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In multi-robot systems, each robot needs to have the position and pose information of itself and that of the other cooperative robots. This paper presents a synchronous distributed positioning system that uses a multi-code ultrasonic sensor network and a compensation algorithm using a Kalman filter. The bearings of robots are computed by using their position changes, and then compensated for by using the Kalman filter. The ZigBee sensor network protocol is used for communication among the robots and for the synchronization of the ultrasonic transmission timing. The experimental results show that our system positions multiple robots synchronously without any configured infrastructures. The results have a better accuracy and less accumulative error than those found in positioning systems without compensation.  相似文献   

在视觉传感的电弧自动焊接过程中,需要根据视觉信息来控制电弧准确地跟踪焊缝.由于强烈的弧光干扰,使得从焊接区图像中直接提取电弧与焊缝的偏差信息十分困难.为此提出一种利用熔池图像质心和卡尔曼滤波来间接获取电弧与焊缝偏差的方法.选择熔池图像质心作为状态向量,建立基于图像质心的状态方程和焊缝位置测量方程.利用卡尔曼滤波消除过程噪声和测量噪声的影响,通过对熔池图像质心的状态估计,准确获取焊缝位置以及电弧与焊缝之间的偏差量,为自动焊接过程的焊缝跟踪控制提供准确信息.焊接试验结果表明,利用卡尔曼滤波方法可有效降低过程噪声和测量噪声的影响,从而提高焊缝跟踪控制精度.  相似文献   

为了有效解决基于接收信号强度的高精度室内位置服务计算困难问题,提出了一种新的基于卡尔曼滤波和中位加权(WMKF)的定位算法。该算法不同于以往的室内定位算法,首先应用卡尔曼滤波平滑了随机误差;然后利用中位加权方法抑制了显著误差,利用距离路径损耗模型得到衰落曲线并计算出估计距离;最后利用质心求解方法得到目标节点位置。实验结果表明,该算法初步解决了相对复杂环境下定位稳定性较差的问题,并有效地提高了定位精度,使精度达到0.81~1m。  相似文献   

A new method for filtering noise from a process signal is developed, analyzed, and illustrated. The method is computationally simple, and automatically adjusts in response to the noise level on a process variable.  相似文献   

Predictive head movement tracking using a Kalman filter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of head movements in control applications leaves the hands free for other tasks and utilizes the mobility of the head to acquire and track targets over a wide field of view. We present the results of applying a Kalman filter to generate prediction estimates for tracking head positions. A simple kinematics approach based on the assumption of a piecewise constant acceleration process is suggested and is shown to track head positions with an rms error under 2 degrees for head movements with accelerations smaller than 3000 degrees /s. To account for the wide range of head dynamic characteristics, an adaptive approach with input estimation is developed. The performance of the Kalman filter is compared to that based on a simple polynomial predictor.  相似文献   

针对基于RSSI定位算法在定位过程中不具备连续性问题,提出了一种基于Kalman滤波的连续性井下人员定位方法。采用Kalman滤波对基于RSSI定位算法估算出的井下人员位置坐标进行滤波处理,在此坐标的基础上,建立Kalman滤波模型,利用Kalman滤波实现对井下人员的实时跟踪。实验结果表明,基于Kalman滤波的定位方法对井下人员的跟踪效果较好,提高了系统的实时性和跟踪精度。  相似文献   

为了实现工业相机对动态目标的准确、实时跟踪,提出了基于卡尔曼滤波的算法。通过创建背景模型来估计出当前背景,进而得到前景区域,并对前景区域进行相关处理,最后通过计算补集得到更新后的背景。此方法能根据不同场景信息调整前景与背景阈值,减弱背景区域造成的噪声影响,实时地根据场景变化快速、自动更新背景,并对每一位置的像素进行背景估计。通过在VS2010平台上结合JAI软件开工具包(Software Development Kit,SDK)调用Halcon函数库实现了卡尔曼滤波动态跟踪,其中JAI SDK用于开发千兆网相机,几乎支持所有千兆网相机。实验结果表明,该算法能够实现对目标的实时动态跟踪,实时性强,准确度高。  相似文献   

This paper presents sequential algorithms for the optimal impulse function, Kalman gain and the error variance in linear least squares filtering problems, when the autocovariance function of the signal is given in the form of a semi-degenerate kernel, and the additive observation noise in white Gaussian. A digital simulation result indicates that the algorithms presented in this paper are feasible, and that the values of Kalman gain and the error variance calculated by these algorithms approach to those obtained by the Kalman filter theory, for time sufficiently large.  相似文献   

自主移动机器人定位系统中Kalman滤波算法改进*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决常规Kalman滤波算法在移动机器人定位过程中运算量大、精度不高的问题,在分析传统Kalman滤波器缺点的基础上,提出了一种基于UT参数变换的方法对常规Kalman滤波算法进行了改进。改进后的Kalman滤波算法消减了传统Kalman滤波器高阶项无法忽略而带来的误差。实验结果表明,改进型的Kalman滤波算法使机器人的最大位置偏差得到减小,对移动机器人的定位精度有明显改善,误差仿真曲线表明,改进后的定位结果误差波动不明显,使定位系统的稳定性得到了较大提高。  相似文献   

针对移动机器人在室内环境中定位难的问题,提出了一种基于RSSI(Receive Signal Strength Indicator)的卡尔曼滤波定位算法。利用基于RSSI的定位方法估算用户的位置坐标,利用卡尔曼滤波算法对用户的估算位置坐标进行优化处理,以提高室内定位系统的性能和稳定性。实验结果表明,卡尔曼滤波算法是鲁棒的,可以有效改善系统的定位精度,达到了预期的目的。  相似文献   

Dynamic data reconciliation: Alternative to Kalman filter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Process measurements are often corrupted with varying degrees of noise. Measurement noise undermines the performance of process monitoring and control systems. To reduce the impact of measurement noise, exponentially-weighted moving average and moving average filters are commonly used. These filters have good performance for processes under steady state or with slow dynamics. For processes with significant dynamics, more sophisticated filters, such as model-based filters, have to be used. The Kalman filter is a well known model-based filter that has been widely used in the aerospace industry. This paper discusses another model-based filter, the dynamic data reconciliation (DDR) filter. Both the Kalman and the DDR filters adhere to the same basic principle of using information from both measurements and models to provide a more reliable representation of the current state of the process. However, the DDR filter can more easily incorporated in a wide variety of model structures and is easier to understand and implement. Simulation results for a binary distillation column with four controlled variables showed that the DDR filters had equivalent performance to the Kalman filter in dealing with both white and autocorrelated noise.  相似文献   

An exact MCMC-based solution for the Kalman filter with Markov switching and GARCH components is proposed. To motivate the solution, an international equity market model incorporating common Markovian regimes and GARCH residuals in a persistent factor environment is considered. Given the intractable and approximate nature of the model’s likelihood function, a Metropolis-in-Gibbs sampler with Bayesian features is constructed for estimation purposes. To accelerate the drawing procedure, approximations to the conditional density of the common component are also considered. The model is applied to equity data for 18 developed markets to derive global, European, and country-specific equity market factors.  相似文献   

An exact MCMC-based solution for the Kalman filter with Markov switching and GARCH components is proposed. To motivate the solution, an international equity market model incorporating common Markovian regimes and GARCH residuals in a persistent factor environment is considered. Given the intractable and approximate nature of the model’s likelihood function, a Metropolis-in-Gibbs sampler with Bayesian features is constructed for estimation purposes. To accelerate the drawing procedure, approximations to the conditional density of the common component are also considered. The model is applied to equity data for 18 developed markets to derive global, European, and country-specific equity market factors.  相似文献   

用Kalman滤波器对原子钟进行控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种利用Kalman滤波器进行原子钟控制的方法, 并对此方法作了改进, 可以把一个原子钟的相位——时间非常精确地控制到时间标准上. 最后, 利用国家授时中心的实测数据对这种方法作了验证, 证明这种方法切实可行, 控制后原子钟与所选择的参数钟UTC(NTSC)的最大钟差不大于10ns.  相似文献   

针对基于UWB精确定位的井下近感检测装置定位结果易受非视距(NLOS)误差等噪声影响的问题,提出了一种基于卡尔曼滤波和加权LM法的井下精确定位算法。通过卡尔曼滤波预测过程得到标签卡坐标的先验估计值;利用几何关系计算估计坐标与各锚节点的距离,并将该距离与探测器直接测距值进行比较,根据差值分配各锚节点的测距权值;将权值矩阵和测距矩阵代入加权LM法中,得到标签卡坐标的中间结果;将中间结果作为测量值代入卡尔曼滤波更新过程中,得到标签卡的最终坐标。测试结果表明,与多边定位法相比,基于卡尔曼滤波和加权LM法的井下精确定位算法可在不影响定位速度的前提下,将定位精度提高一倍以上,有效降低了NLOS误差等噪声的干扰。  相似文献   

One of the conditions of using a Kalman filter is to have a precise model. If the precise model does not exist, the precision of the filter will not be guaranteed, and the filter may even diverge. Unfortunately, it is difficult to obtain a precise model. Usually the model is obtained through estimation, therefore due to the accuracy of this estimation, there always exists a difference between the estimated model and the precise model. In order to prevent the filter from divergence and enhance the precision of the filter, a Kalman filter algorithm using a moving window (KFMW) is derived, and some applications of the KFMW are given in this paper.  相似文献   

受定位分站和定位卡时钟同步误差、时钟计时误差、多径效应、非视距传播(NLOS)时延误差和电磁骚扰等影响,现有煤矿井下人员定位方法定位误差大,难以满足煤矿事故应急救援、运输和机电事故防治等需求。为提高定位精度,实现煤矿井下人员二维精确定位,提出了基于卡尔曼滤波的矿井人员二维精确定位方法:以定位分站测量到的定位卡到定位分站之间的距离作为卡尔曼滤波中的测量结果,根据建立的矿工在井下移动的数学模型推算出矿工的位置,并作为卡尔曼滤波中的预测结果,通过对测量结果和预测结果进行合理加权,根据上一步卡尔曼滤波后的最佳估计值得出当前时刻的最佳估计值,实现煤矿井下人员二维精确定位。  相似文献   

Effective neural motor prostheses require a method for decoding neural activity representing desired movement. In particular, the accurate reconstruction of a continuous motion signal is necessary for the control of devices such as computer cursors, robots, or a patient's own paralyzed limbs. For such applications, we developed a real-time system that uses Bayesian inference techniques to estimate hand motion from the firing rates of multiple neurons. In this study, we used recordings that were previously made in the arm area of primary motor cortex in awake behaving monkeys using a chronically implanted multielectrode microarray. Bayesian inference involves computing the posterior probability of the hand motion conditioned on a sequence of observed firing rates; this is formulated in terms of the product of a likelihood and a prior. The likelihood term models the probability of firing rates given a particular hand motion. We found that a linear gaussian model could be used to approximate this likelihood and could be readily learned from a small amount of training data. The prior term defines a probabilistic model of hand kinematics and was also taken to be a linear gaussian model. Decoding was performed using a Kalman filter, which gives an efficient recursive method for Bayesian inference when the likelihood and prior are linear and gaussian. In off-line experiments, the Kalman filter reconstructions of hand trajectory were more accurate than previously reported results. The resulting decoding algorithm provides a principled probabilistic model of motor-cortical coding, decodes hand motion in real time, provides an estimate of uncertainty, and is straightforward to implement. Additionally the formulation unifies and extends previous models of neural coding while providing insights into the motor-cortical code.  相似文献   

基于卡尔曼滤波的TDOA/AOA混合定位算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种利用两次卡尔曼滤波实现非视距环境中TDOA/AOA混合定位方法。根据类正态分布密度曲线是最小二乘意义下对指数分布密度曲线的最优拟合的思想建立TDOA误差模型,先利用卡尔曼滤波对TOA测量值进行预处理以消除NLOS误差,再把经过预处理的TOA测量值输入到卡尔曼滤波器来实现TDOA/AOA混合定位。仿真结果表明,该方法的定位误差性能明显优于单纯的TDOA定位方法以及服从指数分布误差模型下的TDOA定位方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a solution to the problem of enhancing the spatial resolution of multispectral images with high-resolution panchromatic observations. The proposed method exploits the undecimated discrete wavelet transform, which is an octave bandpass representation achieved from a conventional discrete wavelet transform by omitting all decimators and up-sampling the wavelet filter bank, and the vector multiscale Kalman filter, which is used to model the injection process of wavelet details. Kalman modelization is exploited by spatial detail analysis at coarser scales in which multispectral and panchromatic representations are known. Results are presented and discussed on very-high resolution images acquired by Quickbird satellite systems. Fusion simulations on spatially degraded data and fusion tests at the full scale reveal that an accurate and reliable PAN-sharpening is achieved by the proposed method.  相似文献   

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