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Studies that were published over the past year have added new knowledge to our understanding of cellular abnormalities in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Antigen-specific and "pathogenic" T cells can be identified and characterized in SLE. Interleukin-10 has been added to the factors that may promote B cell overactivity and autoantibody production. Protein kinase isozyme I was shown to be deficient in patients with SLE, indicating defects in cell signaling events. Aberrant expression of adhesion molecules on the surface membrane of leukocytes and endothelial cells was shown, with important mechanistic and therapeutic implications. Disruption of the lymphokine network (anti-interleukin-10 antibody) and the function of adhesion-costimulatory molecules (CTLA-4-immunoglobulin) were shown to be therapeutically significant in murine SLE.  相似文献   

Effective host defense against bacterial infection is dependent on the activation and recruitment of phagocytic cells. The initiation, maintenance, and resolution of this inflammatory response in the setting of bacterial pneumonia is dependent on the expression of cytokines. As the complexities of the host-pathogen interaction are further dissected and unraveled, immunologic manipulation of cytokine expression will likely become an important adjuvant therapy in the treatment of serious lung infections.  相似文献   

To further evaluate the dopamine (DA) neurotoxic potential of the widely prescribed psychostimulant, methylphenidate, mice were treated with various doses (range: 10-120 mg/kg) and treatment schedules of methylphenidate (every 2 h x 4 or twice daily x 4). Higher doses of methylphenidate produced intense stereotypy, as well as short- (5-day), but not long- (2-week), term depletions of striatal DA axonal markers. By contrast, amphetamine caused not only intense stereotypy, but also profound, long-lasting, dose-related DA deficits. These findings indicate that results of studies of amphetamine neurotoxicity using short (5-day) post-drug survival periods are potentially misleading. Further, the present findings confirm and extend previous results indicating that methylphenidate, unlike amphetamine, lacks DA neurotoxic potential, and strongly suggest that DA efflux, although perhaps necessary, is not sufficient for the expression of amphetamine-induced DA neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

The classical distinction between hormones and cytokines has become increasingly obscure with the realization that homeostatic responses to infection involve coordinated changes in both the neuroendocrine and immune systems. The hypothesis that these systems communicate with one another is supported by the ever-accruing demonstrations of a shared molecular network of ligands and receptors. For instance, leukocytes express receptors for hormones and these receptors modulate diverse biological activities such as the growth, differentiation and effector functions. Leukocyte lineages also synthesize and secrete hormones, such as insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), in response to both growth hormone (GH) and also to cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). Since hormones share intracellular signaling substrates and biological activities with classical lymphohemopoietic cytokines, neuroendocrine and immune tissues share a common molecular language. The physiological significance of this shared molecular framework is that these homeostatic systems can intercommunicate. One important example of this interaction is the mechanism by which bacterial lipopolysaccharide, by eliciting a pro-inflammatory cytokine cascade from activated leukocytes, modulate pituitary GH secretion as well as other CNS-controlled behavioral and metabolic events. This article reviews the cellular and molecular basis for this communication system and proposes novel mechanisms by which neuroendocrine-immune interactions converge to modulate disease resistance, metabolism and growth.  相似文献   

Laboratory models of intestinal nematode infection have played an important role in developing our understanding of the immune mechanisms that operate against infectious agents. The type of helper T cell response that develops following infection with intestinal nematode parasites is critical to the outcome of infection. The early events that mediate polarisation of the helper T cell subsets towards either Th1 or Th2 during intestinal nematode infection are not well characterised, but it is likely that multiple factors influence the induction of a Th1 or Th2 type response, just as multiple effector mechanisms are involved in worm expulsion. Costimulatory molecules have been shown to be important in driving T helper cell development down a specific pathway as has the immediate cytokine environment during T cell activation. If helper T cells of the Th2 type gain ascendancy then a protective immune response ensues, mediated by Th2 type cytokines and the effector mechanisms they control. In contrast, if an inappropriate Th1 type response predominates the ability to expel infection is compromised. Equally important is the observation that multiple potential effector mechanisms are stimulated by nematode infection, with a unique combination operating against the parasite depending on nematode species and its life cycle stage. Despite the close association between intestinal nematode infection and the generation of eosinophilia, mastocytosis and IgE it has been difficult to consistently demonstrate a role for these effector cells/molecules in resistance to nematode parasites, although mast cells are clearly important in some cases. It therefore seems that, in general, less classical Th2 controlled effector mechanisms, which remain poorly defined, are probably important in resistance to nematode parasites. Thus, our understanding of both the induction and effector phases remains incomplete and will remain an intense area of interest in the coming years.  相似文献   

The neurotoxicity of Penitrem A (PA) in rats was assessed against neurophysiological, behavioral and histopathological parameters. Animals were acutely given intracerebroventricular (22-45 mg) or intraperitoneal injections (0.5-1.5 mg/kg) of PA. A typical trembling syndrome associated with PA was always noted. Depending on the dose administered, animals may convulse and eventually die (1-1.5 mg/kg). PA-induced transient alterations of the EEG involving an increase in the frequency and voltage of electrical activity recorded from the cerebral cortex. Hippocampal activity was not modified and some pathologic activities may be recorded at the thalamus. Generally these EEG alterations disappeared at d 3 after the injection and the animals progressively recovered. However in the most severe cases, neuromotor disturbances were maintained at d 7 (rotarod test). Coronal sections of the brain at the striatal, thalamic, hippocampal and pons levels mainly revealed that PA was able to induce dose related injuries in the cerebellum with massive degeneration of Purkinje cells and a significant vacuolization within the molecular layer. The neurotoxic mechanism remains unclear. Action of the mycotoxin on the cerebello-thalamo-cortical tract is discussed.  相似文献   

Excessive activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor channels (NRs) is a major cause of neuronal death associated with stroke and ischemia. Cerebellar granule neurons in vivo, but not in culture, are relatively resistant to toxicity, possibly owing to protective effects of glia. To evaluate whether NR-mediated signaling is modulated when developing neurons are cocultured with glia, the neurotoxic responses of rat cerebellar granule cells to applied NMDA or glutamate were compared in astrocyte-rich and astrocyte-poor cultures. In astrocyte-poor cultures, significant neurotoxicity was observed in response to NMDA or glutamate and was inhibited by an NR antagonist. Astrocyte-rich neuronal cultures demonstrated three significant differences, compared with astrocyte-poor cultures: (a) Neuronal viability was increased; (b) glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity was decreased, consistent with the presence of a sodium-coupled glutamate transport system in astrocytes; and (c) NMDA- but not kainate-mediated neurotoxicity was decreased, in a manner that depended on the relative abundance of glia in the culture. Because glia do not express NRs or an NMDA transport system, the mechanism of protection is distinct from that observed in response to glutamate. No differences in NR subunit composition (evaluated using RT-PCR assays for NR1 and NR2 subunit mRNAs), NR sensitivity (evaluated by measuring NR-mediated changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels), or glycine availability as a coagonist (evaluated in the presence and absence of exogenous glycine) were observed between astrocyte-rich and astrocyte-poor cultures, suggesting that glia do not directly modulate NR composition or function. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a lipoxygenase inhibitor, blocked NMDA-mediated toxicity in astrocyte-poor cultures, raising the possibility that glia effectively reduce the accumulation of highly diffusible and toxic arachidonic acid metabolites in neurons. Alternatively, glia may alter neuronal development/phenotype in a manner that selectively reduces susceptibility to NR-mediated toxicity.  相似文献   

Many forms of neurodegeneration are ascribed to excessive cellular Ca2+ loading (Ca2+ hypothesis). We examined quantitatively whether factors other than Ca2+ loading were determinants of excitotoxic neurodegeneration. Cell survival, morphology, free intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), and 45Ca2+ accumulation were measured in cultured cortical neurons loaded with known quantities of Ca2+ through distinct transmembrane pathways triggered by excitatory amino acids, cell membrane depolarization, or Ca2+ ionophores. Contrary to the Ca2+ hypothesis, the relationships between Ca2+ load and cell survival, free [Ca2+]i, and Ca2+-induced morphological alterations depended primarily on the route of Ca2+ influx, not the Ca2+ load. Notably, Ca2+ loading via NMDA receptor channels was toxic, whereas identical Ca2+ loads incurred through voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels were completely innocuous. Furthermore, accounting quantitatively for Ca2+ loading via NMDA receptors uncovered a previously unreported component of L-glutamate neurotoxicity apparently not mediated by ionotropic or metabotropic glutamate receptors. It was synergistic with toxicity attributable to glutamate-evoked Ca2+ loading, and correlated with enhanced cellular ATP depletion. This previously unrecognized toxic action of glutamate constituted a chief excitotoxic mechanism under conditions producing submaximal Ca2+ loading. We conclude that (a) Ca2+ neurotoxicity is a function of the Ca2+ influx pathway, not Ca2+ load, and (b) glutamate toxicity may not be restricted to its actions on glutamate receptors.  相似文献   

A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled study was conducted in 90 isosorbide dinitrate responders showing stable angina to compare the efficacy of molsidomine retard, 8 mg b.i.d., with that of molsidomine, 4 mg t.i.d., for 6 weeks. Total work performance (workload x min) was significantly improved, compared with baseline and placebo until 8 and 12 h after molsidomine and molsidomine retard administration, respectively. ST-segment depression decreased significantly under the two treatments at 60 W as well as at maximal exercise. The rate-pressure product (heart rate x systolic blood pressure) decreased and increased significantly at submaximal and maximal exercise level, respectively. All these effects remained significant after 6-week treatment, with only the ST segment showing a nonsignificant tendency to improvement at maximal work. The frequency of anginal attacks and of sublingual nitroderivative-tablets consumption decreased significantly with molsidomine, 4 mg, and molsidomine retard, 8 mg. However, overall results showed that the latter form reduces myocardial ischemia more efficiently at submaximal exercise level, has a more prolonged effect on exercise tolerance, and maintains it at a somewhat higher level after 6-week treatment.  相似文献   

The pre-emptive analgesia concept suggests that pre-administration of analgesics may enhance the efficacy of these drugs. This review has selected the data from the literature according to two types of methodological criteria: Sackett's criteria, and those specific of pre-emptive analgesia studies. Infiltration, spinal and peripheral nerve blocks using local anaesthetic drugs do not seem to produce pre-emptive analgesia. The few positive results have limited clinical significance. The results concerning opioids are contradictory and the clinical significance is limited. Preoperative oral administration of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) offers no benefit. Intravenous pre-administration has a limited advantage, but enhances perioperative bleeding. Ketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, may have some pre-emptive analgesic properties according to the few studies available. In conclusion, pre-administration of analgesic drugs represents the usual strategy for the anaesthesiologist (spinal or peripheral block, infiltration, opioids). In other cases (NSAIDs, ketamine), pre-administration represents a change in usual practice. This is not justified for NSAIDs; NMDA receptor antagonists may offer an interesting research area. Data concerning pre-emptive analgesia for chronic pain syndrome such as phantom limb pain are quite limited.  相似文献   

The incidence of malignant melanoma is rising, and this may be the most frequently encountered malignancy during pregnancy. Because effective treatment of advanced or metastatic disease remains elusive, the key to adequate therapy is surveillance for early disease with prompt diagnostic work-up and treatment. Review of the most prominent reports in the literature fails to yield a consensus on whether pregnancy contributes to a worse prognosis. It seems clear that after controlling for all known prognostic variables, prognosis is unchanged; however, groups of patients diagnosed during pregnancy may have a disproportionately high incidence of high-risk primary lesion sites and increased tumor thickness. Surgical treatment during pregnancy should be prompt, with appropriate avoidance of general anesthesia during the first trimester. There is as yet insufficient evidence to warrant the use of adjuvant chemotherapy or biologic therapy during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Systemically administered kainate (10 mg.kg-1) caused neuronal loss in both the hippocampus and the entorhinal regions of the rat brain. This resulted in a loss of 68.3 +/- 13.8 and 53.3 +/- 12.8% of pyramidal neurones in the hippocampal CA1 and CA3a regions, respectively. Chlormethiazole attenuated the loss of neurones in the hippocampal cell layers CA1 (cell loss 10 +/- 3.2%) and CA3a (cell loss 10 +/- 7.7%). The neuroprotective activity of chlormethiazole was apparent in the presence or absence of a low dose of clonazepam (200 micrograms.kg-1 i.p.). The kainate-induced damage could also be measured by the increase in binding of the peripheral benzodiazepine ligand ([3H]PK11195) in the hippocampus. In kainate-treated rats there was a 350-500% increase in binding indicative of reactive gliosis. Chlormethiazole prevented this elevation in a dose- and time-dependent manner, with an ED50 of 10.64 mg.kg-1 and an effective therapeutic window from 1 to 4 h posttreatment. Dizocilpine also attenuated damage significantly. The GABAA agonist muscimol was also able to attenuate the increase in [3H]PK11195 binding in a dose-dependent manner, with an ED50 of approximately 0.1 mg.kg-1. If muscimol, dizocilpine, or the adenosine A1 receptor agonist R-N6-phenylisopropyl-adenosine were administered together with chlormethiazole at their respective ED25 doses, a potentiation was apparent in the degree of neuroprotection. It is concluded that the combination of neuroprotective agents with different mechanisms of action can lead to a synergistic protection against excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

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