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Near-field signal-redundancy (NFSR) algorithms for phase-aberration correction have been proposed and experimentally tested for linear and phased one-dimensional arrays. In this paper the performance of an all-row-plus-two-column, two-dimensional algorithm has been analyzed and tested with simulated data sets. This algorithm applies the NFSR algorithm for one-dimensional arrays to all the rows as well as the first and last columns of the array. The results from the two column measurements are used to derive a linear term for each row measurement result. These linear terms then are incorporated into the row results to obtain a two-dimensional phase aberration profile. The ambiguity phase aberration profile, which is the difference between the true and the derived phase aberration profiles, of this algorithm is not linear. Two methods, a trial-and-error method and a diagonal-measurement method, are proposed to linearize the ambiguity profile. The performance of these algorithms is analyzed and tested with simulated data sets.  相似文献   

Some of the problems of developing a two-dimensional (2-D) transducer array for medical imaging are examined. The fabrication of a 2-D array material consisting of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) elements separated by epoxy is discussed. Ultrasound pulses and transmitted radiation patterns from individual elements in the arrays are measured. A diffraction theory for the continuous wave pressure field of a 2-D array element is generalized to include both electrical and acoustical cross-coupling between elements. This theory can be fit to model the measured radiation patterns of 2-D array elements, giving an indication of the level of cross-coupling in the array, and the velocity of the acoustic cross-coupling wave. Improvements in bandwidth and cross-coupling resulting from the inclusion of a front acoustic matching layer are demonstrated, and the effects of including a lossy backing material on the array are discussed. A broadband electrical matching network is described, and pulse-echo waveforms and insertion loss from a 2-D array element are measured.  相似文献   

We present a method for fabricating flexible multilayer circuits for interconnection to 2-D array ultrasound transducers. In addition, we describe four 2-D arrays in which such flexible interconnect is implemented, including transthoracic arrays with 438 channels operating at up to 7 MHz and intracardiac catheter arrays with 70 channels operating at up to 7 MHz. We employ thin and thick film microfabrication techniques to batch produce the interconnect circuits with minimum dimensions of 12-mum lines, 40-mum vias, and 150-mum array pitch. The arrays show 50-Omega insertion loss of -60 to -84 dB and a fractional bandwidth of 27 to 67%. The arrays are used to obtain real time, in vivo volumetric scans.  相似文献   

Statistical algorithm for nonuniformity correction in focal-plane arrays   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A statistical algorithm has been developed to compensate for the fixed-pattern noise associated with spatial nonuniformity and temporal drift in the response of focal-plane array infrared imaging systems. The algorithm uses initial scene data to generate initial estimates of the gain, the offset, and the variance of the additive electronic noise of each detector element. The algorithm then updates these parameters by use of subsequent frames and uses the updated parameters to restore the true image by use of a least-mean-square error finite-impulse-response filter. The algorithm is applied to infrared data, and the restored images compare favorably with those restored by use of a multiple-point calibration technique.  相似文献   

An algebraic algorithm for nonuniformity correction in focal-plane arrays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A scene-based algorithm is developed to compensate for bias nonuniformity in focal-plane arrays. Nonuniformity can be extremely problematic, especially for mid- to far-infrared imaging systems. The technique is based on use of estimates of interframe subpixel shifts in an image sequence, in conjunction with a linear-interpolation model for the motion, to extract information on the bias nonuniformity algebraically. The performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed by using real infrared and simulated data. One advantage of this technique is its simplicity; it requires relatively few frames to generate an effective correction matrix, thereby permitting the execution of frequent on-the-fly nonuniformity correction as drift occurs. Additionally, the performance is shown to exhibit considerable robustness with respect to lack of the common types of temporal and spatial irradiance diversity that are typically required by statistical scene-based nonuniformity correction techniques.  相似文献   

Statistical algorithm for nonuniformity correction in focal-plane arrays.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A statistical algorithm has been developed to compensate for the fixed-pattern noise associated with spatial nonuniformity and temporal drift in the response of focal-plane array infrared imaging systems. The algorithm uses initial scene data to generate initial estimates of the gain, the offset, and the variance of the additive electronic noise of each detector element. The algorithm then updates these parameters by use of subsequent frames and uses the updated parameters to restore the true image by use of a least-mean-square error finite-impulse-response filter. The algorithm is applied to infrared data, and the restored images compare favorably with those restored by use of a multiple-point calibration technique.  相似文献   

Godoy SE  Pezoa JE  Torres SN 《Applied optics》2008,47(29):5394-5399
The spatial fixed-pattern noise (FPN) inherently generated in infrared (IR) imaging systems compromises severely the quality of the acquired imagery, even making such images inappropriate for some applications. The FPN refers to the inability of the photodetectors in the focal-plane array to render a uniform output image when a uniform-intensity scene is being imaged. We present a noise-cancellation-based algorithm that compensates for the additive component of the FPN. The proposed method relies on the assumption that a source of noise correlated to the additive FPN is available to the IR camera. An important feature of the algorithm is that all the calculations are reduced to a simple equation, which allows for the bias compensation of the raw imagery. The algorithm performance is tested using real IR image sequences and is compared to some classical methodologies.  相似文献   

Real-time beam predictions are highly desirable for the patient-specific computations required in ultrasound therapy guidance and treatment planning. To address the longstanding issue of the computational burden associated with calculating the acoustic field in large volumes, we use graphics processing unit (GPU) computing to accelerate the computation of monochromatic pressure fields for therapeutic ultrasound arrays. In our strategy, we start with acceleration of field computations for single rectangular pistons, and then we explore fast calculations for arrays of rectangular pistons. For single-piston calculations, we employ the fast near-field method (FNM) to accurately and efficiently estimate the complex near-field wave patterns for rectangular pistons in homogeneous media. The FNM is compared with the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld method (RSM) for the number of abscissas required in the respective numerical integrations to achieve 1%, 0.1%, and 0.01% accuracy in the field calculations. Next, algorithms are described for accelerated computation of beam patterns for two different ultrasound transducer arrays: regular 1-D linear arrays and regular 2-D linear arrays. For the array types considered, the algorithm is split into two parts: 1) the computation of the field from one piston, and 2) the computation of a piston-array beam pattern based on a pre-computed field from one piston. It is shown that the process of calculating an array beam pattern is equivalent to the convolution of the single-piston field with the complex weights associated with an array of pistons. Our results show that the algorithms for computing monochromatic fields from linear and regularly spaced arrays can benefit greatly from GPU computing hardware, exceeding the performance of an expensive CPU by more than 100 times using an inexpensive GPU board. For a single rectangular piston, the FNM method facilitates volumetric computations with 0.01% accuracy at rates better than 30 ns per field point. Furthermore, we demonstrate array calculation speeds of up to 11.5 X 10(9) field-points per piston per second (0.087 ns per field point per piston) for a 512-piston linear array. Beam volumes containing 256(3) field points are calculated within 1 s for 1-D and 2-D arrays containing 512 and 20(2) pistons, respectively, thus facilitating future real-time thermal dose predictions.  相似文献   

The development of 2-D array transducers has received much recent interest. Unfortunately, fabrication of high density 2-D arrays is difficult due to the large number of electrical interconnections which must be made to the back side of the elements. A typical array operating at 2.2 MHz may have 256 or more connections within a 16.4 mm circular footprint. Interconnection becomes even more challenging as operating frequencies increase. To solve this problem, we have developed a multilayer flexible (MLF) circuit interconnect consisting of a polyimide dielectric with inter-laminar vias routing signals vertically and etched metal traces routing signals horizontally. A transducer is fabricated from an MLF by bonding a PZT chip to its surface and dicing the chip into individual elements, with the saw kerf extending partially into the top polyimide layer to ensure physical and electrical isolation of the elements. The KLM model was used to compare the performance of an MLF 2-D array to a conventional hand wired 2-D array. MLF and wire guide transducers were fabricated, each with 256 active elements, 0.4 mm interelement spacing, and 2.2 MHz center frequency. Vector impedance, pulse length, bandwidth, angular response, and cross-coupling were found to be comparable in both types of arrays. Using the MLF, however, fabrication time was reduced dramatically. More importantly, MLF technology may be used to increase 2-D array connection density beyond the limitations of current of hand wired fabrication techniques. Thus MLF circuits provide a means for the interconnection of current and future high frequency 2-D arrays.  相似文献   

A new approach to 2-D blind deconvolution of ultrasonic images in a Bayesian framework is presented. The radio-frequency image data are modeled as a convolution of the point-spread function and the tissue function, with additive white noise. The deconvolution algorithm is derived from statistical assumptions about the tissue function, the point-spread function, and the noise. It is solved as an iterative optimization problem. In each iteration, additional constraints are applied as a projection operator to further stabilize the process. The proposed method is an extension of the homomorphic deconvolution, which is used here only to compute the initial estimate of the point-spread function. Homomorphic deconvolution is based on the assumption that the point-spread function and the tissue function lie in different bands of the cepstrum domain, which is not completely true. This limiting constraint is relaxed in the subsequent iterative deconvolution. The deconvolution is applied globally to the complete radiofrequency image data. Thus, only the global part of the point-spread function is considered. This approach, together with the need for only a few iterations, makes the deconvolution potentially useful for real-time applications. Tests on phantom and clinical images have shown that the deconvolution gives stable results of clearly higher spatial resolution and better defined tissue structures than in the input images and than the results of the homomorphic deconvolution alone.  相似文献   

Describes how two-dimensional (2D) homomorphic deconvolution can be used to improve the lateral and radial resolution of medical ultrasound images recorded by a sector scanner. The recorded radio frequency ultrasound image in polar coordinates is considered as a 2D sequence of angle and depth convolved with a 2D space invariant point-spread function (PSF). Each polar coordinate sequence is transformed into the 2D complex cepstrum domain using the fast Fourier transform for Cartesian coordinates. The low-angle and low-depth portion of this sequence is taken as an estimate of the complex cepstrum representation of the PSF. It is transformed back to the Fourier frequency domain and is used to compute the deconvolved angle and depth sequence by 2D Wiener filtering. Two-dimensional homomorphic deconvolution produced substantial improvement in the resolution of B-mode images of a tissue-mimicking phantom in vitro and of several human tissues in vivo. It was better than lateral or radial homomorphic deconvolution alone, and better than 2D Wiener filtering with a PSF recorded in vitro  相似文献   

Treatment planning for hyperthermia with ultrasound phased arrays   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Treatment planning for ultrasound phased arrays suggests a strategy for hyperthermia therapy which satisfies therapeutic conditions at the target and spares other sensitive anatomical structures. To predict both desirable and harmful interactions between ultrasound and important structures such as the tumor, bones, and air pockets, a hyperthermia treatment planning system has been developed for ultrasound phased arrays. This collection of treatment planning routines consists of geometric and thermal optimization procedures specific to ultrasound phased arrays, where geometric treatment planning, combined with thermal treatment planning and three-dimensional visualization, provides essential information for the optimization of individual patient treatments. A patient image data set for cancer of the prostate, a difficult target situated in the midst of multiple pelvic bone obstructions, illustrates the geometric treatment planning algorithm and other tools for treatment analysis. The results indicate that the analysis of complex three-dimensional relationships between the applicator, anatomical structures, and incident fields provides an important means of predicting treatment limiting conditions, thereby allowing the hyperthermia applicator to electronically adapt to individual patients and specific sites  相似文献   

The clinical utility of pulse-echo ultrasound images is severely limited by inherent poor resolution that impacts negatively on their diagnostic potential. Research into the enhancement of image quality has mostly been concentrated in the areas of blind image restoration and speckle removal, with little regard for accurate modeling of the underlying tissue reflectivity that is imaged. The acoustic response of soft biological tissues has statistics that differ substantially from the natural images considered in mainstream image processing: although, on a macroscopic scale, the overall tissue echogenicity does behave some-what like a natural image and varies piecewise-smoothly, on a microscopic scale, the tissue reflectivity exhibits a pseudo-random texture (manifested in the amplitude image as speckle) due to the dense concentrations of small, weakly scattering particles. Recognizing that this pseudorandom texture is diagnostically important for tissue identification, we propose modeling tissue reflectivity as the product of a piecewise-smooth echogenicity map and a field of uncorrelated, identically distributed random variables. We demonstrate how this model of tissue reflectivity can be exploited in an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm that simultaneously solves the image restoration problem and the speckle removal problem by iteratively alternating between Wiener filtering (to solve for the tissue reflectivity) and wavelet-based denoising (to solve for the echogenicity map). Our simulation and in vitro results indicate that our EM algorithm is capable of producing restored images that have better image quality and greater fidelity to the true tissue reflectivity than other restoration techniques based on simpler regularizing constraints.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel method for digital ultrasound beamforming based on programmable table look-ups, in which vectors containing coded focusing information are efficiently stored, achieving an information density of a fraction of bit per acquired sample. Timing errors at the foci are within half the period of a master clock of arbitrarily high frequency to improve imaging quality with low resource requirements. The technique is applicable with conventional as well as with deltasigma converters. The bit-width of the focusing code and the number of samples per focus can be defined to improve both memory size and F# with controlled timing errors. In the static mode, the number of samples per focus is fixed, and in the dynamic approach that figure grows progressively, taking advantage of the increasing depth of focus. Furthermore, the latter has the lowest memory requirements. The technique is well suited for research purposes as well as for real-world applications, offering a degree of freedom not available with other approaches. It allows, for example, modifying the sampling instants to phase aberration correction, beamforming in layered structures, etc. The described modular and scalable prototype has been built using low-cost field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Experimental measurements are in good agreement with the theoretically expected errors.  相似文献   

Finite element (PZFlex; Weidlinger Assoc., New York, NY and Los Altos, CA) simulations predict that for a 2-MHz phased array element with a single matching layer, the three-layer hybrid structure increases the pulse echo signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by 16 dB over that from a single layer PZT element and -6 dB pulse echo fractional bandwidth from 58% for the PZT element to 75% for the hybrid element. Analogous finite element method (FEM) simulations of single crystal material [lead zinc niobate (PZN)-8% lead titanate (PT)] showed increased SNR by only 3.1 dB, but a -6 dB bandwidth of 108%  相似文献   

Beam steering with pulsed two-dimensional transducer arrays   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The major problem facing the development of 2-D arrays for imaging is the complexity arising from the large number of elements anticipated in such transducers. The authors have undertaken a theoretical investigation of the focusing and steering properties of pulsed 2-D arrays to characterize the parameters required for medical imaging, such as element size, spacing, and number of elements. Details of the computational methods employed are presented, as well as a discussion of the steered beam properties of wideband 2-D arrays. The effects of apodization and element cross-coupling on the beam properties of a 2-D transducer array are examined. The beam properties of various sparse arrays with elements randomly distributed over the aperture of the transducer are discussed.  相似文献   

姚泽  张歆 《声学技术》2021,40(6):874-878
利用集群自主式水下航行器(Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,AUV)进行的水下协同作业的需求越来越多.对于水下集群作业来说,AUV的水下定位非常重要.目前,AUV通常采用声学定位的工作模式,利用长、短基线阵对水下目标的二维波达方向(Direction of Arrival,DOA)进行估计,...  相似文献   

This work develops a class of ultrasound phase aberration correction/autofocusing algorithms that are based upon the properties of the covariance matrix of the channel signals for time-delay focused resolution/speckle cells. The scaled covariance matrix SCM algorithms are designed to blindly estimate and correct focusing timing errors due to thin layers of unanticipated fatty tissue located in the near field of the transducer array. An important aspect of the algorithm is that the scaling of the covariance matrix elements fundamentally establishes a channel independent phase reference relative to which the aberrant channel phases are estimated. The model development involved the combination of a rigorous mathematical analysis of the scattering of ultrasound in random scattering media and extensive statistical simulation studies with phase aberrations imposed upon both the transmit and received channel signals. Under the assumption of a near field aberration model, the statistical simulation analyses showed that the SCM algorithms in simulation are capable of accurately estimating relative time delay channel errors with RMS timing errors up to /spl sim/62 ns, with interchannel correlation lengths as short as 1.4 mm.  相似文献   

An algorithm consisting of speckle reduction by median filtering, contrast enhancement using top- and bottom-hat morphological filters, and segmentation with a discrete dynamic contour (DDC) model was implemented for nondestructive measurements of soft tissue layer thickness. Algorithm performance was evaluated by segmenting simulated images of three-layer phantoms and high-frequency (40 MHz) ultrasound images of porcine aortic valve cusps in vitro. The simulations demonstrated the necessity of the median and morphological filtering steps and enabled testing of user-specified parameters of the morphological filters and DDC model. In the experiments, six cusps were imaged in coronary perfusion solution (CPS) then in distilled water to test the algorithm's sensitivity to changes in the dimensions of thin tissue layers. Significant increases in the thickness of the fibrosa, spongiosa, and ventricularis layers, by 53.5% (p < 0.001), 88.5% (p < 0.001), and 35.1% (p = 0.033), respectively, were observed when the specimens were submerged in water. The intraobserver coefficient of variation of repeated thickness estimates ranged from 0.044 for the fibrosa in water to 0.164 for the spongiosa in CPS. Segmentation accuracy and variability depended on the thickness and contrast of the layers, but the modest variability provides confidence in the thickness measurements.  相似文献   

Dynamically focused and steered high frequency ultrasound imaging systems require arrays with fine element spacing, wide bandwidths, and large apertures. However, these characteristics are difficult to achieve at frequencies greater than 30 MHz using conventional array construction methods. Optical schemes offer a solution. Focused laser beams incident on a suitable surface can generate and detect acoustic radiation. Precisely controlling the position and size of the beams defines points of transmission and detection, making it possible for pulse-echo image formation by synthetic aperture methods. An optical detection array was built, relying on a conventional piezoelectric transducer as an ultrasound source. The detection system, with near optimal resolution over a wide depth of field, demonstrates the potential for high frequency array implementation using optical techniques. A possible application is in pathology, where 2-D or 3-D fine resolution pulse-echo imaging can be performed in situ without the need for biopsies.  相似文献   

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