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Since its introduction, the Nintendo Wii remote has become one of the world's most sophisticated and common input devices. Combining its impressive capability with a low cost and high degree of accessibility make it an ideal platform for exploring a variety of interaction research concepts. The author describes the technology inside the Wii remote, existing interaction techniques, what's involved in creating custom applications, and several projects ranging from multiobject tracking to spatial augmented reality that challenge the way its developers meant it to be used.  相似文献   

自20世纪20~30年代受西方影响最广泛的上海有了时装画的问世以来,我国时装文化也就发生了巨大的变化,直到70年代末80年代初,时装设计专业才在我国出现,时装画成为了一门专业必修课,从此改变了几十年服装裁剪书中只有款式说明图的现状,并视为服装文化的组成部分,并且越来越多样化。本文将我国传统绘画元素穿插运用于当代时装画进行自我风格的拓展,希望传统与现实能够紧密地融合起来,使时装画这门艺术繁荣兴旺。  相似文献   

Liu  Ruijun  Yang  Rui  Li  Shanxi  Shi  Yuqian  Jin  Xin 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(21-22):14375-14388
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Image completion has always been an important research area of image processing. With the continuous development of the deep learning model in recent years,...  相似文献   

Research on information technology has focused mainly on the acceptance of work-related technology. During the last few years, the importance of information technology in private life has tremendously increased and therefore, the fit of models developed especially for working environments is decreasing. This article stresses two main points. First, important key constructs such as technology acceptance are defined, because a clear definition is still absent in literature. Second, a model integration of the Technology Acceptance Model and the need-based approach from user experience research is presented, which focuses on the explanation of technology acceptance of hedonic systems. A first empirical investigation of the integrated model on the example of the Nintendo Wii? closes this article. The results show that identification adds great explanatory strength to the model in case of hedonic systems and that a differentiation between usage modes is valuable for a better understanding of technology acceptance.  相似文献   

针对印染图样数据量很大的问题 ,采用将图样矢量化的方法极大地减少了数据量 ,并提出了一种适合表示印染图样的文件格式。  相似文献   

基于图像的油画风格化绘制是计算机图形学领域非真实感绘制研究的热点之一.为了进一步提高图像油画风格化的质量,提出了一种基于多尺度笔刷的分层图像油画风格化绘制算法.该算法模拟艺术家的油画绘制过程,采用不同尺度的笔刷按照从粗到细的顺序逐层绘制.在每层笔刷绘制中,首先使用增量Voronoi序列采样点和图像切线方向场确定笔刷流线,然后结合笔刷形状与笔刷高度场进行纹理贴图,得到最终的图像油画风格化绘制结果.通过与现有算法比较,文中算法不仅能模拟真实的油画绘制过程,而且生成的油画效果层次感更强,充分体现了图像的结构特征和油画细节.  相似文献   

Many people with intellectual disabilities also have physical difficulties which prevent them from using standard computer control devices. Custom made alternative devices for those with special needs can be expensive and the low unit turnover makes the prospect unattractive to potential manufacturers. One solution is to explore the potential of devices used in contemporary gaming technology, such as the Nintendo Wii. The Wii Nunchuk has the potential to replace joystick functions with the advantages of not being surface bound and easier for some individuals to grasp. This study evaluated the feasibility of using the Nunchuk by comparing its performance as a switch with the participant’s usual switch. Twenty three volunteers aged between 17 and 21 with intellectual and physical disabilities completed a Single Switch Performance Test using the new device and their familiar device. For most functions of the switch, there was no significant difference between the participants’ performance using the Nunchuck and their familiar device. Additional analysis found that some participants’ performance did improve whilst using the Nunchuck, but this was not significantly related to physical or cognitive ability. Those whose performance was better with the Nunchuk were more likely to hold it in the conventional way than were those who had better performance with their familiar device. This merits it being offered as a possible alternative to currently available switches for those with physical difficulties affecting their grip.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a difference between an exergame-based and a traditional balance training program, in undergraduate Physical Education students. Thirty two third-year undergraduate students at the Democritus University of Thrace were randomly divided into two training program groups of 16 students each, a traditional and a Nintendo Wii group. The two training program groups performed a specific balance program for 8 weeks, two times per week, and 24 min per session. The Nintendo Wii group used the interactive games Wii Fit Plus of the Nintendo Wii console, as a training method to improve their balance, while the traditional group used an exercise program with mini trampoline and inflatable discs. Before and after the completion of the eight-week balance program, participants completed a single leg static balance assessment for both limbs on the Biodex stability system. Two-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs), with repeated measures on the last factor, were conducted to determine effect of training program groups (traditional, Nintendo Wii) and measures (pre-test, post-test) on balance test indices (SI, API, and MLI). Where initial differences between groups were verified, one-way analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs) were applied. Analysis of the data illustrated that both groups demonstrated an improvement in SI, API and MLI mean scores for the right and the left limp as well. Conclusively, findings support the effectiveness of using the Nintendo Wii gaming console as an intervention for undergraduate Physical Education students, and specifically, its effects on physical function related to balance competence.  相似文献   

The Fifth National Communication Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change covered the policies and activities in Estonia of the period 2006–2009. Climate change and air pollution cause significant damage, especially to various materials. Worldwide, 387 objects belong to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World heritage list, including the Old Town of Tallinn. The International Cooperative Programme on Effects on Materials, including Historic and Cultural Monuments (ICP Materials) is an ongoing research programme in the framework of which air pollution and the effect of climate on the corrosion of various natural and synthetic materials, including historical and cultural monuments, is studied. So far, the studies have shown that even though air pollution has continuously declined in Estonia, no significant reduction in corrosion has been noticed on the displayed limestone sample plates at the Lahemaa air monitoring station. On the contrary, in 2005–2006, the corrosion loss of limestone was greater compared with that in 1987–2003. It could be explained partly by changing environmental conditions but another possible explanation is that the Portland limestone as a stone material has a different quality.  相似文献   

在先秦、两汉哲学和美学的基础上,魏晋南北朝美学获得了巨大发展,形成中国美学史上第一个高峰。此一时期对审美和艺术之关系的重视程度,著作之丰富,思想之多彩,都为后世难以企及。在绘画领域,画论著作与品评开始形成规模,为中国审美的确立和发展,奠定了决定性的基础。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a painting robot with multi-fingered hands and stereo vision. The goal of this study is for the robot to reproduce the whole procedure involved in human painting. A painting action is divided into three phases: obtaining a 3D model, composing a picture model, and painting by a robot. In this system, various feedback techniques including computer vision and force sensors are used. As experiments, an apple and a human silhouette are painted on a canvas using this system.  相似文献   

Although the Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS) instrument on board the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite is designed primarily to study precipitation, it offers a new opportunity for the remote sensing of fire activity in regions within 40 of the equator. VIRS is a five-channel imaging spectroradiometer with bands ranging from 0.6 to 12 mu m. Its similarity to the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), which has operated since 1978 on board the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite series, is no coincidence, as a primary objective of VIRS is to provide an important link between TRMM precipitation measurements and those derived from other current and historical satellite sensors. The similarity of the VIRS infrared bands, in particular, to those of AVHRR provides a foundation for fire detection, which has been clearly demonstrated for AVHRR. However, VIRS offers some additional capabilities which should enable it to make an important contribution to the remote sensing of fire.  相似文献   

当一些人文学者开始羞羞答答的思考玩具在教育中作用的是时候,那些更为注意儿童世界的艺术家向人们展示了可以供不同年龄段和不同性别的儿童玩的玩具。挂毯、著作手稿、日课经和世俗书籍等介绍玩具的渠道越来越来多了,好像玩具已经进入了寻常百姓家。在意大利和佛兰德如此,在法国和德国叶是如此。但是,不同的国家表现的手法不尽相同,这反映了思想观念的不同。  相似文献   

在艺术家眼中绘画语言既是手段又是目的。一个成熟的艺术家,他的绘画语言一定独具风格。绘画语言在艺术家的创作中占有非常重要的地位。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论现代漆画在当代艺术大环境下的发展与矛盾。漆画既要照顾七千年漆艺的历史惯性,又要很快融入到当代艺术大环境中去,这使现代漆画的地位变得十分尴尬。一方面传统派认为要遵守传统的材料、技法等才是纯粹的漆画艺术;另一方面,当代艺术界又认为漆画的材料,创作思维保守传统,与当代艺术的口味格格不入,因此不承认漆画的当代艺术性。本文希望提出这一现实矛盾,而获得学术界、艺术界对漆画发展的更多关注与帮助。  相似文献   

漆画在今天作为一种纯粹的艺术形式,被越来越多的人所熟知和喜爱。萁独特的语言形式和审美取向有着无限的可能性与创造力。它特殊的质料语言形成了多种类型的抽象造型元素,这些抽象造型元素造就了漆画中别具一格的形式语言。而漆画语言的这种特点。也正是抽象形式在漆画创作中别具表现力的原因。于自身材料的特性自然绝妙的去发生适于滚画表现的图式特征使得漆画语言具有了无可比拟的抽象表现力。  相似文献   

利用WindowsNTserver4 .0的远程访问服务 (RAS)技术通过ISDN介质实现远程通讯 ,并利用Ex changserver5 .0和ProxyServer2 .0软件实现两地用户通过共享的Modem访问Internet资源 ,大大减少了费用。  相似文献   

赵鹏  戎茸 《现代计算机》2002,(12):70-72
本文基于Microsoft Windows内核所提供的的DCOM机制提出了一种方法,它使我们可以轻易地实现服务的远程管理。  相似文献   

This paper describes an architecture, which can be used to build remote laboratories to interact remotely via Internet with mobile robots using different interaction devices. A supervisory control strategy has been used to develop the remote laboratory in order to alleviate high communication data rates and system sensitivity to network delays. The users interact with the remote system at a more abstract level using high level commands. The local robot's autonomy has been increased by encapsulating all the robot's behaviors in different types of skills. User interfaces have been designed using visual proxy pattern to facilitate any future extension or code reuse. The developed remote laboratory has been integrated into an educational environment in the field of indoor mobile robotics. This environment is currently being used as a part of an international project to develop a distributed laboratory for autonomous and teleoperated systems (IECAT, 2003).  相似文献   

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