的应用。针对LDOF、CBOF及LOF算法在大规模数据集和高维数据集的检测过程中存在的执行时间长及检测率较低的问题,提出了基于图上随机游走(BGRW)的离群点检测算法。首先初始化迭代次数、阻尼因子以及数据集中每个对象的离群值;其次根据对象之间的欧氏距离推导出漫步者在各对象之间的转移概率;然后通过迭代计算得到数据集中每个对象的离群值;最后将数据集中离群值最高的对象判定为离群点并输出。在UCI真实数据集与复杂分布的合成数据集上进行实验,将BGRW算法与LDOF、CBOF和LOF算法在执行时间、检测率和误报率指标上进行对比。实验结果表明,BGRW算法能够有效降低执行时间并在检测率及误报率指标上优于对比算法。  相似文献   

郑文萍  岳香豆  杨贵 《计算机应用》2005,40(12):3423-3429
社区发现是挖掘社交网络隐藏信息的一个有用的工具,而标签传播算法(LPA)是社区发现算法中的一种常见算法,不需要任何的先验知识,且运行速度快。针对标签传播算法有很强的随机性而导致的社区发现算法结果不稳定的问题,提出了一种基于随机游走的改进标签传播算法(LPARW)。首先,根据在网络上进行随机游走确定了节点重要性的排序,从而得到节点的更新顺序;然后,遍历节点的更新序列,对每个节点将其与排序在其之前的节点进行相似性计算,若该节点与排序在其之前的节点是邻居节点且它们之间的相似性大于阈值,则将排序在其之前的节点选为种子节点;最后,将种子节点的标签传播给其余的节点,得到社区的最终划分结果。将所提算法与一些经典的标签传播算法在4个有标签的网络和5个无标签的真实网络上进行比较分析,实验结果表明所提算法在标准互信息(NMI)、调整兰德系数(ARI)和模块度等经典的评价指标上的性能均优于其余对比算法,可见该算法具有很好的社区划分效果。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of texture discrimination. Random walks are performed in a plain domain D bounded by an absorbing boundary ? and the absorption distribution is calculated. Measurements derived from such distributions are the features used for discrimination. Both problems of texture discrimination and edge segment detection can be solved using the same random walk approach. The border distributions and their differences with respect to a homogeneous image can classify two different images as having similar or dissimilar textures. The existence of an edge segment is concluded if the boundary distribution for a given window (subimage) differs significantly from the boundary distribution for a homogeneous (uniform grey level) window. The random walk procedure has been implemented and results of texture discrimination are shown. A comparison is made between results obtained using the random walk approach and the first-or second-order statistics, respectively. The random walk procedure is intended mainly for the texture discrimination problem, and its possible application to the edge detection problem (as shown in this paper) is just a by-product.  相似文献   

覆盖面广且领域适应性好的情感词典可以有效提高文本情感分析效能。设计了基于连词语言特征和词性特征向量统计特征的中文情感词典扩展算法,提出了综合两种方法的混合特征算法。算法计算得到词语的细粒度的积极和消极情感极性值,并对通用情感词典在领域内进行扩展以提高覆盖度,对词典进行领域内调整以提高适应性。实验结果表明,算法在领域内扩展获得的词典比通用情感词典覆盖度和适应性更好,在情感分类任务中性能接近有监督方法。  相似文献   

针对大型网络中社区发现优化方法的效率问题,提出一种局部社区发现方法(LRW-LSA),从少量种子节点中识别本地社区的所有潜在社区成员.采用限制性随机游走进行采样处理,从种子节点出发得到一个相对较小的子图;利用种子的归一化指示向量对子图进行Lanczos迭代,得到相关节点与目标社区的隶属概率用以恢复出目标社区.在不同领域...  相似文献   

现有的基于Word2vec的网络表示学习(NRL)算法使用随机游走(RW)来生成节点序列,针对随机游走倾向于选择具有较大度的节点,生成的节点序列不能很好地反映网络结构信息,从而影响表示学习性能的问题,提出了基于改进随机游走的网络表示学习算法。首先,使用RLP-MHRW算法生成节点序列,它在生成节点序列时不会偏向大度节点,得到的节点序列能更好地反映网络结构信息;然后,将节点序列投入到Skip-gram模型得到节点表示向量;最后,利用链路预测任务来测度表示学习性能。在4个真实网络数据集上进行了实验。在论文合作网络arXiv ASTRO-PH上与LINE和node2vec算法相比,链路预测的AUC值分别提升了8.9%和3.5%,其他数据集上也均有提升。实验结果表明,RLP-MHRW能有效提高基于Word2vec的网络表示学习算法的性能。  相似文献   

交互式图像分割通过先验信息指导获取图像中人们感兴趣的部分,但是现有算法无法在效率和精度上实现平衡。为了解决此问题,提出了一种基于超像素和随机游走的快速交互式分割算法(random walk on superpixel, SPRW)。首先,将图像预分割为具有局部相似性的超像素区域,使用像素颜色均值对超像素区域表示;其次,根据人工标记的先验信息建立F-B图结构,扩展随机游走的范围,并使用随机游走的方法求解,获得硬分割结果;最后,针对分割结果的边界不光滑问题,提出改进的抠图算法(fast robust matting, FRB)进行二次处理,得到软分割结果。在BSD500和MSRC数据集上的实验证实,所提出的硬分割方法与其他算法在时间和平均交并比等指标上有较大优势;在Alpha Matting数据集上的实验充分证实所提出的软算法在提高效率的同时精度也有一定的提升;此外,在生活照更换背景的实验上展现了该算法的应用价值。  相似文献   

An improved spectral clustering algorithm based on random walk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The construction process for a similarity matrix has an important impact on the performance of spectral clustering algorithms. In this paper, we propose a random walk based approach to process the Gaussian kernel similarity matrix. In this method, the pair-wise similarity between two data points is not only related to the two points, but also related to their neighbors. As a result, the new similarity matrix is closer to the ideal matrix which can provide the best clustering result. We give a theoretical analysis of the similarity matrix and apply this similarity matrix to spectral clustering. We also propose a method to handle noisy items which may cause deterioration of clustering performance. Experimental results on real-world data sets show that the proposed spectral clustering algorithm significantly outperforms existing algorithms.  相似文献   

Naresh Kumar  K. E.  Uma  V. 《The Journal of supercomputing》2021,77(11):12801-12825
The Journal of Supercomputing - In the modern era, lack of adequate training data requires lexicon-based models. The lexicon scoring model was extensively deployed as an effective and convenient...  相似文献   

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