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A scheme to obtain relatively scaled profiles of electron cyclotron emission (ECE) temperature directly from uncalibrated raw radiometer data is proposed and has been tested for the 2009 campaign KSTAR plasmas. The proposed method utilizes a position controlled system to move the plasma adiabatically and compares ECE radiometer channels at the same relative radial positions assuming the profile consistency during the adiabatic change. This scaling method is an alternative solution when an absolute calibration is unreliable or too time consuming. The application to the two dimensional ECE imaging data, wherein calibration is extremely difficult, may also prove to be useful.  相似文献   

To measure the electron temperature (T(e)) and electron density (n(e)) profiles in the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) device for the KSTAR third campaign (September 2010), we designed and installed a Thomson scattering system. The KSTAR Thomson scattering system is designed as a tangential Thomson scattering system and utilizes the N-, L-, and B-ports. The N-port is designed for the collection optics with a cassette system, the L-port is the laser input port, and the B-port is the location of the beam dump. In this paper, we will describe the final design of the KSTAR Thomson scattering system.  相似文献   

A system of beam emission spectroscopy (BES) for density fluctuation measurements having the sightlines passing through the plasma in the poloidal direction was developed in the Large Helical Device (LHD). Even though the angle between the beam and the sightline is slightly larger than a right angle, Doppler-shifted beam emission can be distinguished from background emission because of the high energy (120-170 keV) of the neutral beam for heating with negative ion sources. Spatial resolution is about 0.1-0.2 in the normalized radius. Compared with the prototype BES system with toroidal sightlines, the BES system with poloidal sightlines showed improved spatial resolution.  相似文献   

Recently, two-dimensional microwave imaging diagnostics such as the electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) system and microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) have been developed to study magnetohydrodynamics instabilities and turbulence in magnetically confined plasmas. These imaging systems utilize large optics to collect passive emission or reflected radiation. The design of this optics can be classified into two different types: reflective or refractive optical systems. For instance, an ECEI/MIR system on the TEXTOR tokamak [Park et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3787 (2004)] employed the reflective optics which consisted of two large mirrors, while the TEXTOR ECEI upgrade [B. Tobias et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 093502 (2009)] and systems on DIII-D, ASDEX-U, and KSTAR adopted refractive systems. Each system has advantages and disadvantages in the standing wave problem and optical aberrations. In this paper, a comparative study between the two optical systems has been performed in order to design a MIR system for KSTAR.  相似文献   

The charge exchange spectroscopy (CES) system on Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) was installed last year and had been applied to measure the C VI ion temperature and rotation velocity profiles. The ion temperature and rotation velocity profiles had been estimated from the C VI 5290.5 ? (n = 8-7) charge-exchange spectrum signal measured by a Czerny-Turner type spectrometer and a thinned back-illuminated charge coupled device (CCD) camera. However, the Czerny-Turner type spectrometer used for the KSTAR CES system showed so low signal to noise ratio for KSTAR plasmas in the 2010 experimental campaign that the time resolution of the CES system had been limited to 100 ms due to the increased exposure time of the attached CCD camera. Then, new two-grating spectrometer had been developed in order to improve the time resolution of the CES system. The spectrometer consists of two gratings (1200 g/mm and 1800 g/mm each) with additive configuration, concave mirrors (f = 50 cm), and a cylindrical lens (f = 50 cm). The time resolution of the CES system increases by a factor of 2-4 with the two-grating spectrometer. The C VI ion temperature and rotation velocity profiles obtained by the two-grating spectrometer are compared to those by Czerny-Turner type spectrometer in this paper.  相似文献   

该文研究了一种基于OMAP4460嵌入式平台的便携式多功能钻孔成像测量系统,设计了钻孔成像测量系统的总体方案,详细阐述了微处理器、图像采集模块、深度采集模块、光源模块以及电源模块的硬件设计。为了实现钻孔成像测量系统的人机交互和信息展示,开发了钻孔成像测量系统APP,能够完成图像预览、拍照、录像、姿态显示、深度显示、参数设置、数据存储等功能。为了测试该钻孔成像测量系统的应用效果,选取了一个地面水文地质观测孔进行测量。试验结果表明:钻孔成像测量系统能够清晰观测孔内情况,准确采集钻孔轨迹和深度信息,完全满足目前地质勘测领域的测量要求。  相似文献   

A new innovative electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) diagnostic system for the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) produces a large amount of data. The design of the data acquisition and processing system of the ECEI diagnostic system should consider covering the large data production and flow. The system design is based on the layered structure scalable to the future extension to accommodate increasing data demands. Software architecture that allows a web-based monitoring of the operation status, remote experiment, and data analysis is discussed. The operating software will help machine operators and users validate the acquired data promptly, prepare next discharge, and enhance the experiment performance and data analysis in a distributed environment.  相似文献   

Differential interferometry employs two parallel laser beams with a small spatial offset (less than beam width) and frequency difference (1-2 MHz) using common optics and a single mixer for a heterodyne detection. The differential approach allows measurement of the electron density gradient, its fluctuations, as well as the equilibrium density distribution. This novel interferometry technique is immune to fringe skip errors and is particularly useful in harsh plasma environments. Accurate calibration of the beam spatial offset, accomplished by use of a rotating dielectric wedge, is required to enable broad application of this approach. Differential interferometry has been successfully used on the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch plasma to directly measure fluctuation-induced transport along with equilibrium density profile evolution during pellet injection. In addition, by combining differential and conventional interferometry, both linear and nonlinear terms of the electron density fluctuation energy equation can be determined, thereby allowing quantitative investigation of the origin of the density fluctuations. The concept, calibration, and application of differential interferometry are presented.  相似文献   

The first prototype microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) system [H. Park et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 4239 (2004)] clearly demonstrated the shortcomings of conventional reflectometry when the probe beam encountered a large amplitude and/or high fluctuation wavenumber at the reflection layer in laboratory tests, the distinctive advantages shown in these tests were not fully realized in the plasma operation. To understand the discrepancies, the MIR system performance has been thoroughly investigated at POSTECH. In this paper, a possible cause of the MIR performance degradation on TEXTOR will be presented together with a concept of multifrequency MIR system design that will be developed for KSTAR.  相似文献   

An advanced x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer (XICS) for KSTAR tokamak has been developed by utilizing a segmented two dimensional (2D) position-sensitive multiwire proportional counter. The XICS for the KSTAR tokamak provides time-resolved measurements of the radial ion and electron temperature profiles, toroidal plasma rotation velocity, and ionization equilibrium. The segmented 2D detector with delay-line readout and supporting electronics has been adopted to improve the photon count rate capability. The current fabrication status of the XICS for the KSTAR tokamak and the first performance test results of the prototype segmented 2D detector are presented.  相似文献   

The development of an integrator for magnetic diagnostics becomes more important as the pulse length of fusion devices gets longer and longer, especially for present-day superconducting fusion devices. A small offset in the signal can cause a significant drift in the integrator output for long pulse experiments. A lock-in amplifying digital integrator has been developed for Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). It succeeds in suppressing the drift to a low value but requires about 100 ms for data processing. To shorten the data processing time, a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) built in the digitizer is utilized. Since there is no need to transfer the data to an external computer, the integration can be done in real time. The microprocessor built in the digitizer directly transfers the data integrated in the internal FPGA into the reflective memory installed in the same compact Peripheral Component Interconnect chassis. These features result in a very compact system design. The design and the preliminary results of the digital integrator will be presented.  相似文献   

The collection optics designs are described for the Thomson scattering diagnostic of the Korea superconducting tokamak advanced research (KSTAR) device. The optical systems collecting the light emission induced through the interaction between the plasma electrons and a laser beam are key components for the Thomson scattering system. A duo-lens system was examined, and the final optical designs were derived for Thomson scattering diagnostic of KSTAR.  相似文献   

In this paper,a measurement method for crosssectional temperature distribution is addressed. A novel method based on an acoustic CT technique is proposed. Specifically,the temperature distributions are estimated using the time of flight data of several ultrasonic propagation paths. The times of the flight data contain both temperature and wind effect,and the method to select only temperature component is introduced. A filtered back projection method is applied to reconstruct the temperature distributions from the time of flight data. An experimental system was designed and fabricated to realize simultaneous temperature and wind velocity distribution measurements. Through this system,the effectiveness of the proposed measurement method is confirmed.  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW的温度监控与介电谱测试系统研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用有效值测量代替峰值测量的方法,并采用方波的直流分量与方波的高电平峰值之比代替占空比,从而间接测量相位差的方法,对样品的介电谱进行测量.运用虚拟仪器技术,将温度监控系统与介电谱测试系统相结合,设计并实现了温度监控与介电谱测试系统.该系统可以对样品温度变化情况进行实时跟踪记录,对制冷器的制冷情况进行随动控制,对样品的介电温谱及介电频谱进行测试并记录.实验表明,该系统具有良好的性能.  相似文献   

The x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer (XICS) for the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research has been first applied for the experimental campaign in 2009. The XICS was designed to provide measurements of the profiles of the ion and electron temperatures from the heliumlike argon (Ar XVII) spectra. The basic functions of the XICS are properly working although some satellites lines are not well matched with the expected theoretical values. The initial experimental results from the XICS are briefly described.  相似文献   

The neutral beam injection system (NBI-1) of the KSTAR tokamak can accommodate three ion sources; however, it is currently equipped with only one prototype ion source. In the 2010 and 2011 KSTAR campaigns, this ion source supplied deuterium neutral beam power of 0.7-1.6 MW to the KSTAR plasma with a beam energy of 70-100 keV. A new ion source will be prepared for the 2012 KSTAR campaign with a much advanced performance compared with the previous one. The newly designed ion source has a very large transparency (~56%) without deteriorating the beam optics, which is designed to deliver a 2 MW injection power of deuterium beams at 100 keV. The plasma generator of the ion source is of a horizontally cusped bucket type, and the whole inner wall, except the cathode filaments and plasma grid side, functions as an anode. The accelerator assembly consists of four multi-circular aperture grids made of copper and four electrode flanges made of aluminum alloy. The electrodes are insulated using PEEK. The ion source will be completed and tested in 2011.  相似文献   

The first microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) system for characterization of fluctuating plasma density has been implemented for the TEXTOR tokamak [H. Park et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3787 (2004)]; an improved MIR system will be installed on DIII-D and KSTAR. The central issue remains in preserving phase information by addressing antenna coupling between the reflection layer and the detector array in the presence of plasma turbulence. A synthetic diagnostic making use of coupled full-wave diffractive codes has been developed in geometries and applied to a variety of optical arrangements. The effectiveness of each scheme is quantitatively compared with respect to the fluctuation levels accessible in the simulation.  相似文献   

A custom developed (6)Li glass scintillator (APLF80+3Pr) for down-scattered neutron diagnostics in inertial confinement fusion experiments is presented. (6)Li provides an enhanced sensitivity for down-scattered neutrons in DD fusion and its experimentally observed 5-6 ns response time fulfills the requirement for down-scattered neutron detectors. A time-of-flight detector operating in the current mode using the APLF80+3Pr was designed and its feasibility observing down-scattered neutrons was demonstrated. Furthermore, a prototype design for a down-scattered neutron imaging detector was also demonstrated. This material promises viability as a future down-scattered neutron detector for the National Ignition Facility.  相似文献   

该低温恒温槽以ARM为控制系统,采用DS18B20采集温度送入数显式触摸液晶屏。显示内容包含测量温度和设置温度、工作时间和工作状态及控制指示等,能更加直观地显示低温恒温槽所需的信息量。  相似文献   

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