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Inspired by the mechanism of Jerne’s idiotypic network hypothesis, a new adaptive immune network algorithm (AINA) is presented through the stimulation and suppression between the antigen and antibody by taking the environment and robot behavior as antigen and antibody respectively. A guiding weight is defined based on the artificial potential field (APF) method, and the guiding weight is combined with antibody vitality to construct a new antibody selection operator, which improves the searching efficiency. In addition, an updating operator of antibody vi-tality is provided based on the Baldwin effect, which results in a positive feedback mechanism of search and accelerates the convergence of the immune network. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is characterized by high searching speed, good convergence performance and strong planning ability, which solves the path planning well in complicated environments.  相似文献   

Autonomous navigation of a robot is a promising research domain due to its extensive applications. The navigation consists of four essential requirements known as perception, localization, cognition and path planning, and motion control in which path planning is the most important and interesting part. The proposed path planning techniques are classified into two main categories: classical methods and heuristic methods. The classical methods consist of cell decomposition, potential field method, subgoal network and road map. The approaches are simple; however, they commonly consume expensive computation and may possibly fail when the robot confronts with uncertainty. This survey concentrates on heuristic-based algorithms in robot path planning which are comprised of neural network, fuzzy logic, nature-inspired algorithms and hybrid algorithms. In addition, potential field method is also considered due to the good results. The strengths and drawbacks of each algorithm are discussed and future outline is provided.  相似文献   

CAD/CAM technologies have been developed and are beginning to penetrate rapidly into industries. At present, however, there are many problems that should be solved before CAD/CAM technologies can play their proper role in the total process. In an effort to improve CAD/CAM current circumstances, a trial CAE system which generates an operation path of a robot from a solid-model built-in CAD process, has been examined. In this system, solid models are built by performing set operations such as addition, subtraction, intersection between several primitives or solid models. Processing is made for a solid model represented by B-rep (boundary representation). To ease the processing, curved faces such as spherical, cylindrical, or conical surfaces, are approximated by several flat planes. As a first step, by assuming Gaussian spatial distribution for a painting gun, path planning of a painting robot for a convex solid body has been examined. A scanning plane is defined for each flat plane and a path of robot effector is generated on this plane.  相似文献   

目前,虽然有多种智能计算方法用于移动机器人路径规划问题,但在复杂环境下,多数智能计算方法表现出效率低下,结果较差的问题。提出一种结合基于有效顶点的栅格编码法和改进的生物地理学优化算法的移动机器人路径规划方法,以解决该类问题。结合已知的环境信息,从精英策略、降维机制和基于惯性算子的迁移操作3方面改进了生物地理学优化算法。改进算法用于机器人移动路径,与人工蜂群算法、粒子群算法和人工鱼群算法等智能算法进行比较,实验的结果证实改进算法能够更有效地解决复杂环境下机器人路径规划问题。  相似文献   

提出了三种新的GPU并行的自适应邻域模拟退火算法,分别是GPU并行的遗传-模拟退火算法,多条马尔可夫链并行的退火算法,基于BLOCK分块的GPU并行模拟退火算法,并通过对GPU端的程序采取合并内存访问,避免bank冲突,归约法等方式进一步提升了性能。实验中选取了11个典型的基准函数,实验结果证明这三种GPU并行退火算法比nonu-SA算法具有更好的精度和更快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

This article describes the development and implementation of an automatic controller for path planning and navigation of an autonomous mobile robot using simulated annealing and fuzzy logic. The simulated annealing algorithm was used to obtain a collision-free optimal trajectory among fixed polygonal obstacles. C-space was used to represent the working space and B-spline curves were used to represent the trajectories. The trajectory tracking was performed with a fuzzy logic algorithm. A detailed explanation of the algorithm is given. The objectives of the control algorithm were to track the planned trajectory and to avoid collision with moving obstacles. Simulation and implementation results are shown. A Nomadic 200 mobile robot was used to perform the experiments.  相似文献   

蒲兴成    谭令 《智能系统学报》2023,18(2):314-324
针对移动机器人在复杂环境下的路径规划问题,提出一种新的自适应动态窗口改进细菌算法,并将新算法应用于移动机器人路径规划。改进细菌算法继承了细菌算法与动态窗口算法(dynamic window algorithm, DWA)在避障时的优点,能较好实现复杂环境中移动机器人静态和动态避障。该改进算法主要分三步完成移动机器人路径规划。首先,利用改进细菌趋化算法在静态环境中得到初始参考规划路径。接着,基于参考路径,机器人通过自身携带的传感器感知动态障碍物进行动态避障并利用自适应DWA完成局部动态避障路径规划。最后,根据移动机器人局部动态避障完成情况选择算法执行步骤,如果移动机器人能达到最终目标点,结束该算法,否则移动机器人再重回初始路径,直至到达最终目标点。仿真比较实验证明,改进算法无论在收敛速度还是路径规划精确度方面都有明显提升。  相似文献   

快速搜索随机树(Rapidly-exploring random Tree Star,RRT*)算法在移动机器人实际应用中规划路径在转向部分存在较多的冗余转折点,导致移动机器人在移动转向过程中出现多次停顿与转向,为剔除规划路径中的冗余路径点,提高机器人移动流畅性,提出一种改进的 RRT*算法。算法将局部逆序试连法引入移动机器人路径规划,在确保RRT*算法概率完备性和渐进最优性的前提下,剔除规划路径中的冗余路径节点,使最终路径更加接近最短路径。通过MATLAB仿真实验证明,规划路径平均长度缩短4%,算法耗时缩短35%,改进后的RRT*算法能缩短规划路径且转向部分路径更加平滑。最后,使用改进后的RRT*算法在室内环境下进行移动机器人路径规划实验。实验结果表明:规划路径上无冗余路径点,且移动机器人沿路径移动流畅。  相似文献   

The objective of the path planning problem for a mobile robot is to generate a collision-free path from a starting position to a target position with respect to a certain fitness function, such as distance. Although, over the last few decades, path planning has been studied using a number of methodologies, the complicated and dynamic environment increases the complexity of the problem and makes it difficult to find an optimal path in reasonable time. Another issue is the existence of uncertainty in previous approaches. In this paper, we propose a new methodology to solve the path planning problem in two steps. First, the surrounding point set (SPS) is determined where the obstacles are circumscribed by these points. After the initial feasible path is generated based on the SPS, we apply a path improvement algorithm depending upon the former and latter points (PI_FLP), in which each point in the path is repositioned according to two points on either side. Through the SPS, we are able to identify the necessary points for solving path planning problems. PI_FLP can reduce the overall distance of the path, as well as achieve path smoothness. The SPS and PI_FLP algorithms were tested on several maps with obstacles and then compared with other path planning methods As a result, collision-free paths were efficiently and consistently generated, even for maps with narrow geometry and high complexity.  相似文献   

The importance of path planning is very significant in the field of robotics. This paper presents the application of multilayer perceptrons to the robot path planning problem, and in particular to the task of maze navigation. Previous published results implied that the training of feedforward multilayered networks failed, because of the non- smoothness of data. Here the path planning problem is reconsidered, and it is shown that multilayer perceptrons are able to learn the task successfully.  相似文献   

There are many applications in motion planning where it is important to consider and distinguish between different topological classes of trajectories. The two important, but related, topological concepts for classifying manifolds that are of importance to us are those of homotopy and homology. In this paper we consider the problem of robot exploration and planning in Euclidean configuration spaces with obstaclees to (a)?identify and represent different homology classes of trajectories; (b)?plan trajectories constrained to certain homology classes or avoiding specified homology classes; and (c)?explore different homotopy classes of trajectories in an environment and determine the least cost trajectories in each class. We exploit theorems from complex analysis and the theory of electromagnetism to solve the problem 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional configuration spaces respectively. Finally, we describe the extension of these ideas to arbitrary D-dimensional configuration spaces. We incorporate these basic concepts to develop a practical graph-search based planning tool with theoretical guarantees by combining integration theory with search techniques, and illustrate it with several examples.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the benefits of applying Augmented Reality (AR) to facilitate intuitive robot programming, and presents a novel methodology for planning collision-free paths for an n degree-of-freedom (DOF) manipulator in an unknown environment. The targeted applications are where the end-effector is constrained to move along a visible 3D path/curve, which position is unknown, at a particular orientation with respect to the path, such as arc welding and laser cutting. The methodology is interactive as the human is involved in obtaining the 3D data points of the desired curve to be followed through performing a number of demonstrations, defining the free space relevant to the task, and planning the orientations of the end-effector along the curve. A Piecewise Linear Parameterization (PLP) algorithm is used to parameterize the data points using an interactively generated piecewise linear approximation of the desired curve. A curve learning method based on Bayesian neural networks and reparameterization is used to learn and generate 3D parametric curves from the parameterized data points. Finally, the orientation of the end-effector along the learnt curve is planned with the aid of AR. Two case studies are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

针对时效A*算法为了大幅减少算法时间,导致路径规划长度增加和路径锯齿过多的问题,提出一种改进的双向时效A*算法,该方法将从起点和终点同时运行时效A*算法寻找路径,并采用多近邻栅格距离计算方案;同时,根据不同环境地图对传统A*算法、时效A*算法和双向时效A*算法运行结果进行对比研究及分析;最后,制定算法时间、路径长度两个指标来评判算法的优劣。实验结果显示,双向时效A*算法相对于传统A*算法,算法时间最大减少76.8%,相对于时效A*算法,时间最大减少55.4%,并解决了时效A*算法规划路径距离增加、路径不够平滑的问题。  相似文献   

针对基本蚁群算法在二维静态栅格地图下进行移动机器人路径规划时出现的搜索效率低下、收敛速度缓慢、局部最优解等问题,提出一种自适应机制改进蚁群算法,用于移动机器人在二维栅格地图下的路径规划.首先采用伪随机状态转移规则进行路径选择,定义一种动态选择因子以自适应更新选择比例,引入距离参数计算转移概率,提高算法的全局搜索能力以及搜索效率;然后基于最大最小蚂蚁模型和精英蚂蚁模型,提出一种奖励惩罚机制更新信息素增量,提高算法收敛速度;最后定义一种信息素自适应挥发因子,限制信息素浓度的上下限,提高算法全局性的同时提高算法的收敛速度.在不同规格的二维静态栅格地图下进行移动机器人全局路径规划对比实验,实验结果表明自适应机制改进蚁群算法具有较快的收敛速度,搜索效率明显提高且具有较好的全局搜索能力,验证了所提算法的实用性和优越性.  相似文献   

Due to ever increasing precision and automation demands in robotic welding, the automatic and robust 3D seam extraction has become a research hot-spot of the welding robots. At present, most of the research work about seam extraction is aimed at butt joints. Nevertheless,too little work has been devoted to fillet joints and lap joints. Consequently,to achieve robust 3D seam extraction of different weld seams, a novel seam extraction system is proposed according to the 3D structures of welding work pieces. Firstly, a fringe projection system based on Digital Light Processing(DLP) projector is designed to measure the appearance of welding work pieces. Secondly, fusion of the shape information of welding work piece, a 3D seam extraction algorithm is proposed based on point cloud segmentation. Finally, according to the space structure of weld seams, the 3D seam path model and pose estimation are solved based on the established mathematical model of weld seams. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm could well solve different weld seams, such as fillet joints, butt joints and lap joints. Meanwhile, it could well overcome the influence of the materials of welding work pieces, scratch and rust.  相似文献   

A problem with gradient descent algorithms is that they can converge to poorly performing local minima. Global optimization algorithms address this problem, but at the cost of greatly increased training times. This work examines combining gradient descent with the global optimization technique of simulated annealing (SA). Simulated annealing in the form of noise and weight decay is added to resiliant backpropagation (RPROP), a powerful gradient descent algorithm for training feedforward neural networks. The resulting algorithm, SARPROP, is shown through various simulations not only to be able to escape local minima, but is also able to maintain, and often improve the training times of the RPROP algorithm. In addition, SARPROP may be used with a restart training phase which allows a more thorough search of the error surface and provides an automatic annealing schedule.  相似文献   

路径规划作为机器人基本动作实现的基础,其优劣将直接影响动作的实时性和准确性。经典PID控制虽然能准确跟踪目标,但缺乏轨迹优化能力,提出应用多模态控制方法,通过不同的感知驱动相应运动控制,以静态目标导航和动态目标导航为例详细介绍了多模态控制设计方法,并以上海交大的中型机器人Frontier-I为例,通过实验与PID进行比较,验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于势场法的移动机器人路径规划仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对势场法的障碍物附近目标不可达(GNRON)问题,采用改进斥力势场函数,把机器人和目标的相对距离考虑进去,从而确保目标点为整个势场的全局最小点,使得机器人能够顺利到达目标。针对局部极小引起的陷阱区域问题,提出了增加引导点的方法,使得机器人能够快速走出陷阱区域,向目标点移动。通过仿真实验,还实现了机器人在限定区域内漫游。改进后的势场法适用于复杂环境下的移动机器人路径规划。仿真结果证明了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对机器人动态路径规划问题,提出了一种机器人在复杂动态环境中实时路径规划方法.该方法基于滚动窗口的路径规划和避障策略,通过设定可视点子目标、绕行障碍物和对动态障碍物的分析预测,实现机器人在复杂动态环境下的路径规划.针对障碍物分布情况,合理设计可视点法和绕行算法之间转换,有效地解决了局部路径规划的死循环与极小值问题.该方...  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - The selection of algorithm is the most critical part in the mobile robot path planning. At present, the commonly used algorithms for path planning are genetic...  相似文献   

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