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A new digital method for separation and reconstruction of NTSC color TV signals is described. Digital conversion between an NTSC signal and its baseband component signals is performed at a sampling rate of(12/5)f_{sc} simeq 8.59MHz (fsc: the color subcarrier frequency), which is lower than the conventionally used3f_{sc}or4f_{sc}sampling rate. Since this lowered sampling rate satisfies the Nyquist condition for NTSC signals, the proposed digital method can provide an effective technique for the component coding of NTSC signals. Simulation results have shown that, with this method, no visible picture quality degradations can be observed for either the color bar signal or SMPTE Pictures.  相似文献   

本文利用基于双线性算符的广田法给出了带有有限带宽光增益和损耗项的非线性Schrodinger方程的孤立波解,结果表明,通过适当地选取光增益谱和光纤色散参数,孤子自频移和三阶色散能够完全得到补偿,这对实现超高码率(>100Gbit/s)的光传输系统具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在概述光生毫米波基本原理的基础上,介绍了产生毫米波的强度调制技术、光注入锁定技术、光外差技术及光电振荡器等四种方案的基本原理。通过对几种典型实验装置的分析,比较了这四种实验方案的优缺点及其发展方向。  相似文献   

李沫  董玮 《半导体技术》2011,36(9):719-725
为了实现跨越不同网络的无间断服务和随时随地的高速率数据接入,提出了采用光学方法产生超宽带信号的技术,该技术的采用避免了额外的电光或者光电转换,节省了系统资源,有益于全光网络的形成。基于国内外的诸多研究成果,首先对利用光学方法产生超宽带信号的技术方案进行了认知与分析,在此基础上,以元器件为分类标准归纳总结出三类在光领域中产生超宽带信号的方法;然后结合实例对超宽带信号进行了应用分析,证明了超宽带信号的实用性与优越性;最后指出了超宽带系统未来的发展趋势以及存在的问题。  相似文献   

关于"信号与系统"课程的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
探讨了信号与系统中的三个基本问题:时域解零输入响应、零状态响应和全响应表达式的写法问题,卷积积分的微分、积分性质的运用问题,傅里叶变换的微分、积分特性的运用问题。对以上几个容易产生概念性错误的问题进行了深入分析,给出了导致错误产生的原因以及避免产生错误的方法。  相似文献   

基于双谱的谐波信号相位重构   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文提出了一种基于双谱分析的谐波信号相位精确重构方法.该方法通过在被测信号中加入一相位为零的半基频信号,并对该合成信号进行双谱分析,实现了被测信号的相位精确求解,解决了已有基于双谱的信号相位估计方法中所存在的相对相移问题.仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

We focus on a multidimensional field with uncorrelated spectrum and study the quality of the reconstructed signal when the field samples are irregularly spaced and affected by independent and identically distributed noise. More specifically, we apply linear reconstruction techniques and take the mean-square error (MSE) of the field estimate as a metric to evaluate the signal reconstruction quality. We find that the MSE analysis could be carried out by using the closed-form expression of the eigenvalue distribution of the matrix representing the sampling system. Unfortunately, such distribution is still unknown. Thus, we first derive a closed-form expression of the distribution moments, and we find that the eigenvalue distribution tends to the MarČenko–Pastur distribution as the field dimension goes to infinity. Finally, by using our approach, we derive a tight approximation to the MSE of the reconstructed field.   相似文献   

赵君喜 《电子学报》2011,39(3):538-542
在一般平移不变子空间框架下讨论信号的有限非一致采样重建的问题.基于信号的子空间表示,本文给出一般信号在min-max插值准则下的最优插值方法以及相应的非迭代算法.该方法可以导出著名带限信号的Yen插值.数值实验表明所给方法能十分有效地重建信号.  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics - Problems of reconstructing acoustic signals from unevenly spaced samples (sparse signal) and signals distorted by losses of adjacent samples...  相似文献   

To sample non-bandlimited impulse signals, an extremely high-sampling rate analog-todigital converters (ADC) is required. Such an ADC is very difficult to be implemented with present semiconductor technology. In this paper, a novel sampling and reconstruction method for impulse signals is proposed. The required sampling rate of the proposed method is close to the signal innovation rate, which is much lower than the Nyquist rate in conventional Shannon sampling theory. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve very good reconstruction performance in the presence of noise.  相似文献   

To sample non-bandlimited impulse signals, an extremely high-sampling rate analog-todigital converters (ADC) is required. Such an ADC is very difficult to be implemented with present semiconductor technology. In this paper, a novel sampling and reconstruction method for impulse signals is proposed. The required sampling rate of the proposed method is close to the signal innovation rate, which is much lower than the Nyquist rate in conventional Shannon sampling theory. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve very good reconstruction performance in the presence of noise.  相似文献   

Sampling theory for continuous time signals which have a bandlimited representation in fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) domain-a transformation which generalizes the conventional Fourier transform-has blossomed in the recent past. The mechanistic principles behind Shannon's sampling theorem for fractional bandlimited (or fractional Fourier bandlimited) signals are the same as for the Fourier domain case i.e. sampling (and reconstruction) in FrFT domain can be seen as an orthogonal projection of a signal onto a subspace of fractional bandlimited signals. As neat as this extension of Shannon's framework is, it inherits the same fundamental limitation that is prevalent in the Fourier regime-what happens if the signals have singularities in the time domain (or the signal has a nonbandlimited spectrum)? In this paper, we propose a uniform sampling and reconstruction scheme for a class of signals which are nonbandlimited in FrFT sense. Specifically, we assume that samples of a smoothed version of a periodic stream of Diracs (which is sparse in time-domain) are accessible. In its parametric form, this signal has a finite number of degrees of freedom per unit time. Based on the representation of this signal in FrFT domain, we derive conditions under which exact recovery of parameters of the signal is possible. Knowledge of these parameters leads to exact reconstruction of the original signal.  相似文献   

光放大技术是新一代光通信系统的关键技术之一 ,分别介绍了掺铒光纤放大器、半导体光纤放大器以及拉曼光纤放大器的工作原理、性能和应用 ,并对其发展趋势作了比较  相似文献   

光放大技术是新一代光通信系统的关键技术之一,分别介绍了掺铒光纤放大器、半导体光纤放大器以及拉曼光纤放大器的工作原理、性能和应用,并对其发展趋势作了比较.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the use of an optical equalizer to allow 42.7-Gbaud (85.4-Gb/s) return-to-zero differential quadrature phase-shift keyed signals to better tolerate the narrow optical filtering required in high-spectral-efficiency systems. The equalizer passbands are repetitive, enabling the equalization of multiple channels.  相似文献   

采集雷达信号数据源发射的电磁信号以后,对其进行时域至频域的变换即离散傅里叶变换、自适应幅度波束成形使得信号频率得到补偿,并对重构信号的波形进行分析和比较.通过重新定义的模型进行表征,使得可见光、红外、雷达频谱等波段数据不损失自身所携带信息情况下,减少时变时间函数和选择性积分在检测性能方面遭受大的损失.计算得到重构信号和...  相似文献   

针对导航应用中阵列天线导向矢量误差导致波束合成器性能恶化甚至失效的问题,提出了一种“北斗”信号重构的导向矢量实时校正算法。该算法利用重构的本地“北斗”参考信号与阵列天线接收信号进行相关解扩处理,然后利用信号子空间与信号正交补空间正交的特性,构造代价函数对各卫星方向的阵列导向矢量进行校正。仿真结果表明,经过校正的导向矢量相位误差从-100°~100°降低到-10°~10°范围内,幅度误差从-10~10 dB降低到-4~2 dB范围内;另外,导向矢量校正后,卫星信号波达方向估计误差在0.2°以内,估计精度大大提高。  相似文献   

杨建宇  潘雷霆  胡芬  张心正  许京军 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(11):1103008-1103008(8)
在光学显微成像领域,涌现出一批可以突破衍射极限的超分辨显微成像技术,极大地增强了人们研究亚细胞结构的能力。基于单分子定位技术的随机光学重构显微术(Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy,STORM)具有易懂的成像原理、简单的工作方式以及超高的分辨率等特点,受到越来越多的研究者青睐。首先,介绍了单分子定位技术的原理,讨论了STORM光路的搭建,阐述了二维和三维STORM超分辨显微成像原理。其次,探讨了多色STORM以及STORM与电镜关联成像现状。最后介绍了STORM技术现阶段的应用进展。  相似文献   

基于波形配对的雷达辐射源信号分选识别方法受噪声影响大,需要对信号进行降噪处理,降噪效果直接影响分选的准确率和实时性.首先介绍了基于快速傅里叶变换(FFT)的滤波降噪法,对4种经典滤波器进行特性分析.鉴于经典滤波法存在适用范围窄、降噪效果不理想的缺陷,又介绍了模极大值法、阈值法、小波包分析法3类基于小波变换的降噪算法,提出了以纯净信号和降噪后信号的信噪比、均方误差指标来衡量降噪效果,为小波变换降噪法的研究指明了方向.  相似文献   

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