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Presently in India, about 960 million tonnes of solid waste is being generated annually as by-products during industrial, mining, municipal, agricultural and other processes. Of this ∼350 million tonnes are organic wastes from agricultural sources; ∼290 million tonnes are inorganic waste of industrial and mining sectors and ∼4.5 million tonnes are hazardous in nature. Advances in solid waste management resulted in alternative construction materials as a substitute to traditional materials like bricks, blocks, tiles, aggregates, ceramics, cement, lime, soil, timber and paint. To safeguard the environment, efforts are being made for recycling different wastes and utilise them in value added applications. In this paper, present status on generation and utilization of both non-hazardous and hazardous solid wastes in India, their recycling potentials and environmental implication are reported and discussed in details.  相似文献   

This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of research on the utilization of fibers (predominantly derived from waste materials) as reinforcement in adobe brick production. Recycling of these wastes provides sustainable construction materials and helps to protect the environment. Specimen preparation and test procedures are outlined. The effects of addition of these wastes on the physical and mechanical properties of adobe bricks as presented in the literature, are investigated. The main results for each additive are presented and discussed. It is concluded that improved adobe brick properties can be expected with the addition of combination of waste additives. The use of waste materials in the construction industry is generally of interest and useful for engineers and designers seeking sustainable solutions in construction. It is also of interest to researchers actively seeking to develop methodical approaches to quantifying, optimising and testing the performance in use of such waste material additives.  相似文献   

针对利用工业固体废弃物生产墙体材料的放射性问题,甘肃省墙改领导小组办公室委托兰州大学核科学与技术学院开展《甘肃省部分地区新型墙体材料放射性水平检测评价研究》市场调研项目,选取有代表性的甘肃省某市墙体材料产品(烧结煤矸石砖、粉煤灰砖、加气混凝土砌块、烧结空心砌块、纤维水泥板)进行了抽样测试。经检测,墙体材料产品全部符合国标GB6566的要求,同时提出了墙体材料天然放射性衰变产生的α、γ射线辐射防护办法,降低环境辐射污染,进一步保障墙体材料的辐射安全性能。  相似文献   

异地建造和建筑信息模型(BIM)等技术在减少材料浪费等方面为建筑业带来了效益,并为可持续建造提供了解决方案。但轻型框架建筑行业仍产生大量的建筑废弃物。因此,本文提出一种基于BIM的自动化方法,通过装配式建筑屋顶覆盖层安装设计,减少覆盖材料浪费。设计基于BIM的覆盖层布局设计算法,实现了施工设计的自动化,并对生成的布局进行优化,以最大限度减少覆盖层材料浪费。本文结合两个实例验证该方法在减少屋顶覆盖材料浪费方面的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

周富春 《山西建筑》2009,35(10):352-353
针对中国的固体废物产生量逐渐增多的现状,从工业固体废物、城市生活垃圾、农业固体废物、畜禽排泄物四个方面阐述了固体废物的产生量、处理现状及各自的研究进展,从而促进中国可持续发展战略的实现。  相似文献   

对利用建筑垃圾水泥土、工业废渣粉煤灰、脱硫石膏等来制备轻荷载砌块材料进行了试验研究,确定了最佳配合比。再生水泥土废渣砖的14d抗压强度最高可达7.5MPa,28d强度可达9.5MPa,可用作绿化风景带的小路以及一些承载小的道路等的铺设。再生水泥土废渣砖生产技术简单、可操作性强、易于生产,有利于节能、环保、利废,具有很好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

随着城镇建设的快速发展,建筑垃圾剧增,对环境和社会的影响越加严重,建筑垃圾的减量化、资源化和再利用成为建筑业可持续发展亟待解决的问题。免烧免蒸砖是一种替代传统粘土实心砖的新型墙体材料,有利于节能、节地、利废,促进循环经济发展,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。文章通过对建筑垃圾制免烧免蒸砖生产工艺的调查,系统分析了生产过程的各项环境排放因素,并运用生命周期评价理论和方法,对其生产过程的环境影响进行定量研究和综合测算。针对建筑垃圾制免烧免蒸砖的生产过程中主要环境影响因素,包括温室气体和粉尘的排放等,提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

城市大宗固废资源化于制备建材是消纳固废的重要手段,本研究初步建立起科学合理的城市大宗固废制备绿色建筑材料的环境评价体系,以企业为主体,结合生产过程中的大气排放和建材产品使用和废弃时可浸出重金属进行评价,有助于提升我国固废资源化利用的整体技术水平,促进我国建材和建筑业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国建筑能耗巨大,其中墙体材料生产能耗占建筑能耗的比例最大。文章介绍了我国墙体材料生产对能源、资源和环境的影响现状,分析了我国利用工业废渣、城市垃圾和固体废弃物作为墙体材料生产原料的可行性,提出墙体材料生产发展的方向。  相似文献   

墙体材料改革已经遍布全国许多省市,当前相当多的新型墙体材料所用的原料仍然是天然砂、石。城乡建设突飞猛进,在建设现代化大城市的进程中,旧房屋的拆除非常普遍,产生了大量的混凝土碎块、砖碎块等建筑渣土。发达国家对建筑渣土的利用已取得许多成功的处理技术和经验,值得我们借鉴。对建筑渣土的回收利用可首先考虑按照国家标准的要求制作非承重新型砌块,在市场经济条件下需要建立一种机制,寻求降低工程造价和墙改的可持续发展。  相似文献   

加气混凝土砌块在建筑中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张建平 《工业建筑》1998,28(12):5-8,12
加气混凝土砌块是以水泥、石灰、石膏和粉煤灰或砂为主要材料,以铝粉为发气剂、经蒸压养护等工艺制成的轻质多孔材料。它具有重量轻,保温效能高,吸音好,有一定的机械强度和可加工性等优点、加气混凝土砌块可广泛用于工业和民用建筑,作为承重和非承重的结构材料和保温围护材料,建筑节能,节约农田,利用废料方面,具有显著的效果。  相似文献   

陶丽  刘军  王博 《混凝土》2004,(8):66-68
高性能混凝土是一种绿色、生态建材,能大量利用工业废渣,减少污染,对小城镇的生态建设与发展具有重要的意义。本文从高性能混凝土的发展与应用存在的问题着手,针对小城镇建材市场存在的问题进行分析,提出加强建筑材料技术与政策的研究,对于小城镇的生态建设与可持续发展所具有的深远意义。  相似文献   

The main objective of this research was to investigate the addition of waste-brick material in brick production. The effects of recycling of waste brick material on the durability and mechanical properties of the bricks were analysed. Fired waste bricks cause considerable harm to the environment. During production, especially in the firing, transportation and construction procedures, large amounts of bricks are broken and have to be dumped in landfills or used as a filling material. For this purpose, the chemical and mineralogical structures of waste bricks from the orum region in West-Anatolia, Turkey, were investigated. After pulverizing, the samples were divided into two categories: A passing through a 4.75 mm sieve (coarse) and B passing a 600 μm sieve (fine). In order to obtain comparable test results, ratios of the waste (0, 10, 20 and 30% by mass) were added to the raw-brick clay. Standard test methods were used to determine the mechanical properties of the bricks at different firing temperatures. The results show that at a mass of 30% fine-waste material additive, fired at 900°C, the test sample has an adequate strength. The reuse of this material in the industry would contribute to the protection of farmland and the environment.  相似文献   

以用后耐火材料(废镁铝尖晶石砖)处理得到的剥离钢渣及废镁铝尖晶石为主要原料,辅以水泥制备免烧型路面砖.研究了原料配比、制备工艺对免烧砖微观结构和力学性能的影响规律.得到废镁铝尖晶石砖基免烧砖的优化原料配比和制备工艺为:剥离钢渣和废镁铝尖晶石占总料的90%,水泥10%,成型压力15 MPa.制得的固废基免烧砖常温养护28...  相似文献   

选址于平原中的山坡,结合传统陵墓的礼制的场地竖向设计,体现中国传统之“起,承,转,接,升,联”空间序列,同时运用青砖,红砂岩,黄砂岩等本土建材构作建筑物和硬质景观,塑造纪念地之高山仰止情怀。培育箭竹,桉树,黄角树等本土植物,形成川西葱郁茂密的林盘缔造静谧安详的陵园景象。建材和植物的本土化构作是成都战役烈士陵园的设计与营造的本底。  相似文献   

介绍了一种建筑垃圾处理过程中大量黏土砖的资源化利用方法。将建筑垃圾筛分、分选、破碎后得到黏土砖颗粒,利用球磨设备将黏土砖颗粒粉磨半小时后得到微粉,在砂浆、砌块等采用干硬性混凝土为原料的生产中作为掺合料代替部分水泥,通过采用醇胺类激发剂激发黏土砖微粉的活性,提高其后期强度,可提高建筑垃圾的资源化利用率,并降低产品的生产成本。  相似文献   

Tabique construction is one of the main Portuguese traditional building techniques that use earth based building materials. It is peculiar building technique which uses corn's cob as a filling material for the external tabique walls. The existing tabique construction in Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro region of northeast Portugal was studied to learn from it for modern day construction. The research showed that corn's cob, an agricultural waste, has the potential to be used as a sustainable building material for thermal insulation. An experimental work concluded that there are significant similarities between the corn's cob and the extruded polystyrene (XPS) material in terms of microstructure and chemical composition. Furthermore, the results obtained from an expeditious experimental thermal procedure indicate that the corn's cob may have adequate thermal properties for building purpose.  相似文献   

A prerequisite of the efficient recycling of demolition waste and its evaluation in terms of the material specific recycling rates is information on the composition of the building material stock (as the source of future demolition waste). A practical method is presented that characterizes the material composition of buildings prior to their demolition. The characterization method is based on the analysis of available construction documents and different approaches of on-site investigation. The method is tested in different buildings and the results from four case studies indicate that the documents are useful to quantify bulk materials (e.g. bricks, concrete, sand/gravel, iron/steel and timber). However, on-site investigations are necessary to locate and determine the trace materials such as metals (e.g. copper and aluminium), or different types of plastics. The overall material intensity of the investigated buildings ranges from 270 to 470?kg/m³ gross volume. With ongoing surveys about the composition of different buildings, the collected data will be used to establish a building-specific database about the amount of materials contained in Vienna's building stock.  相似文献   

The use of an agricultural waste product, palm kernel shell, as a fuel for firing bricks is explored as a means of reducing environmental degradation and depletion of scarce firewood in Ghana. A simple but efficient methodology of clamp firing bricks using the new fuel is developed and tested. The resulting bricks are analysed for physical properties and suitability for construction use. The viability of palm kernel shell as a fuel for small-scale brick industries is considered. On etudie actuellement au Ghana les possibilites d'utilisation d'un dechet agricole, en l'occurrence, les coquilles de noix de palme, comme combustible dans les briqueteries; une telle solution permettrait de reduire la degradation de l'environnement et de diminuer l'appauvrissement des maigres reserves en bois de chauffage du pays. A cet effet, on met au point une methodologie simple mais efficace de cuisson des briques en brulant des dechets de coquilles de noix de palme. On analyse les proprietes physiques de ces briques et on verifie qu'elles conviennent a la construction. On etudie la viabilite de la coquille de noix de palme pour l'alimentation en combustible des petites briqueteries.  相似文献   

李同予  邹广天 《建筑科学》2011,27(12):6-9,15
本文通过对废弃材料在景观设计案例中的应用分析和特性整理,综述了基于废弃材料再利用的景观生态化途径和技术手段.在此基础上,对不同生态化模式进行了比较分析,并提出了发挥废弃材料特性的设计策略和方法,以期为废弃材料生态化景观设计的实现提供模式借鉴和理论参照.  相似文献   

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