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"数字图像处理"是电子信息类专业的基础课程具有很强理论性和工程应用性。根据培养高素质应用型人才的培养目标以及课程思政的要求,分析当前教学模式中存在的问题和不足,提出旨在提高教学质量和人才培养质量的方法和措施。教学改革措施增强了学生对该课程的学习兴趣和主动性,培养了学生的爱国情怀、创新思维,提升了学生的实际工程能力,且提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

针对应用型本科电子信息类专业教育遇到的问题,提出在科教融合理念的引导下,以实现专业教育与技术行业和市场需求紧密结合为目标,通过课堂教育、自主教育和社会教育等几个层面的教学改革,适应当前社会经济发展对于人才培养的要求。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济与电子信息科技的高速发展,电子信息科学与技术专业教学在高等院校逐渐展开。我国社会主义现代化建设需要大量的具有高素质的应用型电子信息科技人才,为高等院校电子信息科学技术专业教学带来机遇与挑战。本文主要从培养电子信息科技应用型专业人才出发,参考先进的人才培养理念与成功的办学教学思路措施,结合自身学校电子信息科技教学现状,探索并提出一些具有创新性的电子信息科技专业应用型人才培养的教学措施。  相似文献   

工业化阶段需要大量的应用型人才,战后德国经济快速发展得益于应用型人才培养,德国办学经验有许多值得我们学习的方面。合肥学院与德国应用科学大学有着20多年的合作历史,借鉴德国经验,提出以"1234"为核心的人才培养方案,构建模块化课程体系,创设"一体化"实践新模式等。文章对上述应用型人才培养模式改革进行介绍。  相似文献   

工程教育认证对应用型本科高校的人才培养提出了新的要求。文章探讨如何实现人才培养和就业的无缝对接,阐述常熟理工学院与企业深度融通,提出坚持"政府提供平台、学校针对培养、企业全程协助"的应用型人才"联合"培养模式,介绍计算机类专业基于良性校企合作的工程教育创新和工程人才培育模式的经验,说明完善、提升和推广中的具体做法。  相似文献   

针对地方应用型本科院校信息安全专业办学时间短,基础薄弱,人才培养实践性、实战性和创新性不足等问题,从产业链需求、人才培养定位、校企合作、课程体系等方面分析新经济形势下地方应用型本科院校信息安全人才培养的新要求,依托导师制,提出基于多维校企合作、专业交叉融合、"一核三翼"实践教学体系的学训赛一体化人才培养模式,介绍具体教学实践并说明效果.  相似文献   

"校企合作、工学结合"办学模式是应用型人才培养的发展方向。本文通过调研相关艺术设计类专业的教学模式以及艺术设计行业当前的社会需求,结合沈阳工学院自身专业教学经验,提出了艺术设计类专业实施导师制工作室教学模式的必要性,总结了目前存在的问题,阐述了沈阳工学院艺术与传媒学院的具体实施方法,归纳总结了通过实施导师制工作室教学模式,引进企业进入工作室,整合校企两种教育资源,实行校企合作、产教融合是实现以工作过程为导向、是解决当前艺术类人才培养不能满足区域经济社会对人才需求之间矛盾的行之有效的办法,通过转变传统艺术设计类专业教学模式来有效培养设计行业所需要的高素质应用型人才。  相似文献   

本文提出创新型软件类人才培养课程体系,优化实践教学,有效提高应用型本科软件类专业学生实践能力和就业竞争力,探索信息服务业发展对软件人才的需求,从而达到培养高素质地方高校应用型人才的培养目标。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校本着"以学生为本,服务于学生"的办学宗旨,培养目标定位于提升应用型人才就业能力,本文以计算机等工科专业为例,提出了从课堂、实验、实践、创新创业等几个维度提高学生就业能力的人才培养模式,有助于整体提高学生动手能力,提升学生就业率和学生就业层次。  相似文献   

国内大部分应用型本科院校网络工程专业在进行人才培养模式改革的时候,过度的借鉴传统本科院校网络工程专业人才培养模式。这就使得网络工程专业人才培养模式在人才培养目标、人才培养规格、课程体系设计等方面大致相同。因此我校要做到真正的人才培养模式改革,建设符合自己办学特色的人才培养模式,培养"厚基础、宽领域、高能力"的网络工程专业人才,并成功应用于南昌工学院网络工程专业。  相似文献   

A second year undergraduate practical course in Quantitative Genetics and Biometrics, based mainly upon computer-assisted learning, is described. The educational benefits of the course, some of the problems encountered and some implications of the extensive use of CAL are discussed.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》1998,31(2):171-184
The use of the World Wide Web in higher education is increasing at an exponential rate. However, little research has been done on the quality and nature of students' learning in a Web based system. This paper discusses the views of students on an experiment at Aberdeen University in which the Web was used to replace face to face lectures. The results suggest that students exercised greater choice of when to study and experienced few problems of lack of access to computers or of technical failures. The experiment appears to have saved students time and not to have involved them in much financial expenditure. The findings as to how the students actually used the Web materials were less encouraging. Most students appear to have printed a paper copy of the Web documents at the earliest opportunity, while only a minority of students went in search of other relevant Internet sites. The experiment suggests that the transition from a traditional to a computer based system will involve considerable investment of time by lecturers new to the Web, in the acquisition of new skills and the preparation of Web materials. The Web has great potential to benefit students' learning but there are few shortcuts to the realisation of this potential.  相似文献   

Abstract High-quality software must be robust, reliable and maintainable. The design and coding of such software is no longer a craft; it is an engineering discipline, and the teaching of computer programming must reflect this. Consequently, students need to be aware of the importance of formulating accurate specifications for programming tasks, and of coding programs which correctly implement such specifications. However, the increase in student numbers experienced in recent years has caused manual methods of assessing students' programming assignments to become inefficient, and consistency more difficult to enforce. In order to support and motivate a rigorous approach in the context of these difficulties, an innovative on-line assessment system for programming language modules has been developed which addresses both concerns. This paper describes the package and discusses its importance in the delivery and assessment of undergraduate programming modules.  相似文献   

Clements  A. 《Micro, IEEE》2000,20(3):13-21
The subject matter of computer architecture has grown in breadth and depth, forcing teachers to decide what to include and what to omit-and even to justify the course itself. The author makes a strong case for including a broad-based course early in every computing student's program  相似文献   

The decreasing costs of digital processors coupled with the dramatic increase in their actual and contemplated use in systems design and product engineering make it imperative that electrical engineering students understand the characteristics and capabilities of digital processors as system components. Educating undergraduates to understand the structure and behavior of digital processors as components presents a different set of problems from those encountered in teaching engineers computer programming. This paper outlines the requirements for such education, concluding that the use of LSI microprocessors in the digital laboratory offers the best solution. The choice of laboratory topics to be covered and the selection of equipment are discussed, along with some possible classes of experiments. The relationship between these laboratory courses and the selection of equipment are discussed, along with some possible classes of experiments. The relationship between these laboratory courses and other topics in the EE curriculum is treated briefly. Finally, an appendix is included which lists and briefly discusses the phased acquisition of equipment and implementation of the undergraduate EE digital systems laboratory at the authors' institution.  相似文献   

Nevison  C.H. 《Computer》1995,28(12):51-56
Computer science students need to understand parallel computing, since it may become an integral part of their own careers. The best way to accomplish this is to integrate parallel computing concepts throughout the entire curriculum, from the introductory level up. As parallel computing becomes a part of several courses, it need not displace large segments of material that are currently in these courses; each course can contribute a small amount to the overall objective of understanding parallel computing. The paper presents a sample curriculum  相似文献   

The use of spreadsheets in teaching undergraduate mathematics is discussed, with examples of specific topics. The range of application includes Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability and Numerical Analysis. The advantages and disadvantages of spreadsheets are discussed.  相似文献   

Collaborative work is an important part of tertiary education but it is very difficult to arrange and supervise for extremely large classes of students in their first year. The possibility that computer-mediated communication can be used to facilitate this type of learning is appealing from a pragmatic organisational point of view. This paper explains in detail what a ‘virtual team’ is in the educational context. It reports on an interpretive field study where students taking an introductory course were allowed to choose where and when they did the required collaborative work. The paper discusses the factors that should be taken into account when offering students the option of working as a virtual team. These include factors that influence the students’ choice. The project cannot be considered to have been successful but indicates reasons for the lack of success and suggests contexts in which it would be valuable to repeat the project. The importance of extensive preparation in terms of teaching the students necessary social and technological skills cannot be over emphasised.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new approach to the undergraduate capstone design experience that has been used successfully for the past five years in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at BYU. The project is built around a robot soccer competition in which students design small autonomous robots to play with two robots per team. Experience shows that robotic provides a set of engineering challenges that are ideal for senior-design projects because it is naturally multidisciplinary and requires the integration of knowledge from across the curriculum.  相似文献   

教育部对高校双语教学的定位比较高。对于应用型本科院校来说,开展双语教学的难度比较大。结合双语教学的实践经验,提出应用型本科院校的双语教学应该注重实用性和适用性。从双语教学模式、教学方法和手段、适合双语教学的课程、双语教材的选择,以及双语教师资格等五个方面;对应用型本科院校计算机专业/课程的双语教学进行了探讨,提出了一些建议或想法,其中的一些建议已经得到采用,双语教学效果明显提高。  相似文献   

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