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In this paper an authorization-based trust model (ABTM) is described which is designed for managing access to services in a semi-open distributed environment. This is called a multiagent-based smart office environment. In this model, "trust" is defined as a set of authorization attributes that are granted by the owner of a service to the user of the service. Central to this model is a trust manager that redelegates authorizations from the service owner to the requesting user, based on access control policies that are specified by role labels which are assigned to a set of agents. The ABTM scheme is different from a centralized scheme, in which authorizations are granted directly by an authority. It is also different from a fully distributed system,where authorizations are granted based solely on the discretion of the owner of the services. The design philosophy is the separation of trust management and trust application to allow efficient management of access control in large-scale and dynamic environment, such as those that exist in multiagent systems.  相似文献   

Several models have been proposed in the past for representing both reliability and reputation. However, we remark that a crucial point in the practical use of these two measures is represented by the possibility of suitably combining them to support the agent's decision. In the past, we proposed a reliability–reputation model, called RRAF, that allows the user to choose how much importance to give to the reliability with respect to the reputation. However, RRAF shows some limitations, namely: (i) The weight to assign to the reliability versus reputation is arbitrarily set by the user, without considering the system evolution; (ii) the trust measure that an agent a perceives about an agent b is completely independent of the trust measure perceived by each other agent c, while in the reality the trust measures are mutually dependent. In this paper, we propose an extension of RRAF, aiming at facing the limitations above. In particular, we introduce a new trust reputation model, called TRR, that considers, from a mathematical viewpoint, the interdependence among all the trust measures computed in the systems. Moreover, this model dynamically computes a parameter measuring the importance of the reliability with respect to the reputation. Some experiments performed on the well‐known ART(Agent Reputation and Trust) platform show the significant advantages in terms of effectiveness introduced by TRR with respect to RRAF. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In electronic marketplaces, trust is modeled, for instance, in order to allow buying agents to make effective selection of selling agents. Familiarity is often considered to be an important factor in determining the level of trust. In previous research, familiarity between two agents has been simply assumed to be the similarity between them. We propose an improved familiarity measurement based on the exploration of factors that affect a human’s feelings of familiarity. We also carry out experiments to show that the trust model with our improved familiarity measurement is more effective and more stable.  相似文献   


Multiagent systems (MASs) are societies whose individuals are software delegatees (agents) acting on behalf of their owners or delegators (people or organizations). When deployed in an open network such as the Internet, MASs face some trust and security issues. Agents comeand go, and interact with strangers. Assumptions about security and general trustworthiness of agents and their deployers are inadequate in this context. In this paper, the design of a security infrastructure is presented applicable to MASs in general. This design addresses both security threats and trust issues. In this design, there are mechanisms for ensuring secure communication among agents and secure naming and resource location services. And two types of trusts are addressed: trust that agents will not misbehave and trust that agents are really delegatees of whom they claim to be. To establish the first type of trust, deployers of agents are made liable for the actions of their agents; to establish the second type of trust, it is proposed that agents prove that they know secrets that only their delegators know.  相似文献   

Current approaches for reorganization in Multiagent Systems are mainly focused on providing solutions that maximize the organization utility but that do not include an in-depth evaluation of the reorganization impact in terms of costs. Reorganization requires determining the consequences of applying changes not only in terms of the benefits provided, but also measuring the reorganization costs as well as indirect impact that these changes have on in all the components of the organization. In this paper we present an infrastructure for reorganization based on transitions, which is focused on obtaining the transition with the highest potential for improvement in utility based on the transition costs. The approach provides an accurate measurement of the transition impact, since it determines the organization that is to be transition to as well as the changes required to carry out this transition. We show an example based on a tourist application in order to demonstrate that the measurement of the transition impacts taken by the service improve the organization performance. We also provide a performance evaluation of the service proposed and an example of a transition execution.  相似文献   

Agent's flexibility and autonomy, as well as their capacity to coordinate and cooperate, are some of the features which make multiagent systems useful to work in dynamic and distributed environments. These key features are directly related to the way in which agents communicate and perceive each other, as well as their environment and surrounding conditions. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by means of message exchange or by using blackboard systems. These traditional methods have the advantages of being easy to implement and well supported by multiagent platforms; however, their main disadvantage is that the amount of social knowledge in the system directly depends on every agent actively informing of what it is doing, thinking, perceiving, etc. There are domains, for example those where social knowledge depends on highly distributed pieces of data provided by many different agents, in which such traditional methods can produce a great deal of overhead, hence reducing the scalability, efficiency and flexibility of the multiagent system. This work proposes the use of event tracing in multiagent systems, as an indirect interaction and coordination mechanism to improve the amount and quality of the information that agents can perceive from both their physical and social environment, in order to fulfill their goals more efficiently. In order to do so, this work presents an abstract model of a tracing system and an architectural design of such model, which can be incorporated to a typical multiagent platform.  相似文献   

Software agents’ ability to interact within different open systems, designed by different groups, presupposes an agreement on an unambiguous definition of a set of concepts, used to describe the context of the interaction and the communication language the agents can use. Agents’ interactions ought to allow for reliable expectations on the possible evolution of the system; however, in open systems interacting agents may not conform to predefined specifications. A possible solution is to define interaction environments including a normative component, with suitable rules to regulate the behaviour of agents. To tackle this problem we propose an application-independent metamodel of artificial institutions that can be used to define open multiagent systems. In our view an artificial institution is made up by an ontology that models the social context of the interaction, a set of authorizations to act on the institutional context, a set of linguistic conventions for the performance of institutional actions and a system of norms that are necessary to constrain the agents’ actions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the adaptive tracking control problem is investigated for the multiagent systems with event-triggered (ET) communication and asymmetric input saturation. By adopting an auxiliary system, the problem of asymmetric input saturation is successfully handled. Two ET mechanisms are employed in the controller-to-actuator channel and communication channel respectively to economize the limited communication resources. The update frequency of the controller can be reduced by devising a novel switching ET mechanism, which can unify the three existing ET schemes. Based on a backstepping technique, a distributed ET controller is devised, which only requires the sampled value of neighboring states. Due to the discontinuity of the ET state signals, the repetitive differentiation of virtual control laws will not be computed. To solve this problem, the predesigned differentiable partial derivatives of virtual control laws are used to construct the ET virtual control laws. By applying the Lyapunov stability method, it is proved that the desired tracking performance and the stability of the closed-loop system can be guaranteed. Finally, a simulation example demonstrates that the proposed control strategy is effective.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an improved distributed model predictive control (DMPC) scheme for multiagent systems with an attempt to improving its consistency. The deviation between what an agent is actually doing and what its neighbors believe that agent is doing is penalized in the cost function of each agent. At each sampling instant the compatibility constraint of each agent is set tighter than the previous sampling instant. Like the traditional approach, the performance cost is utilized as the Lyapunov function to prove closed-looped stability. The closed-loop stability is guaranteed if the weight matrix for deviation in the cost function are sufficiently large. The proposed distributed control scheme is formulated as quadratic programming with quadratic constraints. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

针对P2P网络中存在的安全性和可管理性较差、现有信任模型中信任度计算复杂等问题,提出了一种P2P环境下混合式信任模型。该模型采用混合式P2P网络结构,利用时间段机制计算节点信任度,有效地预防节点间的“夸大”、“诋毁”等行为;提出了模型的构建方法以及交互评价反馈方式。仿真结果表明该模型运算量小,并能够有效地孤立和识别恶意节点,具有较强的安全性能。  相似文献   

The increasing demand for mobility in our society poses various challenges to traffic engineering, computer science in general, and artificial intelligence and multiagent systems in particular. As it is often the case, it is not possible to provide additional capacity, so that a more efficient use of the available transportation infrastructure is necessary. This relates closely to multiagent systems as many problems in traffic management and control are inherently distributed. Also, many actors in a transportation system fit very well the concept of autonomous agents: the driver, the pedestrian, the traffic expert; in some cases, also the intersection and the traffic signal controller can be regarded as an autonomous agent. However, the “agentification” of a transportation system is associated with some challenging issues: the number of agents is high, typically agents are highly adaptive, they react to changes in the environment at individual level but cause an unpredictable collective pattern, and act in a highly coupled environment. Therefore, this domain poses many challenges for standard techniques from multiagent systems such as coordination and learning. This paper has two main objectives: (i) to present problems, methods, approaches and practices in traffic engineering (especially regarding traffic signal control); and (ii) to highlight open problems and challenges so that future research in multiagent systems can address them.  相似文献   

The robust tracking control problem of the leader-follower multiagent systems affected by asymmetric input saturation and external disturbances is addressed in this article, by following three steps. First, an radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) is developed to estimate the external disturbances and supersaturation, where the supersaturation is induced by asymmetric saturation actuator. Second, combining with the developed radial basis function neural network, a reduced-order observer-based static protocol and a reduced-order observer-based adaptive one are designed for leader-follower systems with un-directed communication topology as well as those with directed communication topology, respectively. Third, some mild premises are given to guarantee the semiglobal robust leader-follower consensus for the above mentioned two kinds of multiagent systems. Finally, the theoretical results are verified by several numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Various agent-oriented methodologies and metamodels exist to design and develop multiagent systems (MAS) in an abstract manner. Frequently, these frameworks specialise on particular parts of the MAS and only few works have been invested to derive a common standardisation. This limits the impact of agent-related systems in commercial applications. In this paper, we present a metamodel for agent systems that abstracts from existing agent-oriented methodologies, programming languages, and platforms and could thus be considered as platform-independent. This metamodel defines the abstract syntax of a proposed domain-specific modelling language for MAS that is currently under development and provides furthermore the base to generate code out of the generated designs. This is done by applying the principles of model-driven development (MDD) and providing two model transformations that allow transforming the generated models into textual code that can be executed with JACK and JADE.  相似文献   

Today's service-oriented systems realize many ideas from the research conducted a decade or so ago in multiagent systems. Because these two fields are so deeply connected, further advances in multiagent systems could feed into tomorrow's successful service-oriented computing approaches. This article describes a 15-year roadmap for service-oriented multiagent system research.  相似文献   

Electronic transactions are becoming more important everyday. Several tasks like buying goods, booking flights or hotel rooms, or paying for streaming a movie, for instance, can be carried out through the Internet. Nevertheless, they are still some drawbacks due to security threats while performing such operations. Trust and reputation management rises as a novel way of solving some of those problems. In this paper we present our work TRIMS (a privacy-aware trust and reputation model for identity management systems), which applies a trust and reputation model to guarantee an acceptable level of security when deciding if a different domain might be considered reliable when receiving certain sensitive user’s attributes. Specifically, we will address the problems which surfaces when a domain needs to decide whether to exchange some information with another possibly unknown domain to effectively provide a service to one of its users. This decision will be determined by the trust deposited in the targeting domain. As far as we know, our proposal is one of the first approaches dealing with trust and reputation management in a multi-domain scenario. Finally, the performed experiments have demonstrated the robustness and accuracy of our model in a wide variety of scenarios.  相似文献   

To date, many researchers have proposed various methods to improve the learning ability in multiagent systems. However, most of these studies are not appropriate to more complex multiagent learning problems because the state space of each learning agent grows exponentially in terms of the number of partners present in the environment. Modeling other learning agents present in the domain as part of the state of the environment is not a realistic approach. In this paper, we combine advantages of the modular approach, fuzzy logic and the internal model in a single novel multiagent system architecture. The architecture is based on a fuzzy modular approach whose rule base is partitioned into several different modules. Each module deals with a particular agent in the environment and maps the input fuzzy sets to the action Q-values; these represent the state space of each learning module and the action space, respectively. Each module also uses an internal model table to estimate actions of the other agents. Finally, we investigate the integration of a parallel update method with the proposed architecture. Experimental results obtained on two different environments of a well-known pursuit domain show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed multiagent architecture and learning approach.  相似文献   

We consider settings were agents are faced with several possible opportunities and need to choose one. Each opportunity may offer a different utility to the agent, and determining this utility may consume resources. The underlying costly exploration problem is termed “economic search”, though its essence is different from the traditional search notion in artificial intelligence (e.g. BFS, IDDFA, and A*), as there is no underlying combinatorial structure to the opportunities. We study the effects that search costs can have on individual and aggregate utility in distributed multi-agent economic-search settings. Traditionally, in such setting, search costs are regarded as a market inefficiency, and, as such, as something to be avoided or reduced to a minimum. We show, in contrast, that in many search settings, the introduction of search costs can actually improve the aggregate social welfare, or even the expected utility of each and every individual agent.We note that the proceeds from the search costs are assumed to be wasted, with no one directly benefiting from them. We demonstrate the benefits of search costs in both one-sided and two-sided search settings, using standard, classical models from economic-search theory. For the designers of multiagent systems, the results imply that deliberate (and potentially artificial) increase of search costs should be considered as possible means to improving the system’s overall performance.  相似文献   

This article investigates the leader‐follower consensus problem of a class of non‐strict‐feedback nonlinear multiagent systems with asymmetric time‐varying state constraints (ATVSC) and input saturation, and an adaptive neural control scheme is developed. By introducing the distributed sliding‐mode estimator, each follower can obtain the estimation of leader's trajectory and track it directly. Then, with the help of time‐varying asymmetric barrier Lyapunov function and radial basis function neural networks, the controller is designed based on backstepping technique. Furthermore, the mean‐value theorem and Nussbaum function are utilized to address the problems of input saturation and unknown control direction. Moreover, the number of adaptive laws is equal to that of the followers, which reduces the computational complexity. It is proved that the leader‐follower consensus tracking control is achieved without violating the ATVSC, and all closed‐loop signals are semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, the simulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the control scheme.  相似文献   

The notion of environment is receiving an increasing attention in the development of multiagent applications. This is witnessed by the emergence of a number of infrastructures providing agent designers with useful means to develop the agent environment, and thus to structure an effective multiagent application. In this paper we analyse the role and features of such infrastructures, and survey some relevant examples. We endorse a general viewpoint where the environment of a multiagent system is seen as a set of basic bricks we call environment abstractions, which (i) provide agents with services useful for achieving individual and social goals, and (ii) are supported by some underlying software infrastructure managing their creation and exploitation. Accordingly, we focus the survey on the opportunities that environment infrastructures provide to system designers when developing multiagent applications.  相似文献   

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