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2 法国2.1 法国住房金融体系概况 法国人口6000多万,55%的家庭拥有自己的住房;45%的家庭租住住房,其中37.8%的家庭租住公益性住房。与其他欧洲工业化国家一样,法国政府十分重视居民的住房,制订了较多的住房政策,以稳定法国社会。法国住房金融体制也由政策性和市场性两部分构成,政策性住房金融体系由公益性住房建设优惠贷款、住房储蓄贷款制度、为低收入者住房贷款提供政策性担保、以及由国家住房信息中心提供的政策咨询中介服务四部分组成。 相似文献
匈牙利自解放以来,在解决人民的住房问题上做了巨大努力,取得了很大的成绩。目前人均住房面积已接近30平方米,全国现有新建成或经翻修、具有现代化功能的住宅380多万套。虽然目前仍没有完全满足410万户国民的住房要求,但政府正在采取各种积极措施,以保证到1990年全体人民都能有一套多功能、称心如意的现代化住宅。 相似文献
政策性住房金融机构的设立是为了解决居民住房问题,贯彻实施住房市场发展目标。政策性住房金融是住房保障体系的重要组成部分,为各国公共住房生产和消费提供有效资金融通。在介绍美国、德国和新加坡三国政策性住房金融机构设置和运作模式的基础上,对发达国家政策性住房金融发展模式和经验进行了总结,结合我国政策性住房金融业务的发展现状,提出了相关建议。 相似文献
美不胜收的海岸美不胜收的海岸法国南部地中海沿岸一带,尤以海滨城市嘎纳以及尼斯的精华所在最受游人喜爱。中国人重游山,法国人爱玩水。因受地中海暖流的大气影响,一年四季气候温和,阳光灿烂,青山碧水绿树鲜花,洋溢温馨。尤其以法国重要军港土伦至意大利边境这段海岸线,景色更是漪丽柔媚,向以“蓝色海岸”著称。金色的阳光照耀着湛蓝的大海,习习的海风吹拂得让人心旷神怡;岸边那红色的岩石,衬托在苍天碧海之间,是那样摄人心魄;融融的沙滩舒展着伸向大海,享受着大海多情的轻吻,是那样楚楚动人;海滨浴场上盛开着的五彩缤纷的阳伞,躺椅上展现… 相似文献
上海市政策性住房配套建设的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对上海市配套商品房和经济适用住房规划特性和相关政策的分析,在上海市政策性住房的配套建设方面进行了一些探讨和思考,并提出初步的建议和设想。 相似文献
具有158年历史、排名美国第5的雷曼兄弟投资银行因受次贷危机影响导致投资出现巨亏,于2008年9月15日宣布破产,这标志着美国次贷危机正演变为前美联储主席格林斯潘所称的“百年一遇的金融危机”。笔者认为:包括美国在内的主要工业国家政府救市的挽回效果将是有限的,这场金融危机正在、并必将沉重打击美国和世界实体经济,全球经济有可能由此迈人新一轮的全面衰退。 相似文献
近些年来,笔者曾多次随团出访俄罗斯、乌克兰,现将两国首都莫斯科、基辅的城市建设情况作一介绍。1 城市景观已有800余年城市历史的莫斯科,南北向为40km,东西向为30km,人口约1000万。城市既有欧洲古典风格,如13世纪以来众多的教堂、寺院、宫殿和莫斯科市标志建筑之一的著名的克里姆林宫斯巴斯基钟楼等,又有二次大战后重建的现代建筑群,如前苏联15个加盟共和国具有民族建筑特色的全苏国民经济成就展览馆(见题图),为纪念二战胜利50周年建造的胜利广场以及军事博物馆、莫斯科 相似文献
With 84 per cent of the Singapore resident population housed in public housing, the ultimate dream for many is to move into private housing, which is generally considered to offer better quality and more exclusive living. This article is concerned with the enabling factors of affordability in housing mobility. It examines the Singapore public housing homeowners' affordability of private housing, suggesting a measure of that affordability. The survey findings indicate that only a small percentage of public homeowners can afford to move to median-priced private apartments. The number is even smaller for the relatively more expensive landed housing with own garden. On a theoretical level, the study demonstrates that the use of multiple methods to measure housing affordability is beneficial as more affordability determinants are included in the measurement. 相似文献
Peter Malpass 《Housing Studies》1999,14(6):881-893
Important changes in the pattern of new building, investment and ownership of social rented housing in Britain in the period since 1989 can be seen as moves towards a more European style of provision. Similarly, reductions in general subsidy and a switch to greater reliance on personal income related forms of assistance with housing costs are consistent with developmentselsewhere, as is concern to contain public expenditure by placing more emphasis on private finance. The themes of the paper are the growth and transformation of housing associations in Britain. The importance of stock transfers from local authorities has grown to the point where they have become the major source of growth, and it is argued that within the foreseeable future the majority of the social rented sector may be owned by housing associations or other registered social landlords. The paper looks at finance, development and governance issues, concluding that housing associations have been drawn into an ever closer relationship with the state. 相似文献
BARBARA SCHMITTER HEELER 《Journal of Urban Affairs》1994,16(3):203-220
ABSTRACT: The urban underclass has gained considerable currency as a concept to describe the changing face of poverty in the United States. Locating the urban underclass within the theoretical framework of citizenship and social class, this paper broadens conceptualizations of the urban underclass to allow a comparative analysis. Using the conceptualization developed, the author analyzes the role of housing in the social and spatial segregation and isolation that have been the hallmarks of the urban underclass in the United States, as well as in the Netherlands, Germany, and England. After comparing the divergent housing policies in the three European countries, the author examines local-level data in one old industrial city in each country. While there is some spatial concentration of poor and minority populations, the neighborhoods in question remain ethnically heterogeneous and do not lack social institutions. In short, they are far removed from the US hyperghetto. 相似文献
Keith Jacobs 《住房,理论和社会》2014,31(2):213-227
As debates about housing form an increasingly important arena of political controversy, much has been written about the new fissures that have appeared as governments not only struggle to reduce public expenditure deficits but also attempt to address problems such as affordability and homelessness. It is widely anticipated that new conflicts will be played out in the private rental market as access to homeownership becomes unrealistic and the supply of social housing diminishes. However, what other tensions might surface; that hitherto have not been subject to the critical gaze of housing research? In this paper, we provide some thoughts on the nascent policy issues as well as the ideological schisms that are likely to develop in coming years, offering suggestions as to how the focus of housing policy research might be reoriented towards a “politics” framework to capture and better understand the conflicts that are likely to arise. 相似文献
从北美风景园林师的定义、社会责任、从业范围,风景园林公司的规模和业务特点,风景园林协会的组建形式、地位和职能,风景园林的前沿工作等方面进行比较,看中国风景园林行业发展的差距和成绩,以及所面临的机遇与挑战,认为中国新风景园林的探索已经有了一个好的开始,但急需搭建一个统一的权威性的行业平台,进而通过与政府职能部门的合作,为社会上更多的人服务。 相似文献
Alex Schwartz 《Housing Studies》2020,35(9):1630-1631