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Jia  Xiaoying  He  Debiao  Kumar  Neeraj  Choo  Kim-Kwang Raymond 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(8):4737-4750

The convergence of cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) is partially due to the pragmatic need for delivering extended services to a broader user base in diverse situations. However, cloud computing has its limitation for applications requiring low-latency and high mobility, particularly in adversarial settings (e.g. battlefields). To some extent, such limitations can be mitigated in a fog computing paradigm since the latter bridges the gap between remote cloud data center and the end devices (via some fog nodes). However, fog nodes are often deployed in remote and unprotected places. This necessitates the design of security solutions for a fog-based environment. In this paper, we investigate the fog-driven IoT healthcare system, focusing only on authentication and key agreement. Specifically, we propose a three-party authenticated key agreement protocol from bilinear pairings. We introduce the security model and present the formal security proof, as well as security analysis against common attacks. We then evaluate its performance, in terms of communication and computation costs.


Facing the increasing demands and challenges in the area of chronic disease care, various studies on the healthcare system which can, whenever and wherever, extract and process patient data have been conducted. Chronic diseases are the long-term diseases and require the processes of the real-time monitoring, multidimensional quantitative analysis, and the classification of patients' diagnostic information. A healthcare system for chronic diseases is characterized as an at-hospital and at-home service according to a targeted environment. Both services basically aim to provide patients with accurate diagnoses of disease by monitoring a variety of physical states with a number of monitoring methods, but there are differences between home and hospital environments, and the different characteristics should be considered in order to provide more accurate diagnoses for patients, especially, patients having chronic diseases. In this paper, we propose a patient status classification method for effectively identifying and classifying chronic diseases and show the validity of the proposed method. Furthermore, we present a new healthcare system architecture that integrates the at-home and at-hospital environment and discuss the applicability of the architecture using practical target services.  相似文献   


One of the prominent applications of Internet of Things (IoT) in this digital era is the development of smart cities. In IoT based smart cities, the smart objects (devices) are connected with each other via internet as a backbone. The sensed data by the smart objects are transmitted to the sink for further processing using multi hop communication. The smart cities use the analyzed data to improve their infrastructure, public utilities and they enhance their services by using the IoT technology for the betterment of livelihood of the common people. For IoT based smart cities, waste collection is a prominent issue for municipalities that aim to achieve a clean environment. With a boom in population in urban areas, an increasing amount of waste is generated. A major issue of waste management system is the poor process used in waste collection and segregation. Public bins begin to overflow for a long period before the process of cleaning starts, which is resulting in an accumulation of bacteria causing bad odors and spreading of diseases. In order to overcome this issue, in this paper an IoT based smart predication and monitoring of waste disposal system is proposed which utilizes off-the-shelf components that can be mounted to a bin of any size and measure fill levels. An Arduino microcontroller is employed in the proposed model to interface the infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV), weight sensors, and a Global Positioning System (GPS) module is used to monitor the status of bins at predetermined intervals. The proposed system transmits the data using the cluster network to the master module which is connected to the backend via Wi-Fi. As data is collected, an intelligent neural network algorithm namely Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is used which will intelligently learn and predict the upcoming wastage from waste generation patterns. Moreover, the proposed system uses Firebase Cloud Messaging to notify the appropriate people when the bins were full and needed to be emptied. The Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) JavaScript Application Programming Interface (API) is used to send notification messages in web apps in browsers that provide service work support. Hence, the proposed system is useful to the society by providing facilities to the governments for enforcing stricter regulations for waste disposal. Additional features such as automated calibration of bin height, a dynamic web data dashboard as well as collation of data into a distributed real-time firebase database are also provided in the proposed system.


Wireless Personal Communications - Efficient data collection and communication are key tasks in smart IoT environment consisting of a large number of devices. Here imprecise data are generated due...  相似文献   

对家居产品制造厂商来讲,为用户提供智能、互联互通的家庭物联网,需要解决如何建立以关键节点为中心的家居无线物联网,并提供家庭智能综合信息感知等的网络服务。文章结合现有家庭环境,构建适应三网融合发展的家居物联网智能体系,介绍基于智能电视的开放式物联网网关和无线物联网系统平台的设计,为家电厂商智能家居解决方案提供理论指导和实践支持。  相似文献   

针对目前企业"以项目"为单位的建设模式造成的各自分散业务系统所形成的信息孤岛情况,研究提出基于物联网的云智慧办公室综合信息管理系统。该系统通过国产自主可控的架构,构建私有云平台整合所有服务器、存储以及网络资源;运用云计算技术、大数据存储技术、网络连接技术、数据库技术,以及包括传感技术、RFID技术、ZigBee技术、监控技术、通信技术、全球定位技术等在内的物联网技术,实现办公室综合信息管理的动态化、业务流程的网络化、物理环境与安全保障的自动化以及物资管理维护的智能化。实验表明系统能够提升管理效率和办公质量,改善办公条件,优化业务流程,降低运营成本,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Object tracking is a fundamental problem in Supply Chain Management (SCM). Recent innovations eliminate the difficulties in traditional approach such as manual...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The Internet of Things (IoT) is a subclass of the Industry 4.0 standard. The functionality of IoT depends on the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) design. The...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The recent integration of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing (CC) technologies into a Smart Grid (SG) revolutionizes its operation. The scalable and unlimited...  相似文献   

钟科  陈向东 《通信技术》2012,45(8):65-67
为了实现智能家居系统中的远程及近程控制,从物联网的概念出发,设计实现了一个嵌入式的WEB网关服务器,将基于Zigbee协议的无线传感器网络与基于TCP/IP协议的Internet相联。该设计采用STM32F107VC为主控制器,通过串口实现与WSN协调器的通信,外接一个网卡芯片实现与Internet的连接。在软件设计上重点实现智能家居通信控制系统,并引入嵌入式操作系统uCOS-II对系统资源进行管理,移植LwIP协议栈实现TCP/IP的基本功能。  相似文献   

A promising approach for the application of NFC in healthcare is the combination of the simple handling of NFC with different sensor functionalities. By an advanced design of the NFC-antenna and the surrounding hard- and software, the intelligent NFC-tag can operate as a smart sensor with NFC-interface for the transfer of measurement data. According to this principle, various sensor applications for health care scenarios can be realized. In this article several developments of NFC-sensor applications are introduced like NFC-based fill level measurement, NFC-based analog scale (position detection), NFC-based blood-glucose meter, NFC-based cryo-sensor for vials and NFC-based ultraviolet (UV) assessment for sun burn prevention. The main advantages of these applications are that all NFC-sensors can simply be used by medical, nursing staff or patients and consumers.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Water conservation is critical because it is one of the most significant factors for all species' survival. According to the Central Ground Water Board's...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - More buildings are becoming smart day by day which play a key role in development of smart cities and Internet of Things is essential in the development of such...  相似文献   

Trunk scheduling is considered as a means to reallocate delay fairly among various traffic classes and thus reduce the overall network delivery delay of packets. Two service prioritization schemes to accomplish this in integrated services packet switching networks are discussed. These are based on either the total HOP distance (source-destination distance) between the packets' source and destination or that weighted by the packets' local delay at the switching node. Three types of servicing are considered, and the case of highest-priority servicing (head of the line) is studied in some detail. It is shown while the highest-priority servicing of total-distance prioritization can potentially lead to extensive end-to-end network delays for packets in the low-priority classes, the delay-weighted total-distance case results in a more fair and balanced treatment of all priority classes. The basic fast hardware architecture is presented for implementation of the delay-weighted total-distance-based service prioritization, which should make the discipline suitable for practical purposes  相似文献   

This paper investigates the application of the enterprise information system (EIS) paradigm to standardized cardiovascular condition monitoring. There are many specifications in cardiology, particularly in the ECG standardization arena. The existence of ECG formats, however, does not guarantee the implementation of homogeneous, standardized solutions for ECG management. In fact, hospital management services need to cope with various ECG formats and, moreover, several different visualization applications. This heterogeneity hampers the normalization of integrated, standardized healthcare information systems, hence the need for finding an appropriate combination of ECG formats and a suitable EIS-based software architecture that enables standardized exchange and homogeneous management of ECG formats. Determining such a combination is one objective of this paper. The second aim is to design and develop the integrated healthcare information system that satisfies the requirements posed by the previous determination. The ECG formats selected include ISO/IEEE11073, Standard Communications Protocol for Computer-Assisted Electrocardiography, and an ECG ontology. The EIS-enabling techniques and technologies selected include web services, simple object access protocol, extensible markup language, or business process execution language. Such a selection ensures the standardized exchange of ECGs within, or across, healthcare information systems while providing modularity and accessibility.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - When dynamic nature, autonomous, self- configured types nodes are combined together and make contact with each other for the purpose of communication and data...  相似文献   

物联网M2M业务正逐渐成为电信运营商用户和收入增长的主要来源。基于水平共性支撑能力以及各层间能力开放而构成的M2M生态系统,将通过在各层上独立而又兼容的技术创新,快速推动物联网应用的普及。文章基于M2M生态系统工程的发展思路,根据对M2M智能管道需求分析,将3GPP提出的策略和计费控制(PCC)技术应用于M2M专用业务支撑体系内,通过理论设计和研发环境内的实际验证,提出M2M智能管道的建设部署方案和产品设计方法,最后对PRCF虚拟化、大数据支持的PCC增加及与业务层协同管控等M2M智能管道关键技术的发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

深入分析物联网终端智能化的趋势,并从智能操作系统、终端开发、应用开发以及通用应用平台等层面提出智能物联网终端操作系统与生态环境方案,为智能物联网终端及应用发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

陈利欢 《电视技术》2021,45(2):78-80
以智能家庭环境下的WiFi模组为例,系统阐述无线模组设计及导入过程中需要重点评估的关键技术点,以期更好地满足使用场景的需求,解决真实环境下的应用痛点.  相似文献   

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