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华绪钦欧玉林王泽陈敏刘志豪 《宝钢技术》2023,(5):66-70
分析武钢有限炼铁厂原料分厂在使用黏性物料过程中遇到的问题,采取制定合理的配矿结构、分block配矿、加强水分控制、提高生产组织的合理性及改善设备条件等一系列措施,确保了混匀矿生产顺行、质量稳定,达到加大黏性物料用量、降低生产成本的目的,也为其他原料厂使用黏性物料提供参考。 相似文献
为淘汰落后产能,降低混匀矿加工成本,韶钢原料厂对现有的混匀配料系统进行改造。改造完后,不仅保证了生产顺行、加工产品质量可靠,还达到了料场、工艺优化和设备、人员精减等预期目的,降本效果明显,是一个成功的改造案例。 相似文献
介绍了武钢工业港近几年来在混匀工艺、设备、生产等方面的发展过程及技术进步。通过烧结厂用混匀矿后的生产对比,证明了原料进行混匀的必要性及重要性,并初步分析混匀所创的效益。通过与国内外混匀场的对比,结合武钢的自身条件,分析了武钢原料场存在的问题并提出了解决思路。 相似文献
采用Block配料建堆工艺,对混匀矿的质量控制过程进行试验,结果表明这种配料工艺对混匀效果、生产效率均有明显提高。 相似文献
通过采用因果矩阵分析、失效模式分析、方差分析以及响应曲面设计等有效的质量改进工具,找到影响太钢烧结用混匀矿质量稳定性的关键因素,并得出相关的优化参数应用于生产实践。最终实现了混匀矿SiO2标准差大幅降低的目的。 相似文献
Slag/metal separation process of the highly reduced oolitic high-phosphorus iron ore fines was investigated. Samples were prepared using the reduced ore fines (metallization rate: 88%) and powder additives of CaO and Na2CO3. Slag/metal separation behavior tests were conducted using a quenching method and the obtained metal parts were subjected to direct observation as well as microstructure examination with SEM and EDS; iron recovery and phosphorus distribution tests were conducted using a Si-Mo high temperature furnace and the obtained metal parts were examined by ICP-AES analysis and mass measurement. Thermodynamic calculation using coexistence theory of slag structure was also performed. Results show that temperature for slag/metal separation must be higher than 1823 K and a satisfying slag/metal separation of the highly reduced ore fines needs at least 4 min; phosphorus con- tent of hot metal is mainly determined by thermodynamics; temperature of 1823-1873 K and Na2CO3 mixing ratio of about 3 % are adequate for controlling phosphorus content to be less than 0.3 mass% in hot metal; temperature, time and Na2CO3 mixing ratio do not have significant effect on iron recovery, and iron recovery rate could be higher than 80% as long as a good slag/metal separation result is obtained. 相似文献
In order to obtain good sintering performance, it is important to understand sintering properties of iron ores. Sintering properties including chemical composition, granulation and high-temperature behaviors of ores from China, Brazil and Australia. Furthermore, several indices were defined to evaluate sintering properties of iron ores. The results show that: for chemical composition, Brazilian ores present high TFe, low SiO2, and low Al2O3 content. For granulation, particle diameter ratio of Brazilian ores are high; particle intermediate fraction of Chinese concentrates are low; and average particle size and clay type index of Australian ores are high. For high-temperature properties, ores from China, Brazil and Australia present different characteristics. Ores from different origins should be mixed together to obtain good high-temperature properties. According to the analysis of each ore′s sintering properties, an ore blending scheme (Chinese concentrates 20%+Brazilian ores 40%+Australian ores 40%) was suggested. Moreover, sinter pot test using blending mix was performed, and the results indicated that the ore blending scheme led to good sintering performance and sinter quality. 相似文献
High pressure roll grinding (HPRG)and ball milling were compared to investigate the influence of me-chanical activation on the acid leaching dephosphorization of a high-phosphorus iron ore concentrate,which was man-ufactured through magnetizing roasting-magnetic separation of high-phosphorus oolitic iron ores.The results indica-ted that when high-phosphorus iron ore concentrates containing 54·92 mass% iron and 0·76 mass% phosphorus were directly processed through acid leaching,iron ore concentrates containing 55·74 mass% iron and 0·33 mass%phosphorus with an iron recovery of 84·64% and dephosphorization of 63·79% were obtained.When high-phosphor-us iron ore concentrates activated by ball milling were processed by acid leaching,iron ore concentrates containing 56·03 mass% iron and 0·21 mass% phosphorus with an iron recovery of 85·65% and dephosphorization of 77·49%were obtained.Meanwhile,when high-phosphorus iron ore concentrates activated by HPRG were processed by acid leaching,iron ore concentrates containing 58·02 mass% iron and 0·10 mass% phosphorus were obtained,with the iron recovery reaching 88·42% and the dephosphorization rate reaching 88·99%.Mechanistic studies demonstrated that ball milling can reduce the particle size,demonstrating a prominent reunion phenomenon.In contrast,HPRG pretreatment contributes to the formation of more cracks within the particles and selective dissociation of iron and P bearing minerals,which can provide the favorable kinetic conditions to accelerate the solid-liquid reaction rate.As such,the crystal structure is destroyed and the surface energy of mineral particles is strengthened by mechanical ac-tivation,further strengthening the dephosphorization. 相似文献
在铁矿粉SiO2含量不断升高的背景下,针对烧结面临高硅蛇纹石停配而产生的烧结矿产质量下降的技术问题,采用微型烧结装置和烧结杯对白云石替代蛇纹石后的适宜配矿结构进行了研究。微型烧结试验研究结果表明,在化学成分一定的条件下,白云石替代蛇纹石后,因烧结液相流动性的降低而黏结效果变差,致使烧结体固结强度明显下降。烧结杯试验研究结果表明,用高液相流动性铁矿粉替代低液相流动性铁矿粉后,烧结成品率和转鼓强度分别升高0.98%和2.26%,烧结利用系数提高9.71%,而采用大粒级铁矿粉以提高烧结混合料黏附粉偏析碱度的优化配矿措施,使烧结成品率和转鼓强度分别升高2.10%和3.37%,烧结利用系数提高8.25%。 相似文献
总结近年来九江萍钢公司在烧结、高炉配矿结构优化方面所做的工作。九钢铁前配矿的原则是以优化烧结配矿结构为主,稳定高炉配矿结构为辅,同时考虑改善烧结矿质量。 相似文献
直接使用低品位铅锌混合矿作原料,采用一新颖、简便工艺生产纳米氧化锌,建立了工业生产线,产成品性能优异,在橡胶等制品上可减量使用。 相似文献
Direct reduction of high-phosphorus oolitic hematite ore based on biomass pyrolysis gases(CO,H_2,and CH_4),tar,and char was conducted to investigate the effects of reduction temperature,iron ore-biomass mass ratio,and reduction time on the metallization rate.In addition,the effect of particle size on the dephosphorization and iron recovery rate was studied by magnetic separation.It was determined that the metallization rate of the hematite ore could reach 99.35% at iron ore-biomass mass ratio of 1∶0.6,reduction temperature of 1 100℃,and reduction time of 55 min.The metallization rate and the aggregation degree of iron particles increase with the increase of reduction temperature.The particle size of direct reduced iron(DRI) has a great influence on the quality of the iron concentrate during magnetic separation.The separation degree of slag and iron was improved by the addition of 15 mass% sodium carbonate.DRI with iron grade of 89.11%,iron recovery rate of 83.47%,and phosphorus content of 0.28% can be obtained when ore fines with particle size of-10 μm account for 78.15%. 相似文献
论述了铁矿石高价位背景下的生铁成本控制,认为生铁的成本控制是一个系统工程,科学采购是直接手 段,生产可控是基础,而科学配矿是桥梁,三者相互联系的同时也相互制约,并提出生铁成本控制的新观点:配矿结 构的确定要根据企业自身的地域特点来制定;利用不同矿种的优势和劣势进行互补搭配,并提高冶炼的技术水平, 减少原料变化对生产和炉况稳定性的影响,实现效益的最大化。 相似文献