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In this paper we improve Davies’ attack [2] on DES to become capable of breaking the full 16-round DES faster than the exhaustive search. Our attack requires 250 known plaintexts and 250 complexity of analysis. If independent subkeys are used, a variant of this attack can find 26 bits out of the 768 key bits using 252 known plaintexts. All the 768 bits of the subkeys can be found using 260 known plaintexts. The data analysis requires only several minutes on a SPARC workstation. Therefore, this is the third successful attack on DES, faster than brute force, after differential cryptanalysis [1] and linear cryptanalysis [5]. We also suggest criteria which make the S-boxes immune to this attack.  相似文献   

The GOST block cipher is the Russian encryption standard published in 1989. In spite of considerable cryptanalytic efforts over the past 20 years, a key recovery attack on the full GOST block cipher without any key conditions (e.g., weak keys and related keys) has not been published yet. In this paper, we show the first single-key attack, which works for all key classes, on the full GOST block cipher. To begin, we develop a new attack framework called Reflection-Meet-in-the-Middle Attack. This approach combines techniques of the reflection attack and the meet-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. Then we apply it to the GOST block cipher employing bijective S-boxes. In order to construct the full-round attack, we use additional novel techniques which are the effective MITM techniques using equivalent keys on a small number of rounds. As a result, a key can be recovered with a time complexity of 2225 encryptions and 232 known plaintexts. Moreover, we show that our attack is applicable to the full GOST block cipher using any S-boxes, including non-bijective S-boxes.  相似文献   

The timing and Hamming weight attacks on the data encryption standard (DES) cryptosystem for minimal cost encryption scheme is presented in this article. In the attack, timing information on encryption processing is used to select and collect effective plaintexts for attack. Then the collected plaintexts are utilized to infer the expanded key differences of the secret key, from which most bits of the expanded secret key are recovered. The remaining bits of the expanded secret key are deduced by the correlations between Hamming weight values of the input of the S-boxes in the first-round. Finally, from the linear relation of the encryption time and the secret key's Hamming weight, the entire 56 bits of the secret key are thoroughly recovered. Using the attack, the minimal cost encryption scheme can be broken with 223 known plaintexts and about 221 calculations at a success rate a>99%. The attack has lower computing complexity, and the method is more effective than other previous methods.  相似文献   

MISTY1 is a block cipher designed by Matsui in 1997. It was well evaluated and standardized by projects, such as CRYPTREC, ISO/IEC, and NESSIE. In this paper, we propose a key recovery attack on the full MISTY1, i.e., we show that 8-round MISTY1 with 5 FL layers does not have 128-bit security. Many attacks against MISTY1 have been proposed, but there is no attack against the full MISTY1. Therefore, our attack is the first cryptanalysis against the full MISTY1. We construct a new integral characteristic by using the propagation characteristic of the division property, which was proposed in EUROCRYPT 2015. We first improve the division property by optimizing the division property for a public S-box and then construct a 6-round integral characteristic on MISTY1. Finally, we recover the secret key of the full MISTY1 with \(2^{63.58}\) chosen plaintexts and \(2^{121}\) time complexity. Moreover, if we use \(2^{63.994}\) chosen plaintexts, the time complexity for our attack is reduced to \(2^{108.3}\). Note that our cryptanalysis is a theoretical attack. Therefore, the practical use of MISTY1 will not be affected by our attack.  相似文献   

KeeLoq is a lightweight block cipher with a 32-bit block size and a 64-bit key. Despite its short key size, it is used in remote keyless entry systems and other wireless authentication applications. For example, there are indications that authentication protocols based on KeeLoq are used, or were used by various car manufacturers in anti-theft mechanisms. This paper presents a practical key recovery attack against KeeLoq that requires 216 known plaintexts and has a time complexity of 244.5 KeeLoq encryptions. It is based on the principle of slide attacks and a novel approach to meet-in-the-middle attacks.  相似文献   

In this paper we cryptanalyze the CBCM mode of operation, which was almost included in the ANSI X9.52 Triple-DES Modes of Operation standard. The CBCM mode is a Triple-DES CBC variant which was designed against powerful attacks which control intermediate feedback for the benefit of the attacker. For this purpose, it uses intermediate feedbacks that the attacker cannot control, choosing them as a keyed OFB stream, independent of the plaintexts and the ciphertexts. In this paper we find a way to use even this kind of feedback for the benefit of the attacker, and we present an attack which requires a single chosen ciphertext of 2 65 blocks which needs to be stored and 2 59 complexity of analysis (CBCM encryptions) to find the key with a high probability. As a consequence of our attack, ANSI decided to remove the CBCM mode from the proposed standard. Received May 1998 and revised June 2001 Online publication 28 November 2001  相似文献   

The Boneh, Goh, and Nissim (BGN) cryptosytem is the first homomorphic encryption scheme that allows additions and multiplications of plaintexts on encrypted data. BGN‐type cryptosystems permit very small plaintext sizes. The best‐known approach for the expansion of a message size by t times is one that requires t implementations of an initial scheme; however, such an approach becomes impractical when t is large. In this paper, we present a method of message expansion of BGN‐type homomorphic encryption using composite product pairing, which is practical for relatively large t. In addition, we prove that the indistinguishability under chosen plaintext attack security of our construction relies on the decisional Diffie–Hellman assumption for all subgroups of prime order of the underlying composite pairing group.  相似文献   

The slide attack, presented by Biryukov and Wagner, has already become a classical tool in cryptanalysis of block ciphers. While it was used to mount practical attacks on a few cryptosystems, its practical applicability is limited, as typically, its time complexity is lower bounded by \(2^n\) (where n is the block size). There are only a few known scenarios in which the slide attack performs better than the \(2^n\) bound. In this paper, we concentrate on efficient slide attacks, whose time complexity is less than \(2^n\). We present a number of new attacks that apply in scenarios in which previously known slide attacks are either inapplicable, or require at least \(2^n\) operations. In particular, we present the first known slide attack on a Feistel construction with a 3-round self-similarity, and an attack with practical time complexity of \(2^{40}\) on a 128-bit key variant of the GOST block cipher with unknown S-boxes. The best previously known attack on the same variant, with known S-boxes (by Courtois), has time complexity of \(2^{91}\).  相似文献   

mCrypton is a 64‐bit lightweight block cipher designed for use in low‐cost and resource‐constrained applications such as RFID tags and sensors in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we investigate the strength of this cipher against related‐key impossible differential cryptanalysis. First, we construct two 6‐round related‐key impossible differentials for mCrypton‐96 and mCrypton‐128. Then, using these distinguishers, we present 9‐round related‐key impossible differential attacks on these two versions. The attack on mCrypton‐96 requires 259.9 chosen plaintexts, and has a time complexity of about 274.9 encryptions. The data and time complexities for the attack on mCrypton‐128 are 259.7 chosen plaintexts and 266.7 encryptions, respectively. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An authenticated encryption scheme is a symmetric encryption scheme whose goal is to provide both privacy and integrity. We consider two possible notions of authenticity for such schemes, namely integrity of plaintexts and integrity of ciphertexts, and relate them, when coupled with IND-CPA (indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack), to the standard notions of privacy IND-CCA and NM-CPA (indistinguishability under chosen-ciphertext attack and nonmalleability under chosen-plaintext attack) by presenting implications and separations between all notions considered. We then analyze the security of authenticated encryption schemes designed by “generic composition,” meaning making black-box use of a given symmetric encryption scheme and a given MAC. Three composition methods are considered, namely Encrypt-and-MAC, MAC-then-encrypt, and Encrypt-then-MAC. For each of these and for each notion of security, we indicate whether or not the resulting scheme meets the notion in question assuming that the given symmetric encryption scheme is secure against chosen-plaintext attack and the given MAC is unforgeable under chosen-message attack. We provide proofs for the cases where the answer is “yes” and counter-examples for the cases where the answer is “no.” M. Bellare’s work was supported in part by a 1996 Packard Foundation Fellowship in Science and Engineering, NSF CAREER Award CCR-9624439, NSF grants CNS-0524765 and CNS-0627779, and a gift from Intel Corporation. C. Namprempre’s work was supported in part by grants of the first author and the Thailand Research Fund.  相似文献   

As a generalized integral property, division property was proposed by Todo at EUROCRYPT 2015. We propose a new security criterion of S-boxes against division property and prove that it is invariant under permutation-xor equivalence. Based on the criterion, the division properties of some important 4-bit S-boxes are showed. Then, we apply it to improve the resistance of ciphers against division-property-based integral attacks while keeping the same security level against other attacks. Specifically, the resistance of the cipher PRESENT against division-property-based integral attack is improved by 2 rounds, and the resistance of the cipher LBlock against division-property-based integral attack is improved by 1 round.  相似文献   

In recent years, because of the security requirements of resource‐constrained devices, design and analysis of lightweight block ciphers has received more attention. mCrypton is a lightweight block cipher that has been specifically designed for using in resource‐constrained devices, such as low‐cost radio‐frequency identification tags and sensors. In this paper, we consider cryptanalysis of full‐round mCrypton‐64 using a new extension of biclique attack called non‐isomorphic biclique cryptanalysis. As it is known, effectiveness of the biclique attack is highly dependent to the weakness of key schedule, and it does not seem to be appropriate for block ciphers with strong key scheduling. The non‐isomorphic biclique attack, using an asymmetric key partitioning technique, provides more degrees of freedom to the attacker and makes it possible to use the diffusion layer properties of a block cipher for constructing longer bicliques. Results show that the attack on full‐round mCrypton requires 233.9 chosen plaintexts and a time complexity of 262.67 encryptions. The computational complexity reduces to 262.3, 261.4, and 259.75 encryptions for 10, 8, and 6 rounds of mCrypton‐64, respectively. We also have a discussion on the general form of the computational complexity for non‐isomorphic biclique cryptanalysis. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Normally, it has been believed that the initial values of cryptographic schemes do not need to be managed secretly unlike the secret keys. However, we show that multiple modes of operation of block ciphers can suffer a loss of security by the state of the initial values. We consider several attacks according to the environment of the initial values; known-IV attack, known-in-advance-IV attack, and replayed-and-known-IV attack. Our attacks on cascaded three-key triple modes of operation requires 3-7 blocks of plaintexts (or ciphertexts) and 3 · 256-9 · 256 encryptions. We also give the attacks on multiple modes proposed by Biham.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algebraic method to attack the projected C*- cryptographic scheme. The attack applies the affine parts of the private keys and the weakness caused by the structures of the private keys to find a large number of linear equations. The attack can recover the private keys efficiently when the parameters are small enough. Meanwhile, the weak keys of the scheme are found and the private keys can be recovered efficiently once the weak keys are used.The paper also proposes a new modification of C*- cryptographic scheme, which is not only as efficient as original projected C*? scheme, but also resistant to the differential attack and the attack proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

低轮FOX64算法的零相关-积分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
FOX系列算法是一类基于Lai-Massey模型设计的分组密码算法。该文首先评估低轮FOX64算法抵抗零相关线性分析的能力,给出4轮FOX64算法的零相关线性区分器。然后,利用零相关线性区分器与积分区分器的关系,首次得到4轮FOX64算法的积分区分器。最后,利用积分区分器分析5, 6, 7, 8轮FOX64算法,攻击的时间复杂度分别约为252.7, 2116.7, 2180.7, 2244.7次加密,数据复杂度为250个选择明文。该文首次给出攻击8轮FOX64/256时间复杂度小于穷举攻击的有效攻击。  相似文献   

该文对4轮KASUMI的f9算法进行了单密钥攻击.把中间相遇攻击的思想用到f9算法攻击中,选取了基础密钥集与穷举密钥集,利用K3与明文之间的线性关系对f9算法进行了中间相遇攻击,同时利用碰撞与查表技术减少了计算复杂度.最后恢复所有128 bit密钥需要数据复杂度是232,优化后的计算复杂度是2125.85,存储复杂度是236.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a general framework of related-key attack on block-wise stream ciphers which are suitable for the protection of multimedia and ubiquitous systems. As a case study, we show how our cryptanalytic framework is applied to a block-wise stream cipher TWOPRIME: we construct various related-key differentials of TWOPRIME and use them to show that recovering related keys of TWOPRIME can be performed with a data complexity of 214 known plaintext blocks and a time complexity of 232 8-bit table lookups. We expect that our general framework for a related-key attack would be useful tool for analyzing many of block-wise stream ciphers.  相似文献   

DDP-64, based on various controlled operations, is a 64-bit Feistel-like block cipher consisting of 10 rounds with a 128-bit key. It was designed to attempt to have a high security level and a high speed performance in hardware on ubiquitous computing systems and multimedia. In this paper, however, we show that DDP-64 doesn’t have a high security level, more precisely, we show that it is vulnerable to related-key differential attack. This attack, which is much faster than the key exhaustive search, requires about 254 data and 254 time complexities. This work is the first known cryptanalytic result on DDP-64 so far.  相似文献   

We analyze a very general class of algorithms for constructingm-bit invertible S-boxes called bit-by-bit methods. The method builds an S-box one entry at a time, and has been proposed by Adams and Tavares [2] and Forre [11] to construct S-boxes that satisfy certain cryptographic properties such as nonlinearity and the strict avalanche criterion. We prove, both theoretically and empirically, that the bit-by-bit method is infeasible form>6. The author is currently employed by the Distributed System Technology Center (DSTC), Brisbane, Australia. Correspondence should be sent to ISRC, QUT Gardens Point, 2 George Street, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia.  相似文献   

Differential cryptanalysis of DES-like cryptosystems   总被引:50,自引:2,他引:48  
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is the best known and most widely used cryptosystem for civilian applications. It was developed at IBM and adopted by the National Bureau of Standards in the mid 1970s, and has successfully withstood all the attacks published so far in the open literature. In this paper we develop a new type of cryptanalytic attack which can break the reduced variant of DES with eight rounds in a few minutes on a personal computer and can break any reduced variant of DES (with up to 15 rounds) using less than 256 operations and chosen plaintexts. The new attack can be applied to a variety of DES-like substitution/permutation cryptosystems, and demonstrates the crucial role of the (unpublished) design rules.  相似文献   

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