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We show how zinc may easily be quantified in serum by first using an optimum concentration of guanidine hydrochloride to cause release of zinc from proteins, followed by complexation of released metals with cyanide. The cyanide complex of zinc is preferentially demasked with chloral hydrate, followed by a colorimetric reaction between zinc and 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol. This is a sensitive water-soluble ligand; its complex with zinc has an absorption maximum at 497 nm. Values found by this technique compare favorably with those obtained by atomic absorption spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The level and nature of the albendazole residues in milk of treated cows were determined as a function of the time of milking (12-h intervals), and the fate of those residues during cheesemaking, ripening, and storage was examined when the obtained milk was used for making Teleme cheese. Ion-pair liquid chromatographic analysis with fluorescence detection showed that the albendazole sulfoxide metabolite reached its maximum (523 +/- 199 micrograms/kg) at the 1st milking and declined below the detection limit by the 4th milking. The sulfone metabolite attained its highest level (812 +/- 99 micrograms/kg) more slowly (at the 2nd milking) and declined below detection limit by the 13th milking. The 2-aminosulfone metabolite, which was present in the milk obtained at the 1st milking, reached its maximum (128 +/- 36 micrograms/kg) at the 3rd milking, and slowly declined to a level below detection limit by the 15th milking. Whey and cheese analysis revealed that about 70% of each major metabolite initially present in milk could be distributed in the whey. The remaining 30% occurred in the cheese at residue levels higher than those initially present in the milk of the 1st or 2nd milking (688 versus 445 or 450 versus 230 micrograms/kg for albendazole sulfoxide; 890 versus 608 or 1502 versus 783 micrograms/kg for albendazole sulfone; 19 versus 15 or 161 versus 105 micrograms/kg for albendazole 2-aminosulfone). Ripening and storage of the cheeses made from milks from the 1st or 2nd milkings results in a decrease of the sulfoxide metabolite (to 225 or 206 micrograms/kg), an increase of the sulfone metabolite (to 1,181 or 1,893 micrograms/kg), and no effect on the 2-aminosulfone metabolite.  相似文献   

Total urinary protein is rapidly precipitated at room temperature by tannic acid. The tannic acid/protein precipitate, dissolved in aqueous triethanolamine/ferric chloride solution, gives a purple-violet color of high absorptivity. Absorbance at 510 nm is linearly related to concentration from 0.05 to 1.50 A for a protein content of 0.05 to 1.50 g/liter, and less than 5 mg/liter can be detected. The CV and analytical recovery ranged from 0.5 to 1.8% and 98 to 103%, respectively. Nonprotein urinary constituents do not interfere.  相似文献   

Spores of a known toxigenic and psychrotrophic dairy isolate of Bacillus cereus (HRM 44) were unable to grow and produce diarrhoeagenic toxin at 6 degrees C in creams and dairy-based products. These findings suggest that the production of B. cereus diarrhoeagenic toxin is unlikely to occur in creams and dairy-based products maintained within the cold chain. Growth and toxin production were readily demonstrated in creams and some desserts stored at 21 degrees C. Growth in creams was associated with obvious spoilage. However, in the flavoured desserts, spoilage was not always obvious before significant growth of B. cereus and toxin production had occurred. Dairy desserts with high sugar content and/or low pH did not support toxin production and these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present work details an improved application of kit to the measurement of lipid peroxides in human serum. Kits based on the reaction of lipid hydroperoxides with a leucomethylene blue derivative in the presence of hemoglobin. Overall sensitivity was increased by taking samples 5 times larger than those indicated in product literature for the system. It was necessary, however, to compensate actual data for protein error. To do this, the following empirically obtained formula was employed: A = a/(-3.45x + 98) x 100, where A (nmol/ml) indicates compensated data for lipid peroxides, a (nmol/ml) indicates the data for the actual measurement of lipid peroxides, and x (g/dl) indicates the total protein. We obtained what we considered to be satisfactory results by the above formula, as it allowed us to observe that lipid peroxides in fresh human serum undergo a change, momentarily.  相似文献   

Consumers and regulatory officials are becoming increasingly aware of the human health risk of the presence of micro-organisms or chemicals in the agricultural environment. Providing 'on-farm food safety' programmes which address the daily management of the production unit with regard to animal health and well-being, public health and environmental health must be a top priority for agriculturalists and veterinarians. Developing critical control point management (CCPM) procedures for animal and human health concerns is a viable approach to aid in alleviating public concerns about dairy products and the food supply in general. Such CCPM programmes may be created for individual production units based upon risk analysis, total quality management and hazard analysis and critical control point principles. Implementation of these programmes will be essential both in addressing food safety concerns for the resident population of a nation and in developing or maintaining international markets for the export of animal products.  相似文献   

TMK比色法现场快速测定氰化液中的金   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
戴长华 《黄金》1999,20(11):47-48
氰化液蒸干灼烧后,用盐酸,过氧化氢溶解,泡沫塑料分离富集,TMK显色测定氰化液中的金。  相似文献   

Quantification of microorganisms is an important part of the normal diagnostic work of a clinical microbiology laboratory. Traditionally the diagnosis of pertussis is subject to a yes or no approach with no quantitative dimension. This can, however, be of interest as a factor when judging the risk of a patient spreading the bacterium and as a research tool. The aim of the present study was to develop a PCR-based quantitative assay for Bordetella pertussis DNA in clinical nasopharyngeal aspirates by combining a quantitative PCR with a colorimetric detection principle, DIANA (detection of immobilised amplified nucleic acid). A competitor to the PCR target sequence in IS-481, containing a lac-operator, was constructed and calibrated, and a test protocol prepared. A total of 46 clinical nasopharyngeal aspirates, previously diagnosed using a standard nested PCR assay and quantified by culture, were analysed by the quantitative PCR. The method showed acceptable precision and accuracy considering that it estimates the total number of bacterial genomes while culture detects viable bacteria. Recognised advantages were the simple colorimetric detection, the inborn indication of a working PCR assay, and the possibility of obtaining results even when partial inhibition of the PCR assay was seen. In addition, the quantitative PCR result can be obtained within one day compared to 3-10 days for culture. The present results and the qualities of the quantitative PCR suggest that this assay will be a useful complement in routine diagnostics and in research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: On chronic intake of omeprazole, most healthy volunteers and patients still have nocturnal acid breakthrough (NAB), defined as night-time periods with gastric pH < 4.0 lasting for longer than 1 h. Gastro-oesophageal reflux during NAB may be particularly injurious to the oesophageal mucosa, contributing to the chronic lesions complicating the condition. AIM: To compare the effect of three different dosing regimens of omeprazole 40 mg daily with regard to suppressing nocturnal gastric acidity and avoiding NAB. METHODS: Eighteen healthy volunteers were given three different regimens of omeprazole for 7 days each in randomized order: 40 mg before breakfast (qAM), 40 mg before dinner (qPM) and 20 mg before breakfast and dinner (b.d.). On day 7, 24-h intragastric and intraoesophageal pH-metry was performed. Tracings were analysed for the period from 22.00 h until 06.00 h with regard to the percentage of time at which gastric pH was below 4.0, 3.0 and 2.0, and also the occurrence and duration of NAB. RESULTS: Nocturnal acid breakthrough was significantly more common on qAM than on qPM and b.d. (P < 0.05) dosing. The percentage of time gastric pH was less than 4.0 overnight was significantly lower on qPM (median 31.3) and b.d. (median 20.5) than on qAM (median 66.3) dosing (P=0.01 and P < 0.02, respectively). A pH threshold of 3 and 4 showed the same differences, as did median 24-h gastric pH. Daytime acidity was not significantly different. CONCLUSIONS: In healthy volunteers, dinner time or split dosing of omeprazole 40 mg daily is significantly more effective than dosing before breakfast in preventing NAB and controlling gastric acidity. These regimens should be preferred in patients in whom suppression of nocturnal gastric acidity is desirable.  相似文献   

A sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in foods is described. The method involves the reaction of EDTA with Fe3+ to produce the EDTA-Fe chelate, followed by the removal of excess of Fe3+ by a chelate extraction technique using chloroform and N-benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine and the formation of a chromophore with 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline-disulfonic acid. The calibration graph was linear in the range 0.5-40.0 micrograms cm-3 of EDTA with a slope of 21.1. The relative standard deviation at 10 micrograms cm-3 of EDTA was 1.6% (n = 10). There was no interference from most of the common ingredients of commercial foods. More than 90% of EDTA added at two levels was recovered from real samples. The method was applied to the determination of EDTA in various foods, and the results obtained were compared with those given by high-performance liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the analysis of erythromycin in human plasma (EDTA as anticoagulant) was developed and validated. The concentration ranges were 0.5-50 and 50-5000 ng ml-1. The procedure involved alkalization of 0.5 ml of plasma, one step liquid-liquid extraction, dryness of the extract and reconstitution in 80:20 water:acetonitrile. An Inertsil ODS-2 5 microns, 3.0 x 50 mm column (Metachem) with a C8 guard column and isocratic mobile phase were used for liquid chromatography. The mobile phase consisted of 1:1 acetonitrile:water with 2 mM NH4OAc and 0.1% HOAc. A flow rate of 0.7 ml min-1 was used. The analysis time on LC-MS/MS for one sample was approximately 2 min. A Turbo-Ionspray source was interfaced between the HPLC and triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (Sciex API III Plus). MS/MS analysis used Multi-Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mode. The lowest limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.5 ng ml-1 with all Quality Control (QC) sample recoveries varying between 88 and 105%. Nine intraday and interday calibration curves were generated yielding correlation coefficients ranging from 0.995 to 1.000. Average recovery for erythromycin at 1 ng ml-1 was 105% (+/- 4.5%). Average recovery for the internal standard was 83-103%. Short-term and long-term stability in the freezer (-20 degrees C), bench stability, and stability after 3 freeze/thaw cycles at -20 and -80 degrees C were conducted. The samples were found to be stable under all conditions. The method developed and validated proved useful for clinical pharmacokinetic study sample analysis with high throughput due to its high sensitivity and very short analysis time.  相似文献   

Cholesterol oxidation products (ChOx) have been reported to cause acute vascular injury in vivo; however, the pharmacokinetics of ChOx after administration and the mechanisms by which they cause chronic vascular injury are not well understood. To further study the pharmacokinetics and atherogenic properties of ChOx, New Zealand White rabbits were injected intravenously (70 mg per injection, 20 injections per animal) with a ChOx mixture having a composition similar to that found in vivo during a 70-day period. Total ChOx concentrations in plasma peaked almost immediately after a single injection, declined rapidly, and returned to preinjection levels in 2 hours. After multiple injections, the ChOx concentrations rose gradually to levels 2- to 3-fold above baseline levels, increasing mostly in the cholesteryl ester fraction of LDL and VLDL. Rabbit serum and the isolated LDL/VLDL fraction containing elevated ChOx concentrations were cytotoxic to V79 fibroblasts and rabbit aortic endothelial cells. At the time of killing, cholesterol levels in the aortas from ChOx-injected rabbits were significantly elevated despite the fact that plasma cholesterol levels remained in the normal range. In addition, aortas from the ChOx-injected rabbits retained more 125I-labeled horseradish peroxidase, measured 20 minutes after intravenous injection. Transmural concentration profiles across the arterial wall also showed increased horseradish peroxidase accumulation in the inner half of the media from the thoracic aorta in ChOx-injected rabbits. In conclusion, ChOx injection resulted in accumulation of circulating ChOx and induced increased vascular permeability and accumulation of lipids and macromolecules. This study reveals that even under normocholesterolemic conditions, ChOx can cause endothelial dysfunction, increased macromolecular permeability, and increased cholesterol accumulation, parameters believed to be involved in the development of early atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

A subfamily of small GTP-binding proteins, rab, has been shown to be involved in regulation of vesicular traffic in eukaryotic cells. The goal of this study was to identify the rab proteins associated with atrial secretory granules. A [32P]GTP-overlay assay showed the presence of multiple small GTP-binding proteins on the atrial granules. By biochemical analysis, we have demonstrated that one of the small GTP-binding proteins associated with the atrial granules is a rab12 protein (rab12p), one of the rab proteins that are most closely related to a Sec4 protein of yeast. Association of rab12p with the atrial granules was confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy. Immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblot analysis with anti-rab12 antibody showed that in addition to atria, rab12p was expressed in multiple other organs and cell lines. These results suggest that rab12p may function in vesicular traffic in multiple diverse types of cells.  相似文献   

氰化钠浓度的测定及控制是黄金生产中的重要研究课题。本文研究了用比色法测定金矿氰化液中游离氰化钠的方法,为国内研制氰化钠自动分析仪打下基础。  相似文献   

A liquid chromatographic (LC) method was developed for determining safrole in herbal products derived from sassafras (Sassafras albidum), as well as related compounds such as isosafrole and dihydrosafrole. The procedure involves solvent extraction and isolation of analyte by reversed-phase LC with UV detection at 235 nm. Safrole is resolved from related compounds and other sample constituents including thymol, a component of thyme. A linear concentration range of 0.003-0.200 mg/mL was obtained for safrole, isosafrole, and dihydrosafrole. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) were e0.0015 and 0.0051 micrograms/mL for safrole, 0.0018 and 0.0061 micrograms/mL for isosafrole, and 0.0038 and 0.0125 micrograms/mL for dihydrosafrole, respectively. Intraday relative standard deviations (RSDs) for safrole (n = 5) from various samples ranged from 1.30 to 5.39% at analyte levels of 0.01-1.5%. Safrole contents of 26 samples including root bark powder, leaves, oils, tea concentrate, herbal extract tinctures, and herbal powder capsules ranged from < LOD for most leaf samples to 92.4% for an oil. Recoveries of safrole from fortified samples ranged from 83.6% for an oil to 117.2% for a tincture preparation. Safrole contents of 0.09-4.66 mg/cup were found for brewed teas prepared from sassafras root bark powders and tinctures.  相似文献   

During 1995, 159 samples of milk, 97 samples of dry milk for infant formula, and 114 samples of yogurt were randomly collected in supermarkets and drug stores in four large Italian cities and checked for aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) by immunoaffinity column extraction and HPLC. AFM1 was detected in 136 (86%) of the milk samples (in amounts ranging from < 1 ng/liter to 108.5 ng/liter; mean level: 10.19 ng/liter), in 81 (84%) of the dry milk samples (in amounts ranging from < 1 ng/liter to 101.3 ng/kg; mean level: 21.77 ng/kg), and in 91 (80%) of the yogurt samples (in amounts ranging from < 1 ng/liter to 496.5 ng/liter; mean level: 18.08 ng/liter). Altogether, only two samples of milk, two samples of yogurt, and one sample of dry milk had levels of AFM1 exceeding the Swiss legal limits, which are the most restrictive in the world. AFM1 contamination levels in milk and yogurt samples collected in the period of November to April were ca. four times as high as those in samples collected in the period of May to October. It is concluded that during 1995, despite the widespread occurrence of AFM1, the mean contamination levels in dairy products sold in Italy were not a serious human health hazard.  相似文献   

A sensitive TLC method is reported for the determination of the platelet-activating factor (PAF) and other phospholipids in human tears. Tear samples absorbed on filter-paper were subjected to diatomite column extraction with chloroform-methanol. The eluent containing phospholipids was spotted on a silica gel plate. After removing lipids other than phospholipids by pre-development with hexane-diethyl ether (4 + 1 v/v), individual phospholipid separation was carried out by development with chloroform-methanol-water (65 + 35 + 7 v/v). Phospholipase C and then alkaline phosphatase solutions were sprayed on the TLC plate at 45 degrees C to liberate phosphate from each phospholipid. By spray application of a mixture of ammonium molybdate and Malachite Green, the liberated phosphates appeared as blue-green spots of molybdophosphate-Malachite Green aggregate on a yellow-brown background. The absorbance of each spot on the plate was measured at 620 nm with a densitometer. The peak area was found to be linearly related to PAF content in the range 2-100 pmol per spot, the RSD being 2% (n = 7). Approximately 86% of standard PAF added to tears was recovered. By this method, lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC), phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in human tears could also be detected with high sensitivity. Each phospholipid in healthy human tears showed a nearly constant content; PAF, lysoPC, PC and PE were present at levels of 26.2, 42.3, 10.0 and 19.7%, respectively.  相似文献   

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