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We have developed a novel sub-100-nm fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (SOI) CMOS fabrication process, in which conventional 248-nm optical lithography and nitride spacer technology are used to define slots in a sacrificial layer (SLOTFET process). This process features a locally thinned SOI channel with raised source-drain regions, and a low-resistance T-shaped poly-Si gate; Both n- and p-channel MOSFETs with 90-nm gate length have been demonstrated. At a 0.5 V bias voltage, ring-oscillator propagation delay of less than 50 ps per stage has been measured  相似文献   

This letter reports the implementation of a bottom-gate MOSFET, which possesses the following fully self-aligned structural features: 1) self-aligned source-drain to bottom-gate; 2) self-aligned thick source-drain and thin channel; and 3) self-aligned and mask-free lightly doped drain (LDD). The complete self-alignment is realized by combining a conventional ion implantation and a subsequent chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) step. The process is applied to poly-Si films crystallized from an a-Si film deposited by LPCVD using a metal-induced unilateral crystallization technique, and is grain-enhanced further in a high temperature annealing step. Deep submicron fully self-aligned bottom-gate pMOS transistors with channel length less than 0.5 /spl mu/m are fabricated. The measured performance parameters include threshold voltage of -0.43 V, subthreshold swing of 113 mV/dec, effective hole mobility of 147 cm/sup 2//V-s, off-current of 0.17 pA//spl mu/m, and on-off current ratio of 7.1/spl times/10/sup 8/.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new polysilicon CMOS self-aligned double-gate thin-film transistor (SA-DG TFT) technology is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The self-alignment between the top- and bottom-gate is realized by a backlight exposure technique. The structure has an ultrathin channel region (300 /spl Aring/) and a thick source/drain region. Experimental results show that this technology provides excellent current saturation due to a combination of the effective reduction in the drain field and the full depletion of the ultrathin channel. Moreover, for n-channel devices, the SA-DG TFT has a 4.2 times higher on-current (V/sub gs/=20V) as compared to the conventional single-gate TFT. Whereas for the p-channel devices, the SADG TFT has a 3.6 times higher on-current (V/sub gs/=-20V) compared to the conventional single-gate device.  相似文献   

A low-resistance self-aligned Ti-silicide process featuring selective silicon deposition and subsequent pre-amorphization (SEDAM) is proposed and characterized for sub-quarter micron CMOS devices. 0.15-μm CMOS devices with low-resistance and uniform TiSi2 on gate and source/drain regions were fabricated using the SEDAM process. Non-doped silicon films were selectively deposited on gate and source/drain regions to reduce suppression of silicidation due to heavily-doped As in the silicon. Silicidation was also enhanced by pre-amorphization, using ion-implantation, on the narrow gate and source/drain regions. Low-resistance and uniform TiSi2 films were achieved on all narrow, long n+ and p+ poly-Si and diffusion layers of 0.15-μm CMOS devices. TiSi2 films with a sheet resistance of 5 to 7 Ω/sq were stably and uniformly formed on 0.15-μm-wide n+ and p+ poly-Si. No degradation in leakage characteristics was observed in pn-junctions with TiSi2 films. It was confirmed that, using SEDAM, excellent device characteristics were achieved for 0.15-μm NMOSFET's and PMOSFET's with self-aligned TiSi2 films  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a new well-isolation technique for advanced CMOS LSI's. The technique comprises narrow deep trench fabrication utilizing undercut, in addition to silicon-oxide cap formation, which leaves a cavity. The predominant feature of this technique is that well isolation self-aligned to the well region is realized utilizing the trench fabrication technique. Additionally, no crystal defects are observed around the well isolation even after 1000°C annealing following silicon-oxide cap formation. Since the well isolation produced also prevents the latchup phenomenon from occurring due to its depth, this technique enables the CMOS device dimensions to be considerably reduced.  相似文献   

A technique for fabricating charge-coupled devices with submicron gaps is described. The method relies on a "shadowing" effect produced by oblique deposition of the metal in an otherwise standard vacuum evaporation process. The biggest advantage of the technique is its extreme simplicity, particularly for one-dimensional CCD structures. The feasibility of the technique has been demonstrated for two-and three-phase devices; the two-phase structure was a 32-bit shift register which has been operated at up to 10 MHz. With some additional processing, the technique can be used to make bidirectional CCD arrays as required in area imagers and serpentine shift registers.  相似文献   

A novel submicrometer fully self-aligned AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) for reducing parasitic capacitances and resistances is proposed. The fabrication process utilizes SiO2sidewalls for defining base electrode width and separating this electrode from both emitter and collector electrodes. Measured common-emitter current gain β for a fabricated HBT with 0.6 × 10-µm2emitter dimension and 0.7 × 10-µm2× 2 base dimension is 26 at 9 × 104-A/cm2collector current density.  相似文献   

The use of triple-layer oxide/nitride/PETEOS (plasma-enhanced TEOS) gate spacer, CMOS (T-MOS) structure to form shallow/deep junctions with the deep junction self-aligned to the silicide layer on the source/drain area of submicrometer CMOS devices is discussed. Due to the disposable PETEOS spacer layer, only two masks (one for each channel) are needed to form this source/drain junction signature. A T-MOS structure of 0.5-μm physical gate length has been demonstrated with good device characteristics and ideal junction leakage properties. This T-MOS process, with its moderated doped drain (MDD) structure, is a promising device choice for deep-submicrometer CMOS devices  相似文献   

Scaling fully depleted SOI CMOS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Quasi-two-dimensional (2-D) device analyses, 2-D numerical device simulations, and circuit simulations of nanoscale conventional, single-gate fully depleted (FD) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) CMOS are done to examine the scalability and performance potential of the technology. The quasi-2-D analyses, which can apply to double-gate devices as well, also provide a simple expression to estimate the effective channel length (L/sub eff/) of FD/SOI MOSFETs. The insightful results show that threshold-voltage control via channel doping and polysilicon gates is not a viable option for extremely scaled FD/SOI CMOS, and hence that undoped channels and metal gate(s) with tuned work function(s) must be employed. Quantitative as well as qualitative insights gained on the short-channel effects reveal the need for ultrathin films (t/sub Si/ < 10 nm) for L/sub eff/ < 50 nm. However, the implied manufacturing burden, compounded by effects of carrier-energy quantization for ultrathin t/sub Si/, forces a pragmatic limit on t/sub Si/ of about 5 nm, which in turn limits the scalability to L/sub eff/ = 25-30 nm. Unloaded CMOS-inverter ring-oscillator simulations, done with our process/physics-based compact model (UFDG) in SPICE3, show very good performance for L/sub eff/ = 35 nm, and suggest viable technology designs for low-power as well as high-performance applications. These simulations also reveal that moderate variations in t/sub Si/ can be tolerated, and that the energy quantization significantly influences the scaled-technology performance and hence must be properly accounted for in optimal FD/SOI MOSFET design.  相似文献   

An advanced inverse-T LDD (ITLDD) CMOS process has been developed. This process features self-aligned lightly-doped-drain/channel implantation for improved hot-carrier protection. Selective polysilicon deposition is used to define the thick polysilicon gate regions with a thin polysilicon gate regions overlying the lightly doped n- and p+ regions. Since the thick poly gate regions are defined by nitride sidewall spacers, optical lithography can be used to define sub-half-micrometer gate length MOSFETs. The LDD implants are performed after the n+ and p+ implants are annealed, resulting in MOSFET's with improved short-channel behavior due to the smaller lateral source/drain diffusion  相似文献   

A method of fabricating planar Gunn-effect devices with Schottky-barrier gates has been improved by using the self-alignment technique. Dual-gate devices fabricated by this method have fine geometries and exhibited sufficiently good performance.  相似文献   

Cell-based fully integrated CMOS frequency synthesizers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A family of standard cells for phase-locked loop (PLL) applications is presented. The applications are processed using a 1.5 μm, n-well, double-polysilicon, double-layer metal CMOS process. Applications include frequency synthesis for computer clock generation, disk drives, and pixel clock generators for computer monitors, with maximum frequencies up to 80 MHz. The synthesizers require no external components since the loop filter and oscillator are on chip with the phase frequency detector and the charge pump. Special voltage and current reference cells are discussed. Analysis of noise sources in the PLL demonstrates the need for reducing the phase noise of the system. A low phase noise is achieved through supply rejection techniques and by placing the oscillator in a high-gain feedback loop to minimize its noise contributions. Laboratory measurements of completed silicon show synthesizers with exceptionally linear gain, as well as transient responses and phase noise similar to predicted results  相似文献   

CMOS fully differential second-generation current conveyor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The design of a CMOS fully differential second generation current conveyor is presented. The proposed circuit was designed to incorporate the current sensing technique into a fully differential version of a differential difference amplifier (DDA). A low power class AB circuit realisation has been implemented in 1.2 μm CMOS technology. A variable gain amplifier (VGA) designed to incorporate the circuit has been shown to exhibit constant, low power consumption and constant, wide bandwidth at different gain settings. Experimental results of the proposed circuits are presented  相似文献   

A fully differential transimpedance amplifier has been designed and implemented in 0.18 /spl mu/m standard digital CMOS technology. The parallel feedback circuit topology is adopted to broaden the bandwidth. It can operate at 10 Gbit/s with the dynamic range from 25 /spl mu/A up to 2.5 mA. The power consumption is only 88 mW under 2 V supply voltage.  相似文献   

本文给出了一个低功耗、全集成的CMOS脉冲式超宽带发射机电路的设计和流片测试结果,其集成了亚纳秒脉冲发生器、脉冲位置调制(PPM)器和天线驱动电路等,可支持多种调制方式并产生最高达1Gp/s的超宽带脉冲序列.设计采用数字驱动信号上升沿触发的新型反馈结构脉冲发生器,可产生稳定的脉冲信号.通过可调的脉冲宽度和PPM调制步长,设计提供了工艺参数和温度变化的补偿手段.  相似文献   

This paper describes the high performance of T-shaped-gate CMOS devices with effective channel lengths in the sub-0.1-μm region. These devices were fabricated by using selective W growth, which allows low-resistance gates smaller than 0.1 μm to be made without requiring fine lithography alignment. We used counter-doping to scale down the threshold voltage while still maintaining acceptable short-channel effects. This approach allowed us to make ring oscillators with a gate-delay time as short as 21 ps at 2 V with a gate length of 0.15 μm. Furthermore, we experimentally show that the high circuit speed of a sub-0.1-μm gate length CMOS device is mainly due to the PMOS device performance, especially in terms of its drivability  相似文献   

A fully integrated CMOS implementation of a continuous-time analog median filter is presented. The median filter uses two compact analog circuits as building blocks to implement the variable delay and median detection. Median detectors are based on current saturating transconductance comparators, while the time delay is implemented using first-order all-pass filters. Both circuits allow modular expansion for the implementation of large median filter array processors. Based on these blocks, a new fast technique for parallel image processing is presented. It is shown that an image of 91/spl times/80 pixels can be processed in less than 8 /spl mu/s using an array of median filter cells. Experimental results of a test chip prototype in 2-/spl mu/m CMOS MOSIS technology are presented.  相似文献   

mW. Comparisons between measured and HSpice simulation results are also given.  相似文献   

This paper presents a current controlled fully balanced second-generation current conveyor circuit(CF-BCCII).The proposed circuit has the traits of fully balanced architecture, and its X-Y terminals are current control-lable.Based on the CFBCCII, two biquadratic universal filters are also proposed as its applications.The CFBCCII circuits and the two filters were fabricated with chartered 0.35-μm CMOS technology;with ±1.65 V power supply voltage, the total power consumption of the CFBCCII circuit is 3.6 mW.Comparisons between measured and HSpice simulation results are also given.  相似文献   

Two CMOS differential amplifiers, one that is intended for applications in which the input common-mode range is relatively limited, the complementary self-biased differential amplifier (CSDA), and one that is intended for applications in which the input common-mode range is bounded only by the supply voltages, the very-wide-common-mode-range differential amplifier (VCDA), are discussed. Both differ from conventional CMOS differential amplifiers in having fully complementary configurations and in being self-biased through negative feedback. The amplifiers have been applied as precision high-speed comparators in commercial VLSI CMOS integrated circuits  相似文献   

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