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结合作者的教学与工作实际,本文简要讲述了在Maya软件中制作动画的基本流程以及一些注意事项。  相似文献   

翟文彬 《数字社区&智能家居》2013,(15):3630-3631,3636
Maya作为最为常用的三维动画制作软件,应用领域包括影视动画、广告设计、机械设计、建筑行业等。Maya软件界面简洁,操作简单,涉及范围广,是三维动画制作的首选工具。Maya动画的制作流程则大致分为:实物建模、贴图制作、材质模拟、灯光和摄像机、动画制作。  相似文献   

读者刘坤来信: 我是一名应届生,希望自己毕业后能够从事3D动画师方面的工作。但听说3D是非常难学的一门课程。我没什么基础,不知道应该掌握哪些技能?能否在短时间内上手,到企业中能够从事哪些岗位的工作呢?  相似文献   

伴随着科学技术的不断发展,当前动画制作技术和手段也得到了不断地更新与升级。传统的手绘二维动画越来越受到三维动画的挤压。而在三维动画的制作行业中,MAYA以其优良的制作效能,受到了动画制作人员的青睐。本文首先分析了MAYA中的动画制作,并就动画中的人物、场景的定位进行了分析与介绍,最后详细地分析了MAYA软件中制作动画的基本流程及一些注意事项,以期促进我国动画事业的不断发展。  相似文献   

为了对二维图像实现人物动画,对人物图像进行轮廓提取、贴图,给模型添加骨骼并进行骨骼绑定,最后进行人物动画模拟。实验结果表明,基于Maya的人物动画能够以较高真实度生成人物动画。  相似文献   

任昌荣 《办公自动化》2014,(7):63-64,55
随着信息时代的发展,信息技术融入到各行各业中,因此探讨在应用型人才培养模式下的信息技术公选课教学改革就显得尤为重要和必要。本文对"动画制作流程"的课程特点进行了剖析,分析了我校近年来该课程教学实践的现状,提出了课程改革的措施,在教学实践中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

王圣蔚 《软件导刊》2010,(2):157-158
随着我国信息化的飞速发展,人们对生活质量的要求越来越高,因此,应用于休闲娱乐方面的数字科技也加速发展,动画制作便是其中之一。结合时代潮流,详细介绍了当前应用得最好最广泛的一款动画制作软件。  相似文献   

自从用电脑全面精致地制作的动画片《玩具总动员》的1997年开始就为动画的形式增加了各种各样新的元素,让动画变得更加生动形象。特别是现在计算机和网络的兴起,让网络动画受到欢迎更多。该文通过浅谈flash动画制作,来了解flash动画的制作过程。  相似文献   

基于Maya的人物角色行走运动的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述在Maya软件中制作人物角色行走的流程以及一些相关注意事项。通过分析人体行走过程的重要特征,详细论述人物角色行走动画的制作过程,探讨Maya技术在人物角色行走动画中的应用技巧。  相似文献   

Maya是迄今为止功能较为完善的3D动画软件之一,拥有大量参数设置,主要用于动画和电影。由于Maya具有工作灵活、功能齐全、易学易用和效率高等特点,因此很多公司都使用Maya。它可以使用动力学和粒子系统,达到与物理世界相同的柔体和刚体动力学的真实效果。基于此,主要介绍了Maya软件的特点,Maya在影视、动画行业的应用和发展趋势。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新的卡通动画中人物头发运动的混合技术,使动画师们能方便地创作出有吸引力和可控性的头发运动效果,而不需要手工对头发运动表现过程进行逐帧绘制,仅设置好所需的一些关键帧画面。该技术方法演示如何根据给出的手绘卡通人物角色动作配以相应的头发运动效果。这种方法的新颖之处是,既不是简单地插入关键帧来获得头发运动效果,也不是通过物理模拟的方式来生成头发飘逸的动画,而是从动画师预先准备好的少量的作为关键帧草图的头发运动效果,建立物理模拟动画数据库,根据此数据库中头发的运动效果来创建出特定头发运动动画。此方法生成的头发动画分两个阶段完成,首先是在数据库中搜索对应的运动效果画面,然后顺利连接;其次数据库序列的关键帧之间的过渡帧由在动画中运用转移函数生成的插值补充,以实现流畅的头发飘逸动画。  相似文献   

The consensus model with the minimum cost (or minimum adjustments or minimum information loss) is a powerful decision tool for consensus building in the group decision making (GDM). In the extant consensus models with the minimum cost, the unit adjustment cost of each expert is assumed to be exactly known, and an optimization-based consensus model is utilized to support the consensus building. In the practical GDM, however, it is difficult to obtain the exact unit adjustment costs, and the unit adjustment costs of experts are often uncertain. Moreover, we argue that the consensus cannot be achieved directly using the established optimization-based consensus model, because the consensus building is an interactive process that needs the participation of experts. This paper proposes an interactive consensus reaching process with the minimum and uncertain cost. In the consensus reaching process, an optimization-based consensus model with the uncertain unit cost is constructed to obtain the optimal adjusted opinions of experts. Then, the costs/resources are provided for experts to modify their opinions, and the obtained optimal adjusted opinions are used as a reference for the opinions-modifying in the consensus reaching process. Meanwhile, the unit adjustment costs of experts can be estimated according to the actual situation of the opinions-modifying in the consensus reaching process. The detailed numerical and simulation analysis are conducted to demonstrate the validity of the proposed consensus reaching model.  相似文献   

ContextThis paper is developed in the context of Usability Engineering. More specifically, it focuses on the use of modelling and simulation to help decision-making in the scope of usability evaluation.ObjectiveThe main goal of this paper is to present UESim: a System Dynamics simulation model to help decision-making in the make-up of the usability evaluation team during the process of usability evaluation.MethodTo develop this research we followed four main research phases: (a) study identification, (b) study development, (c) running and observation and finally, (d) reflexion. In relation with these phases the paper describes the literature revision, the model building and validation, the model simulation and its results and finally the reflexion on it.ResultsWe developed and validated a model to simulate the usability evaluation process. Through three different simulations we analysed the effects of different compositions of the evaluation team on the outcome of the evaluation. The simulation results show the utility of the model in the decision making of the usability evaluation process by changing the number and expertise of evaluators employed.ConclusionOne of the main advantages of using such a simulation model is that it allows developers to observe the evolution of the key indicators of the evaluation process over time. UESim represents a customisable tool to help decision-making in the management of the usability evaluation process, since it makes it possible to analyse how the key process indicators are affected by the main management options of the Usability Evaluation Process.  相似文献   

引入了角色质心的概念,并将其作为匹配条件应用到卡通角色对应关系的自动检索中,有效解决了卡通角色在图形对象数量不一致时的匹配对应问题,实现了卡通角色的自动匹配。该方法已经在实际动画制作过程中进行了应用,应用结果表明它能有效解决动画造型之间相互对应的问题。  相似文献   

In group decision making (GDM), decision makers who have different experiential, cultural and educational backgrounds will naturally provide their preference information by heterogeneous preference structures (e.g., utility values, preference orderings, numerical preference relations and multigranular linguistic preference relations). To date, many studies have discussed GDM problems with heterogeneous preference structures. To provide a clear perspective on the fusion process with heterogeneous preference structures in GDM, this paper presents a review of three types of fusion approaches: the indirect approach, the optimization-based approach and the direct approach. Moreover, with respect to insights gained from prior researches, several open problems are proposed for the future research.  相似文献   

在三维动画制作软件中,传统的人工调整虚拟人动作的工作方式已经不再适合现在的计算机动画制作。针对这一问题,提出了一种采用Maya脚本语言编程来实现人物动画控制的用户界面,在该界面中,动画师可以通过选择按钮移动滑块进行关键帧的设置,从而产生骨架的运动,形成动画。该方法可以提供对制作人物特征有用的工具,使得人物动画的制作更简单。  相似文献   

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