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常铁锤  邓长益 《焊管》1999,22(4):23-27,31
阐述了铣边要在国内外发展状况,分析了铣边机的主要特点,基本结构形式,铣削速度的选择和铣边机设计的主要注意事项,并对铣边机应用于焊管机组上对带钢实行不剪边工艺作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

胜利油田气平衡式链条抽油机技术改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜风华  李新华 《钻采工艺》2002,25(5):61-62,73
针对胜利油田气平衡式链条抽油机存在的故障率高和现场维修困难等问题,指出了该机存在的主要问题是气平衡系统不可靠,换向系统结构不合理,运动副润滑不良以及没有故障保护功能等,提出了技术改造的原则和结构方案,并通过对比优选出了技术改进的实施方案,经现场应用表明,改造后的链条抽油机运转平稳,可靠耐用,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

以正戊烷+正己烷、正戊烷+环戊烷2个系列混合物作为溶剂,采用溶剂沉淀法从加拿大油砂沥青中得到沥青质,通过对沥青质SARA族组成、元素组成、平均分子结构、分子片层堆积结构的测定,考察了溶剂混合比例对所得沥青质性质的影响。结果表明,随着正己烷或环戊烷掺入比例的增加,沥青质的收率显著降低,软化点明显提高;正戊烷+环戊烷混合溶剂更适宜作为加拿大油砂沥青喷雾造粒的溶剂体系,正戊烷中加入少量的环戊烷就能达到沥青喷雾造粒的要求。在正戊烷中掺入体积分数10%的环戊烷,可将脱油沥青收率降低4百分点,软化点相应升高10~12℃,从而生产出外观形态良好的沥青粉,可以作为加拿大油砂沥青喷雾造粒的溶剂体系。  相似文献   

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils - The BNK 115/15 deeply oxidized roofing bitumen developed and produced by Slavneft-YANOS PJSC has no equivalents in Russia. This product is characterized...  相似文献   

The carbonization process of the pentane insoluble (end-cut) fraction from Athabasca oilsands bitumen in the presence NaOH has been investigated. Chemical activation produced carbon with a well-developed mesoporous structure and a much reduced sulfur content. The yield of the activated carbon increased, whereas sulfur content decreased with an increase in the NaOH load. Physical activation with carbon dioxide resulted in significant improvement in surface area. The properties of an activated carbon produced from end-cut were compared with those for carbon derived from fluid coke. Compared to fluid coke, end-cut is more suitable in the preparation of the carbon with low sulfur content and high mesopore surface area.  相似文献   

The Research Institute of Yangzi Petrochemical Company (YPC) has completed the study on the project "Use of LPG as Steam Cracking Feedstock" and raised a rationalization proposal. The forecast has shown that the economic benefits for production of ethylene brought about by the hydrocracker LPG are enormous. Compared to the naphtha feedstock currently used by YPC, the economic benefit for manufacturing one ton of ethylene from LPG can be higher by 800 RMB. If the annual consumption of LPG amounts to 220 thousand tons,  相似文献   

燃气发电机组的供气工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然气除了用做民用燃料、化工原料外 ,在天然气充足的城镇和地区 ,尤其是在外供电困难、且气源充足的油气田内部 ,用于燃气发电也有着十分广泛的发展前景。1 燃气发电机组对燃料气的一般要求国内外燃气发电机组对燃料气的一般要求是 :(1 )气量。由机组的容量和效率决定。(2 )压力。供气的压力范围与发电机组的类型及生产厂家有关 ,有两个压力等级 :小容量机组为0 3~ 0 6MPa,大容量机组为 2 3~ 3 4MPa。(3)温度。要求控制在 - 30~ 80℃范围内。(4)露点。高出烃露点、水露点以上 5℃。(5)天然气不含有游离液体 ,不含大于 1 0 μ…  相似文献   

2006年3月利用大检修机会对加工塔河稠油的中国石油化工股份有限公司西安石化分公司的沥青装置进行全面腐蚀调查,对装置腐蚀现象进行详细的描述、分析和总结,可为下一周期的检修提供依据,并为加工相同原油的单位提供参考。  相似文献   

1,2-丙二醇氧化制丙酮醛催化剂   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研制用于 1 ,2 -丙二醇空气氧化合成丙酮醛的负载型改性银催化剂。试验结果表明 :γ -Al2 O3是较好的催化剂载体 ;分别用Zn、Ba、P、K等元素对负载银催化剂进行改性 ,都可提高丙酮醛选择性 ,尤以Zn的效果最好。并发现这些改性组份间存在协同效应 ,同时用Zn、Ba、P、K对银催化剂进行改性 ,丙酮醛的选择性最高 ,当反应温度 30 0℃、丙二醇空速 1 0h- 1、氧醇摩尔比 1 1时 ,丙酮醛选择性可达 90 0 %。  相似文献   

氧化/萃取工艺生产清洁柴油燃料   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生产清洁柴油燃料的主要任务是降低柴油的硫和芳烃含量,提高十六烷值。本文主要介绍选择性氧化/萃取脱硫生产清洁柴油燃料的方法。预计该方法21世纪初将实现工业化,2010年之后,将会和加氢脱硫、生物脱硫一起成为生产低硫清洁燃料的主要工艺技术。美国PetroStar公司从1996年开始研究利用转化/萃取脱硫工艺(Conversion/extrcationdesulfurization,简称CED)脱除柴油燃料中的硫[1]。CED工艺利用有机物和有机硫化物与氧化物在极性溶剂中的溶解性不同,以及硫原子有d轨道电子容易氧化的特点,在…  相似文献   

Oxidative cracking of bitumen, waxy fuel oil, and used transformer oils were carried out individually in an autoclave with 0.6 wt% of hydroquinone as a catalyst. The cracking process is conducted at 410°C in an atmosphere of oxygen gas of 0.15 MPa, for 30 min. The identification and quantitative determination of both the liquids and gases obtained during the cracking process are achieved using packed and capillary gas chromatography (GC) connected with suitable detectors. It was found that the degraded liquid products obtained have a higher percentage of lower hydrocarbons compared to the original feed stocks. Several analytical parameters including API gravity, calorific value, viscosity, density, pour point, etc., were used to evaluate the liquid product obtained. Also, the calorific values of the liberated gases were calculated and compared with that of natural gas. The cracked oil products were distilled and compared to their corresponding petroleum fractions. The cracked fractions have the same characteristics as their corresponding petroleum fractions with the exception of some properties that depend on the aromatic, naphthenic, and waxy nature of the virgin oil.  相似文献   


Oxidative cracking of bitumen, waxy fuel oil, and used transformer oils were carried out individually in an autoclave with 0.6 wt% of hydroquinone as a catalyst. The cracking process is conducted at 410°C in an atmosphere of oxygen gas of 0.15 MPa, for 30 min. The identification and quantitative determination of both the liquids and gases obtained during the cracking process are achieved using packed and capillary gas chromatography (GC) connected with suitable detectors. It was found that the degraded liquid products obtained have a higher percentage of lower hydrocarbons compared to the original feed stocks. Several analytical parameters including API gravity, calorific value, viscosity, density, pour point, etc., were used to evaluate the liquid product obtained. Also, the calorific values of the liberated gases were calculated and compared with that of natural gas. The cracked oil products were distilled and compared to their corresponding petroleum fractions. The cracked fractions have the same characteristics as their corresponding petroleum fractions with the exception of some properties that depend on the aromatic, naphthenic, and waxy nature of the virgin oil.  相似文献   

空气氧化二苯甲醇反应体系的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用傅里叶变换红外光谱和氮气吸附方法对溶胶-凝胶技术包埋的催化剂进行了表征。利用薄层色谱法和高效液相色谱法定性、定量分析了空气氧化二苯甲醇合成二苯甲酮的反应。实验中所用高效液相色谱柱为ODS-C18反相柱,以甲醇与水(体积比为85/15)为流动相,采用254nm紫外光进行检测。探讨了流动相中有机相的比例及检测波长等因素对分离度和灵敏度的影响。实验结果表明,该方法操作简便、快速、可靠。其相对标准偏差为3 7%,线性相关系数为0 999,变异系数为1 65%。  相似文献   

以环烷基稠油为原料,采用常减压蒸馏深拔工艺开发符合欧盟标准的硬质沥青产品,研制的硬质沥青软化点高、黏度高、针入度比大、闪点高,使用性能优良,试生产的硬质沥青产品满足欧盟EN13924道路沥青质量要求。  相似文献   

Delta V系统在空分装置上的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合FisherRosemountDeltaV现场总线控制系统在齐鲁石化公司第二化肥厂空分装置上工程应用的实例,介绍了基金会现场总线在系统设计、安装、组态、调试、操作、诊断和维护等方面的特点,使读者了解到自动控制系统发展的趋势。  相似文献   

王洪江 《石化技术》2006,13(3):50-52
介绍了稀硝酸制备工艺过程中,使用Aspen Plus流程模拟软件对吸收塔、漂白塔模拟过程中的处理方法。在模拟计算中,采用了Wilson活度系数模型的计算方法并将模拟结果与装置标定数据进行了比较。通过对比发现,在主要操作条件相同的情况下,稀硝酸装置吸收塔、漂白塔的物料平衡数据与装置标定数据吻合较好,能够生产出浓度为65%(质量分数)的合格稀硝酸。  相似文献   

分析了济南分公司二催化装置的主要环境污染源,介绍了装置采取的主要清洁生产措施及取得的效果,提出了改进方向.  相似文献   

丁二烯是生产顺丁橡胶的主要原料,它作为液化气的一种组成成分,具有闪点低、引燃能量小、爆炸下限低、爆炸范围大等特点,因此做好丁二烯在储运、生产过程中的安全生产工作至关重要.  相似文献   

通过对聚丙烯装置的原料、资源能源消耗及产品、产排污等环节进行分析,确定装置开展清洁生产的重点,实施清洁生产方案,从源头控制装置污染排放、节能降耗。  相似文献   

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