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Recently, many methods have been proposed for microarray data analysis. One of the challenges for microarray applications is to select a proper number of the most relevant genes for data analysis. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid method for feature selection in microarray data analysis. This method first uses a genetic algorithm with dynamic parameter setting (GADP) to generate a number of subsets of genes and to rank the genes according to their occurrence frequencies in the gene subsets. Then, this method uses the χ2-test for homogeneity to select a proper number of the top-ranked genes for data analysis. We use the support vector machine (SVM) to verify the efficiency of the selected genes. Six different microarray datasets are used to compare the performance of the GADP method with the existing methods. The experimental results show that the GADP method is better than the existing methods in terms of the number of selected genes and the prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

SVM在基因微阵列癌症数据分类中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结二分类支持向量机应用的基础上,提出了利用t-验证方法和Wilcoxon验证方法进行特征选取,以支持向量机(SVM)为分类器,针对基因微阵列癌症数据进行分析的新方法,通过对白血病数据集和结肠癌数据集的分类实验,证明提出的方法不但识别率高,而且需要选取的特征子集小,分类速度快,提高了分类的准确性与分类速度。  相似文献   

Gene expression microarray is a rapidly maturing technology that provides the opportunity to assay the expression levels of thousands or tens of thousands of genes in a single experiment. We present a new heuristic to select relevant gene subsets in order to further use them for the classification task. Our method is based on the statistical significance of adding a gene from a ranked-list to the final subset. The efficiency and effectiveness of our technique is demonstrated through extensive comparisons with other representative heuristics. Our approach shows an excellent performance, not only at identifying relevant genes, but also with respect to the computational cost.  相似文献   

Microarray technology presents a challenge due to the large dimensionality of the data, which can be difficult to interpret. To address this challenge, the article proposes a feature extraction-based cancer classification technique coupled with artificial bee colony optimization (ABC) algorithm. The ABC-support vector machine (SVM) method is used to classify the lung cancer datasets and compared them with existing techniques in terms of precision, recall, F-measure, and accuracy. The proposed ABC-SVM has the advantage of dealing with complex nonlinear data, providing good flexibility. Simulation analysis was conducted with 30% of the data reserved for testing the proposed method. The results indicate that the proposed attribute classification technique, which uses fewer genes, performs better than other modalities. The classifiers, such as naïve Bayes, multi-class SVM, and linear discriminant analysis, were also compared and the proposed method outperformed these classifiers and state-of-the-art techniques. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential of using intelligent algorithms and feature extraction techniques to improve the accuracy of cancer diagnosis using microarray gene expression data.  相似文献   

Ke  Lin  Li  Min  Wang  Lei  Deng  Shaobo  Ye  Jun  Yu  Xiang 《Pattern Analysis & Applications》2023,26(2):455-472
Pattern Analysis and Applications - A typical microarray dataset usually contains thousands of genes, but only a small number of samples. It is in fact that most genes in a DNA microarray dataset...  相似文献   

Independent component analysis (ICA) has been widely used to tackle the microarray dataset classification problem, but there still exists an unsolved problem that the independent component (IC) sets may not be reproducible after different ICA transformations. Inspired by the idea of ensemble feature selection, we design an ICA based ensemble learning system to fully utilize the difference among different IC sets. In this system, some IC sets are generated by different ICA transformations firstly. A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is designed to select different biologically significant IC subsets from these IC sets, which are then applied to build base classifiers. Three schemes are used to fuse these base classifiers. The first fusion scheme is to combine all individuals in the final generation of the MOGA. In addition, in the evolution, we design a global-recording technique to record the best IC subsets of each IC set in a global-recording list. Then the IC subsets in the list are deployed to build base classifier so as to implement the second fusion scheme. Furthermore, by pruning about half of less accurate base classifiers obtained by the second scheme, a compact and more accurate ensemble system is built, which is regarded as the third fusion scheme. Three microarray datasets are used to test the ensemble systems, and the corresponding results demonstrate that these ensemble schemes can further improve the performance of the ICA based classification model, and the third fusion scheme leads to the most accurate ensemble system with the smallest ensemble size.  相似文献   

Recently, microarray technology has widely used on the study of gene expression in cancer diagnosis. The main distinguishing feature of microarray technology is that can measure thousands of genes at the same time. In the past, researchers always used parametric statistical methods to find the significant genes. However, microarray data often cannot obey some of the assumptions of parametric statistical methods, or type I error may be over expanded. Therefore, our aim is to establish a gene selection method without assumption restriction to reduce the dimension of the data set. In our study, adaptive genetic algorithm/k-nearest neighbor (AGA/KNN) was used to evolve gene subsets. We find that AGA/KNN can reduce the dimension of the data set, and all test samples can be classified correctly. In addition, the accuracy of AGA/KNN is higher than that of GA/KNN, and it only takes half the CPU time of GA/KNN. After using the proposed method, biologists can identify the relevant genes efficiently from the sub-gene set and classify the test samples correctly.  相似文献   

特征选择(也称作属性选择)是简化数据表达形式,降低存储要求,提高分类精度和效率的重要途径。实际中遇到的大量的数据集包含着不完整数据。对于不完整数据,构造选择性分类器同样也可以降低存储要求,提高分类精度和效率。因此,对用于不完整数据的选择性分类器的研究是一项重要的研究课题。有鉴于此,提出了一种用于不完整数据的选择性贝叶斯分类器。在12个标准的不完整数据集上的实验结果表明,给出的选择性分类器不仅分类准确率显著高于非常有效地用于不完整数据的RBC分类器,而且分类性能更加稳定。  相似文献   

Accurate recognition of cancers based on microarray gene expressions is very important for doctors to choose a proper treatment. Genomic microarrays are powerful research tools in bioinformatics and modern medicinal research. However, a simple microarray experiment often leads to very high-dimensional data and a huge amount of information, the vast amount of data challenges researchers into extracting the important features and reducing the high dimensionality. This paper proposed the kernel method based locally linear embedding to selecting the optimal number of nearest neighbors, constructing uniform distribution manifold. In this paper, a nonlinear dimensionality reduction kernel method based locally linear embedding is proposed to select the optimal number of nearest neighbors, constructing uniform distribution manifold. In addition, support vector machine which has given rise to the development of a new class of theoretically elegant learning machines will be used to classify and recognise genomic microarray. We demonstrate the application of the techniques to two published DNA microarray data sets. The experimental results and comparisons demonstrate that the proposed method is effective approach.  相似文献   

DNA microarray has been recognized as being an important tool for studying the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously. These experiments allow us to compare two different samples of cDNA obtained under different conditions. A novel method for the analysis of replicated microarray experiments based upon the modelling of gene expression distribution as a mixture of α-stable distributions is presented. Some features of the distribution of gene expression, such as Pareto tails and the fact that the variance of any given array increases concomitantly with an increase in the number of genes studied, suggest the possibility of modelling gene expression distribution on the basis of α-stable density. The proposed methodology uses very well known properties of α-stable distribution, such as the scale mixture of normals. A Bayesian log-posterior odds is calculated, which allows us to decide whether a gene is expressed differentially or not. The proposed methodology is illustrated using simulated and experimental data and the results are compared with other existing statistical approaches. The proposed heavy-tail model improves the performance of other distributions and is easily applicable to microarray gene data, specially if the dataset contains outliers or presents high variance between replicates.  相似文献   

Microarray data are often characterized by high dimension and small sample size. There is a need to reduce its dimension for better classification performance and computational efficiency of the learning model. The minimum redundancy and maximum relevance (mRMR), which is widely explored to reduce the dimension of the data, requires discretization and setting of external parameters. We propose an incremental formulation of the trace of ratio of the scatter matrices to determine a relevant set of genes which does not involve discretization and external parameter setting. It is analytically shown that the proposed incremental formulation is computationally efficient in comparison to its batch formulation. Extensive experiments on 14 well-known available microarray cancer datasets demonstrate that the performance of the proposed method is better in comparison to the well-known mRMR method. Statistical tests also show that the proposed method is significantly better when compared to the mRMR method.  相似文献   

With the arrival of gene expression microarrays a new challenge has opened up for identification or classification of cancer tissues. Due to the large number of genes providing valuable information simultaneously compared to very few available tissue samples the cancer staging or classification becomes very tricky.In this paper we introduce a hierarchical Bayesian probit model for two class cancer classification. Instead of assuming a linear structure for the function that relates the gene expressions with the cancer types we only assume that the relationship is explained by an unknown function which belongs to an abstract functional space like the reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Our formulation automatically reduces the dimension of the problem from the large number of covariates or genes to a small sample size. We incorporate a Bayesian gene selection scheme with the automatic dimension reduction to adaptively select important genes and classify cancer types under an unified model. Our model is highly flexible in terms of explaining the relationship between the cancer types and gene expression measurements and picking up the differentially expressed genes. The proposed model is successfully tested on three simulated data sets and three publicly available leukemia cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer real life data sets.  相似文献   

Microarray data has significant potential in clinical medicine, which always owns a large quantity of genes relative to the samples’ number. Finding a subset of discriminatory genes (features) through intelligent algorithms has been trend. Based on this, building a disease prognosis expert system will bring a great effect on clinical medicine. In addition, the fewer the selected genes are, the less cost the disease prognosis expert system is. So the small gene set with high classification accuracy is what we need. In this paper, a multi-objective model is built according to the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), which treats the classification accuracy absolutely important than the number of selected genes. And a multi-objective heuristic algorithm called MOEDA is proposed to solve the model, which is an improvement of Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm. Two main rules are designed, one is ’Higher and Fewer Rule’ which is used for evaluating and sorting individuals and the other is ‘Forcibly Decrease Rule’ which is used for generate potential individuals with high classification accuracy and fewer genes. Our proposed method is tested on both binary-class and multi-class microarray datasets. The results show that the gene set selected by MOEDA not only results in higher accuracies, but also keep a small scale, which cannot only save computational time but also improve the interpretability and application of the result with the simple classification model. The proposed MOEDA opens up a new way for the heuristic algorithms applying on microarray gene expression data.  相似文献   

A simple and computationally fast procedure is proposed for screening a large number of variables prior to cluster analysis. Each variable is considered in turn, the sample is divided into the two groups that maximise the ratio of between-group to within-group sum of squares for that variable, and the achieved value of this ratio is tested to see if it is significantly greater than what would be expected when partitioning a sample from a single homogeneous population. Those variables that achieve significance are then used in the cluster analysis. It is suggested that significance levels be assessed using a Monte Carlo computational procedure; by assuming within-group normality an analytical approximation is derived, but caution in its use is advocated. Computational details are provided for both the partitioning and the testing. The procedure is applied to several microarray data sets, showing that it can often achieve good results both quickly and simply.  相似文献   

Gene selection can help the analysis of microarray gene expression data. However, it is very difficult to obtain a satisfactory classification result by machine learning techniques because of both the curse-of-dimensionality problem and the over-fitting problem. That is, the dimensions of the features are too large but the samples are too few. In this study, we designed an approach that attempts to avoid these two problems and then used it to select a small set of significant biomarker genes for diagnosis. Finally, we attempted to use these markers for the classification of cancer. This approach was tested the approach on a number of microarray datasets in order to demonstrate that it performs well and is both useful and reliable.  相似文献   

聚类是一种常用的基因表达数据处理手段,然而它又是主观的,如何选择符合数据内在分布的聚类算法成为目前急待解决的问题.根据经验,当选择最佳簇数k后,采用合理的聚类算法对目标数据重复聚类时,结果稳定性较好.因此提出一种基于稳定性的聚类算法选择.该方法将聚类结果的簇间分离度、簇内紧致度和聚类结果稳定性三者结合起来.在验证和应用三组数据时发现,比传统的评估方法,基于稳定性的聚类算法选择更客观、更可靠.  相似文献   

Gene selection is a significant preprocessing of the discriminant analysis of microarray data. The classical gene selection methods can be classified into three categories: the filters, the wrappers and the embedded methods. In this paper, a novel hybrid gene selection method (HGSM) is proposed by exploring both the mutual information criterion (filters) and leave-one-out-error criterion (wrappers) under the framework of an improved ant algorithm. Extensive experiments are conducted on three benchmark datasets and the results confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of HGSM.  相似文献   

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