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UML在设计模式描述中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
设计模式主要用于描述在软件设计过程中不断重复发生的问题以及这些问题的解决方案。UML是一种直观化、明确化、构件和文档化软件系统的通用可视化建模语言。详细介绍了使用UML的各种图形描述设计模式的方法及特点,并通过实例说明了UML在设计模式描述中的优势。  相似文献   

针对事件本体中动作程度词的形式化作了深入研究.首先从大量文本中提取程度词,进而根据其特征将其分为三类;然后找到一种完全覆盖此三类程度词的统一表示方法,用模糊逻辑将其形式化;最后通过实验验证其可行性.通过对三个分别代表各类的程度词进行形式化,验证了此方法的可行性.  相似文献   

Polyhedra are basic three-dimensional objects, appearing at many levels in the algorithms of computational geometry, computer-aided design, computer vision, and robotics. What data can we use to describe a polyhedron in 3-space? What independent choices can we make when constructing a polyhedron? These are two aspects of a single question investigated in this article. The answers depend both on the level of geometry we are using (Euclidean, similarity, projective, combinatorial) and on the source of the geometric data. The constructions and representations are translated from classical and modern geometric practice. Classical theorems and techniques of Cauchy, Steinitz, Maxwell, Minkowski, and Alexandrov are transferred to this setting. Other recent geometric results are also described and a number of unsolved problems are raised.  相似文献   

The performance of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) may heavily depend severely on a suitable choice of parameters such as mutation and crossover rates. Several methods to adjust those parameters have been developed in order to enhance EA performance. For this purpose, it is important to understand the EA dynamics, i.e., to appreciate the behavior of the population. Hence, this paper presents a new model of population dynamics to describe and predict the diversity in any particular generation. The formulation is based on selecting the probability density function of each individual. The population dynamics proposed is modeled for a generational population. The model was tested in several case studies of different population sizes. The results suggest that the prediction error decreases as the population size increases.  相似文献   

Effective and efficient information management and knowledge sharing has become an essential part of more and more professional tasks in the Product Development Process. Among the various Knowledge Management technologies, ontologies offer new possibilities for representing, handling and retrieving product related knowledge, and for online collaboration. We conceived a Product Design Ontology (PDO) which especially addresses researchers in industrial product design and engineering analysis who need to share shape data and to develop software tools. In particular, we formalised the task-specific information associated to a shape, and the functionality and usage of shape processing methods in specific tasks of the design workflow. The PDO, thanks to the ontology-driven metadata on shapes and tools, may be also useful in industry on the one hand for training and for retrieving shape-related information, on the other hand for supporting benchmarking of processing tools and gathering the knowledge about shape processing workflows.  相似文献   

Multimodal support for social dynamics in co-located meetings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present a system that employs perceptual technologies (i.e. technologies that perceive the context through sensors such as cameras and microphone) to provide feedback about people’s behaviour in small group meetings. The system measures aspects of behaviour that are relevant to the social dynamics of the meeting, speaking time and gaze behaviour, and provides visual feedback about these aspects to the meeting participants through a peripheral display. We describe the system properties and the perceptual components. Also, we present a study aimed at evaluating the effect of such a system on meeting behaviour. Groups of participants, amounting to 82 participants in all, discussed topics of general interest. Analysis of the data of 58 participants showed that feedback influenced the behaviour of the participants in such a way that it made over-participators speak less and under-participators speak more. Analysis of the micro-patterns of six participants indicated that feedback on gaze behaviour had little effect on the interaction dynamics. We conclude that perceptual technologies can be used to build services that may help people to improve their meeting skills and we consider some ways in which such systems may be deployed in meetings.  相似文献   

Ontology has received considerable attention in the semantic technology community. This paper discusses the roles of ontology modularization in human-web interface design for knowledge sharing. It stresses that ontology can support human-web interaction as a key component of knowledge sharing on the Internet. The paper proposes an approach of ontology modularization to navigating and searching web portals for the purposes of knowledge sharing. A case study of human-web interface design using ontology modularization for a commercial software web portal is used to illustrate the application of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于正六边形网格的分层网络结构,研究了在监测区域面积给定情况下的最优网络分层问题.通过理论分析,获得了给定能量模型下的最优分层算法,并进行了仿真计算.仿真结果表明采用最适度分层数进行划分后,网络寿命明显得到延长.将网络中的冗余节点按最优分布条件进行分布,使得网络寿命最终能够满足变电站自动化系统的要求.  相似文献   

《Control Engineering Practice》2007,15(10):1292-1305
This paper is concerned with the role of dynamics and control communities in the design cycle of new products. The paper advocates the need to change the current role from mainly reactively fixing problems to proactively designing beneficial dynamics early in the design cycle. The message is presented with the aid of a case study involving dynamic modeling (barriers), control (current approach), and design of beneficial dynamics (proposed approach) for mitigating combustion instabilities in jet engines. While the discussion is restricted to jet engines, it is hypothesized that the assessment of the current role and merits of the proposed new role apply broadly across multiple industries.  相似文献   

Due to the growing number of architecturally complex buildings built in recent decades, mobile building inspection robot systems are required to operate in increasingly complex environments. This leads to higher requirements for their hardware design. The existing literature on the design of building inspection robots has implicitly mentioned the impact of building environments and building defects on defining robot hardware design requirements. However, the explicit representation of what information is required to define a specific hardware requirement is stimissing. To fill this gap, this paper presents an ontology that provides an overview of the building and inspection domain objects that affect the determination of robot hardware design requirements (RoboDesign). It also explores the relationship between specific robot hardware requirements and features of complex buildings and their defects. The RoboDesign ontology integrates two main domain ontology models including a Robot System Model and a Building and Defect Model. A content evaluation and an automated consistency checking are conducted for the internal evaluation of the ontology. Additionally, the proposed ontology is implemented in two wall-climbing inspection robot design cases to check if the investigation of the robot’s application environment is comprehensive. The validation results also demonstrate that the use of the proposed ontological model allows to efficiently retrieve information required to determine a particular hardware requirement.  相似文献   

The impacts of climate change, the increasing demand for energy and the diminishing fossil fuel resources have resulted in the development and use of a large number of renewable energy technologies in building development. These technologies are generating a huge amount of information which often overwhelms interested users and thus makes it difficult for them to make informed choices about their applications. The emergence of Semantic Web technologies, the next generation of Web technologies, promises to considerably improve representation, sharing and re-use of information to support decision-making. This article investigates how the emerging Semantic Web enabling technologies can be used to both represent information and knowledge about renewable energy technologies, and facilitate system decision-making in recommending appropriate choices for use in different situations. Based on a review of literature, a prototype Semantic Web system known as the photovoltaic technology ontology system (PV-TONS) for managing knowledge about PV-systems is developed to demonstrate some Semantic Web capabilities. PV-TONS includes Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) that provides a reasoning mechanism to facilitate system decision support. To validate PV-TONS, a green building that uses PV-systems to generate its energy was employed as a case study.  相似文献   

As large space structures are basically distributed systems, serious consideration must be given to the very high order, and consequently very high bandwidth, of these systems. In particular, as practical active control devices such as sensors and actuators have finite bandwidth, great care must be exercised so that control of low-frequency modes does not destabilize the intermediate and higher-order modes. In this paper, the nature of these stability problems is investigated and a technique using position feedback is considered.  相似文献   

A lack of surveillance system infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region is seen as hindering the global control of rapidly spreading infectious diseases such as the recent avian H5N1 epidemic. As part of improving surveillance in the region, the BioCaster project aims to develop a system based on text mining for automatically monitoring Internet news and other online sources in several regional languages. At the heart of the system is an application ontology which serves the dual purpose of enabling advanced searches on the mined facts and of allowing the system to make intelligent inferences for assessing the priority of events. However, it became clear early on in the project that existing classification schemes did not have the necessary language coverage or semantic specificity for our needs. In this article we present an overview of our needs and explore in detail the rationale and methods for developing a new conceptual structure and multilingual terminological resource that focusses on priority pathogens and the diseases they cause. The ontology is made freely available as an online database and downloadable OWL file.  相似文献   

The process of authoring ontologies appears to be fragmented across several tools and workarounds, and there exists no well accepted framework for common authoring tasks such as exploring ontologies, comparing versions, debugging, and testing. This lack of an adequate and seamless tool chain potentially hinders the broad uptake of ontologies, especially OWL, as a knowledge representation formalism. We start to address this situation by presenting insights from an interview-based study with 15 ontology experts. We uncover the tensions that may emerge between ontology authors including antagonistic ontology building styles (definition-driven vs. manually crafted hierarchies). We identify the problems reported by the ontology authors and the strategies they employ to solve them. These data are mapped to a set of key design recommendations, which should inform and guide future efforts for improving ontology authoring tool support, thus opening up ontology authoring to a new generation of users. We discuss future research avenues in light of these results.  相似文献   

Traditionally, evaluation methods in the field of semantic technologies have focused on the end result of ontology engineering efforts, mainly, on evaluating ontologies and their corresponding qualities and characteristics. This focus has led to the development of a whole arsenal of ontology-evaluation techniques that investigate the quality of ontologies as a product. In this paper, we aim to shed light on the process of ontology engineering construction by introducing and applying a set of measures to analyze hidden social dynamics. We argue that especially for ontologies which are constructed collaboratively, understanding the social processes that have led to their construction is critical not only in understanding but consequently also in evaluating the ontologies. With the work presented in this paper, we aim to expose the texture of collaborative ontology engineering processes that is otherwise left invisible. Using historical change-log data, we unveil qualitative differences and commonalities between different collaborative ontology engineering projects. Explaining and understanding these differences will help us to better comprehend the role and importance of social factors in collaborative ontology engineering projects. We hope that our analysis will spur a new line of evaluation techniques that view ontologies not as the static result of deliberations among domain experts, but as a dynamic, collaborative and iterative process that needs to be understood, evaluated and managed in itself. We believe that advances in this direction would help our community to expand the existing arsenal of ontology evaluation techniques towards more holistic approaches.  相似文献   

Case-based reasoning (CBR) often shows significant promise for improving the effectiveness of design support in mould design, which is a domain strong in practice but poor in theory. However, existing CBR systems lack semantic understanding, which is important for intelligent knowledge retrieval in design support system. This hinders the application of CBR in injection mould design. In order to develop an intelligent CBR system and meet the need of design support for injection mould design, this paper integrates ontology technology into a CBR system by constructing domain ontology as case-base with a new method, in which two means of acquisition are combined, one is acquiring ontology from existing ontologies, the other from established engineering knowledge resources, and proposing a new semantic retrieval method as the first grade case retrieval. Numerical measurement is also employed as the second grade case retrieval, which adopts various methods to calculate different types of attribute values. A case is executed to illustrate the use of proposed CBR system, then a lot of experiments are organized to evaluate its performance and the result shows that the proposed approach outperforms existing CBR systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the intergenerational gaming practices of four generations of console gamers, from ages 3 to 83 and, in particular, the roles that gamers of different generations take on when playing together in groups. Our data highlight the extent to which existing gaming technologies support interactions within collocated intergenerational groups, and our analysis reveals a more generationally flexible suite of roles in these computer-mediated interactions than have been documented by previous studies of more traditional collocated, intergenerational interactions. Finally, we offer implications for game designers who wish to make console games more accessible to intergenerational groups.  相似文献   

C.  F.  A.  F.  M.   《Computer Standards & Interfaces》2006,28(6):695-713
The SQL (Structured Query Language) is currently available in most database management systems and is the focus of an intense standardization process resulting in the latest version of the SQL:2003 standard. Standards are fundamental, but often they are difficult to use, due to their lack of understandability and the occurrence of inconsistencies. An ontology is useful for clarifying the elements of a standard, along with their interrelationships, as well as for detecting inconsistencies. In this paper we propose an ontology for the object-relational features of the new SQL:2003 standard, formalized with UML 2.0 class diagrams and OCL well-formedness rules. The ontology is instantiated with an example in which most of the new object-relational features of the SQL:2003 standard are presented.  相似文献   

The notion of a transitive closure of a fuzzy relation is very useful for clustering in pattern recognition, for fuzzy databases, etc. It is based on translating the standard definition of transitivity and transitive closure into fuzzy terms. This definition works fine, but to some extent it does not fully capture our understanding of transitivity. the reason is that this definition is based on fuzzifying only the positive side of transitivity: if R(a, b) and R(b, c), then R(a, c); but transitivity also includes a negative side: if R(a, b) and not R(a, c), then not R(b, c). In classical logic, this negative statement follows from the standard “positive” definition of transitivity. In fuzzy logic, this negative part of the transitivity has to be formulated as an additional demand. In the present article, we define a strongly transitive fuzzy relation as the one that satisfies both the positive and the negative parts of the transitivity demands, prove the existence of strong transitive closure, and find the relationship between strongly transitive similarity and clustering. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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