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我国铝土矿资源特点及开发利用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹异生 《云南冶金》1999,28(4):1-6,61
阐述了我国铝土矿资源现状,特点,分析了其开发利用情况,生产建设保证程度与存在问题,对今后的开展提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

山西铝土矿开发利用前景浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山西铝土矿具有资源丰富 ,分布广泛而又相对集中 ,较好的开采、运输条件 ,在氧化铝生产中溶出性能好等优点。但也存在着勘查程度低 ,富矿量少 ,矿石以中低品位为主的不足。今后在加大勘查投入的同时 ,应加强利用中低品位铝土矿生产氧化铝和综合利用铝土矿中的伴、共生稀有元素等高附加值、高技术产品的研究 ,充分利用有限资源 ,获取最大的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

我国铝土矿资源综合利用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国铝土矿资源的特点,论述了大力发展铝业和综合利用铝土矿生产钛铝硅合金、硅铝铁合金、粗铝硅合金、高中档耐火制品及系列化工产品的途径。  相似文献   

我国铝土矿资源开发实况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内铝企业应加大对外合作的力度,利用境外的优质铝土矿资源生产氧化铝。我国已成为铝产品净出口国,铝属于“两高”产品,大量出口铝产品,与可持续经济发展和低碳经济发展的大方向相悖。开源节流至关重要,怎么强调都不为过。  相似文献   

本文针对选矿-拜耳法工艺的经济性与资源利用率之间可能存在的问题开展了分析研究。铝土矿资源利用率高低首先与采用工艺相关,拜耳法的资源利用率低于烧结法。当选矿尾矿铝硅比低于拜耳法赤泥铝硅比时,提高精矿铝硅比不仅将提高经济效益而且不降低资源的利用率。  相似文献   

我国铝土矿资源现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鄢艳 《有色矿冶》2009,25(5):58-60
从国内两大主要铝土矿产地的资源储量和现存品位现状出发,介绍了国内铝土矿资源分布以及开采情况,提出现存资源几乎为品位低,加工困难,耗能大的一水硬铝石型矿石的严峻形势,并提出未来发展利用海外资源和替代能源的可能途径。  相似文献   

王波 《有色矿冶》2004,20(4):76-78
简述了我国铝土矿资源特征,阐明了中铝氧化铝企业所面对的国内、国际两个竞争环境,分析了当前国内铝土矿资源的市场特点,提出了相应的对策,以确保中铝氧化铝企业长期稳定的供矿,确保中铝氧化铝企业可持续发展。  相似文献   

几内亚位于西非克拉通南段,主要由太古代岩石组成,素有地质奇迹之称。特殊的地质条件赋予了该国丰富的矿产资源。其主要矿产有:铝土矿、铁、金、金刚石,以及镍、铜、钴等,其中铝土矿资源最为丰富,其储量约占世界总量的29.6%,居世界第一位。  相似文献   

本文简要叙述了国矿产资源形势和特点,指出了我国上前在矿产资源开发与利用过程中存在的问题和把矿产资源开发纳入法制管理轨道的必要性。分析了公司矿产资源现状与开发利用程度和公司矿山系统为公司生产做出的重大贡献及各矿山截止1995年末保有的矿产储量。  相似文献   

通过对平果堆积型铝土矿的资源分布状况以及矿床开采特点进行分析,对平果铝土矿的资源保护和开采利用前景进行探讨,并提出看法和建议。  相似文献   

我国铝土矿资源利用现状及未来管理政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于我国铝土矿资源质量欠佳,铝土矿、氧化铝供应难以满足下游产业需求,已经成为制约铝工业发展的“瓶颈”。因此必须制定严格有效的管理政策,加强铝土矿地质勘查工作,使资源开发建立在可靠的资源基础上。实行严格的铝土矿资源保护措施,依法加强对铝土矿资源储量的动态管理与监测,促进铝土矿资源的合理开发和利用。积极实施“走出去”战略,充分利用国内外“两种资源、两个市场”,提高铝土矿资源的可供应能力。  相似文献   

西矿是包钢的后备铁矿石原料基地,按照包钢钢铁生产对原料的需求,西矿开采已迫在眉睫,在开采前对其资源进行充分的认识、系统的规划、经济合理的设计以及开展必要的前期工作,有利于资源的利用。本文对此作了逐条论述。  相似文献   

对铝土矿常见分析方法进行了总结。着重介绍了氧化铝、二氧化硅、氧化铁的各种传统化学分析方法及其优点和缺点,简要概括了X射线荧光光谱法和X射线物相分析在铝土矿分析中的应用。  相似文献   

The surgical experiences of intrathoracic esophageal perforation in 17 consecutive cases seen during the last eight years are reviewed. Using a rational approach to this critical condition, the mortality and morbidity rates were lower than before. For acute perforation in a corrosive-injured esophagus, subtotal esophagectomy by eversion stripping was an effective procedure for life saving. For acute perforation of a normal or chronic fibrotic but functional esophagus, early primary repair was usually successful for healing. For chronic esophageal perforation, usually complicated by mediastinal abscess or purulent pleural effusion, an adequate local drainage or supplemented with a newly designed, temporary diversion procedure for drainage of saliva and gastric acid was recommended.  相似文献   

Human groups contain reproductively relevant resources that differ greatly in their ease of accessibility. The authors advance a conceptual framework for the study of 2 classes of adaptations that have been virtually unexplored: (a) adaptations for exploitation designed to expropriate the resources of others through deception, manipulation, coercion, intimidation, terrorization, and force and (b) antiexploitation adaptations that evolved to prevent one from becoming a victim of exploitation. As soon as adaptations for exploitation evolved, they would immediately select for coevolved antiexploitation defenses--adaptations in target individuals, their kin, and their social allies designed to prevent their becoming a victim of exploitation. Antiexploitation defenses, in turn, created satellite adaptive problems for those pursuing a strategy of exploitation. Selection would favor the evolution of anticipatory and in situ solutions designed to circumvent the victim's defenses and minimize the costs of pursuing an exploitative strategy. Adaptations for exploitation have design features sensitive to the group dynamics in which they are deployed, including status hierarchies, social reputation, and the preferential selection of out-group victims. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

提出了一种以Na2CO3为添加剂、以煤为还原剂的还原分离方法,将原矿中铁的氧化物还原为铁单质粉末通过磁选分离回收,将水铝石矿物转化为铝酸钠溶出分离回收.通过单因素实验考察了还原温度、还原时间、Na2CO3用量和还原剂用量对粉末铁品位、铁回收率和氧化铝溶出率的影响,并用X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜观察和能谱分析等方法研究了反应的过程和机理.通过正交试验优化了实验参数,获得的最优条件为还原温度1150℃,还原时间45 min,Na2CO3用量40.47%,还原剂用量11.9%;在最优条件下,粉末铁品位为95.88%,铁回收率为89.92%,氧化铝溶出率为75.92%.  相似文献   

Glycopeptide antibiotics with enhanced affinity for model depsipeptide ligands may also exhibit enhanced efficacy against bacteria exhibiting the vanA resistance phenotype. To design modified agents with enhanced affinity for these ligands, and better understand why traditional agents have low affinity for depsipeptide ligands, free energy perturbation studies were performed on vancomycin derivatives by means of molecular dynamics simulation. The results suggest that modifications of the asparagine side chain on residue 3 of the antibiotic which enhance its hydrophobicity will enhance the affinity of glycopeptide antibiotics for depsipeptide ligands, and act synergistically with other modifications that enhance the efficacy of these agents against vanA-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

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