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An architecture called the hybrid planar/non-radiative-dielectric (NRD) waveguide integrated technology is proposed as a building block for constructing microwave and millimeter-wave circuits. This hybrid approach of integration offers a unique possibility of exploiting inherent complementary advantages of planar structures and NRD waveguides for low-cost wireless applications while eliminating the potential drawbacks associated with both dissimilar structures. Compared to the existing NRD-guide related technology, the proposed framework consists of relocated planar structures on the top and/or the bottom plates of an NRD-guide, sharing the common ground planes. Such a hybrid scheme is particularly suitable for millimeter-wave systems in which active devices can be made with the planar-line technique while passive components can be made with the NRD-guide technique. The two subsets of a complete functional system are interconnected through a class of aperture-based transitions which can be designed to have wide-band performance. In addition, the multichip module (MCM) technique is readily achieved under this proposed scheme. Experimental prototypes, including passive-component and active-device, based on the new hybrid technology presented in this paper, show that the novel hybrid technology promises to be useful in the design of future microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and systems  相似文献   

A new ultra-wide-band(UWB) horn antenna based on the nonradiative dielectric waveguide (NRD-guide) was proposed to solve the problem of UWB antennas, TEM horns for example, generally suffer from large side leakage. The rule of the theoretical selection of its parameters, if NRD-guide is used as the UWB antennas, is studied firstly, then the radiation characteristics for an open-ended NRD-guide are calculated by FDTD (finite-difference time-domain) method.  相似文献   

This work obtains a correlation between the physical structure and capacitance characteristics of collector junctions of planar bipolar epitaxial transistors. It uses an exponential model to represent the impurity distribution and makes available by non-destructive techniques base impurity profile constant, background concentration and collector junction depth from terminal measurements. The methods take care of such aspects of device geometry which are particular to small area high frequency transistors. Procedures are proposed for systematic evaluation of stray and sidewall capacitances. The latter can be used to monitor junction depth. Of interest for quick estimation of parameters is a method that utilises derivatives of the C(V) plot and does not require evaluation of strays.  相似文献   

A generalized surface-volume integral-equation approach (SVIE) has been proposed and developed for accurate modeling and analysis of hybrid planar/nonradiating dielectric (NRD)-guide integrated circuits. On the basis of vertical modes in basis functions for NRD-guide circuits, vertical integration in space-domain is carried out analytically and a set of first-order Green's functions is constructed. Then, the solution of the volume integral-equation concerning with the NRD-guide circuits has been reduced to a two-dimensional planar problem in connection with each vertical mode. In this way, only the diagonal submatrices need to be calculated due to the orthogonal property of different vertical modes. A reduced calculation region technique is used for handling higher order vertical modes in which the fields are confined in the slot areas and their vicinities. The method was applied to a class of different hybrid structures. The results are in good agreement with measured results or the results obtained with other methods.  相似文献   

Tsukasa Yoneyama 《电信纪事》1992,47(11-12):508-514
Recent achievements in the field of the NRD-guide integrated circuits and antennas are reviewed. The main emphasis is placed on a new class of planar antennas which employ a leaky NRD-guide as the feed medium and can be contained in a common housing together with the NRD-guide integrated circuits.  相似文献   

A twodimensional Poisson equation is solved as part of a program to improve breakdown characteristics of a planar p-n junction by using a field limiting ring. The influences of n? concentration and n? layer width of p+-n?-n+ diode are investigated. Higher n? concentration and smaller n? width make optimum distance between anode and field limiting ring smaller. Breakdown voltages predicted by optimising method reported agree well with the experimental results.  相似文献   

A rigorous analytic method is used to solve the wave-propagation problem for a planar transversal junction of two planar waveguides. The problem is reduced to an iteratively solved system of integral equations of the second kind. Dependences of the transmission and reflection coefficients of guided waves, radiation patterns, and the power of the radiation field on the ratios of the waveguide thicknesses and the waveguide permittivities are obtained.  相似文献   

The response characteristics of Nb-Pb-Nb planar Josephson junction under millimeter wave radiation is discussed. We could observe the third Shapiro step.  相似文献   

A modification of the moat etch type of surface contouring is described which can increase the avalanche breakdown voltage of planar p-n junctions and greatly reduce peak surface electric fields. A properly located moat etch or bevel is used to achieve what is effectively a positive bevel intersection angle between the junction and the surface. Qualitative arguments based on charge balance, exact computer solutions, and experimental results show that higher breakdown voltage and much lower surface fields can be achieved as some, but not all, of the deleterious effects of the junction curvature are eliminated. Optimum design and sensitivity to process variations are also considered.  相似文献   

Addition of a low-concentration p-type pocket around the edge region of p+-n type planar junction improves the electric-field distribution to such an extent that near-ideal breakdown characteristics can be obtained. This has been observed in 2-dimensional computer simulation studies. This is based on the fact that for a specific combination of width and depth of the pocket, the region in which maximum avalanche multiplication occurs, changes from the edge to the plane. Worst-case analysis taking constant impurity profiles in all the regions and rectangular junctions has been presented to know the influence of the edge region. The present structure, if realized by the methods indicated, would result in the highest breakdown voltage of a planar junction  相似文献   

In this paper, the NRD-guide excitors using a length of coaxial line which consists of a rectangle external conductor and a thin round inner conductor are presented, and the characteristics of the input impedances of LSE 11 o mode and LSM 11 o mode at the insertion points are analysed and calculated by using the method of the rector Green's function respectively. The computation results show that the mode excitors are able to improve the operating modes matching between NRD-guide and the quasi-TEM transmission line. The structures are suitable for fabrication LSE 11 o mode oscillator and LSM 11 o mode oscillator to compose millimeter wave NRD-guide integrated front ends. An example of an LSE 11 o mode oscillator in Ka-band is given. Its oscillation frequency and output power could be easily adjusted by changing the parameters of the excitor.  相似文献   

A new type millimeter-wave receiving frond-end using NRD-guide as internal transmission line is presented in this paper. The receiving frond-end consists of a NRD-guide crossbar balanced mixer, a NRD-guide LSE mode local oscillator and two impedance-converters at two input ports of the mixer circuit. Firstly, the propagation characteristics of some transmission modes often used in NRD-guide are given, and the conditions which these modes are applied as the operating modes are discussed. Secondly, the principle of the balanced mixed which is regarded as the key circuit unit in the receiving frond-end is analysed by using vector Green's function, and the conversion loss of the mixer is computed with an equivalent circuit in Ka-band. And then, from the view of obtaining the optimum performances of the whole receiving frond-end, some methods of designing local oscillator are expound. Some experimental results of the receiving frond-end at Kaband are given in the paper lastly. Because the frond-end have the impedance matching and converting circuits, it possesses better electrical performance. The integrated frond-end which have compact size and excellent shock strength is suitable for varied millimeter-wave system.  相似文献   

A novel class of optimized nonradiative dielectric waveguide (NRD-guide) mode suppressors are proposed for wideband applications in passive and active NRD integrated circuits. A rigorous field-theoretical analysis is made by using the frequency-domain TLM technique. The optimum design is based on a filter-like scheme with a low-pass filter simulation technique and its performance-prediction algorithm. Compared to the existing choke metallic pattern, the proposed mode suppressor demonstrates excellent capabilities of effectively suppressing unwanted modes while offering a more compact geometry. Using the geometry proposed in this work for a three-section low-pass filter, for example, it is found that the transmission loss of the mode suppressor is better than -30 dB over the frequency band of interest which is well confirmed theoretically and experimentally. In addition, the length of the resulting mode suppressor becomes shorter than its counterpart using the choke metallic pattern by 20%. The theoretical prediction of electrical performance is well confirmed by our measurements  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the representation of the collector-base junction of planar bipolar transistors by a model capable of accurate characterization of junction capacitance and avalanche breakdown behavior. The model chosen consists of an exponential impurity density profile with cylindrical peripheral region approximation, and is regarded as the simplest representation suitable for the purpose. Objectives are the practical determination of the defining parameters (collector background, impurity density, exponential characteristic length, and collector junction depth) for such a model, and the demonstration of its accuracy for the physical characterization of the device structure. Model parameter determination is carried out in terms of junction capacitance and BVCBOmeasurements, by processes of computer fitting between model and measured data; the procedures used are nondestructive. It is shown, in particular, that the values obtained for the collector resistivity and junction depth are in very good agreement with those derived by 4-point probe measurement and by bevel and stain sectioning, respectively.  相似文献   

基于横向侧扩散与纵向体扩散结深构成椭圆形冶金结外形这一与工艺实际相符合的假设 ,通过圆柱对称解的归一化 ,提出了平面结击穿电场沿结边分布的解析解。理论结果阐述了不同结深及结边形状对边缘区击穿电压的影响规律 ,说明了表面击穿电压总是小于体内击穿电压的原因。  相似文献   

Double implantation technology consisting of deep-range acceptor followed by shallow-range donor implantation was used to fabricate planar n+-p junction diodes in 4H-SiC. Either Al or B was used as the acceptor species and N as the donor species with all implants performed at 700°C and annealed at 1650°C with an AlN encapsulant. The diodes were characterized for their current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) behavior over the temperature range 25°C-400°C, and reverse recovery transient behavior over the temperature range 25°C-200°C. At room temperature, the B-implanted diodes exhibited a reverse leakage current of 5×10-8 A/cm2 at a reverse bias of -20 V and a carrier lifetime of 7.4 ns  相似文献   

The guided-wave transmission and reflection coefficients, the pattern, and the energy of the radiated field are calculated as functions of the value of the displacement at the junction of two single-mode waveguides for various values of the permittivity of waveguiding layers. It is shown that the correction to the wave transmission coefficient calculated at the first and second iteration steps increases while the permittivity grows, and the way this correction increases is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Electric field distribution around the circular corners of a rectangular planar diffused junction has been analyzed with the help of three-dimensional symmetry considerations. Analytical results derived in this paper have been used in calculating the breakdown voltages of one-sided abrupt types of such planar junctions with different parameters like background doping, junction depth, and radius of curvature of the rounded corners. These results are useful in the design of planar junctions with better breakdown characteristics and optimal utilization of the semiconductor area on a wafer.  相似文献   

Dependence of the short-circuit photocurrent on the voltage V g applied to the gate of the 6H-SiC planar field-effect transistor is studied. The negative differential photoconductivity appeared at a certain value of V g; the parameters of this photoconductivity corresponded to those of the Wannier-Stark ladders in the natural 6H-SiC super lattice. At the same value of V g, a fairly abrupt decrease to zero of the source-drain current I sd is observed, which is indicative of cutoff at the voltage that is much lower than the expected cutoff voltage for this structure. The effect is attributed to a decrease in mobility in the mode of the Wannier-Stark ladders, a decrease in the rate of ionization of the donor atoms, and a reduction in the screening of the field.  相似文献   

A novel hybrid configuration of optical circulator is presented. A Garnet-Quartz composite (GQC), which is comprised of four quarter-wave plates and Faraday rotator, is embedded into a groove formed across the branching waveguides pair of Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Optical path difference of the pair is 0 rad for forward path, whereas /spl pi/ for backward path with the GQC, realizing nonreciprocal operation. The forward-to-reverse isolation of 16.2-29.8 dB and the insertion loss of 8.8-9.4 dB are obtained.  相似文献   

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