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In the past few years sharing photos within social networks has become very popular. In order to make these huge collections easier to explore, images are usually tagged with representative keywords such as persons, events, objects, and locations. In order to speed up the time consuming tag annotation process, tags can be propagated based on the similarity between image content and context. In this paper, we present a system for efficient geotag propagation based on a combination of object duplicate detection and user trust modeling. The geotags are propagated by training a graph based object model for each of the landmarks on a small tagged image set and finding its duplicates within a large untagged image set. Based on the established correspondences between these two image sets and the reliability of the user, tags are propagated from the tagged to the untagged images. The user trust modeling reduces the risk of propagating wrong tags caused by spamming or faulty annotation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through a set of experiments on an image database containing various landmarks.  相似文献   

针对传统的蠕虫检测方法对未知蠕虫检测效率较低的问题,提出了一种基于蠕虫传播行为的优化解决方案。通过自定义二元模式向量准确描述网络蠕虫的传播行为,并构造三层安全过滤结构优化未知蠕虫检测。对比研究表明,上述方案对传播行为的改进显著提高了对未知蠕虫传播行为描述的完备性,给出了运用传播模式对感染特定蠕虫进行传播行为检测的结果。实验结果表明,方案显著提高了对未知蠕虫传播行为的准确性,可以快速地检测出入侵本地网络的扫描蠕虫。  相似文献   

针对传统传播模型更适用于均匀网络而无法有效应用于现实非均匀无标度社交网络的问题,提出一种基于用户局域信息的社交网络信息传播模型。模型中考虑了无标度网络中用户间拓扑特征差异和用户影响力不同对信息传播的影响,根据节点周边邻居节点的感染情况和权威性计算感染概率,模拟现实社交网络中的信息传播情况。通过在采集的真实微博网络数据上进行仿真实验,结果表明该模型较传统的SIR模型更能体现社交网络中信息传播的快速性与范围的广泛性;同时,通过调整模型中的相关参数,验证了相关管控措施对传播效果的影响。  相似文献   

社交网络内蠕虫的爆发对用户及社交网络造成了极大的威胁。将社交网络的普通用户和网络攻击者作为博弈双方,分析双方的行为策略集合及影响因素,得到收益矩阵的计算方法。基于博弈论确定用户面对信息超链接的点击概率,运行了仿真实验。实验结果表明,蠕虫伪装技术对蠕虫传播影响较大,用户安全意识程度则影响较小。当蠕虫危害度较小或信息价值度较大时,蠕虫传播速度将会加快。基于博弈论研究社交网络的蠕虫传播是可行的。  相似文献   

With the growth of social network services, the need for identifying trustworthy people has become a primary concern in order to protect users’ vast amounts of information from being misused by unreliable users. In this study, we propose the extended Advogato trust metric that facilitates the identification of trustworthy users associated with each individual user. By incorporating the strength of social relationships, we recursively diffuse a capacity of a target user throughout his/her personal network. Based on the capacity propagation, this paper also presents the capacity-first maximum flow method capable of finding the strongest path pertinent to discovering an ordered set of reliable users and preventing unreliable users from accessing personal networks. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach has advantages over existing representative methods in terms of both the discovery of reliable users and the preventability of unreliable users.  相似文献   

To ensure the machining processes stability of multistage machining processes (MMPs) and improve the quality of machining processes, a real-time quality monitoring and predicting model based on error propagation networks for MMPs is proposed in this paper. As there are some complicated interactions among different stages in MMPs, a machining error propagation network (MEPN) is proposed and its complexity is discussed to analyze the correlation among different stages in MMPs. Based on these, a real-time quality-monitoring model based on process variation trajectory chart is proposed to monitor the key machining stages extracted by MEPN. Due to the complexity of the correlation in MEPN, it is important and necessary to explore the variation propagation mechanism in MEPN. As for this issue, a machining error propagation model of machining form feature nodes in MEPN is established with the neuron model, which is solved with back-propagation neural network. The mapping relationship among machining errors of quality attributes is described through this node model. Furthermore, a novel equipment synthetic failure probability exponent of machining status nodes in MEPN is established to synthesize equipment’s parameters by using logistic regression to quantitatively analyze the potential-failure and forecast the equipment degradation trend. At last, the machining process of a connecting rod is used to verify the proposed method.  相似文献   

电子商务环境下为用户提供高效的推荐是一个非常有意义的课题,然而稀疏性问题严重影响了推荐系统的推荐质量。为了有效解决这个问题,提出了一种基于信任传播的TSRCF协同过滤算法,在信任传播的基础上,提出了信任度,相似度,关系度的混合权重TSR,取代了传统的协同过滤算法的相似度,作为寻找邻居用户的标准。TSRCF算法在一定程度上缓解了稀疏性问题,帮助用户在信息过载的情境下得到高质量的推荐。在Epinions数据集和FilmTrust数据集上的仿真实验也验证了TSRCF算法比传统CF算法有更高的推荐精确度。  相似文献   

现有的谣言传播模型无法描述不同节点对谣言传播概率的影响,从而造成了谣言传播模型无法真实地描述现实社交网络中的谣言传播,进而影响了对网络中谣言传播的控制。针对这一问题,在SIR传播模型的基础上考虑了谣言在不同节点之间的传播概率,并且分析了不同节点对传播概率的影响情况,从而建立了社交网络中考虑网络节点自身影响的谣言传播模型。最后,通过将改进的谣言传播模型与常用的SIR模型进行对比,实验结果显示,提出的改进模型可以较快地控制网络中谣言的传播。  相似文献   

社会网络中的信任关系是最复杂的社会关系之一,涉及多种因素,很难准确量化和预测。综合考虑各种可能因素,在社会网络环境下,构建了一个多维决策信任模型。引入了直接信任,间接信任,风险函数等因子从多个角度描述信任关系的不确定性和复杂性。为抵制恶意实体的不合理行为,提高可信性,加入了一个经济激励机制鼓励交互实体间诚实地合作并激励实体积极参与,最后用密码机制保证激励机制中的安全属性,提高该模型在实际应用中的可信性。  相似文献   

In recent years, social networking sites have been used as a means for a rich variety of activities, such as movie recommendations and product recommendations. In order to evaluate the trust between a truster (i.e., the source) and a trustee (i.e., the target) who have no direct interaction in Online Social Networks (OSNs), the trust network between them that contains important intermediate participants, the trust relations between the participants, and the social context, has an important influence on trust evaluation. Thus, to deliver a reasonable trust evaluation result, before performing any trust evaluation (i.e., trust transitivity), the contextual trust network from a given source to a given target needs to be first extracted from the social network, where constraints on social context should also be considered to guarantee the quality of the extracted networks. However, this problem has been proved to be NP-Complete. Towards solving this challenging problem, we first present a contextual trust-oriented social network structure which takes social contextual impact factors, including trust, social intimacy degree, community impact factor, preference similarity and residential location distance into account. These factors have significant influences on both social interactions between participants and trust evaluation. Then, we present a new concept QoTN (Quality of Trust Network) and propose a social context-aware trust network extraction model. Finally, we propose a Heuristic Social Context-Aware trust Network extraction algorithm (H-SCAN-K) by extending the K-Best-First Search (KBFS) method with several proposed optimization strategies. The experiments conducted on two real datasets illustrate that our proposed model and algorithm outperform the existing methods in both algorithm efficiency and the quality of the extracted trust networks.  相似文献   

Kumar  Sanjay  Singhla  Lakshay  Jindal  Kshitij  Grover  Khyati  Panda  B. S. 《Applied Intelligence》2021,51(11):7647-7665
Applied Intelligence - The popularity of social networks has grown manifolds in recent years because of various activities like fast propagation of ideas, publicity, and news. Influence...  相似文献   

张晓伟 《计算机应用》2014,34(2):411-416
社交网络作为一种新兴的媒体具有广泛的社会影响力,且基于社交网络的营销方式逐渐成为一种新的发展趋势,因此研究社交网络中消息的传播具有重大的现实和经济意义。通过借鉴日常生活中人与人之间的信任原理,提出了一种基于信任度的消息传播模型。该模型首先利用个体的公开信息,使用数据挖掘的算法对个体进行分类;然后,根据同类和不同类个体之间的关系计算个体之间的信任度;最后,使用消息与个体的属性相似性以及信任度来计算消息可能传播范围。给出了相应的计算方法,并与两种基准方法对比,结果表明,该模型在准确度上提升15%左右,而所用时间降低50%以上。与数据集统计结果对比,该实验的结果与统计结果相差5%左右,充分表明该模型在实际应用中有比较好的效果。  相似文献   

个体之间的信任关系构成具有小世界特征的复杂网络,称为信任网(web of trust)。信任网中的信任传播建模是许多重要的电子商务系统中亟待解决的基本任务之一。引入属性相似度的概念,提出一个可用于电子商务、语义网和移动自组网等领域的信任传播模型,给出了一种计算属性相似度的推荐方法。实验结果表明,每个节点通过建立对有限的邻节点的信任度,可以较准确地预测出其对网络中任意陌生节点的信任度。  相似文献   

Li  Weimin  Fan  Yuting  Mo  Jun  Liu  Wei  Wang  Can  Xin  Minjun  Jin  Qun 《World Wide Web》2020,23(2):1261-1273
World Wide Web - In the study of influence maximization in social networks, the speed of information dissemination decreases with increasing time and distance. The investigation of the...  相似文献   

为挖掘复杂网络中的重叠社团结构,在标签传播算法的基础上,从链路的角度出发,提出一种新的标签更新策略。考虑不同邻居对链路标签贡献值的不同特点,使其更新过程更加快速,克服当前基于节点的标签传播算法需要指定节点所属社团个数的缺陷,在无需人工干预的情况下得到稳定的重叠社团结构。将该算法分别应用于人工网络和真实的社会网络中,实验结果表明,该算法能够快速、有效地挖掘稳定的重叠社团结构。  相似文献   

Human interaction dynamics are known to play an important role in the development of robust pedestrian trackers that are needed for a variety of applications in video surveillance. Traditional approaches to pedestrian tracking assume that each pedestrian walks independently and the tracker predicts the location based on an underlying motion model, such as a constant velocity or autoregressive model. Recent approaches have begun to leverage interaction, especially by modeling the repulsion forces among pedestrians to improve motion predictions. However, human interaction is more complex and is influenced by multiple social effects. This motivates the use of a more complex human interaction model for pedestrian tracking. In this paper, we propose a novel human tracking method by modeling complex social interactions. We present an algorithm that decomposes social interactions into multiple potential interaction modes. We integrate these multiple social interaction modes into an interactive Markov Chain Monte Carlo tracker and demonstrate how the developed method translates into a more informed motion prediction, resulting in robust tracking performance. We test our method on videos from unconstrained outdoor environments and evaluate it against common multi-object trackers.  相似文献   

Security is a critical constraint for the expansion of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. The autonomy, dynamic and distribution natures benefit both valid and malicious users and also lead that P2P networks are extremely susceptible to malicious users. Exploiting a reputation-based trust model is a feasible solution in such an open environment to build trust relationship among peers. While most of existing trust models focus on restraining the abuse and malicious attacks, intentions and sharing capabilities of peers are mostly ignored. In this paper, we present a self-nominating trust model based on hierarchical fuzzy systems to quantify the behaviors of peers. The reputation is defined based on eight factors, where three promising factors are provided by resource holders to demonstrate their desires, and four capability factors are recorded by requesters to identify the provider’s service capability. The approach degree based updating recommendation is deployed to aggregate the global trust metrics. Experimental results illustrate that our trust model effectively improves the efficiency and security of P2P systems.  相似文献   

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