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电导增量法实现光伏系统的最大功率点跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
最大功率点跟踪控制是光伏并网发电系统中经常遇见的问题。介绍光伏并网系统的结构,通过对太阳能电池功率电压曲线的分析,结合光伏并网系统的特性和太阳能电池的最大功率点的跟踪原理,提出一种采用电导增量法来实现光伏系统的最大功率点跟踪的方法。此方法控制精确、响应速度比较快,适用于大气条件变化较快的场合。  相似文献   

光伏电池的输出功率与太阳辐射和环境温度变化,若不加以控制,将不会以最大功率输出。本文提出了一种变步长电导增量法,在光伏发电系统实现最大功率点跟踪。应用MATLAB建立光伏电池板的最大功率点跟踪变步长电导增量法的仿真模型并仿真。仿真结果表明,变步长电导增量法跟踪最大功率点效果良好,相比传统电导增量法,减弱了最大功率点附近振荡的情况,适合干快速变化的环境条件,具有良好的动态和稳态特性。  相似文献   

翟小军  杜蘅  刘建义  马大中  张晨光 《红外与激光工程》2016,45(6):617009-0617009(6)
通过对光伏发电最大功率点跟踪系统的研究,提出了PSO与电导增量法的双级最大功率跟踪(MPPT)控制算法。该算法能很好地解决传统电导增量法在采用较大跟踪步长时跟踪精度差,采用较小跟踪步长时跟踪速度慢,动态跟踪过程中功率震荡大的问题。所提出的算法包含最优占空比预测和最大功率点跟踪两个阶段。最优占空比预测阶段采用改进的PSO算法搜索最大功率点附近的工作电流和工作电压,然后根据搜索到的电压和电流计算最大功率点附近的最优占空比,该阶段能解决传统的电导增量法在采用较小步长时存在的跟踪速度慢、功率震荡大等问题;在最大功率点跟踪阶段接收上一阶段所搜索到的最优占空比,当电导增量法所产生的占空比接近最优占空比时,采用电导增量法进行控制,否则采用上一环节的最优占空比进行控制。仿真实验结果表明,PSO与电导增量法的双级MPPT控制算法跟踪速度快,跟踪精度高,功率震荡小,能很好地实现最大功率点跟踪。  相似文献   

世界能源的短缺以及环境污染已成为当今日益严重的问题,改变能源结构,寻找可再生绿色能源愈来愈受到重视。太阳能具有取之不尽、用之不竭、清洁安全等特点,并且太阳能光伏发电系统的研究对于缓解能源危机,减少环境污染,减小温室效应具有重要的意义。在传统的电导增量法的基础上提出了一种光伏电池阵列最大功率点跟踪的变步长电导增量算法。  相似文献   

本文分析了光伏发电系统最大功率跟踪的原理,提出了利用模糊控制来实现最大功率跟踪的方法.模糊控制具有跟踪精度高,响应迅速,鲁棒性好等优点,并且不依赖与具体数学模型.同时给出了模糊控制器的详细设计过程,利用matab进行了仿真,获得了很好的输出结果,表明模糊控制用于光伏最大功率跟踪的优越性.  相似文献   

在光伏发电系统中,光伏电池输出特性具有明显的非线性特征,其输出功率受光照强度及环境温度影响很大。因此,为了提高光伏电池的利用效率,需要快速准确地对光伏电池的最大功率点进行跟踪控制。本文简要介绍了十多种常用的光伏电池最大功率点跟踪控制方法的原理,说明了各种控制方法的优缺点,指出了选择某一方法时需要综合考虑的因素,并展望了光伏发电系统最大功率点跟踪方法的发展方向。  相似文献   

最大功率点跟踪是光伏发电中具有重要意义的一部分,文中分析了常用的最大功率点跟踪方法,在原有变步长电导增量法的基础上,提出了改进方法,当太阳光照发生剧烈变化的时候能保证系统迅速、稳定的再次跟踪到最大功率点,并且消除在MPP处的振荡,从而使系统具有良好的动态性能和稳定性能。  相似文献   

讨论了并网太阳能光伏发电系统最大功率跟踪问题-提出了实现最大功率跟踪的方法,并且比较了四种方法优缺点。在分析光伏电池伏安特性的基础上,提出扰动观察法的实现算法,通过比较前后两次功率的大小来决定光伏电池电压扰动的方向,使光伏电池最终达到最大功率点。文章利用Matlab的S-函数构建了光伏电池的仿真模型,实验结果表明,该算法可有效跟踪光伏电池最大功率点,适用于光伏并网逆变系统。  相似文献   

潘建 《电子技术》2011,38(9):87-88,83
本文基于光伏电池数学模型,建立了光伏电池仿真模型.该模型能准确反映光伏电池的输出特性,而且参数调节方便.在不同的串联电阻和日照强度变化条件下,对光伏电池输出特性理论分析的基础上,建立实现最大功率跟踪(MPPT)的控制模型,仿真结果证明光伏电池的输出特性呈非线性,并随串联电阻和日照强度的变化而变化.为克服光伏电池输出功率...  相似文献   

最大功率跟踪(MPPT)是太阳能光伏发电的重要组成部分,依靠最大功率跟踪可使光伏电池工作在最大功率点(MPP)附近,提高太阳能的利用率.在分析光伏电池的数学模型的基础上,选用Boost电路作为DC/DC变换来搭建仿真模型;针对传统的定步长扰动观测法存在的震荡和误判现象,提出一种改进的扰动观测法,并在Matlab/Simulink环境下进行了仿真.与定步长的扰动观测法的仿真结果进行对比,表明该算法的响应速度更加迅速;在外界环境发生变化时,该算法能够快速做出判断,准确地跟踪到光伏电池的最大功率点.  相似文献   

In this paper, the main causes that are able to limit the efficiency of Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking (DMPPT) are analyzed in detail. It will be shown that, to get full profit from DMPPT, it is necessary that the bulk inverter voltage belongs to an optimal range whose position and amplitude are functions of the following factors: the number of PV modules and dedicated DC/DC converters in a string, the atmospheric operating conditions characterizing each PV module (irradiance and temperature values), the voltage and current ratings of the physical devices the DC/DC converters are made of, and the adopted DC/DC converter topology. Moreover, it will be given proof of the necessity to couple the DMPPT function with a suitable centralized MPPT function carried out by the inverter through the proper control of its own DC input voltage. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is first attempted to provide a small signal model of the photovoltaic(PV) system, DC-DC boost converter, and pulse width modulation(PWM) generator. Then, a technique is provided for maximum power point tracking(MPPT) in grid-connected solar systems based on variable and adaptive perturbation and observation with predictive control of the PV current. An innovative aspect of the proposed predictive current control method is to use the current controller to achieve the value of P...  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in order to track the maximum power point in a variable speed turbine by minimizing electromechanical torque changes using a sliding mode control strategy. In this strategy, first, the rotor speed is set at an optimal point for different wind speeds. As a result of which, the tip speed ratio reaches an optimal point, mechanical power coefficient is maximized, and wind turbine produces its maximum power and mechanical torque. Then, the maximum mechanical torque is tracked using electromechanical torque. In this technique, tracking error integral of maximum mechanical torque, the error, and the derivative of error are used as state variables. During changes in wind speed, sliding mode control is designed to absorb the maximum energy from the wind and minimize the response time of maximum power point tracking (MPPT). In this method, the actual control input signal is formed from a second order integral operation of the original sliding mode control input signal. The result of the second order integral in this model includes control signal integrity, full chattering attenuation, and prevention from large fluctuations in the power generator output. The simulation results, calculated by using MATLAB/m-file software, have shown the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy for wind energy systems based on the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG).  相似文献   

The improved maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control method for small-scale dual-module photovoltaic (PV) systems is presented in this paper. With this method, the voltage and current information of each module are shared and utilized for the detection of the maximum-power point (MPP) without measuring power. This approach can be implemented in a simple structure, especially due to the elimination of memory and multiplication devices. The proposed method is verified by a hardware prototype of grid-connected dual-module PV systems with the proposed analog-implemented MPPT controller. In addition, practical issues of the proposed scheme are considered.  相似文献   

基于模糊理论的光伏发电最大功率点跟踪控制策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了光伏电池的特性,最大功率点跟踪原理和Boost变换电路,提出了一种基于模糊逻辑控制的最大功率点控制策略,即将光伏电池和Boost电路作为一个整体,通过检测负载功率的变化,来调整控制开关占空比,简化了系统。仿真结果表明,当外部环境发生变化的时候,系统能够迅速跟踪此变化,使系统始终工作在最大功率点附近,并具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   

Ripple correlation control (RCC) is a high-performance real-time optimization technique that has been applied to photovoltaic maximum power point tracking. This paper extends the previous analog technique to the digital domain. The proposed digital implementation is less expensive, more flexible, and more robust. With a few simplifications, the RCC method is reduced to a sampling problem; that is, if the appropriate variables are sampled at the correct times, the discrete-time RCC (DRCC) algorithm can quickly find the optimal operating point. First, the general DRCC method is derived and stability is proven. Then, DRCC is applied to the photovoltaic maximum power point tracking problem. Experimental results verify tracking accuracy greater than 98% with an update rate greater than 1 kHz.   相似文献   

最大功率跟踪控制在光伏系统中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对最大功率跟踪控制中DC-DC变换器的原理和控制方法进行了实验研究,利用DC-DC转换电路和单片机控制系统实现最大功率点跟踪,使太阳电池始终保持最大功率输出;和普通的控制器相比增加输出功率5%~15%。  相似文献   

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