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As much of the work of service employees is supported by IT, the quality of the service often depends on how the technology is used. Most employees only use a fraction of the functionality available on their desk-top. This may also depend on their personality. We performed research on the relationship of personality and technology acceptance.  相似文献   

Changing demands in society and the limited capabilities of health systems have paved the way for robots to move out of industrial contexts and enter more human-centered environments such as health care. We explore the shared beliefs and concerns of health workers on the introduction of autonomously operating service robots in hospitals or professional care facilities. By means of Q-methodology, a mixed research approach specifically designed for studying subjective thought patterns, we identify five potential end-user niches, each of which perceives different affordances and outcomes from using service robots in their working environment. Our findings allow for better understanding resistance and susceptibility of different users in a hospital and encourage managerial awareness of varying demands, needs, and surrounding conditions that a service robot must contend with. We also discuss general insights into presenting the Q-methodology results and how an affordance-based view could inform the adoption, appropriation, and adaptation of emerging technologies.  相似文献   

When people interact with digital artefacts they perceive their pragmatic and hedonic qualities. In the case of interacting with mobile devices and applications, users seek utility as they try to satisfy certain needs, but at the same time they have certain feelings and emotions when, for example, they feel attached to their personal phone and/or trust its brand. Due to this strong relation between users and mobile devices a significant problem occurs when researchers want to evaluate the user experience of a mobile application in laboratory settings: the selection of an appropriate mobile device. Towards this end, this paper aims to unveil the effect of perceived hedonic quality of a mobile device on the user experience evaluation results of an application. Our results show that the perceived hedonic quality of a mobile device significantly affected the perceived pragmatic quality of the application, but not the hedonic one.  相似文献   

评审专家作为评审环节的关键核心要素,很大程度上影响着评审结果的可行性和可信度,其评审水平直接影响着项目决策的科学性.文章研究了专家评审的监测及行为智能分析技术.以科技项目评审为重心,以系统监控及网络监视技术、大数据分析挖掘技术以及层次分析法等技术为基础,对专家的评审行为进行全程监测,对采集的监测数据进行实时智能分析,针...  相似文献   

Web-based digital video tools enable learners to access video sources in constructive ways. To leverage these affordances teachers need to integrate their knowledge of a technology with their professional knowledge about teaching. We suggest that this is a cognitive process, which is strongly connected to a teacher’s mental model of the tool’s affordances. First we elaborate the theoretical integration of the notion of mental models and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) framework. Then we report on a study where we investigated pedagogical knowledge in a sample of German pre-service teachers as a predictor for their mental models of YouTube and how these affect lesson plans for instructional use of this technology. We describe the active mental models of YouTube and present quantitative analyses suggesting mental models as mediators for the influence of pedagogical knowledge on participants’ lesson planning. Results are discussed with regard to theoretical and research implications.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study of a teacher from a technical education institution who explored the educational affordances of PDA technology over a period of six months. Based on this teacher’s perspectives, the study was designed to inform our own understanding of educational affordances of this new and emerging technology. Understanding of educational affordances is important in the context of planning a suitable intervention to support pedagogically effective integration of PDA technology. The study explicated a set of five affordances of PDA technology: as a multimedia-access tool, connectivity tool, capture tool, representational tool and analytical tool. We call on further research to expand this set into a more comprehensive collage of educational affordances of PDA technology.  相似文献   

服务重用的目的是提高软件开发的效率,然而,现有的服务重用方法局限于原子服务的重用。如何重用任意粒度的服务流程片段(Service Flow Fragment,SFF)是一个更具实用价值的问题。提出一种新颖的索引(Changeable Level Index,CLI),它通过所构造的服务标签合并树(Service Label Merge-tree,SLM-tree)组织服务流程,同时实现原子服务及组合服务的检索,从而最大限度地提高它们的利用率,并且能够择优返回检索结果。为验证所提出方法的可行性和有效性,通过Web Service Challenge Testset Generator(CTG)构造了一个包含20万流程,1.05亿原子服务的数据集。实验结果表明,提出的方法具有很高的性能。  相似文献   

Motivated by the phenomenon of customer entrepreneurship in China and the associated research gaps, we conduct a case study to explore how customer entrepreneurs realize benefits from light entrepreneurship enabled by guanxi circles and social commerce affordances. Our study derives a process model that describes how customer entrepreneurs benefit from light entrepreneurship through acquiring knowledge and sharing knowledge within guanxi circles embedded in social media. We also demonstrate the roles of the mass entrepreneurship climate and the social commerce affordances in this benefit realization process. This study contributes to the research and practice with respect to technology-enabled customer entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

服务发现技术中的服务描述和服务匹配技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
普及计算环境中的设备和应用需要通过服务发现来获得其它设备和应用所提供的服务。在服务发现技术中,服务描述、需求描述和服务匹配是迫切需要解决的关键问题。但由于服务和需求的多样性和复杂性,以及普及计算环境的动态性和异构性,使这些问题更加困难和复杂。所以,寻找一种灵活高效而又准确的方式来进行服务描述、需求描述,进而进行服务匹配,具有非常重要的意义。对现有多种服务发现系统中的服务描述需求描述和服务匹配技术进行比较分析,指出了现有解决方案的一些不足,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

网络管理服务设计技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对网络管理系统集成困难及管理系统功能缺乏灵活性的问题,介绍面向服务的综合网络管理系统框架,该框架充分吸收面向服务架构的思想,将网络管理功能封装为松耦合的服务,打通原有各系统间的壁垒,实现管理互通.并在此框架基础上,利用Web Service技术和服务组合技术,设计实现面向服务的综合网络管理服务设计系统的原型,采用图形...  相似文献   

基于Web Service的电子商务技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
WebServices是一种面向服务的体系结构,其突出优点是实现了真正意义上的平台独立性和语言独立性。WebServices是新一代Internet分布式应用框架,代表了下一代网络计算和企业应用的必然趋势。分析了电子商务发展现状以及存在的问题,介绍了基于WebServices电子商务技术,它们可以跨越不同应用系统的对象体系、运行平台和开发语言等的界限,并以服务的形式封装,对外对内发布应用服务接口,供其它的应用程序调用,从而形成一个基于Web的服务共享平台。由于XML语言的应用,电子商务的应用和开发将进入一个新的阶段-ebXML.  相似文献   

Only a few studies have dealt with the challenge of bridging the linguistic gap between the dialogic realm and the talk of disengaged students. Bridging this gap is particularly relevant to the CSCL community since one of its utmost aims is to promote the dialogic. This study aims to articulate how to harness the CSCL design and affordances to enhance dialogic pedagogy with disengaged students. Using temporal analysis of philosophical discussions for children, we focus on three disengaged 8th grade students participating in successive discussions mediated by a CSCL tool (Argunaut), and follow the way they talk with their peers in the classroom. The study shows the gradual emergence of the dialogic among those students. We describe the transition of their talk moves, from initially reproducing the way they talk to adopting dialogical norms. To explain this we conceptualize the notion of carriers of discursive norms and discuss its transformative role in dialogue. The dialogic transition was made possible by the pedagogical design and the design of the CSCL tools. These affordances allowed the students change the meaning of the conversational building blocks of space, silence, addressee, and the ethics of talk.  相似文献   

基于Web Service的Android技术应用研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在客户端与服务器间通过web Service进行通信,给出Android应用程序开发的完整过程,服务器端基于Java的SSM结构,利用Web Service实现访问接口,Android客户端通过Ksoap调用Web Service,并以网格化管理为例,最终实现了Android客户端与服务器灵活信息交互。  相似文献   

信息技术(IT)服务企业所采用的业务模式不仅直接影响着信息技术服务提供和传递的质量,而且对整个IT服务行业未来的发展模式也将产生重要影响。分析了信息技术服务的内涵,指出IT服务具有生产性服务的特征;在此基础上,分别按照服务需求的分离点和IT服务的实现方式,对IT服务企业的业务模式进行了分类研究;并对IT服务业中面向产品、面向服务和租赁的3种业务模式及其特征进行了分析,为促进IT服务业的快速发展提供基础。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的快速发展,Web2.0技术使得用户更好地参与图书馆网络信息的建构.Web2.0走进了图书馆,给图书馆带来了新的生机和活力,本文分析了Web2.0技术及析其在现代图书馆创新服务的应用.  相似文献   

In consideration of the growing importance of the application of ir in Austrian producing enterprises, the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce established a special department in 1982 with a view to:
  • 1.(a) convince enterpreneurs of the advantages of using high technologies, such as microelectronics, industrial robots, flexible manufacturing systems, cad/cam etc. and
  • 2.(b) assist and advise respective enterprises in making a decisioin as to whether and where to implement high technical products into their production and — in the affirmative — how to proceed further.
This contribution outlines various methods to ascertain most effectively
  • •- where robots could be used in a certain enterprise
  • •- how specific technical problems should be solved and
  • •- the estimate of economy.

结合语义的发现技术,提出了一个网络化制造的服务描述模式,在此描述模式的基础上设计了网络化制造的服务匹配计算模型,介绍了该模型的应用平台,说明了该计算模型的可行性。  相似文献   

基于语义的Web服务发现技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对现有基于语义的服务发现机制普遍对服务质量描述和服务分类考虑不够,以及匹配机制适应范围较窄、匹配效率较低的问题,进行了服务描述与服务发现技术的研究,对OWL S规范作了一定的补充,并提出了一种基于语义的服务发现算法。以树形结构描述Web服务,按照一定策略对节点赋予不同的权值并分类存储。在服务匹配时,首先对服务请求进行预处理和领域定位,然后利用基于WordNet和HowNet的语义相似度计算方法以及一定的辅助技术实现服务匹配。实验结果表明,该服务匹配算法具有较好的查准率和查全率。  相似文献   

基于商业逻辑的Web服务合成方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
边小凡  张宝山 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(13):2381-2382,2399
为提高Internet环境下通过Web服务合成方法构建的跨企业应用系统的灵活性和复用性,分析和研究了面向Web服务的商业流程执行语言(BPEL4WS)中存在的不足,讨论了将商业逻辑从商业流程中分离的必要性。提出从BPEL4WS中提取商业逻辑的思想,同时利用.NET架构下的事件处理技术对其进行了实现,从而有效地改善了BPEL4WS的完全面向商业过程、将商业逻辑隐含在过程中而造成的合成后的Web服务灵活性差及不能有效复用的缺点。最后通过实例证明该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

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