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In this work, we have studied the dependence of the size and luminescence of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (SAQDs) on the growth conditions. The SAQDs were grown on GaAs (1 0 0) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Their structural and optical properties were studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM), and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL). The growth of the InAs SAQDs was in situ monitored by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The shape and size of the InAs SAQDs were significantly affected by the growth temperature and the arsenic over-pressure. We observe a decrease of the SAQDS density and an increase in their height by increasing the growth temperature, and/or decreasing the arsenic over-pressure. This is accompanied by a remarkable red-shift of the PL emission energy from 1.3 to .  相似文献   

Exciton photoluminescence spectra, photoluminescence excitation spectra, and magnetophotoluminescence spectra of single (GaAs/AlGaAs/ZnMnSe) and double (GaAs/AlGaAs/ZnSe/ZnCdMnSe) heterovalent quantum wells formed by molecular beam epitaxy are studied. It is shown that the exciton absorption spectrum of such quantum wells mainly reproduces the resonant exciton spectrum expected for usual quantum wells with similar parameters, while the radiative exciton recombination have substantial distinctions, in particular the additional localization mechanism determined by defects generated by heterovalent interface exists. The nature of these localization centers is not currently clarified; their presence leads to broadening of photoluminescence lines and to an increase in the Stokes shift between the peaks of luminescence and absorption, as well as determining the variation in the magnetic g factor of bound exciton complexes.  相似文献   

Using a novel growth mechanism on patterned high-index GaAs (311)A substrates we have developed a new concept to fabricate quantum wires and quantum dots as well as coupled quantum wire-dot arrays by molecular beam epitaxy. The combination of self-organized growth with lithographic patterning and the assistance of atomic hydrogen produces these quasi-planar lateral nanostructure arrays with unprecedented uniformity in size and composition and with controlled positioning on the wafer. The sought for one- and zero-dimensional nature of these quantum wire and quantum dot arrays manifests itself in the superior optical properties. To functionalize our lateral semiconductor quantum wire and quantum dot arrays with the properties of magnetic thin films, epitaxial Fe layers have been grown on GaAs (311)A. Defect free Fe layers are obtained on As-saturated GaAs surfaces. The large electrical conductivity of thin Fe layers indicates reduced Fe-GaAs interface compound formation. An unusual in-plane spontaneous Hall-effect is observed in these epitaxial Fe layers of reduced symmetry.  相似文献   

Epitaxial GaAs layers containing InAs semiconductor quantum dots and As metal quantum dots are grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The InAs quantum dots are formed by the Stranskii-Krastanow mechanism, whereas the As quantum dots are self-assembled in the GaAs layer grown at low temperature with a large As excess. The microstructure of the samples is studied by transmission electron microscopy. It is established that the As metal quantum dots formed in the immediate vicinity of the InAs semiconductor quantum dots are larger in size than the As quantum dots formed far from the InAs quantum dots. This is apparently due to the effect of strain fields of the InAs quantum dots upon the self-assembling of As quantum dots. Another phenomenon apparently associated with local strains around the InAs quantum dots is the formation of V-like defects (stacking faults) during the overgrowth of the InAs quantum dots with the GaAs layer by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy. Such defects have a profound effect on the self-assembling of As quantum dots. Specifically, on high-temperature annealing needed for the formation of large-sized As quantum dots by Ostwald ripening, the V-like defects bring about the dissolution of the As quantum dots in the vicinity of the defects. In this case, excess arsenic most probably diffuses towards the open surface of the sample via the channels of accelerated diffusion in the planes of stacking faults.  相似文献   

《Microelectronics Journal》2003,34(5-8):611-613
We have investigated the structural and optical characteristics of InAs quantum dots (QDs) during growth interruption using conventional solid source molecular beam epitaxy. Size of the QDs decreased and size uniformity improved by the introduction of a growth interruption. The average height of the QDs increased while the average width decreased as the interruption time was extended from 0 to 32 s. At longer than 32 s, the average height became almost saturated, but the standard deviation of the height was decreased. These results showed that the indium adatoms around the bottom of the QDs were moved to the top of them. And, self-limiting behavior occurred when the interruption time was longer than 32 s. Low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) emissions from the capped QD structure were shifted to red-side by increasing the average height. On the other hand, both intensity and symmetry of the PL peak were improved because, the height of the QD became uniform by growth interruption.  相似文献   

The fabrication of new hybrid AlAsSb/InAs/Cd(Mg)Se heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy and investigation of their structural, luminescent, and transport properties are reported for the first time. These structures show intense luminescence both in the infrared and in the visible regions of the spectrum. This factor, taken together with structural data, indicates a heterointerface of high quality between the III–V and II–VI layers. A theoretical estimate is made of the relative positions of energy bands in the proposed hybrid structures, indicating that the InAs/CdSe interface is a type-II heterojunction, whereas the InAs/Cd0.85Mg0.15Se interface is a type-I heterojunction with a large valence band offset ΔE v≈1.6 eV. The data obtained on the longitudinal electron transport at the InAs/Cd(Mg)Se heterointerface are in good agreement with the theoretical estimate.  相似文献   

Data on the growth features and physical properties of GaAs inserts embedded in AlGaAs nanowires grown on Si(111) substrates by Au-assisted molecular beam epitaxy are presented. It is shown that by varying the growth parameters it is possible to form structures like quantum dots emitting in a wide wavelength range for both active and barrier regions. The technology proposed opens up new possibilities for the integration of direct-band III–V materials on silicon.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation of the luminescence properties of an ensemble of InAs quantum dots, obtained by submonolayer migration-stimulated epitaxy on singular and vicinal GaAs(100) surfaces, are reported. The largest width at half-height of the photoluminescence line is observed in samples with a 3° disorientation, indicating that the size-variance of the quantum dots is largest in this case. Quasiequilibrium quantum dots are formed either with a long sample holding time in an arsenic flow or with a larger quantity of deposited indium. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 31, 912–915 (August 1997)  相似文献   

Ex situ electron-beam lithography followed by conventional wet etching has been used to pattern small holes 60–150 nm wide, 13 nm deep in GaAs substrates. These holes act as preferential nucleation sites for InAs dot growth during subsequent overgrowth. By varying either the InAs deposition amount or the thickness of a GaAs buffer layer, the occupancy over the patterned sites can be controlled. Comparison with growth on a planar substrate shows that preferential nucleation occurs due to a reduction in the apparent critical thickness above the pattern site; the magnitude of this reduction is dependent on the dimensions of the initial pattern.  相似文献   

基于分子束外延(MBE)生长技术获得了高量子效率的InAs/GaSb T2SLs中波红外(MWIR)光电探测器结构材料,表现出了层状结构生长的光滑表面和出色的晶体结构均匀性。此超晶格中波红外探测器的50%截止波长约为5.5 μm,峰值响应率为2.6 A/W,77 K下量子效率超过了80%,与碲镉汞的量子效率相当。在77 K,-50 mV偏压下的暗电流密度为1.8×10-6 A/cm2,最大电阻面积乘积(RA)(-50 mV偏压)为3.8×105Ω·cm2,峰值探测率达到了6.1×1012 cm Hz1 / 2/W。  相似文献   

Self-assembled (In,Mn)As quantum dots are synthesized by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs (001) substrates. The experimental results obtained by transmission electron microscopy show that doping of the central part of the quantum dots with Mn does not bring about the formation of structural defects. The optical properties of the samples, including those in external magnetic fields, are studied.  相似文献   

The growth of III–V/II–VI:Mn heterostructures with a high hole concentration in the AlGaAs:Be/GaAs/AlGaAs 2D channel situated in the immediate vicinity of the AlGaAs/Zn(Mn)Se heterovalent interface by molecular-beam epitaxy is reported. Despite the decrease in the hole concentration in the GaAs channel upon a decrease in the distance between the channel and the heterovalent interface, the hole concentration reaches a value of 1.5 × 1013 cm?2 at a temperature of 300 K even at the minimum distance of 1.2 nm. Deep profiling by dynamic secondary-ion mass spectrometry confirmed the back diffusion of Mn from ZnMnSe into the III–V part. High hole concentration and the presence of magnetic manganese ions in the GaAs conduction channel determine the interest in the structures as possible objects in which the effect of magnetic ordering in heterogeneous semiconductor systems can be studied.  相似文献   

通过MBE外延系统生长了1.3 μm的GaAs基InAs量子点激光器.为了获得更好的器件性能,InAs量子点的最优生长温度被标定为520 ℃,并且在有源区中引入Be掺杂.制备了脊宽100 μm,腔长2 mm的激光器单管器件,在未镀膜的情况下,达到了峰值功率1.008 W的室温连续工作,阈值电流密度为110 A/cm-2,在80℃下仍然可以实现连续工作,在50 ℃以下范围内,特征温度达到405 K.  相似文献   

The experimental results of RHEED and scanning tunneling microscopy investigations of multilayer structures of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots, obtained by submonolayer epitaxy on singular and vicinal GaAS (100) substrates, are reported. The results presented show that spatial ordering of nano-objects exists in multilayer structures for InAs and heteroepitaxial InGaAs layers. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 33, 733–737 (June 1999)  相似文献   

The structural and optical properties of arrays of InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs substrates at relatively low temperatures (250 and 350°C) and with various degrees of misorientation of the surface are studied. It is shown that low-temperature growth is accompanied by the formation of quantum dot clusters along the dislocation loops on the singular surface and along the steps caused by the surface vicinality on the misoriented surface. The formation of quantum dot clusters leads to the appearance of a new long-wavelength band in the exciton photoluminescence (PL) spectra. It is found that the degrees of polarization of the PL spectral band for clusters of various shapes are different.  相似文献   

Single and multilayer sheets of self-assembled CdSe [quantum dots (QDs)] were grown by means of molecular beam epitaxy in both ZnSe and (Zn0.9Mn0.1)Se matrices. Both types of structure were assessed by means of transmission electron microscopy in the scanning, high-resolution, and diffraction-contrast modes. Complementary results from wider sample areas were obtained by means of photoluminescence spectroscopy. In one of the samples analyzed, a fractional monolayer of MnSe was deposited immediately before the CdSe deposition. A second structure grown under identical conditions, but without the MnSe fractional monolayer, was also analyzed. This comparison provides direct evidence for an enhanced size and shape homogeneity of 3D QDs caused by the presence of a tiny amount of MnSe at the interface. In the multilayer structure, we observed the co-existence of highly strained quasi-2D QDs and CdSe rich aggregates with compositional modulations on certain crystallographic planes in close proximity.  相似文献   

The capacitive photovoltage and photoconductivity spectra of GaAs/InAs heterostructures with quantum dots is discussed. For these structures, which were fabricated by metallorganic gas-phase epitaxy, the photosensitivity spectrum has a sawtoothed shape in the wavelength range where absorption by the quantum dots takes place, which is characteristic of a δ-function-like density of states function. The spectra also exhibit photosensitivity bands associated with the formation of single-layer InAs quantum wells in the structure. An expression is obtained for the absorption coefficient of an ensemble of quantum dots with a prespecified size distribution. It is shown that the energy distribution of the joint density of states, the surface density of quantum dots, and the effective cross section for trapping a photon can all be determined by analyzing the photosensitivity spectrum based on this assumption. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 31, 1100–1105 (September 1997)  相似文献   

Results obtained in a study of the structural and optical properties of GaAs-based heterostructures with InAs quantum dot layers overgrown with InGaAsN quantum wells are presented. Transmission electron microscopy has been applied to analyze how the thickness of the InGaAsN layer and the content and distribution of nitrogen in this layer affect the size of nanoinclusions and the nature and density of structural defects. It is shown that the size of InAs nanodomains and the magnitude of the lattice mismatch in structures containing nitrogen exceed those in nitrogen-free structures. A correlation between the luminescence wavelength and the size and composition of nanodomains is demonstrated. Furthermore, a correlation between the emission intensity and defect density in the structure is revealed.  相似文献   

2μm InGaSb/AlGaAsSb strained quantum wells and a tellurium-doped GaSb buffer layer were grown by molecular beam epitaxy(MBE).The growth parameters of strained quantum wells were optimized by AFM, XRD and PL at 77 K.The optimal growth temperature of quantum wells is 440℃.The PL peak wavelength of quantum wells at 300 K is 1.98μm,and the FWHM is 115 nm.Tellurium-doped GaSb buffer layers were optimized by Hall measurement.The optimal doping concentration is 1.127×1018 cm-3 and the resistivity is 5.295×10-3Ω·cm.  相似文献   

摘要:对InGaSb/AlGaAsSb应变量子阱和GaSb接触层掺Te的MBE生长进行了研究。通过原子力显微镜(AFM)、X射线衍射(XRD)设备、光致发光谱(PL)测试,对应变量子阱的生长参数进行了优化。量子阱室温PL测试,发光波长为1.98 μm,半峰宽为115nm。通过Hall测试优化了GaSb外延掺Te的生长参数,最优的掺杂浓度为1.1271018 cm-3,电阻率为5.29510-3Ω?cm。  相似文献   

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