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陶瓷磨削中新型多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮磨损特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在磨削Al2O3工程陶瓷材料过程中,利用三维视频显微镜跟踪观察了新型多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮,金刚石的磨损过程以及砂轮表面形貌的变化。分析了新型砂轮中金刚石磨损的主要形式及原因,砂轮工作表面的状态变化特征。试验结果表明:新型多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮在加工过程中,金刚石的磨损形式包括磨耗磨损,破碎及脱落等磨损过程,其中以磨耗磨损为主;同时,随着结合剂的不断磨除,砂轮深层磨料能够不断出露,取代表面钝化失效、脱落的金刚石,且砂轮表面孔隙结构,随磨损过程呈交替更迭变化,砂轮具有较好的自锐性。  相似文献   

旋转金刚石修整工具修整超硬磨料砂轮的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对比研究了金刚石修整笔和旋转金刚石修整工具,在修整超硬磨料砂轮时修整力、工具磨损、修整效率等参数的变化规律,结果表明:超硬磨料砂轮的修整中,旋转金刚石修整工具修整力、修磨效率和磨损等几乎不随修整次数增加发生变化,其原因是修整工作是由整个圆周上金刚石分担,旋转型金刚石修整工具在修整过程中,具有挤压砂轮的作用,使被修整的金刚石砂轮表面具有较好锋利度.结果表明:在优化的修整工艺条件下,旋转金刚石工具可以实现对超硬磨料砂轮的精密修整.  相似文献   

Form crush dressing of diamond grinding wheels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Form crush dressing is a method to profile diamond grinding wheels. Especially for complex profiles with intricate details and high accuracy an improved form crush profiling system has been developed. The system consists of a hydrostatically supported form crushing disc embedded in a swiveling axis. Form disc wear, which forms a major bottleneck in reaching high accuracy, has been minimized through the development of an advanced wheel synchronization control strategy. Various vitrified grinding wheels and a crushable metal bonded wheel have been tested to show the general applicability of the method to grinding wheels with brittle bond systems.  相似文献   

Grinding tools like one side recessed grinding wheels are used in many machining applications and must provide a high reliability against fracture concerning safety-relevant and economic aspects. The calculation of the bursting speed on the basis of the mechanical properties is an important tool for the design of grinding wheels. However, no equation is available to estimate the bursting speed of these types of grinding tools so far. For the calculation of the bursting speed of one side recessed grinding wheels a parametric study using FEA was carried out. The results of these investigations provide the basis for a geometric function, which allows in association with a newly-developed fracture criteria to calculate the bursting speed of one side recessed grinding wheels. For the validation of the developed concept spin burst tests with grinding wheels of eight different geometries and two granulations were carried out. The results of these investigations show a very good correlation of the calculated and measured bursting speeds for all tested types of grinding wheels.  相似文献   

In the paper authors described a method of CBN grinding wheel cutting ability evaluation and research results achieved with this method during grinding process. Research results, which allowed for verification of the method (e.g. measurements of grinding force components, surface roughness and waviness parameters and stress level in surface layer) were also presented.  相似文献   

为了实现粗磨粒金刚石砂轮延性域磨削加工SiC陶瓷材料,采用碟轮对粒径为297~420μm的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮进行了精密修整。然后,使用经过修整好的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮对SiC陶瓷进行磨削加工。在此基础上,对不同的砂轮线速度、工件进给速度、磨削切深对SiC陶瓷表面粗糙度和表面形貌的影响进行了研究。试验结果表明:经过精密修整的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮是能够实现SiC陶瓷材料的延性域磨削的,表面粗糙度值Ra达到0.151μm;随着砂轮线速度增大、工件进给速度和磨削切深减小,SiC陶瓷表面的脆性断裂减小,塑性去除增加。  相似文献   

Electrochemical dressing of fine-grained metal-bonded diamond grinding wheels enables to grind hard and brittle materials in the ductile mode. Optical surfaces can be manufactured by grinding, which reduces the need for subsequent, time-consuming polishing work. When using metal-bonded grinding wheels, the emerging oxides regulate the electrochemical dissolution. Bronze-bonded grinding wheels are more suitable for grinding cemented carbides and ceramics than iron-bonded grinding wheels, as it is easier to modify their chemical composition to suit a specific grinding task. They can also be sintered at lower temperatures, which reduces the risk of thermal damage to the diamond. In this paper, the dissolution and the oxidation of different bronze alloys are characterized for the electrochemical dressing process. The relevant evaluation criteria are the oxide layer thickness, the electrical behavior and the different emerging bronze alloy oxides. This work is funded by the German Research Association DFG within the Transregional Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR4 “Process Chains for the Replication of Complex Optical Elements”.  相似文献   

ELID-lap grinding is a method of constant pressure grinding which utilizes an electrically conductive wheel and the electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID) method. This method has the advantage of using micro grain-wheels above #10 000 and also, through simple modification, can be used on existing lap machines. To find the characteristics of metal-resin bonded wheels developed for ELID-lap grinding, experiments on the grinding of brittle materials were performed using wheels with a variety of grain diameters. The wheels used in the experiments were #8000, #120 000 and #3 000 000 metal-resin bonded diamond wheels (#8000 MRB-D, #120 000 MRB-D and #3 000 000 MRB-D wheels). The workpieces were silicon and glass. The results of the experiments showed that stable grinding can be achieved with the #8000 to #3 000 000 MRB-D wheels. With the #3 000 000 MRB-D wheel, very smooth surface finishes were obtained for both silicon (PV 2.8 nm) and glass (PV 2.5 nm). Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) observations indicated these surfaces to be very smooth in the order of several nanometers, obtained by mechanical removal using an ultrafine wheel.  相似文献   

金属结合剂金刚石砂轮由于其结合剂的高把持强度,导致砂轮整形极其困难.微细粒度金属结合剂砂轮一般可通过机械、电火花、电化学或激光等某单一整形方式进行整形,但对于粗粒度砂轮来说,由于磨粒尺寸较大,采用上述任一种整形方式都存在一定问题.本文针对粗粒度砂轮多用于高效磨削这一特点提出了一种复合式整形方法:电火花-机械复合整形法,并阐述了该方法的整形机理;此外,还对整形精度起着重要作用的参数--放电间隙与电规准之间的关系进行了试验研究,并通过100/120#青铜结合剂金刚石砂轮的整形试验进行验证.试验结果表明,采用电火花-机械复合整形方法可以实现对粗粒度金属结合剂超硬磨料砂轮的高效整形,整形精度可达6μm以下.  相似文献   

This paper presents a series of micro-structured coarse-grained diamond wheels for optical glass surface grinding aiming to improve the grinding performance, especially subsurface damage. The 150 μm grit size, single layer electroplated diamond grinding wheels with different interval micro-groove arrays were manufactured by nanosecond pulsed laser, successfully. The influence of micro-structures on surface roughness and subsurface damage was investigated. Compared with conventional coarse-grained diamond wheel, the subsurface damage depth was reduced effectually from 5 to 1.5 μm, although the better surface roughness was not obtained by the micro-structured coarse-grained diamond wheel. In addition, the surface roughness and subsurface damage depth were both reduced with the decreasing interval of micro-groove arrays.  相似文献   

C. Guo  A. Elfizy 《CIRP Annals》2008,57(1):325-328
The development of future products requires designing, manufacturing, and testing components in a virtual environment before hardware parts are actually made. This paper presents a generalized process simulation and multi-constraint optimization strategy for five-axis grinding with cubic boron nitride (CBN) wheels to increase material removal rates while avoiding process problems such as damage to the machined surfaces and premature wheel failure. The wheel-workpiece engagement conditions under five-axis grinding are extracted from a CAM system by geometrically processing the NC program, the wheel geometry and the part geometry. The interpreted geometric contact data are used in combination with empirical grinding models to predict physical process parameters such as forces, power, heat flux, and temperature. These parameters are then used as the decision variables in a multi-constraint optimization to optimize process parameters such as workspeed to reduce cycle time.  相似文献   

本文通过对比磨削试验,研究了普通酚醛树脂和两种改性酚醛树脂制作的金刚石砂轮的磨削性能.试验结果表明,通过改性提高树脂的力学性能可以增强结合剂对磨料的把持力,从而提高砂轮的磨削比;通过改性提高树脂的耐热性,防止磨削区域过热引起的树脂降解,从而保证了结合剂对磨料的把持力不降低,对砂轮的磨削比提高效果更为显著.同时通过对树脂...  相似文献   

偶联剂处理对金刚石树脂砂轮磨削性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用NaOH溶液对金刚石磨料进行了预处理,并用硅烷偶联剂进行表面改性,对改性后的金刚石磨料制造的树脂砂轮的磨削比和磨削效率进行了研究。结果表明,在干磨的条件下,改性后的金刚石磨料对砂轮磨削比的提高显著,磨削效率基本不变。通过显微镜观察磨削后的砂轮表面形貌,发现树脂对改性后的金刚石颗粒把持力增大,磨粒脱落减少,与仅用硅烷偶联剂处理的金刚石砂轮相比,其磨削比提高了50%。  相似文献   

D杯形砂轮修整碟形金刚石砂轮试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用了D杯形砂轮与碟形砂轮对磨法来修整大直径树脂结合剂碟形金刚石砂轮。在分析研究杯形砂轮修整碟形砂轮的修整原理及修整方式的基础上,用自行研制的专用修整装置,从主轴转速、修整深度、修整工具结合剂类型等方面进行了对比工艺试验研究,总结了杯形砂轮修整碟形砂轮的不同工艺参数与修整效率、修整质量之间的工艺规律。试验结果表明,在本试验条件下主轴转速500r/min,修整深度0.02mm的修整效率较好;细粒度、中等浓度的青铜结合剂杯形金刚石砂轮与粗粒度、高浓度的杯形砂轮修整碟形砂轮相比,后者具有较好的修形效果和修整效率;D杯形砂轮与GC杯形砂轮交替配合使用可以大大提高碟形金刚石砂轮的修形效率和修锐效果。  相似文献   

《CIRP Annals》2019,68(1):321-324
The tool properties of grinding wheels can vary in a wide range due to the variety of processes. The properties, in turn, affect the grinding process and the grinding results. Understanding the interdependencies from the initial manufacturing to the final grinding results is the key to achieve the target-oriented generation of the grinding wheel properties for the grinding task at hand. This paper presents a novel approach to model the interdependencies between the manufacturing of bronze-bonded grinding wheels and the resulting grinding behaviour. The manufacturing steps are described with sub models in order to forecast properties and application behaviour.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken to explore the grinding characteristics and removal mechanisms in high speed grinding of three engineering ceramics—alumina, silicon nitride, and zirconia—by using brazed diamond wheels of two different grit sizes. The grinding forces and surface roughness were measured and the morphological features of ground workpiece surfaces were examined. The results indicate that material removal mechanisms are different for the three ceramics at high grinding speeds. For alumina, the removal is dominated by brittle fracture. For silicon nitride and zirconia, the ductile removal prevails in the grinding. For each of the three ceramics, grinding power per unit width is found to be nearly proportional to the rate of plowed surface area generated per unit time per unit width, indicating that the grinding energy expended is mainly associated with sliding and plowing.  相似文献   

金刚石砂轮修整新技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过一系列试验,研究了适用于MK9025数控光学曲线磨床上金刚石砂轮修整的3种新技术:激光修整法、气中电火花放电修整法、激光辅助机械修整法,实验结果表明3种金刚石砂轮修整技术都是可行的,是很有前途的新技术。  相似文献   

硬质合金具有硬度高、强度好、耐腐蚀和耐磨损的特点,采用传统方法难以满足精密及超精密加工的技术要求.本文采用不同粒度的铸铁结合剂金刚石砂轮ELID镜面磨削硬质合金,得到了不同加工效率以及不同加工表面质量的硬质合金磨削效果,揭示了不同粒度砂轮其磨削性能变化的规律与作用.实验结果表明:在相同的进给量下,粗粒度砂轮的磨削效率较高,能更好地控制工件的尺寸精度.细粒度砂轮则磨削效率较低,但能获得优良的加工表面质量.砂轮表面的氧化膜在磨削过程中扮演非常重要的角色,磨粒的粒径与砂轮表面氧化膜厚度的比值大小决定了砂轮的磨削性能.氧化膜的形成又受到电解参数的影响,可以通过对电解参数的调节实现高效率高精度的ELID磨削.  相似文献   

采用钎焊法分别制备金刚石粒度尺寸为251μm和107μm的牙科金刚石工具,并对氧化锆陶瓷进行磨削加工实验。研究了加工过程中进给速度和主轴转速对磨削力的影响,并对不同粒度的钎焊金刚石工具进行对比。利用扫描电镜观察加工后氧化锆陶瓷表面质量和切屑形态。实验结果表明:法向磨削力和切向磨削力随着进给速度和主轴转速的增大而增大,粒度尺寸为107μm的钎焊金刚石工具产生的磨削力小于粒度尺寸为251μm的钎焊金刚石工具。随着进给速度的增大,加工后的氧化锆陶瓷表面脆性断裂区域有所增加,切屑尺寸增大。随着主轴转速的增大,加工后的氧化锆陶瓷表面存在显微塑性变形,切屑细化。  相似文献   

通过数字视频采集系统跟踪观察钎焊金刚石砂轮磨削过程中磨粒表面形貌变化.研究了钎焊金刚石砂轮在磨削花岗石材料过程中,金刚石磨粒的出刃高度和磨损状态的变化规律.结果表明,钎焊金刚石工具在加工过程中,钎焊金刚石磨粒可分为六种磨损状态:完整晶形、微观破碎、宏观破碎、磨平、折平和脱落.磨粒磨损路径主要是以完整→微观破碎→宏观破碎→脱落的方式进行.金刚石磨粒在磨损过程中,可分为初期磨损、正常磨损和剧烈磨损三个阶段.  相似文献   

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