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A cylindrical carbon pellet with a size of 1.2L?1.2? to 1.8L?1.8?mm and a velocity of 100 to 300 m/s was injected into Large Helical Device (LHD) for an efficient fueling based on its deeper deposition instead of hydrogen gas puffing and ice pellet injection. Electron density increment of ?ne=1014cm-3 is successfully obtained by single carbon pellet injection without plasma collapse. Typical density and temperature of the ablation plasma of the carbon pellet, e.g., 6.5x1016cm-3 and 2.5eV for CII, are examined respectively by spectroscopic method. A confinement improvement up to 50% compared to ISS-95 stellarator scaling is clearly observed in a relatively low-density regime of ne=2 to 4?1013cm-3, and high ion temperature Ti(0) of about 6keV is also observed with an internal transport barrier at ne=1.2?1013cm-3. In particular, the improvement in the ion temperature largely exceeds that observed in hydrogen gas- puffed discharges, which typically ranges below 3 keV.  相似文献   

A repetitive pellet injector has been developed for investigation of refueling issues towards the steady-state operation in Large Helical Device (LHD). Continuous operation of more than 10000 pellet launching at 10 Hz has been demonstrated. The maximum repeating rate is 11 Hz. No technical constraint for longer operation has been found. The reliability of pellet launch has exceeded 99.9%. The initial application to the NBI-heated plasmas has been successful in the last experimental campaign of LHD. Although the pulse length is limited by the operational constraint of NBI, the plasma with a density of 8×1019 m-3 has been sustained for 2 s by the pellet injection at 10 Hz. A prospect for the future experiment is discussed on the basis of the initial result.  相似文献   

Impurity accumulation is studied for neutral beam-heated discharges after hydrogen multi-pellet injection in Large Helical Device (LHD). Iron density profiles are derived from radial profiles of EUV line emissions of FeXV-XXIV with the help of the collisional-radiative model. A peaked density profile of Fe23+ is simulated by using one-dimensional impurity transport code. The result indicates a large inward velocity of -6 m/s at the impurity accumulation phase. However, the discharge is not entirely affected by the impurity accumulation, since the concentration of iron impurity, estimated to be 3.3x10-5 to the electron density, is considerably small. On the other hand, a flat profile is observed for the carbon density of C6+, which is derived from the Zeff profile, indicating a small inward velocity of -1 m/s. These results suggest atomic number dependence in the impurity accumulation of LHD, which is similar to the tokamak result.  相似文献   

Coherent magnetic fluctuations in an acoustic range of frequency have been regularly observed in low-density(n_e0.2×10~(19)m~(-3))plasmas with strong second harmonic electron cyclotron resonance heating(ECRH)on the Large Helical Device.Hard X-ray measurements indicated that energetic electrons are generated in these ECRH discharges.The magnetic fluctuations are suppressed in higher density discharges where energetic electrons are not present.The ECRH power modulation experiment indicated that the observed magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)mode has an acoustic nature rather than an Alfvenic nature.  相似文献   

This article reviews 10 years of engineering and physics achievements by the Large Helical Device (LHD) project with emphasis on the latest results. The LHD is the largest magnetic confinement device among diversified helical systems and employs the world's largest superconducting coils. The cryogenic system has been operated for 50,000 h in total without any serious trouble and routinely provides a confining magnetic field up to 2.96 T in steady state. The heating capability to date is 23 MW of NBI, 2.9 MW of ICRF and 2.1 MW of ECH. Negative-ion-based ion sources with the accelerating voltage of 180 keV are used for a tangential NBI with the power of 16 MW. The ICRF system has full steady-state operational capability with 1.6 MW. In these 10 years, operational experience as well as a physics database have been accumulated and the advantages of stable and steady-state features have been demonstrated by the combination of advanced engineering and the intrinsic physical advantage of helical systems in LHD. Highlighted physical achievements are high beta (5% at the magnetic field of 0.425 T), high density (1.1 × 1021 m?3 at the central temperature of 0.4 keV), high ion temperature (Ti of 5.2 keV at 1.5 × 1019 m?3), and steady-state operation (3200 s with 490 kW). These physical parameters have elucidated the potential of net-current free helical plasmas for an attractive fusion reactor. It also should be pointed out that a major part of these engineering and physics achievements is complementary to the tokamak approach and even contributes directly to ITER.  相似文献   

In a deuterium operation on the Large Helical Device,the measurement and control equipment placed in the torus hall must survive under an environment of radiation.To study the effects of gamma-ray irradiation on the equipment,an irradiation experiment is performed at the Cobalt-60 irradiation facility of Nagoya University.Transient and permanent effects on a personal computer,media converters,programmable logic controllers,isolation amplifiers,a web camera,optical flow meters,and water sealing gaskets are experimentally surveyed.Transient noise appears on the web camera.Offset of the signal increases with an increase of the integrated dose on the programmable logic controller.The DeviceNet module on the programmable logic controller is broken at the integrated dose of 72 Gy,which is the expected range of the integrated dose of the torus hall.The other equipment can survive under the gamma-ray field in the torus hall.  相似文献   

Shown is a possibility to make the image of a laser beam over a distance of 2.5 m, formed by the spherical multi-segment mirror installed in LHD, twice sharper ...  相似文献   

MHD stability of the Large Helical Device (LHD) plasmas produced with intense neutral beam injection is experimentally studied. When the steep pressure gradient near the edge is produced through L-H transition or linear density ramp experiment, interchange-like MHD modes whose rational surface is located very close to the last closed flux surface are strongly excited in a certain discharge condition and affect the plasma transport appreciably. In NBI-heated plasmas produced at low toroidal field, various Alfven eigenmodes are often excited. Bursting toroidal Alfven egenmodes excited by the presence of energetic ions induce appreciable amount of energetic ion loss, but also trigger the formation of internal and edge transport barriers.  相似文献   

Heliotron E(H-E) experiment was started in 1980. Until 1987 high power heating experiments for improving plasma parameters have almost finished. H-E firstly demonstrated that ECR heated plasmas are usable for target plasmas of NBI or ICRF heating to obtain high density and high temperature currentless plasmas. The highest electron temperature is 1.5keV and ion temperature is 1.6keV and both are realized in the low density regime of <n> (average density) ≤1013cm?3.

H-E also showed that the currentless plasmas have no major disruption and quasi-steady plasmas are confined with controlling impurity ions by titanium gettering and carbon coating.

H-E also obtained <β> (average β) –2%, which is the highest value realized in helical systems, with <n–8×l013cm?3 and Te(0)–Ti(0)–350 eV at B0 (magnetic field at the magnetic axis) =0.94 T. In the high β experiments pressure-driven instabilities were observed for peaked pressure profiles and sometimes relaxation oscillations similar to the tokamak internal disruptions were observed.

In the ECRH plasmas neoclassical transport is dominant in the region inside the half radius. However, global confinement time τE follows the scaling law τE ∝<n>0.66Pheat ?0.53 which is different from the neoclassical scaling law. Here Pheat denotes the net heating power.

Based on the H-E results, a new large helical system design study has started in 1986. The plasma parameters entering the regime of <nE<T> (2–3)× 1019m?3?S?keV is investigated, which is about one tenth of fusion plasma condition. From the transport code studies and empirical scaling law based on the H-E results, R=(4×5)m, ā=(50–60)cm and Bo=4T are required to satisfy the above condition with Pheat=20MW. The design study to fix the magnetic field configuration is progressing. Expected one is l=2 and m=10 with additional poloidal coils, where m is a toroidal period number. The magnetic field is produced by superconducting coil and long pulse operation will be tested, if continuous heating is available.  相似文献   

On the Large Helical Device (LHD) where nested magnetic surfaces are surrounded by the ergodic field layer, edge transport barrier (ETB) was produced in neutral-beam-injection (NBI) heated plasmas through transition and non-transition processes. The former case is the ETB formation by L-Htransition, where characteristics of L-H transition observed in a tokamak plasma are clearly recognized. The confinement improvement is the modest (- 10%), compared with the ISS95 international stellarator scaling. The threshold power for the transition is comparable or slightly lower than the ITER scaling law established by tokamaks and compact tori. The ETB is formed inside the ergodic field layer of the vacuum field. The ETB formation destabilizes edge coherent modes such as m/n = 1/1, 2/3 and 1/2, of which rational surfaces are in the magnetic hill. The formed ETB is partially and transiently destroyed by these coherent edge MHD modes and edge localized modes (ELMs) typically observed in Ha signals. The latter ETB is observed in a plasma with large reversed NBI-driven current more than 100 kA at Bt = 1 T. In these plasmas, the edge magnetic shear is enhanced by the current and the rotational transform in the core region is expected to be appreciably reduced. Thus reduced rotational transform in the plasma central region will enhance outward heat and particle fluxes toward ergodic edge layer. The ETB with steep electron temperature gradient up to - 5 keV/m is formed by blocking enhanced outward heat flux.  相似文献   

沈浩元 《核技术》1995,18(9):564-565
测量了不同温度条件下面积为49mm×49mm、厚3.5mm的Si(Li)探测器的I-V特性。Si(Li)-E-1和E-2探测器对^238Pu5.499MeV α粒子的能量分辨率例如为54.4keV和57.09keV。  相似文献   

The high energy current of runaway electrons during a major disruption in tokamak reactors can cause serious damage to the first wall of the reactor and reduce its life time. Therefore, finding a method to minimize runaway electron is much needed. Resonant helical field (RHF) is one of the methods for controlling the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity. This paper attempts to examine the effect of RHF on the generation of runaway electrons. Main parameters such as plasma current, loop voltage, emitted hard X-ray intensity, MHD oscillation, Hα radiation and MHD activity modes, in the presence and absence of RHF (L = 2 and L = 3), were measured. The results show that applying this system can change runaway electrons generation.  相似文献   

An impurity powder dropper was installed in the 21 st campaign of the Large Helical Device experiment(Oct. 2019–Feb. 2020) under a collaboration between the National Institute for Fusion Science and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory for the purposes of real-time wall conditioning and edge plasma control. In order to assess the effective injection of the impurity powders,spectroscopic diagnostics were applied to observe line emission from the injected impurity. Thus,extreme-ultraviolet(EUV) and vacuum-ultraviolet(VUV) emission spectra were analyzed to summarize observable impurity lines with B and BN powder injection. Emission lines released from B and N ions were identified in the EUV wavelength range of 5–300 ? measured using two grazing incidence flat-field EUV spectrometers and in the VUV wavelength range of 300–2400 ? measured using three normal incidence 20 cm VUV spectrometers. BI–BV and NIII–NVII emission lines were identified in the discharges with the B and BN powder injection, respectively. Useful B and N emission lines which have large intensities and are isolated from other lines were successfully identified as follows: BI(1825.89, 1826.40) ?(blended), BII 1362.46 ?, BIII(677.00, 677.14,677.16) ?(blended), BIV 60.31 ?, BV 48.59 ?, NIII(989.79, 991.51, 991.58) ?(blended), NIV765.15 ?, NV(209.27, 209.31) ?(blended), NVI 1896.80 ?, and NVII 24.78 ?. Applications of the line identifications to the advanced spectroscopic diagnostics were demonstrated, such as the vertical profile measurements for the BV and NVII lines using a space-resolved EUV spectrometer and the ion temperature measurement for the BII line using a normal incidence 3 m VUV spectrometer.  相似文献   

本文介绍了30mm~2和80mm~2大面积Si(Li) X射线探测器的研制工艺及测量中的部分问题,并作了讨论。80mm~2探测器的系统能量分辨率为173eV(对~(55)Fe 5.89keV Mn Kα X射线),该指标已达到国外同类产品的水平。  相似文献   

An impurity powder dropper was installed in the 21st campaign of the Large Helical Device experiment (Oct. 2019–Feb. 2020) under a collaboration between the National Institute for Fusion Science and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory for the purposes of real-time wall conditioning and edge plasma control. In order to assess the effective injection of the impurity powders, spectroscopic diagnostics were applied to observe line emission from the injected impurity. Thus, extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) and vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) emission spectra were analyzed to summarize observable impurity lines with B and BN powder injection. Emission lines released from B and N ions were identified in the EUV wavelength range of 5–300 Å measured using two grazing incidence flat-field EUV spectrometers and in the VUV wavelength range of 300–2400 Å measured using three normal incidence 20 cm VUV spectrometers. BI–BV and NIII–NVII emission lines were identified in the discharges with the B and BN powder injection, respectively. Useful B and N emission lines which have large intensities and are isolated from other lines were successfully identified as follows: BI (1825.89, 1826.40) Å (blended), BII 1362.46 Å, BIII (677.00, 677.14, 677.16) Å (blended), BIV 60.31 Å, BV 48.59 Å, NIII (989.79, 991.51, 991.58) Å (blended), NIV 765.15 Å, NV (209.27, 209.31) Å (blended), NVI 1896.80 Å, and NVII 24.78 Å. Applications of the line identifications to the advanced spectroscopic diagnostics were demonstrated, such as the vertical profile measurements for the BV and NVII lines using a space-resolved EUV spectrometer and the ion temperature measurement for the BII line using a normal incidence 3 m VUV spectrometer.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an experimental study of effects of Resonant Helical Field (RHF) on Shafranov parameter and Shafranov shift in IR-T1 tokamak. For this purpose a four magnetic pickup coils were designed, constructed, and installed on outer surface of the IR-T1 tokamak chamber, and then the Shafranov parameter and Shafranov shift obtained. On the other hand, the external RHF applied on tokamak plasma and its effects on results measured. Experimental results of measurements with and without RHF (L = 2, L = 3, L = 2 & 3) show that the addition of a relatively small amount of RHF especially L = 3 mode could be effective for improving the quality of tokamak plasma discharge by flatting the plasma current and reducing the Shafranov parameter and Shafranov shift.  相似文献   

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