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Peanuts are a common economical food source consumed worldwide but exist health concern of food allergy and are particularly susceptible to infection by the mold fungus Aspergillus flavus during storage, accumulating highly toxic substance aflatoxin. In this study, the effect of high pressure treatments on peanut immunoreactivity, peanut amino acid composition, A. flavus growth and aflatoxin contents on crushed peanuts was evaluated. Results showed that immunoreactivity of peanuts treated with 600 MPa and 800 MPa for 10 min was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those of the control group by 69.2 ± 5.3% and 73.3 ± 1.9%, respectively. High pressure treatment at 800 MPa decreased total essential amino acid content as well as two nutritional indexes, the chemical score and the essential amino acid index, by 32.4 ± 2.1% and 31.1 ± 3.2%, respectively. The growth of aflatoxigenic fungi was inhibited in peanuts with aflatoxin accumulation that were subjected to different levels of pressure treatments during 30 days of storage. Peanuts treated with 600 MPa and 800 MPa had considerably lower aflatoxin levels, 0.26 μg/g and 0.22 μg/g in wet basis, respectively, than the control peanut aflatoxin level (9.08 μg/g) on day 30. Results were demonstrated that high pressure treatment had a significant inhibitory effect on A. flavus growth in peanuts and this contributes to reduction of aflatoxin production and accumulation instead of directly destroy aflatoxin. Taken together, the findings of this study indicated that high pressure treatment could preserve peanut quality by reducing food immunoreactivity and by eliminating A. flavus in peanuts.  相似文献   

针对倒扣式常规安全接头在井下退开难度较大 ,剪钉式安全接头完井作业易中途断脱的问题 ,研制了一种液压控制型安全接头。这种安全接头主要由液压释放机构、安全锁定机构和安全连接机构组成。它可有效地实现井下管柱的分级解卡 ,具有结构合理、安全可靠、操作方便和调控简单等优点 ,能满足安全要求较高或结构较复杂井的使用要求。在胜利埕岛油田应用了2 2井次 ,效果良好  相似文献   

《Food Control》2005,16(6):491-496
The World Bank has been promoting the concept that access to markets is an important part in the development of its clients i.e. third world countries, and is increasingly demanding attention for the removal of restrictions imposed by developed countries on international trade, especially with respect to developing countries. The majority of trade-limiting factors in developing countries relate to economics, poor infrastructure and lagging skills; food safety is still mainly the responsibility of the consumers. Improving food safety along western standards, however, may carry considerable costs and price food out of reach of the poor. Therefore, introduction of new food safety tools and rules need to be affordable and build on local food management customs rather than simply imposing western standards that are expensive to monitor. World Bank experience of investing in food safety indicates a number of issues that frequently surface, including (i) confusion between quality and safety, (ii) over regulation, (iii) selective enforcement, (iv) lack of integration of food laws and regulations in the overall legislative system, (v) multiplicity of responsible agencies, and (vi) the mismatch between the standards required in OECD- and in an developing-countries. It is recommended to improve awareness, simplify rules, improve skills and infrastructure, adapt food safety monitoring to local conditions, and help formulating HACCPs for niche products from developing countries. It is also recommended to ensure stronger voice of the poor in food safety decisions, and a greater participation of the poor and poor countries in international standard setting organizations.  相似文献   

高效异型强化管的研究现状及发展方向   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
崔海亭  汪云 《石油机械》1999,27(7):48-50
高效异型强化管的传热机理是通过各种细微加工,在管壁上形成凸起,或将管壁沿轴向制成波纹或螺旋凹槽,建立无源扰动来增大传热系数,强化传热效果。分别论述了螺旋槽纹管、横纹管、缩放管、管内插入物、波纹管、旋流管、高效沸腾传热管、锯齿形翅片管和花瓣形翅片管等各种结构的高效异形强化管的研究现状。这此强化管的传热和流阻试验关联式局限性很大,工作介质基本上是水和空气。为准确确定物性的影响,应扩大试验介质的范围,应以水和油为工作流体,将试验数据整理为传热因子与摩擦因子的关联式。  相似文献   

泡沫在不同渗透率级差填砂管中的调驱特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李爱芬  唐健健  陈凯  唐培忠 《岩性油气藏》2013,25(4):119-122,128
为了解决胜利油田稠油油藏开采时蒸汽波及效率低的问题,利用泡沫作为蒸汽流度调剖剂,在温度为90℃的条件下通过物理模拟实验测算了泡沫在不同渗透率级差的两并联岩心管中的阻力因子、高低渗管中产液速度变化特征及泡沫驱油时的采出程度与注入压差的变化特征。实验结果表明:起泡剂FCY产生的泡沫阻力因子随渗透率级差的增大而先增大后减小;泡沫能使高渗管的产液速度减小,而使低渗管的产液速度增大;并联岩心管饱和油后采用泡沫驱,注入0.85PV泡沫时,才能形成有效封堵,而且渗透率级差越大,最终注入压差越低;泡沫驱能同时提高高渗管和低渗管的原油采出程度,但随着渗透率级差的增大,高渗管采出程度略有增加,而低渗管采出程度略有降低。  相似文献   

我国管道钢管的发展方向   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
潘家华 《焊管》1998,21(4):16-20,27
论述了我国90年代以来管道建设方面的特点,并相信在未来的十年,将形成我国管道工业的第二个发展高潮。分别就管线钢钢级,大力发展直缝埋弧焊管,完善及发展我国ERW钢管,包辛格效应和研究开发抗氢致裂纹管材等几个方面做了较深入分析,指出了我国管道钢管的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文就延长油田的安全环保工作中存在的责任落实不明确、隐患排查不及时等问题进行了深入分析并对相关策略进行了详细探讨。  相似文献   

《Food Control》2010,21(6):902-911
This paper aims at assessing the implementation of the clauses of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement in a developing country context, namely Mauritius. It describes the regulatory and institutional infrastructure developed to meet new obligations under the SPS Agreement using an inventory approach and in-depth interviews at stakeholder level. The findings indicate that, as a developing country, Mauritius has achieved a reasonable degree of compliance with its commitments towards the WTO. A national accreditation body has been set up. A number of transparency mechanisms have been put in place such as a National Notification Authority, a Sanitary and Phytosanitary Enquiry Point and a national SPS committee involving the public and private sectors for communicating and discussing about SPS measures of trade relevance. Mauritius participated, to different extents, in the WTO SPS committee and in the activities of international standard-setting organisations. It has also updated some SPS-related laws. There have been operational changes in local organisations dealing with SPS issues. However, constraints such as the insufficient capacity to do risk assessment and to carry out equivalence might prevent Mauritius from meeting all its obligations towards the WTO.  相似文献   

要保证每一座加油站安全无事故,加强对加油站员工的安全教育就显得尤为重要。针对现阶段加油站的具体情况,提出对员工开展有针对性的安全教育。  相似文献   

针对大温差厚管板换热器因温差应力引起的破坏 ,提出了一种简便有效的避免温差应力导  致设备破坏的方法  相似文献   

为减小深井超深井管柱轴向拉力,降低安全系数,常需要在管柱中配置伸缩管,但在进行管柱强度校核时伸缩管处常会出现安全系数突变,由于对其本体缺少力学分析方法,无法对管柱安全作出准确判断,影响试油完井管柱的安全性。应用有限元分析软件建立伸缩管全尺寸有限元模型,分析了坐封、射孔、压裂、开井、关井工况下和极端工况下伸缩管的载荷及应力,给出了5种典型工况对应的极端工况下的伸缩管最大载荷。依据拉梅公式和强度理论,推导得到在复杂载荷下的伸缩管强度计算方法,求得在典型和极端工况下的伸缩管应力值。结果表明:在深井超深井中,压裂工况下伸缩管应力值最高,是最不利工况;坐封、射孔、开井、关井工况下,伸缩管的安全系数通常在1.35以上。得到了5种典型工况对应的极端工况下伸缩管内外压和轴向力组合,提供了实际施工应避免的载荷组合模板。理论分析无法考虑伸缩管键槽的存在,也无法考虑应力集中的影响,理论分析得到的应力较数值分析低15%左右。建立的典型工况下伸缩管的安全评价方法为伸缩管及其对管柱的安全影响分析提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

抽油机单参量功率监测及BSP-1型间抽控制仪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林立  邢兆栋 《石油机械》2001,29(12):48-50
抽油机供液状态监测中通常采用的光杆载荷法,其中载荷传感器和位置传感器安装繁琐,维护困难。鉴于此,提出了一种抽油机单参量功率监测方法。该方法利用抽油机的上下冲程中功率峰值点的相对变化来反映供液状态,将电动机功耗测量与计算机数据分析结合起来对供液状态进行监测。在此基础上,研制了BSP—1型间抽控制仪的硬件系统及软件流程。仪器的现场试运行结果表明,仪器工作原理基本可行,功能设计实用,整机性能良好,应用中存在的问题和局限性有待进一步改进。  相似文献   

随着塔河油田新区块的相继开发,塔河原油外输、销售的畅通显得尤为重要,这就需要火车装车鹤管的高效运行。结合西北油田分公司油气运销部雅克拉末站在实际原油装车过程中内伸缩管处存在的连接板被拉断、钢丝固定方式不合理、挂板脱落等问题,进行分析并改造,预期降低鹤管维修率,提高火车装车效率,保障分公司原油外销畅通。  相似文献   

本文简要分析了钻井现场的主要风险,提出了一系列控制措施。  相似文献   

页岩孔隙度是评价页岩储层品质和页岩气储量计算的重要参数之一,因此准确测量页岩孔隙度十分重要。测量页岩孔隙度的方法较多,从样品形状上可分为柱塞样和碎屑颗粒样,从测量方法上可分为液体饱和法和氦气饱和法。目前对柱塞样孔隙度和碎样孔隙度测量结果比对研究较少,两者差异更是鲜见报道。首先通过测量典型柱塞样孔隙度,确定不同测量方法的适用范围;然后将柱塞样粉碎后测量其碎样孔隙度及分析影响碎样孔隙度的因素;最后比较柱塞样孔隙度和碎样孔隙度之间的差异。实验结果表明,页岩柱塞样氦孔隙度为页岩连通孔隙度,碎样氦孔隙度为页岩总孔隙度,且后者较前者高0.65%~2.40%,约占总孔隙度的11.21%~44.36%。柱塞样氦孔隙度偏小的原因主要有:(1)测量氦孔隙度的注入压力过低;(2)测量氦孔隙度前未对样品抽真空;(3)柱塞样中大量的不连通孔隙无法被氦气有效饱和。不同矿物组分与柱塞样、碎样孔隙度之间的相关性分析表明,不连通孔隙主要存在于有机质中,少量存在于黏土矿物中。为实现页岩气高效开发,可在压裂液中添加适当的化学剂,改造有机质和黏土矿物结构,释放不连通孔隙中的页岩气,以提高页岩气单井产量和页岩气采收率。  相似文献   

阐述加氢工艺的简单流程,提出通过设计安全联锁系统可确保加氢工艺的安全进行。  相似文献   

让胡路和乘风庄是大庆油田两个大的中心居住区,根据对这两个居住区调查统计结果,截至1999年底,两个区内已建采暖建筑1193×10  相似文献   

刘慧 《石化技术》2007,14(4):40-44
对中国石油化工股份有限公司天津分公司烯烃部聚丙烯(PP)装置节能降耗措施进行了介绍。通过扩大出料管线管径、增加备用出料管线、更换级间冷却器、对造粒和计量系统进行技术改造,2006年PP装置物耗由2005年的1017.63 kg/t降到1014.03 kg/t;通过节电、节汽、降低循环水和氮气用量,2006年PP装置能耗比2005年降低了135.85 kJ/t。节能降耗措施在保障安全生产、降低成本、提高企业经济效益方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

煤制天然气的合成天然气(SNG)产品与常规天然气最大的不同在于其H_2含量高,可能对燃气电厂等用户有较大影响,需要在设计阶段做好控制方案。控制SNG中H_2含量的工艺手段主要有调节氢碳比、调整反应温度和调节分水量等。采用ASPEN PLUS对国内某煤制天然气项目甲烷化工艺流程进行模拟,分析几种工艺调节手段对H_2含量控制的敏感性,结果显示氢碳比和第二辅甲烷化(最后一级甲烷化)入口温度对SNG中H_2含量和产品品质影响较大,适合作为H_2含量控制的主要调控手段。  相似文献   

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