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This letter considers the decoding of the IS-95(A) uplink code in an effort to assess its best achievable performance. Union bounds on the bit error probability for the IS-95(A) indicate that the interleaver affects significantly system performance. Computer simulation results for iterative decoding show that performance gains in the order of 0.6 dB can be obtained when the sequential interleaver is replaced by a pseudorandom interleaver of same size. Improving iterative decoding for this code while maintaining the original sequential interleaver, results only in minor performance gains over published results  相似文献   

A method of applying decision feedback to the decoding of IS-95 uplink frames is described. Bit values which have been determined by a Viterbi (1995) decoder are used to modify the probability measures of convolution coded bits which have not yet been used by the decoder, in order to improve the bit error rate (BER) performance. The method is analyzed from a probabilistic viewpoint and simulation results are presented  相似文献   

Effect of adjacent IS-95 network to WCDMA uplink capacity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper derives the degradation of wideband code-division multiple-access (WCDMA) uplink capacity in the situation where an IS-95 system is deployed at the adjacent frequency band. A system modeling approach that combines accurate path loss information with simplified and computationally fast interference modeling is also described. The model takes into account the power-control coupling between IS-95 and WCDMA systems as well as the effect of downlink blocking. The paper also includes some numerical examples from realistic micro- and macrocellular network scenarios. The results show that the interference is dependent on, in addition to the filter characteristics, the used network scenario, whether the interfered or interfering system is microcellular or macrocellular, and on the relative cell densities of the interfering and interfered networks. The developed method can be utilized for WCDMA network planning, for frequency allocation, and for system design of the mobile telecommunication systems.  相似文献   

Group-blind multiuser detection for uplink CDMA   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Previously developed blind techniques for multiuser detection in code division multiple access (CDMA) systems lead to several near-far resistant adaptive receivers for demodulating a given user's data with the prior knowledge of only the spreading sequence of that user. In the CDMA uplink, however, typically the base station receiver has the knowledge of the spreading sequences of all the users within the cell, but not that of the users from other cells. In this paper, group-blind techniques are developed for multiuser detection in such scenarios. These new techniques make use of the spreading sequences and the estimated multipath channels of all known users to suppress the intracell interference, while blindly suppressing the intercell interference. Several forms of group-blind linear detectors are developed based on different criteria. Moreover, group-blind multiuser detection in the presence of correlated noise is also considered. In this case, two receiving antennas are needed for channel estimation and signal separation. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed group-blind linear multiuser detection techniques offer substantial performance gains over the blind linear multiuser detection methods in a CDMA uplink environment  相似文献   

In this letter, we analyze the performance of the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) detector for a code-division multiple-access system employing binary phase-shift keying. The performance is measured in terms of the probability distribution and the average number of correctly decoded users. We consider the case of equipower users having equicorrelated signature waveforms. The distribution of the number of correctly decoded users is expressed as an integral over sum of products of Gaussian Q-functions. From it, a closed-form expression for the average number of correctly decoded users is derived.  相似文献   

Probability of error in MMSE multiuser detection   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The performance analysis of the minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) linear multiuser detector is considered in an environment of nonorthogonal signaling and additive white Gaussian noise. In particular, the behavior of the multiple-access interference (MAI) at the output of the MMSE detector is examined under various asymptotic conditions, including: large signal-to-noise ratio; large near-far ratios; and large numbers of users. These results suggest that the MAI-plus-noise contending with the demodulation of a desired user is approximately Gaussian in many cases of interest. For the particular case of two users, it is shown that the maximum divergence between the output MAI-plus-noise and a Gaussian distribution having the same mean and variance is quite small in most cases of interest. It is further proved in this two-user case that the probability of error of the MMSE detector is better than that of the decorrelating linear detector for all values of normalized crosscorrelations not greater than ½√(2+√3)≅0.9659  相似文献   

The well-known code division multiple access maximum likelihood receiver (MF-ML) uses a bank of matched filters as a generator of sufficient statistics for maximum likelihood detection of users transmitted symbols. In this paper, the bank of matched filters is replaced by a bank of adaptive minimum mean squared error (MMSE) filters as the generator of sufficient statistics. This formal replacement of the MF bank by the adaptive MMSE filter bank has significant conceptual consequences and provides improvement by several performance measures. The adaptive MMSE-ML receiver's digital implementation is significantly computationally simplified. The advantages of the proposed adaptive MMSE-ML receiver over the MF-ML receiver are: (1) ability to perform joint synchronization, channel parameter estimation, and signal detection where the signal is sent over an unknown, slowly time-varying, frequency-selective multipath fading channel; (2) increased information capacity in a multicellular environment; and (3) significantly improved bit error rate (BER) performance in a multicellular mobile communications environment. The information capacity and the BER of the proposed MMSE-ML receiver are analyzed. Numerical results showing the BER performance of the MMSE-ML receiver in a multipath channel environment are presented  相似文献   

Blind adaptive multiuser detection based on a constrained MMSE criterion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The proposed blind adaptive multiuser detector utilizes the signature waveform and time information of the desired user. With each received sample vector, the proposed algorithm updates the detector and gives the symbol estimate in the current time slot. Such property facilitates it to track time-varying channels.  相似文献   

Distributed multiuser detection for the TDMA cellular uplink   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Valenti  M.C. Woerner  B.D. 《Electronics letters》1999,35(21):1803-1804
A method for performing multiuser detection using observations from multiple base stations is proposed. Log-likelihood ratio estimates of the data are calculated at each base station and combined to form the final decision statistic. The proposed architecture is applied to the time division multiple access (TDMA) cellular uplink, and it is shown that heavily overloaded systems can perform remarkably well  相似文献   

Layered space-time multiuser detection over wireless uplink systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we investigate the use of layered space-time (also known as the vertical Bell Laboratories layered space-time (V-BLAST) scheme) for multiuser detection in fading channels. The multiple transmit antennas in V-BLAST are treated as individual mobile station transmitters, while the base station consists of multiple receive antennas. In the proposed system, users are organized in groups and allocated a unique spreading code within the same group. Using these codes, we are able to separate the different groups, and layered space-time algorithm is then invoked to further remove the remaining interference between users. A decorrelator-type receiver-based layered space-time detection is proposed for both complex and real constellations. For the latter case, we derive our receiver after evaluating and comparing the performance of two decorrelators based on the V-BLAST scheme. It is demonstrated that a significant performance improvement and increase in system capacity is obtained with very low spreading factors. Further results are also introduced by considering reduced complexity receivers based on serial layered space-time group multiuser detection, and parallel layered space-time group multiuser detection.  相似文献   

Multiple-access interference (MAI) in a code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system plays an important role in performance analysis and characterization of fundamental system limits. We study the behavior of the output MAI of the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) receiver employed in the uplink of a direct-sequence (DS)-CDMA system. We focus on imperfect power-controlled systems with random spreading, and establish that in a synchronous system (1) the output MAI of the MMSE receiver is asymptotically Gaussian, and (2) for almost every realization of the signatures and received powers, the conditional distribution of the output MAI converges weakly to the same Gaussian distribution as in the unconditional case. We also extend our study to asynchronous systems and establish the Gaussian nature of the output interference. These results indicate that in a large system the output interference is approximately Gaussian, and the performance of the MMSE receiver is robust to the randomness of the signatures and received powers. The Gaussianity justifies the use of single-user Gaussian codes for CDMA systems with linear MMSE receivers, and implies that from the viewpoints of detection and channel capacity, signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is the key parameter that governs the performance of the MMSE receiver in a CDMA system  相似文献   

We propose two types of iterative semi-blind receivers for coded multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) uplink systems in the presence of both intracell and intercell interference. The first is based on the minimum mean-square error criterion, and the second is a hybrid scheme, consisting of parallel interference cancellation and linear multiuser detection. These iterative receivers utilize known users' information for the computation of log-likelihood ratios (LLR) while blindly suppressing unknown interference. The LLR are refined successively during the iterative process through decoding of all known users. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed iterative semiblind methods offer substantial performance gain over conventional noniterative and nonblind iterative receivers.  相似文献   

We consider joint channel estimation and data detection in uplink asynchronous code-division multiple-access systems employing aperiodic (long) spreading sequences in the presence of unknown multipath fading. Since maximum-likelihood (ML) sequence estimation is too complex to perform, multiuser receivers are proposed based on the sequential expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. With the prior knowledge of only the signature waveforms, the delays and the second-order statistics of the fading channel, the receivers sequentially estimate the channel using the sequential EM algorithm. Moreover, the snapshot estimates of each path are tracked by linear minimum mean-squared error filters. The user data are detected by a ML sequence detector, given the channel estimates. The proposed receivers that use the exact expressions have a computational complexity O(2/sup K/) per bit, where K is the number of users. Using the EM algorithm, we derive low-complexity approximations which have a computational complexity of O(K/sup 2/) per bit. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed receivers offer substantial performance gains over conventional pilot-symbol-assisted techniques and achieve a performance close to the known channel bounds. Furthermore, the proposed receivers even outperform the single-user RAKE receiver with Nyquist pilot-insertion rate in a single-user environment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of convolutional coding in space-time minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) multiuser-based receivers over asynchronous multipath Rayleigh fading channels. We focus on the performance gain attained through error control coding when used with binary-phase-shift-keyed modulation (BPSK) and multiuser access based on direct sequence-code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA). In our analysis, we derive an approximation for the uncoded probability of bit-error in multipath fading channels. This bit-error rate (BER) approximation is shown to be very accurate when compared to the exact performance. For a convolutionally coded system, we obtain a closed form expression for the bit-error rate upper bound. This error bound is noted to be tight as the number of quantization levels increased beyond eight. Using our theoretical results, we obtain an estimate for the achieved user-capacity that accrues due to error control coding. It is found that using convolutional coding with 3-bit soft-decision decoding, a user-capacity gain as much as 300% can easily be achieved when complete fading state information plus ideal channel interleaving are assumed.  相似文献   

Widely linear structures for multiuser detection of code division multiple-access signals are proposed, which jointly elaborate the received signal and its complex conjugate. Computer simulations show that the new structures significantly outperform the conventional linear ones, in terms of suppression capability of both wideband multiple-access and narrowband interference  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a system with K client users (single antenna), n/sub B/ base stations (each has single antenna), as well as a centralized controller. All the base stations operate at the same frequency and have optimal multiuser detection (MUD) per base station. The MUD at the base station is able to cancel only the intracell interference but not the intercell interference. A client user is associated with a single base station at any time. We consider a general problem of uplink macroscopic optimization (or macroscopic resource management) where the centralized controller dynamically determines an appropriate association mapping of the K users with respect to the n/sub B/ base stations over a macroscopic time scale. We propose a novel multicell capacity region as well as an analytical framework for the above macroscopic optimization problem. A simple conventional rule is to associate a user with the strongest base station (camp-on-the-strongest-cell) and this has been widely employed in conventional cellular systems. However, based on the optimization framework, we found that this conventional approach is in fact not optimal when MUD is employed at the base station. We show that the optimal macroscopic optimization algorithm is of exponential complexity and we propose a simple greedy algorithm as a feasible solution. It is shown that the macroscopic optimization gain over the conventional approach increases with decreasing path loss exponent due to large area of overlapping.  相似文献   

Reception of asynchronous, multicarrier direct-sequence-code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) in time-varying, multipath radio channels with use of a receiving antenna array is investigated. Interference reducing minimum mean squared error (MMSE) receivers are discussed, and by considering the time-variation of the channel, a modified structure is derived which is efficient for channels experiencing small-scale fading. A blind implementation of this receiver is then proposed. Subspace concepts are applied to formulate a tracking, composite channel vector estimator which operates effectively in fading situations, even when high levels of interference are present. Both the modified MMSE weight matrix and diversity combining weights are generated from these channel estimates. Simulations of the proposed receiver show it to have superior performance over a standard MMSE receiver which is periodically re-evaluated to permit it to follow the channel variations due to small-scale fading. Furthermore, a hybrid MMSE receiver is proposed which applies different processing methods depending on each transmitters mobility, resulting in improved performance.  相似文献   

主要介绍三种面向非正交多脉冲调制(NMM)系统的非相干最小均方误差(MMSE)多用户检测器,它们均采用MMSE预滤波器(per-filter),但分别满足三种不同的非相干判决准则。其中最简单的判决准则是最大(MM)准则,另外两种则需要考虑MMSE滤波后的残余多用户干扰(MAI)的二阶统计量。然后介绍一种基于随机估计方法的盲自适应算法。最后对这三种判决准则进行性能分析。  相似文献   

Motivated by the fact that time delays in a practical direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system can never be perfectly estimated, an improved minimum-mean squared-error (MMSE)-based receiver is proposed and analyzed. Via the simple assumption of a probability distribution for the delay estimation errors, the proposed receiver can achieve a performance superior to that of the conventional MMSE (CMMSE) receiver. The performances of this improved receiver and the CMMSE receiver are compared in terms of the mean squared error (MSE), probability of error, and asymptotic multiuser efficiency (AME). As the original definition of AME does not consider mismatched channels, the behavior of three single-user receivers bearing imperfect delay estimation is also investigated. These single-user receivers are employed to define a more appropriate AME. Finally, an efficient update mechanism to accommodate dynamic channel statistics, and thus practical implementation, is proposed  相似文献   

Blind multiuser detection using linear prediction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We propose a blind multiuser detection technique for array processing and code division multiple access (CDMA) systems that does not require knowledge of the array geometry or transmitter signature sequences. The technique has two key elements: an adaptive algorithm for separating the signal subspace from the noise subspace and an adaptive whitener based on linear prediction. The proposed algorithm offers low complexity, fast convergence, compatibility with shaped signal constellations, near-Wiener steady-state performance, and optimal near-far resistance  相似文献   

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