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Recently, the concept of equal thermodynamic distance (ETD) has been proposed to minimize entropy production in a distillation process using a diabatic column. ETD gives the optimal temperature profile to first-order in N−1, where N is the number of trays. ETD, however, does not generally give the true minimum for distillation columns with few trays. We therefore apply a fully numerical, multidimensional optimization routine to determine minimum entropy production. Since this method does not depend on an underlying theory, we expect a true minimum to be revealed. We then compare the performance of ETD and numerical optimization by varying the number of trays and the purity requirements. Our results show a surprisingly good agreement between the ETD results and those obtained numerically.  相似文献   

R. Baur  R. Taylor  R. Krishna   《Catalysis Today》2001,66(2-4):225-232
We compare the performance of an MTBE synthesis column using two different hardware configurations: (1) a sieve tray column in which the catalyst particles, encased inside wire gauze envelopes, placed along the liquid flow path; (2) a column filled with catalytically active packing of Raschig ring shape. The columns simulations are performed using a rigorous nonequilibrium model. Using the bottoms flow rate of MTBE as continuation parameter it is shown that the two different hardware configurations exhibit significantly different bifurcation diagrams. The sensitivity of this bifurcation diagram has been studied with varying (a) methanol feed, (b) iso-butene feed, (c) inert feed and (d) reflux ratio. We show that the cross-flow contacting on the sieve tray configuration is beneficial to conversion.  相似文献   

In distillation processes net evaporation or condensation in the bulk phases or at the interface is called thermal distillation. The causes of thermal distillation, especially mismatch between the rates of heat and mass transfer in and between the phases, are discussed. By taking thermal distillation into account in heat and material balances it is shown that the performance of countercurrent equipment should depend upon composition of the mixture and should have a maximum value, as has been found experimentally in this and in previous work. The experimental results indicate that the efficiency of the equipment is very low when the mixture is dilute, and this is not accounted for by the theory.  相似文献   

The equations of A. J. V. Underwood for solution of distillation columns are arranged to give a solution in the form of a sum of difference products. For many distillation problems the present solution is much less tedious than the straightforward solution of Underwood's equations or the determinantal solution proposed by Alder and Hanson [1]. The solution is illustrated by an example employing a five-component system.  相似文献   

The Improvement in performance of a concentric tube thermal diffusion column by means of a wire spiral, having a diameter equal to the annular spacing and inserted as a spacer in the annular region, was investigated. Equations of the optimum wire angle of inclination from the vertical for the maximum separation, maximum output and minimum column height have been derived. Considerable improvements in performance are obtainable if the spiral wired columns are employed, instead of using the open column (without wire), so that the convection strength can be reduced and controlled, resulting in suppressing the undesirable remixing effect while still preserving the desirable cascading effect.  相似文献   

The equations for the best angles of inclination for maximum separation, maximum production rate and minimum column length in inclined flat-plate thermal-diffusion columns of the Frazier scheme, have been derived. Considerable improvement in performance is obtained when a Frazier scheme is operated at the best corresponding angle of inclination, especially for the schemes of high column number.  相似文献   

Pressure drops are of major importance for distillation/absorption columns. This paper mainly discusses how to correctly measure, interpret and use pressure drop data. The possible causes of incorrect pressure drop measurements are studied including the effects of pressure tap dimensions, locations, and vapor condensation etc. The effect of the static head of vapor on the pressure drop data and column pressures is evaluated. Variations of sec-tional pressure drops along the column are investigated based on the experimental data obtained from commercial size distillation columns at Fractionation Research, Inc. (FRI). For a packed column, it is found that the spacing between the liquid distributor and the top of the bed affects the overall pressure drop measurements, which is con-firmed by a fundamental fluid dynamics analysis.  相似文献   

Because of the complicated interplay between the prefractionator and main distillation column involved,the black-hole problem might occur and prohibit the assignment of four specifications to dividing-wall distillation columns (DWDCs) (e.g.,the three main product compositions plus an impurity ratio in the intermediate product),which lowers terribly process flexibility and operability.In this paper,a feed thermal condition adjustment strategy,achieved by the installation of a pre-heater in feed pipeline,is employed to eliminate the black-hole problem and serve to enhance process flexibility and operability.Through the strong influence to the overall mass and energy balance of the DWDC,the feed thermal condition adjustment can alter the interlinking flows between the thermally coupled prefractionator and main distillation column and work effectively to coordinate their relationship.A DWDC separating a benzene,toluene,and o-xylene mixture is chosen to ascertain the feasibility of the philosophy proposed.The static and dynamic studies demonstrate that the feed thermal condition adjustment is an effective way to refine process design and can completely eliminate the black-hole problem and elevate consequently process flexibility and operability.  相似文献   

It is shown that the dominant part of the dynamic composition response of two-product distillation columns can be approximated by a linear first-order response. This applies also for large perturbations to the column. The numerical value of this dominant time constant (τc) can be obtained from steady-state simulations. A simple analytical expression for small peturbations is derived which provides insight into the variation of τc with operating conditions. The time constant τc does not apply when there are changes in the internal flows only.  相似文献   

Equations have been derived for the optimum wire angles of inclination for maximum separation, maximum production rate and minimum column height in the Frazier scheme of concentric‐tube thermal diffusion columns with a tight fitting wire spiral, having a diameter equal to the annular spacing, and wrapped on the entire inner tube. Considerable improvement in performance is obtained when a Frazier scheme is operated at the optimum corresponding wire angle of inclination, especially for the scheme of high column number.  相似文献   

In this paper a methodology for thermodynamic analysis and distillation column ‘targeting’ is presented, with emphasis on the use of side condensers and side reboilers. Research in the past has been towards the establishment of a heat distribution curve, showing the way in which heat can be added or extracted across the different column sections. One major disadvantage of these profiles is that they refer to reversible columns, and cannot be used effectively to target for modifications in a real column.The main feature of the proposed methodology is the introduction of a minimum driving force, defined in terms of exergy loss distribution of the existing column, to set realisable targets for side reboiling/condensing in real columns, resulting in considerable energy savings. In addition to providing realisable targets, the new approach also provides the design engineer with information about the best location to place a side exchanger, and the required additional column modifications. The methodology can be applied using conventional column models in commercial process simulation programs, but can be significantly simplified by using reboiled and refluxed absorber models in a bespoke program. Simulation results for modified designs set by the new approach, for binary and multicomponent separations, verify the feasibility of the targets. This contrasts with previous approaches, which result in temperature shifts and heat load penalties after placing side reboilers/condensers, thus requiring additional simulation time and experienced judgement.  相似文献   

针对传统塔板负荷性能图在现代精馏塔分析中存在的问题,提出一种精馏塔全指标全塔负荷性能图新分析方法。与单指标的全塔负荷性能图相比,全指标全塔负荷性能图用于精馏塔瓶颈分析,不同塔内件合理匹配分析和最终施工图设计塔内件评价方面更加直观、容易、便于编程。  相似文献   

风载荷对精馏塔分离效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洪纯芬 《化学工程》1996,24(2):14-17
以乙苯-苯乙烯精馏塔为例,探讨了风载荷对较高塔器分离效率的影响。作者统计了当地两个不同月份的风级气象资料,用曲线标绘出了乙苯-苯乙烯塔顶部苯乙烯损失量以及操作回流比随当地风级变化的实际情况,形象地说明了风载荷对高塔分离效率的影响,并在新的设计方案中,对安装方式采取了措施,增强了塔的刚度,从而提高塔板效率13%左右,而且有明显的节能效果。  相似文献   

A full-order nonlinear observer for distillation columns is presented. Temperatures are measured at different points of the column and compared to the observer's output temperatures. The error is weighed by a spatially distributed function. The resulting term is used to correct the mathematical model of the observer. The estimated temperature and concentration profiles are then given by the state of the observer. The mathematical model used includes material balances on each tray as well as thermodynamic state-functions. It consists of dynamic and algebraic equations, exhibits severe nonlinearities and is of high order. Physical insight is used to design the observer. The movement of the regions of high mass transfer rate determines the essential dynamic quality of a column. Knowing the location of these mass transfer regions allows observer design and positioning of measurement points. The obtained observer was successfully tested in several simulation studies. It exhibits dynamic behaviour and robustness properties.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the Kaibel distillation column from an operability point of view. Two different objectives, namely minimizing energy requirement at fixed product purities and maximizing product purities with a fixed boilup are considered. We have visualized the objective functions for the two cases as a function of operational degrees of freedom and conclude that operation with fixed product purities is the more difficult case from control point of view.  相似文献   

A general algorithm for calculating minimum reflux ratios in simple distillation columns used for the separation of ideal and nonideal (including azeotropic) homogeneous multicomponent mixtures is proposed. The algorithm deals with various splits: direct, indirect, intermediate, and with one distributed component. The algorithm is mathematically rigorous, developed on the basis of the geometrical theory of distillation, and makes it possible to consider the special features of nonideal mixtures (tangent pinch, necessity of using nonadiabatic columns).  相似文献   

A method for the identification and control of a batch distillation process is presented in this note. The proposed model consists of a first-order integrating process in composition with a high-frequency gain. The feedback controller is designed in the framework of robust nonlinear control with modeling error compensation techniques for the control of distillate composition via manipulations of the reflux ratio. The proposed identification and control procedures are illustrated via numerical simulations.  相似文献   

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