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为了探索多输入时序逻辑电路的简便实现方法,介绍了基于数据选择器和D触发器的多输入时序逻辑电路设计技术。即将D触发器和数据选择器进行组合,用触发器的现态作为数据选择器选择输入变量、数据选择器的输出函数作为触发器的D输入信号,构成既有存储功能又有数据选择功能的多输入端时序网络。由触发器的现态选择输入变量、所选择的输入变量决定触发器的次态转换方向。该方法适合实现互斥多变量时序逻辑电路,且在设计过程中不需要进行函数化简。  相似文献   

用Verilog HDL进行FPGA设计的原则与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Verilog HDL是目前较流行的一种硬件描述语言,在FPGA设计中有着广泛的应用.本文首先介绍了Verilog HDL语言的特点以及用其进行FPGA硬件开发的原则,然后在熟悉FPGA的硬件结构原理的基础上,遵循FPGA设计流程,以分频器和状态机为例,分别讨论了组合逻辑电路和时序逻辑电路各自的特点及其设计输入方法;最后结合FPGA的硬件特点,分析了将用Verilog HDL语言设计的电路的进行综合与设计优化并最终实现为硬件电路的方法.  相似文献   

基于可编程计数器的时序逻辑电路设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
任骏原 《现代电子技术》2010,33(11):167-170
介绍了基于MSI可编程计数器74LS161的时序逻辑电路设计技术,目的是探索MSI可编程计数器实现一般时序逻辑电路的扩展应用方法,即以计数器Q3,Q2,Q1,Q0端的代码组合表示时序逻辑电路的各个状态,由输入变量控制计数器的EP,ET及LD端,综合利用计数、置数、保持功能,使计数器的状态变化满足所要求的时序,用计数功能实现"次态=现态+1"的二进制时序关系,用置数功能实现"次态=预置数"的非二进制时序关系,用保持功能实现"次态=现态"的自循环时序关系。所述方法的创新点是提出了MSI可编程计数器改变应用方向的逻辑修改方法。  相似文献   

周兴华 《电子世界》2009,(11):24-27
组合逻辑电路的设计实验 数字逻辑电路系统按功能的不同,可以分为组合逻辑电路和时序逻辑电路两大类。组合逻辑电路在任意时刻产生的输出只取决于该时刻的输入,而与电路过去的输入无关。常见的组合逻辑电路有数据选择器、编码器、译码器、加法器等。  相似文献   

在第七讲中,已经介绍了组合逻辑电路的实现。组合逻辑电路的特点是:在任意时刻,电路产生的稳定输出仅与当前时刻的输入有关。时序逻辑电路则与它不同,其特点是:在任意时刻电路产生的稳定输出不仅与当前时刻的输入有关,而且还与电路过去的输入有关。本讲中将介绍时序逻辑电路的实现。  相似文献   

根据项目需求,采用Cyclone II系列EP2C8现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)作为控制核心,对16位高速模数转换芯片ADS8322进行控制,设计了一种基于Verilog硬件描述语言的ADS8322采样控制逻辑电路,该文详细阐明了ADS8322的特点和工作时序,采用有限状态机,实现了控制器电路的时序逻辑。同时给出采...  相似文献   

在第七讲中,已经介绍了组合逻辑电路的实现.组合逻辑电路的特点是:在任意时刻,电路产生的稳定输出仅与当前时刻的输入有关.时序逻辑电路则与它不同,其特点是:在任意时刻电路产生的稳定输出不仅与当前时刻的输入有关,而且还与电路过去的输入有关.本讲中将介绍时序逻辑电路的实现.  相似文献   

原始状态的确定对于时序逻辑电路的设计而言十分重要,本文通过对设计实例设计过程中原始状态的分析和确定,完善了时序逻辑电路的设计步骤,使时序逻辑电路的设计思路更加清晰。  相似文献   

<正> 第二讲 门电路 门电路是构成组合逻辑电路的基本逻辑部件,也是时序逻辑电路的重要组成部分。 所谓“组合逻辑电路”是指在这种电路中,任意时刻的输出信号仅取决于该时刻的输入信号,而与信号作用前电路原来所处的状态无关。因此,象各种门电路以及以后将要介绍的编码器、译码器、比较器等都属于组合逻辑电路。 所谓“时序逻辑电路”是指在这种电路中,任一时刻的输出信号不仅取决于当时的输入信号,而且还取决于电路原来的状态,或者说,还与以前的输入有关。这一点,正是时序逻辑电路和组合逻辑电路在逻辑功能上的根本区别。以后我们将要介绍的触发器、计数器、寄存器等,均属于时序逻辑电路。由  相似文献   

在第七讲中,已经介绍了组合逻辑电路的实现。组合逻辑电路的特点是:在任意时刻,电路产生的稳定输出仅与当前时刻的输入有关。时序逻辑电路则与它不同,其特点是:在任意时刻电路产生的稳定输出不仅与当前时刻的输入有关,而且还与电路过去的输入有关。本讲中将介绍时序逻辑电路的实现。8.1 闪烁灯的实现在目标板上,设计有一个10MHz的时钟源。假如直接把它输出到发光二级管LED,由于人眼的延迟性,我们将无法看到LED闪烁,认为它一直亮着。如果我们期望看到闪烁灯,就需要将时钟源的频率降低后再输出。因此,可以采用如图1所示的逻辑功能框图。其…  相似文献   

围绕时序逻辑电路设计中串行数据检测器这一教学案例进行探讨,分析了传统和两种改进型电路的设计缺陷及其逻辑抽象本质,通过将传统设计方法和实用的电路设计相结合,能够把时序逻辑电路设计中涉及的逻辑抽象、状态等价、状态化简等概念实例化,教学内容的理论体系更完整、教学过程的逻辑性更强,有助于激发同学们夯实理论知识体系、解决实际问题的创新性思维能力。  相似文献   

The relationships between redundant logic and don't care conditions in combinational circuits are well known. Redundancies in a combinational circuit can be explicitly identified using test generation algorithms or implicitly eliminated by specifying don't cares for each gate in the combinational network and minimizing the gates, subject to the don't care conditions.In this article, we explore the relationships between redundant logic and don't care conditions in sequential circuits. Stuck-at faults in a sequential circuit may be testable in the combinational sense, but may be redundant because they do not alter the terminal behavior of a nonscan sequential machine. These sequential redundancies result in a faulty State Transition Graph (STG) that is equivalent to the STG of the true machine.We present a classification of redundant faults in sequential circuits composed of single or interacting finite state machines. For each of the different classes of redundancies, we define don't care sets which if optimally exploited will result in the implicit elimination of any such redundancies in a given circuit. We present systematic methods for the exploitation of sequential don't cares that correspond to sequences of vectors that never appear in cascaded or interacting sequential circuits. Using these don't care sets in an optimal sequential synthesis procedure of state minimization, state assignment, and combinational logic optimization results in fully testable lumped or interacting finite state machines. We present experimental results which indicate that medium-sized irredundant sequential circuits can be synthesized with no area overhead and within reasonable CPU times by exploiting these don't cares.  相似文献   

在传统的同步时序电路设计方法的基础上,提出了一种新的异步时序电路的设计方法。该方法直接从时序电路的时序波形图,获得触发器的触发脉冲;根据时钟信号作用下引起的状态转换,填写次态卡诺图。其特点是原理简单,易于理解,使设计更加直观清楚。  相似文献   

Recently developed methods for power estimation have primarily focused on combinational logic. We present a framework for the efficient and accurate estimation of average power dissipation in sequential circuits. Switching activity is the primary cause of power dissipation in CMOS circuits. Accurate switching activity estimation for sequential circuits is considerably more difficult than that for combinational circuits, because the probability of the circuit being in each of its possible states has to be calculated. The Chapman-Kolmogorov equations can be used to compute the exact state probabilities in steady state. However, this method requires the solution of a linear system of equations of size 2N where N is the number of flip-flops in the machine. We describe a comprehensive framework for exact and approximate switching activity estimation in a sequential circuit. The basic computation step is the solution of a nonlinear system of equations which is derived directly from a logic realization of the sequential machine. Increasing the number of variables or the number of equations in the system results in increased accuracy. For a wide variety of examples, we show that the approximation scheme is within 1-3% of the exact method, but is orders of magnitude faster for large circuits. Previous sequential switching activity estimation methods can have significantly greater inaccuracies  相似文献   

褚德欣  王艳荣 《电子科技》2013,26(4):169-170,172
通过对时序逻辑电路设计部分教学过程的设计步骤分析研究,强化了原始状态的确定在设计过程中的重要性,在清晰设计思路,强化时序逻辑电路经典的设计方法的同时,补充了与实践应用相关的设计实例,完善了时序逻辑电路的设计步骤。  相似文献   

基于时钟设计的异步时序逻辑电路设计法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于时钟设计的异步时序逻辑电路设计法,根据电路状态转换规律,立足电路中各位触发器时钟设计,使电路完成所要求的逻辑功能,从而避免了求解电路状态方程,驱动方程。  相似文献   

We address the problem of optimizing logic-level sequential circuits for low power. We present a powerful sequential logic optimization method that is based on selectively precomputing the output logic values of the circuit one clock cycle before they are required, and using the precomputed values to reduce internal switching activity in the succeeding clock cycle. We present two different precomputation architectures which exploit this observation. The primary optimization step is the synthesis of the precomputation logic, which computes the output values for a subset of input conditions. If the output values can be precomputed, the original logic circuit can be “turned off” in the next clock cycle and will have substantially reduced switching activity. The size of the precomputation logic determines the power dissipation reduction, area increase and delay increase relative to the original circuit. Given a logic-level sequential circuit, we present an automatic method of synthesizing precomputation logic so as to achieve maximal reductions in power dissipation. We present experimental results on various sequential circuits. Up to 75% reductions in average switching activity and power dissipation are possible with marginal increases in circuit area and delay  相似文献   

BCD码也称二进码十进数.根据实际需求,BCD码产生了多种编码形式.选择不同的BCD码来完成电路设计,则逻辑电路会呈现出不同的结构和工作过程.本文选择同步时序逻辑电路设计中的一个具体实例,采用常见BCD码的六种形式分别完成一次完整设计,对比分析各种编码形式对逻辑电路设计的可靠性、自启动能力、电路结构和元器件利用率的影响.  相似文献   

潘骁  闭金杰 《电子技术》2014,(10):43-45
文中以给出的一个状态机为例,然后用异步时序状态机的设计方法得到最终的电路,最后用Verilog语言描述其电路并在modelsim上进行逻辑测试,测试结果表明所设计的电路是正确的。  相似文献   

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