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Wireless Networks - Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of spatially distributed low power sensor nodes and gateways along with sink to monitor physical or environmental conditions. In...  相似文献   


In wireless sensor networks, sensors at different locations in the field use different energy levels to propagate sensing data back to the sink or base station. This causes unbalanced energy usage among sensors and also lowers the network lifetime. Currently there are several techniques to mitigate this problem, such as deploying multiple sinks, adding more sensors on heavy traffic areas, or managing the size of clusters depending on the distance from sensor to sink. In this paper, we propose a distributed algorithm and protocol called Multipath Energy Balancing (MEB) to mitigate unbalanced energy usage in clustered wireless sensor networks using multi-path and multi-hop, with a transmission power control approach. The network field is divided into regions, where the ratio of inter-region transmission traffic from all cluster head sensors in one region to other cluster head sensors in the two regions in front can be pre-computed and pre-programmed into the sensors to ease sensor deployment. To further prolong network lifetime, we also present a simple heuristic algorithm to procrastinate cluster formation and routing. Simulation results show that MEB can balance energy much better than Energy-efficient Clustering (EC) and Balancing Energy Consumption (BEC) solutions. It also has a longer network lifetime than EC and BEC protocols, especially when the required cluster size is small. Procrastinating cluster formation and routing also can further improve the network lifetime.


Sampathkumar  A.  Mulerikkal  Jaison  Sivaram  M. 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(6):4227-4238
Wireless Networks - Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are generically self-configuring and organizing networks with constrained communicational ability and energy supply. One of the crucial crises in...  相似文献   

Routing protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are designed to select parent nodes so that data packets can reach their destination in a timely and efficient manner. Typically neighboring nodes with strongest connectivity are more selected as parents. This Greedy Routing approach can lead to unbalanced routing loads in the network. Consequently, the network experiences the early death of overloaded nodes causing permanent network partition. Herein, we propose a framework for load balancing of routing in WSN. In-network path tagging is used to monitor network traffic load of nodes. Based on this, nodes are identified as being relatively overloaded, balanced or underloaded. A mitigation algorithm finds suitable new parents for switching from overloaded nodes. The routing engine of the child of the overloaded node is then instructed to switch parent. A key future of the proposed framework is that it is primarily implemented at the Sink and so requires few changes to existing routing protocols. The framework was implemented in TinyOS on TelosB motes and its performance was assessed in a testbed network and in TOSSIM simulation. The algorithm increased the lifetime of the network by 41 % as recorded in the testbed experiment. The Packet Delivery Ratio was also improved from 85.97 to 99.47 %. Finally a comparative study was performed using the proposed framework with various existing routing protocols.  相似文献   

Gunjan  Sharma  Ajay K  Verma  Karan 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(5):3637-3655
Wireless Networks - Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have a large number of existing applications and is continuously increasing. Thus it is envisioned that WSN will become an integral part of our...  相似文献   

As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are typically used for Internet access, most traffic is routed through the gateways which connect WMN to the wired network. As a result, the gateways tend to get congested and balancing of the traffic load of gateways is critical. In this paper, we consider applications that require continuous provision of a certain bandwidth to a server located at the wired network. If a path that satisfies the bandwidth request cannot be found, the request will be rejected, so that load imbalance will result underutilization of the network capacity. We present a novel load balancing routing algorithm for maximizing the network utilization (i.e., accommodating service requests as many as possible) for multi-gateway WMNs. In the proposed scheme, a WMN is divided into domains. Each domain is served by one gateway, so that all traffic of a domain is served by the corresponding gateway. Our scheme determines routing to balance the traffic load among domains, and then performs load balancing routing within each domain. Simulation results show that in square grid topologies, our intra-domain routing achieves near optimal performance with about 70% less overhead than the existing schemes. Our inter-domain load balancing scheme outperforms the existing heuristics by up to 25% while achieving about 80% performance of the optimal solution.  相似文献   

卫琪 《电子测试》2011,(4):86-90
针对LEACH协议存在的3大问题:簇头选举时未考虑节点剩余能量、频繁成簇造成了大量额外能耗以及欠缺对簇间能耗均衡的考虑,提出了能量有效分簇路由协议(LEACH-improved).该协议中,首轮成簇后网络中簇的分布和数量将保持不变,以后每轮各簇的簇头由上一轮簇头结合节点的能量水平来指定,借鉴泛洪算法的思想,在簇间建立多...  相似文献   

Data gathering is a major function of many applications in wireless sensor networks. The most important issue in designing a data gathering algorithm is how to save energy of sensor nodes while meeting the requirements of special applications or users. Wireless sensor networks are characterized by centralized data gathering, multi-hop communication and many to one traffic pattern. These three characteristics can lead to severe packet collision, network congestion and packet loss, and even result in hot-spots of energy consumption thus causing premature death of sensor nodes and entire network. In this paper, we propose a load balance data gathering algorithm that classifies sensor nodes into different layers according to their distance to sink node and furthermore, divides the sense zone into several clusters. Routing trees are established between sensor node and sink depending on the energy metric and communication cost. For saving energy consumption, the target of data aggregation scheme is adopted as well. Analysis and simulation results show that the algorithm we proposed provides more uniform energy consumption among sensor nodes and can prolong the lifetime of sensor networks.  相似文献   

基于危险理论的无线传感器网络入侵检测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对无线传感器网络入侵检测技术面临的挑战,利用了人工免疫技术的基本原理,提出一种基于危险理论的入侵检测模型。模型采用了分布式合作机制,与采用混杂模式监听获取全局知识的方法相比,在检测性能和能耗上都具有优势。仿真结果表明,相比于传统的单一阈值Watchdog算法和自我非我(SNS)模型,基于危险理论的检测模型能够提供较高的检测率和较低的误检率,并且有效降低了系统的能耗。  相似文献   

In wireless sensor network, when the nodes are mobile, the network structure keeps on changing dynamically, that is, new nodes enter the network and old members exit the network. As a result, the path from one node to the other varies from time to time. In addition, if the load on a particular part of the network is high, then the nodes will not be capable of transmitting the data. Thus, data delivery at the destination will be unsuccessful. Moreover, the part of the network involved in transmitting the data should not be overloaded. To overcome these issues, a hybrid routing protocol and load balancing technique is discussed in this paper for the mobile data collectors in which the path from source to destination is ensured before data transmission. The hybrid routing protocol that combines the reactive and proactive approach is used to enhance gradient based routing protocol for low power and lossy networks. This protocol can efficiently handle the movement of multiple sinks. Finally, load balancing is applied over the multiple mobile elements to balance the load of sensor nodes. Simulation results show that this protocol can increase the packet delivery ratio and residual energy with reduced delay and packet drop.  相似文献   

Internet of things (IoT) devices are equipped with a number of interconnected sensor nodes that relies on ubiquitous connectivity between sensor devices to optimize information automation processes. Because of the extensive deployments in adverse areas and unsupervised nature of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), energy efficiency is a significant aim in these networks. Network survival time can be extended by optimizing its energy consumption. It has been a complex struggle for researchers to develop energy-efficient routing protocols in the field of WSNs. Energy consumption, path reliability and Quality of Service (QoS) in WSNs became important factors to be focused on enforcing an efficient routing strategy. A hybrid optimization technique presented in this paper is a combination of fuzzy c-means and Grey Wolf optimization (GWO) techniques for clustering. The proposed scheme was evaluated on different parameters such as total energy consumed, packet delivery ratio, packet drop rate, throughput, delay, remaining energy and total network lifetime. According to the results of the simulation, the proposed scheme improves energy efficiency and throughput by about 30% and packet delivery ratio and latency by about 10%, compared with existing protocols such as Chemical Reaction Approach based Cluster Formation (CHRA), Hybrid Optimal Based Cluster Formation (HOBCF), GWO-based clustering (GWO-C) and Cat Swarm Optimization based Energy-Efficient Reliable sectoring Scheme with prediction algorithms (P_CSO_EERSS). The study concludes that the protocol suitable for creating IoT monitoring system network lifetime is an important criteria.  相似文献   

Energy balancing is an effective technique in enhancing the lifetime of a wireless sensor network (WSN). Specifically, balancing the energy consumption among sensors can prevent losing some critical sensors prematurely due to energy exhaustion so that the WSN's coverage can be maintained. However, the heterogeneous hostile operating conditions—different transmission distances, varying fading environments, and distinct residual energy levels—have made energy balancing a highly challenging task. A key issue in energy balancing is to maintain a certain level of energy fairness in the whole WSN. To achieve energy fairness, the transmission load should be allocated among sensors such that, regardless of a sensor's working conditions, no sensor node should be unfairly overburdened. In this paper, we model the transmission load assignment in WSN as a game. With our novel utility function that can capture realistic sensors’ behaviors, we have derived the Nash equilibrium (NE) of the energy balancing game. Most importantly, under the NE, while each sensor can maximize its own payoff, the global objective of energy balancing can also be achieved. Moreover, by incorporating a penalty mechanism, the delivery rate and delay constraints imposed by the WSN application can be satisfied. Through extensive simulations, our game theoretic approach is shown to be effective in that adequate energy balancing is achieved and, consequently, network lifetime is significantly enhanced. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Energy consumption has been the focus of many studies on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). It is well recognized that energy is a strictly limited resource in WSNs. This limitation constrains the operation of the sensor nodes and somehow compromises the long term network performance as well as network activities. Indeed, the purpose of all application scenarios is to have sensor nodes deployed, unattended, for several months or years.This paper presents the lifetime maximization problem in “many-to-one” and “mostly-off” wireless sensor networks. In such network pattern, all sensor nodes generate and send packets to a single sink via multi-hop transmissions. We noticed, in our previous experimental studies, that since the entire sensor data has to be forwarded to a base station via multi-hop routing, the traffic pattern is highly non-uniform, putting a high burden on the sensor nodes close to the base station.In this paper, we propose some strategies that balance the energy consumption of these nodes and ensure maximum network lifetime by balancing the traffic load as equally as possible. First, we formalize the network lifetime maximization problem then we derive an optimal load balancing solution. Subsequently, we propose a heuristic to approximate the optimal solution and we compare both optimal and heuristic solutions with most common strategies such as shortest-path and equiproportional routing. We conclude that through the results of this work, combining load balancing with transmission power control outperforms the traditional routing schemes in terms of network lifetime maximization.  相似文献   

软件定义网络( SDN)为实现异构无线网络中的负载均衡提供了新的思路。设计了一种软件定义的无线网络负载均衡架构,并提出对应算法。首先,根据接收信号强度构建候选网络列表;其次,根据各候选网络的可用负载比率标准差进行负载差异分级;再次,将服务质量匹配度函数和负载均衡指数线性组合成联合优化函数,并根据负载差异分级对联合优化的权重进行动态调整,合理设置门限进行接纳控制。与传统算法相比,所提算法一方面可使各类业务阻塞率明显降低大约20%,另一方面使不同网络的归一化负载更加接近。该算法在进行网络负载均衡的同时,能够有效降低业务阻塞率,从而有效提升异构无线网络的整体性能。  相似文献   

The rapid development of mobile broadband services with continuously increasing traffic volumes has resulted in a number of challenges, including ubiquitous network coverage, high bandwidth, and reliable services for reasonable price, etc. To address these challenges, evolved packet system (EPS) is proposed as the evolution of the packet core network. While resource management and load balancing issues in EPS are discussed in 3GPP standardization, relatively few research works consider mechanism design for load information monitoring and evaluation. Furthermore, even though some load balancing algorithms have been proposed for integrated networks, the load balancing scheme design which achieves the optimization of joint system performance has not been extensively studied. In this paper, an inter-access system anchor based load balancing mechanism is introduced which performs load monitoring and evaluation for access gateways and networks, and an optimal load balancing algorithm is proposed for heterogeneous integrated networks. To characterize the performance of integrated networks, the concept of utility function is introduced and the comprehensive performance of integrated networks which support both single type service and multimedia service is modeled mathematically. Applying vertical handoff as an efficient mechanism for achieving load balancing, the optimal number of handoff users is obtained through solving the optimization problem. Numerical results demonstrate that load balancing between access networks can be achieved, and the optimal number of handoff users corresponding to the maximal joint network utility can be obtained.  相似文献   

One of the challenges in a military wireless sensor network is the determination of an information collection infrastructure which minimizes battery power consumption. The problem of determining the right information collection infrastructure can be viewed as a variation of the network design problem, with the additional constraints related to battery power minimization and redundancy. The problem in its generality is NP-hard and various heuristics have been developed over time to address various issues associated with it. In this paper, we propose a heuristic based on the mammalian circulatory system, which results in a better solution to the design problem than the state of the art alternatives.  相似文献   

The capacity of wireless networks can be increased via dynamic load balancing/sharing by employing overlay networks on top of the existing cellular networks. One such recently proposed system is the integrated cellular and ad hoc relay (iCAR) system, where an overlay ad hoc network is employed to use the resources efficiently by dynamically balancing the load of the hot spots in the cellular network, and to provide quality-of-service to subscribers, no matter where they are located and when the request is made. It is assumed that this overlay network operates in the 2.4-GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band and, hence, the number of available ISM-band relay channels used for load balancing will be limited due to other users' interference at a given point in time. In this paper, the impact of ISM-band interference on the performance of iCAR systems, which is a representative hybrid wireless network, is studied, and it is shown that dynamic load balancing and sharing capabilities of iCAR systems are strictly dependent on the availability of the ISM-band relay channels. In addition to quantifying the impact of the number of available relay channels on the performance of iCAR systems, a simple channel assignment scheme to reduce the performance degradation due to other users' interference is also provided. Results show that this interference avoidance technique can improve the realistic performance of iCAR-like hybrid wireless networks by 12%-23% when the interferers are uniformly distributed in the ISM-band.  相似文献   

Congested hot spots and node failures severely degrade the performance of wireless mesh networks. However, conventional routing schemes are inefficient in mitigation of the problems. Considering analogy to physics, we propose a novel distributed potential-field-based routing scheme for anycast wireless mesh networks, which is robust to sudden traffic and network perturbations, effectively balancing load among multiple gateways and mesh nodes with little control overhead. Simulation results exhibit autonomous load balancing and failure-tolerant performance in wireless mesh networking.  相似文献   

Balancing the load among sensor nodes is a major challenge for the long run operation of wireless sensor networks. When a sensor node becomes overloaded, the likelihood of higher latency, energy loss, and congestion becomes high. In this paper, we propose an optimal load balanced clustering for hierarchical cluster‐based wireless sensor networks. We formulate the network design problem as mixed‐integer linear programming. Our contribution is 3‐fold: First, we propose an energy aware cluster head selection model for optimal cluster head selection. Then we propose a delay and energy‐aware routing model for optimal inter‐cluster communication. Finally, we propose an equal traffic for energy efficient clustering for optimal load balanced clustering. We consider the worst case scenario, where all nodes have the same capability and where there are no ways to use mobile sinks or add some powerful nodes as gateways. Thus, our models perform load balancing and maximize network lifetime with no need for special node capabilities such as mobility or heterogeneity or pre‐deployment, which would greatly simplify the problem. We show that the proposed models not only increase network lifetime but also minimize latency between sensor nodes. Numerical results show that energy consumption can be effectively balanced among sensor nodes, and stability period can be greatly extended using our models.  相似文献   

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