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The evolution of wireless networks has motivated the expansion of the static business environment to a mobile and wireless one. However, current and forthcoming wireless technologies are characterized by different attributes, regarding coverage area, offered bandwidth and delay. The transparent conjunction of various wireless technologies into a single mobile terminal can further boost the wireless explosion. This paper presents the Wireless Convergence Architecture (WCA) that incorporates different wireless interfaces under the same mobile terminal. Depending on the location and the availability of the underlying wireless network, automatic and seamless switching is performed to the most appropriate wireless network interface. Special care is taken to maintain continuous connectivity at the transport layer (TCP). WCA introduces software components both at the terminal and network side. A specific implementation is presented, based on two complementary wireless technologies – in terms of coverage area – an IEEE 802.11-compliant in the short local and a GSM in the wide area. To demonstrate the operational correctness of the architecture, experiments were performed using standard and proprietary networking applications.  相似文献   

本文在分析无线TCP原理的基础之上,讨论了各种提高无线链路TCP性能的方法,并对其优缺点进行了分析和总结.最后给出无线环境下TCP改进的基本原则,并初步探讨了进一步改进的方向.  相似文献   

One challenge in the development of telecommunication networks is the seamless integration of wireless devices into the global Internet. Although it is well known that the Internet protocols were designed for heterogeneous networks an end-system with the usual Internet protocol stack will suffer an inefficient communication while connected via a wireless link. The protocol mechanisms of the transport layer can lead to poor performance in case of TCP and a high loss rate in case of UDP. In this paper we advocate a Remote Socket Architecture (ReSoA) which is a kind of proxy-oriented architecture for wireless Internet access in Wireless LAN environment. This approach allows the use of a thin protocol stack on the wireless end-system to save scarce resources and a tailored protocol for the wireless link without breaking the original TCP semantics. We show the suitability of ReSoA by comparing its performance with that of pure TCP and Berkeley Snoop through actual measurements in a test environment.  相似文献   

这篇论文推出了一种基于ZigBee技术的可穿戴传感器网络的无所不在的卫生保健系统,详细阐明了其系统结构及组成部分。用此结构收集和传送病人的生理数据与环境参数给卫生保健中心。这个基于异构无线接入网的病人监测系统,集成多个无线技术,在病人移动的情况下,支持连续的,任意时间,任意地点的用户愿意的生理监测。并针对该系统作了硬件与软件的设计。  相似文献   

We have analyzed the downlink performance of a multiuser Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing based multiple access system for indoor wireless communications. The optimization problem for minimizing the total transmit power from a base station while satisfying the bit-rate and bit-error rate criterion of the various portable users in the system has been outlined. The analytical solution obtained cannot be realized in a simple manner and we present a realizable method for the combined allocation of subcarriers, modulation mode, and power to the signals transmitted to the different users. Simulation results are used to compare the performance of the analytical solution with that using the new method under various channel conditions. Performance comparisons between the new method and an OFDM-TDMA system clearly indicate the advantages of the new algorithm under most conditions. The correlation of the frequency-domain channel strengths among the various users is shown to have an influence on the performance of the new algorithm.  相似文献   

1 Introduction TransportControlProtocol (TCP )asthewidespreadusedtransportprotocolintheInternetapplicationswasdesignedforwirelinenetworkswherethechannelerrorratesareverylowandcon gestionistheprimarycauseofpacketloss.Howev er ,whenTCPconnectionsextendoverwirelesslinks,manyfactorssuchasinterference,multipathfading ,usermobilityandatmosphericconditionsmaycauseerrorsresultinginframelossesoverthewirelesslinksthustheperformanceofTCPisseverelyaffected . TheperformanceofTCPthroughputconsideri…  相似文献   

张文柱  李建东  刘凯 《电子学报》2002,30(8):1175-1179
本文基于有效竞争预约接入、无冲突轮询传输的思想提出了在多跳分布式无线网络中支持节点移动性和多跳网络结构的依据用户妥善安排的多址接入(UPMA)协议.该协议能够保证发送节点快速接入信道,从而大大提高信道的使用效率.用仿真方法研究了多跳分布式无线网络中采用该协议时的网络性能.结果表明,UPMA协议可以提供较高的通过量、较低的平均分组时延和较小的平均分组丢失率.  相似文献   

Zadeh  Ali Nabi  Jabbari  Bijan 《Wireless Networks》2003,9(4):365-372
Wireless multihop networks overlaid with cellular structure have the potential to support high data rate Internet traffic. In this paper, we consider techniques by which the system capacity of such networks can be increased. First, methods for increasing link capacity in single-user systems are explored. Subsequently, we consider a different set of techniques suitable for multiuser systems. We also investigate the effect of traffic dynamics on system capacity and ways to achieve the maximum throughput. Finally, we present capacity bounds which illustrate how these techniques help in trading off the conserved power for capacity advantage.  相似文献   

A new metric for performance evaluation of transport control protocol(TCP) overwireless channels based on the interference-limited characteristics of code division multipleaddress(CDMA) system is proposed.According to the new metric,the performance of TCP over CDMAcorrelated channel for different protocol parameters and different versions is investigated.The resultsshow that appropriate selection of protocol parameters and packet error rate(PER) operation point canimprove significantly the capacity of packet-switched CDMA-based network.  相似文献   

宽带无线接入系统已经成为宽带接入和移动通信领域面向未来演化的主体方向之一,但在实际应用和产业推广过程中却遇到了很大困难,需要进一步定位宽带无线接入系统的典型服务模式,推动宽带无线接入关键技术的创新发展,促进宽带互联网络的骨干支撑作用。文章介绍一种宽带无线多媒体接入系统,尝试将地面数字电视系统与宽带无线接入系统结合在一起,以宽带互联网络为核心网平台,共同构建面向"三网融合"的新型宽带无线接入网络。初步研究结果表明,新型宽带无线接入系统可有效地缓解当前宽带无线接入系统所面临的尴尬局面,并在业务范畴、业务覆盖、频率规划、终端功耗和建网成本等多个方面取得较大竞争优势。  相似文献   

A new metric for performance evaluation of transport control protocol(TCP) over wireless channels based on the interference-limited characteristics of code division multiple address(CDMA) system is proposed. According to the new metric, the performance of TCP over CDMA correlated channel for different protocol parameters and different versions is investigated. The results show that appropriate selection of protocol parameters and packet error rate(PER) operation point can improve significantly the capacity of packet-switched CDMA-based network.  相似文献   

本文介绍了蜂窝系统的性能,评估了一种无负载蜂窝系统的覆盖范围,并且探讨了负载逐步增加与覆盖范围缩减之间的关系。比较了现有模拟高级移动电话服务(AMPS)系统和新型数字IS-95码分多址(CDMA)系统。  相似文献   

MIMO系统和无线信道容量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅海阳  陈技江  曹士坷  贾向东 《电子学报》2011,39(10):2221-2229
MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)理论试图在Shannon信道容量公式基础上导出正比于收发信天线数的MIMO无线信道容量(wCC)公式.由于MIMO系统同时使用多根天线发送同频信号,在MIMO的物理信道中会包含多个虚拟独立瑞利衰落信道.因此MIMO理论关于独立瑞利衰落信道的定义在实...  相似文献   

介绍了无线接入网中的两种关键技术,OFDM(正交频分复用)和CDMA(码分多址),从调制技术,抗干扰能力,功率控制、网络规划,峰均功率比和均衡技术等方面全面系统地比较分析了OFDM和CDMA各自的优缺点,结果证明了OFDM技术的先进性及其令人瞩目的应用前景。  相似文献   

Connecting multihop mobile ad hoc wireless networks (MANETs) to the Internet would enable MANET nodes to share wireless Internet access with mobile hosts that are one‐hop away from their foreign networks. The integration of MANETs and the global Internet, however, faces an obstacle due to their network architectural mismatches regarding their infrastructure, topology, and mobility management mechanisms. Solutions to the integration problem should introduce an intermediate facility with hybrid mechanism, enabling it to connect to both networks. The quality of the multihop wireless Internet access service provided to MANET nodes depends on the design quality of this facility in order for MANET nodes to enjoy their Internet connectivity anywhere and anytime without much disconnections. In this paper, we propose hierarchical architecture that uses group mobility and multihomed mobile gateways, and present and analyse different simulations results. A multihomed mobile gateway can simultaneously connect to multiple Mobile IP foreign agents, provided it is located within their overlapping coverage area. It runs updated versions of the destination‐sequenced distance vector (DSDV) and Mobile IP protocols, and is responsible for providing MANET nodes with wireless Internet access though they are multiple wireless hops away from the edge of the Internet. The rationale behind using multihoming is to increase reliability of the Internet access service and enhance performance of the integrated network. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中数据存储与访问研究进展   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
蔚赵春  周水庚  关佶红 《电子学报》2008,36(10):2001-2010
 无线传感器网络集感知、计算和无线通信为一体,是以数据为中心的网络,因此数据存储与访问是无线传感器网络研究中的重要问题.本文围绕无线传感器网络以数据为中心这一条主线,对其中数据存储与访问的国内外研究进展进行了综述.首先概述了无线传感器网络中的数据存储与访问的概念与技术;然后详细探讨了各种数据存储策略,重点分析了分布式数据存储和信息中介;其次详细介绍了查询的分类、查询处理模型以及优化策略;最后对无线传感器网络中数据存储与访问技术进行了展望.  相似文献   

Mobile wireless communications, which includecellular telephones, land mobile radio, and personalcommunications systems, have experienced enormous growthover the last decade. Data services represent a critical component of future wirelesscommunications, but have received little attention sofar. While some attention has been given to specializedmobile data networks, less has been directed at the ongoing design of data services in evolvingthird generation digital cellular wireless networks. Inthis work we present the results of a simulation studythat explores the performance of a Reservation Random Access (RRA) scheme for transmittingdata packets over a common radio broadcast channel in acellular radio environment. In addition to voicetraffic, we consider data packet traffic generated by interactive applications. It is expected thatsuch applications will be very important in thirdgeneration wireless access mobile communication systems.Through an extensive simulation study of the data message delay distribution, we show that theproposed RRA scheme, originally designed under thePoisson data message arrival process assumption, canalso efficiently operate and be optimized under theextremely bursty data message arrival processcharacterized by independent, identically distributed,Pareto message interarrival times.  相似文献   

崔兆阳  黄容兰  万德焕 《电子学报》2000,48(10):1915-1922
本文主要解决当前功率域单胞元非正交多址接入结构应用层面存在的问题.具体说,针对现有单胞元结构因多用户时频同传形成强干扰而导致边缘用户服务质量差的问题,利用资源正交化的组网策略构建中心用户频带独立正交、边缘用户与其频带合作共享的并行多胞元结构,并进一步利用中心用户可获取边缘用户先验知识的特征将全双工的协作通信机制引入其中,从而有效解决现有单胞元结构在译码复杂度以及用户公平性等方面存在的不足.仿真结果证实了所提方案的有效性.  相似文献   

本文建议了一种基于剩余数系统的映射序列扩频通信(RNSMS-SSMA)方式。在这种通信方式下,系统中任一用户根据剩余数系统算法选择3个被调制的扩频序列处理成映射序列进行扩频通信,能同时传送多比特信息。分析了信道中存在加性高斯白噪声和多用户干扰时系统的差错特性和多址能力  相似文献   

A CDMA uplink system that carries both voice and data traffic is investigated. The reservation-based admission control scheme is used to prioritize voice mobiles, and the truncated channel inversion power control scheme is used by data mobiles to improve system capacity. The performance of the system is measured by the Erlang capacity. Two methods of determining the Erlang capacity are presented. The first method decouples the analysis of blocking and outage performance, thus simplifying numerical search. The second method takes into account the impact of mobile traffic fluctuations on interference statistics, and thus yields more accurate results. Numerical results are provided that show significant differences between the two methods. Finally, the Erlang capacities of the system are compared for different power control schemes.  相似文献   

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