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随着科学技术的进步,出现了运用计算机及专门软件设计制作模拟立体影像效果的三维动画形式。在虚拟三维中能够轻松的模拟各种形态及物体的质感,为动画技术开拓了一个全新的动画视觉艺术领域。三维动画主要依赖计算机图像生成技术(简称CG)。因此称计算机动画,1995年第一部完全由制作的动画电影《玩具总动员》诞生以来,电脑三维动画日新月异,三维动画是科学技术与艺术有着密切关系的动画形式,同时对未来的动画创作提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

Multimedia provides an immensely powerful tool for the dissemination of both information and entertainment. Current multimedia presentations consist of synchronised excepts of media (such as sound, video & text) which are coordinated by an author to ensure a clear narrative is presented to the audience. However, each of the segments of the presentation consist of previously recorded footage, only the timing and synchronisation are dynamically constructed. The next logical advance for such systems is therefore to include the capability of generating material ‘on-the-fly’ in response to the actions of the audience. This paper describes a mechanism for using computer animation to generate this interactive material. Unlike previous animation techniques the approach presented here is suitable for use in constructing a storyline which the author can control, but the user can influence. In order to allow such techniques to be used we also present a multimedia authoring & playback system which incorporates interactive animation with existing media.  相似文献   

动画是计算机图形学和艺术相结合的产物,它给人们提供了一个充分展示个人想象力和艺术才能的新天地。目前,三维动画和二维动画广泛应用于影视特效、动漫卡通、电脑动画、虚拟现实、多媒体展示、流媒体广告、网络横幅广告、网络游戏、计算机辅助教育等领域,随着动画的到来,动画教育热随之兴起。各大专院校和社会培训机构顺应产业发展的势头,也看到动画教育的社会效益和经济效益的可行性,纷纷开设了动画专业。但不少院校师资短缺,缺少核心软件和设备,没有规范的动画教学体系和教材,甚至各院校对动画专业的命名也各不相同。严重影响我国的动画教育质量,进而危及生产和制作企业乃至整个产业市场。本文笔者针对当前计算机教育问题,提出了相关发展建议,值得动画教育行业人员更多的反思。  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2001,63(2):67-85
In this paper, we develop a hairstyle modeling and animation technique specifically designed for human hairs, and we report several experimental results. Using simplified cantilever beam model and one-dimensional projective differential equations of angular momenta, we give a practical solution to the problem of enormous complexity. Even though our hair animation algorithm is an approximate solution, it includes all the relevant dynamic elements such as gravity, wind, inertia, air-resistance, hair-to-head, and hair-to-hair friction forces. Collision is an important element that makes a collection of hair strands look like hair. We develop an accurate but efficient hair-to-head and hair-to-hair collision detection and treatment algorithm. The algorithm produces quite realistic results; still it runs at an interactive speed. An interesting contribution of our algorithm is that it unifies hairstyle modeling and animation into a single equation, so that (1) hairstyling can be done under the effects of gravity and other internal or external forces, and (2) original hairstyle is more or less restored even after the initial hair is tangled by the application of external forces or head movements.  相似文献   

Auto Maya是三维动画制作中最为先进的软件之一,在应用过程中不仅具有一般的三维和视觉效果,还能够利用先进的建模技术等极大地提升制作的效率和品质,因而被广泛应用于影视广告、角色动画和电影特技等领域中,为促进三维动画制作行业的发展起到了极大的推动作用。在应用Maya进行建模时,可以从多个方面入手提升工作效率,从而为提升应用水平奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

人体动画制作技术是计算机动画领域内的研究热点和难点。在制作真实感人体动画时,除了有真实的人体运动和灵活的运动控制方法外,还需要有逼真的人体造型和皮肤变形效果。为了使计算机动画研究领域的研究人员对当前各种人体建模与皮肤变形技术有较全面的了解,对计算机动画中的真实感人体建模与皮肤变形技术进行了较为全面的阐述,将现有的方法分为三大类:基于面模型的方法、基于体模型的方法和基于层次式模型的方法,并分析和比较了这些方法的优缺点。在回顾了现有的人体建模与变形技术的基础上指出,3维扫描技术的发展使人体建模和皮肤变形的研究面临新的契机。如何充分利用基于扫描技术建模的优点,并结合层次式建模与变形方法的灵活性的特点,创作出高度真实感的人体皮肤模型及其变形效果,是未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

A survey on computer animation is presented with three specific goals:
  • To clarify what people understand by computer animation.

  • To separate the different aspects of computer animation and underline its main problems.

  • To present the different solutions given to these problems.

Several classifications for computer animation systems are first made attending to different criteria. The report is subsequently divided into two basic sections according to the historical classification of computer animation systems: computer-assisted animation, where traditional animation is just helped by the use of computers, and modelled animation where the use of computers is essential in different aspects of the animation process. Special emphasis is placed on motion specification and generation.
Finally, special attention is paid to human body animation because of the great interest of this specific field of computer animation and the peculiarity of its problems.
Aspects of hardware aspects and postprocessing has just been taken into account in the classification section but have not been studied.  相似文献   

1.引言人脸建模与动画(face modeling and animation)是计算机图形学中最富有挑战性的课题之一。这是因为:首先,人脸的几何形状非常复杂,其表面不但具有无数细小的皱纹,而且呈现颜色和纹理的微妙变化,因此建立精确的人脸模型、生成真实感人脸非常困难;其次,脸部运动是骨骼、肌肉、皮下组织和皮肤共同作用的结果,其运动机理非常复杂,因此生成真实感人脸动画非常困难;另外,我们人类生来就具有一种识别和  相似文献   

Colouration Issues in Computer Generated Facial Animation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In everyday interactions with one another we use the face for recognising people and for communicating with them. Despite the considerable amount of research into computer generated facial animation, one particular aspect, that of the colouration of the face appears to have been neglected. In this paper we address issues pertinent to the use of colour for both modelling the appearance of the face and for enhancing communication during facial expression and animation. Colouration is an integral part of the face, which helps in the recognition of faces as well as in the interpretation of the often subtle signals emitted by the human face.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展,互联网科学技术的应用越来越广泛,计算机动画技术呈现出迅猛的发展趋势,给人们的生活和经济带来了很大改变。计算机在动画制作中的应用,能有效提高制作动画的效率,给人们带来更加丰富的视觉体验,使动画展现的效果更加逼真形象,也能提高社会的经济效益。现阶段,计算机动画技术主要应用在二维动画技术、三维动画技术以及计算机动画软件等相关工程中,在三维动画工程中的应用价值较高。  相似文献   

人脸建模和动画的基本技术   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
文中讨论了通过人脸的正向和侧面照片构造头部的三维模型,并赋予其简单动画的基本技术,基于此技术,实现了一个交互式人脸建模和动画的工具,详细阐述了在系统实现过程中应用到的人脸几何表示,由一般人脸变化到特定人脸,弹性网格,肌肉模型,关键,帧和表情提取等技术。  相似文献   

基于物理的流体模拟动画综述   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
基于物理的流体模拟近年来成为计算机动画领域的一个研究热点.回顾了该领域中基于物理的流体模拟的发展情况,总结了该研究方向所采用的各类方法,并结合各种现象的特点分门别类地详细展开.其方法总体上可以分为欧拉法和拉格朗日法,涉及的现象包括烟雾、火焰、爆炸、波浪、气泡以及自由运动界面等.最后展望了未来发展的3个重点:细节策略、加速策略和控制策略,以使整个模拟能够更好地满足人们对真实感、实时性以及灵活性的需求.  相似文献   

Although the computer plays an ever increasing role in animation, the term ?computer animation? is imprecise and sometimes can be misleading, since the computer can play a variety of different roles. A popular and simple way of classifying animation systems is to distinguish between computer-assisted and modeled animation.  相似文献   

随着时代发展,计算机动画在现代社会发展中处于及其重要的地位,应用领域非常广泛,像互联网中网络动画的应用、游戏软件的开发,教学软件的开发、动画影院片、电影数字特技、电视动画片、电子图书等等。本文介绍有关计算机动画的概念,并以FLASH为例介绍计算机动画的制作过程。  相似文献   

基于草图的花开建模与动画   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合成花开动画一般靠手工交互完成,费时又繁琐.提出了一种基于生物学的交互式花朵建模和花开模拟方法.首先采用基于草图的建模方法对花朵的器官,如花瓣、雌蕊、雄蕊和花梗等进行初始形状设定;利用植物学中的叶序规则,构建花苞和成花的完整细节模型.然后,分析比对花朵的主要器官花开前后的姿态和尺寸,提取出一系列描述花朵的生长参数,建立一个动态生长模型,并以之指导花朵器官在花开过程中的连续形变.最后,依据生长模型生成一个逐渐开放的花朵模型序列,依次绘制该序列即可合成逼真的花开动画.实验表明,该方法高效、简洁,能够获得既符合  相似文献   

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