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A combined system of microwave imaging reflectometry and electron cyclotron emission (ECE) imaging has been developed for the Large Helical Device. This system includes a wide-band two-dimensional horn-antenna mixer array (HMA). The HMA consists of horn antennas, waveguides, mixers, and intermediate frequency circuits. The frequency response of the HMA is between 50 and 110 GHz. The ECE signal is selected using a 95 GHz local oscillator and a 93 GHz high-pass filter.  相似文献   

In order to measure the internal structure of density fluctuations using a microwave reflectometer, the broadband frequency tunable system, which has the ability of fast and stable hopping operation, has been improved in the Large Helical Device. Simultaneous multipoint measurement is the key issue of this development. For accurate phase measurement, the system utilizes a single sideband modulation technique. Currently, a dual channel heterodyne frequency hopping reflectometer system has been constructed and applied to the Alfve?n eigenmode measurements.  相似文献   

A system of beam emission spectroscopy (BES) for density fluctuation measurements having the sightlines passing through the plasma in the poloidal direction was developed in the Large Helical Device (LHD). Even though the angle between the beam and the sightline is slightly larger than a right angle, Doppler-shifted beam emission can be distinguished from background emission because of the high energy (120-170 keV) of the neutral beam for heating with negative ion sources. Spatial resolution is about 0.1-0.2 in the normalized radius. Compared with the prototype BES system with toroidal sightlines, the BES system with poloidal sightlines showed improved spatial resolution.  相似文献   

The first microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) system for characterization of fluctuating plasma density has been implemented for the TEXTOR tokamak [H. Park et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3787 (2004)]; an improved MIR system will be installed on DIII-D and KSTAR. The central issue remains in preserving phase information by addressing antenna coupling between the reflection layer and the detector array in the presence of plasma turbulence. A synthetic diagnostic making use of coupled full-wave diffractive codes has been developed in geometries and applied to a variety of optical arrangements. The effectiveness of each scheme is quantitatively compared with respect to the fluctuation levels accessible in the simulation.  相似文献   

First results of ion and electron temperature profile measurements from the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer (XICS) diagnostic on the Large Helical Device (LHD) are presented. This diagnostic system has been operational since the beginning of the 2011 LHD experimental campaign and is the first application of the XICS diagnostic technique to helical plasma geometry. The XICS diagnostic provides measurements of ion and electron temperature profiles in LHD with a spatial resolution of 2 cm and a maximum time resolution of 5 ms (typically 20 ms). Ion temperature profiles from the XICS diagnostic are possible under conditions where charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) is not possible (high density) or is perturbative to the plasma (low density or radio frequency heated plasmas). Measurements are made by using a spherically bent crystal to provide a spectrally resolved 1D image of the plasma from line integrated emission of helium-like Ar(16 +). The final hardware design and configuration are detailed along with the calibration procedures. Line-integrated ion and electron temperature measurements are presented, and the measurement accuracy is discussed. Finally central temperature measurements from the XICS system are compared to measurements from the Thomson scattering and CXRS systems, showing excellent agreement.  相似文献   

A space-resolved extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrometer working in wavelength range of 50-500 A? has been developed to measure two-dimensional distribution of impurity spectral lines emitted from edge plasma of Large Helical Device (LHD), in which the magnetic field is formed by stochastic magnetic field with three-dimensional structure called ergodic layer. The two-dimensional measurement of edge impurity line emissions is carried out by scanning horizontally the observation chord of the space-resolved EUV spectrometer during single LHD discharge. Images of CIV (312.4 A?) and HeII (303.78 A?) are presented as the first result. The results are compared with ones calculated from the edge chord length in the ergodic layer of LHD plasma.  相似文献   

We describe a microscope which allows simultaneous acquisition of Raman and near-infrared photoluminescence (NIR-PL) spectra and images. The instrument comprises an appropriately modified commercial Raman microscope, utilizes 785 nm excitation laser, and includes two detection channels for Raman and PL within the spectral ranges of ~787-1000 nm (~40-2700 cm(-1) Raman shift) and ~1050-1600 nm, respectively. The configuration can however be easily adapted for other excitation wavelengths and detection ranges. The possibility to simultaneously measure both Raman and NIR-PL spectra - exactly at the same sample locations - can be useful for various applications, for instance, for the characterisation of single-walled carbon nanotubes.  相似文献   

Matteo Pastorino   《Measurement》2004,36(3-4):257-269
Systems for electromagnetic imaging at microwave frequencies are of great interest in many applications ranging from industrial diagnostics to subsurface inspection and medical imaging. The development of efficient inverse-scattering-based procedures represents a critical aspect, due to the difficulties inherent in this nonlinear ill-posed problem. In this paper, some of the recently proposed inversion methods (both nonlinear and linearized) for two-dimensional imaging are reviewed. Concerning industrial imaging, nondestructive evaluation and medical diagnostic, tomographic approaches are presented, whereas for the inspection of buried inhomogeneities, tomographic and borehole-configurations are considered. In particular, deterministic and stochastic approaches are discussed and the most specific features of these approaches are pointed out. Finally, the issue of data collection, which is another key point of microwave imaging system, is briefly addressed, with particular emphasis on approaches based on the modulated scattering technique, which is a promising technique strongly related to electromagnetic scattering concepts.  相似文献   

We developed a total-internal-reflection (TIR) fluorescence microscopy using three dichroic mirrors and four charge-coupled devices (CCDs) to detect simultaneously four colors of single-molecule (SM) fluorophores. Four spectrally distinct species of fluorophores (Alexa 488, Cy3, Cy5, or Cy5.5) were each immobilized on a different fused silica slide. A species of fluorophores on the slide was irradiated simultaneously, by two excitation beams from an Ar ion laser (488 and 514.5 nm) and a diode laser (642 nm) through TIR on the slide surface. Fluorescence emitted from the fluorophores was spectrally resolved into four components by the dichroic mirrors, and four images were generated from them simultaneously and continuously, with the four CCDs at a rate of 10 Hz. A series of images was thus obtained with each CCD. Fluorescence spots for a species were observed mainly in the series of images recorded by its respective-color CCD. In the first image in the series, we picked out the spots as continuous pixel regions that had the values greater than a threshold. Then we selected only those spots that exhibited single-step photobleaching and regarded them as SM fluorescence spots. Pixel values of SM fluorescence spots widely differed. Some SM fluorophores had pixel values smaller than the threshold, and were left unpicked. Assuming the pixel values of SM fluorescence spots differed with a Gaussian profile, we estimated the ratios of unpicked fluorophores to be less than 20% for all the species. Because of the spectral overlaps between species, we also observed cross-talk spots into CCDs other than the respective-color CCDs. These cross-talk SM fluorescence spots can be mistaken for correct species. We thus introduced the classification method and classified SM fluorescence spots into correct species in accordance with two kinds of four-dimensional signal vectors. The error rates of fluorophore classification were estimated to be less than 3.2% for all the species. Our system is suitable for the biological studies that desire to simultaneously monitor the four colors of SM fluorophores.  相似文献   

Recently, two-dimensional microwave imaging diagnostics such as the electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) system and microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) have been developed to study magnetohydrodynamics instabilities and turbulence in magnetically confined plasmas. These imaging systems utilize large optics to collect passive emission or reflected radiation. The design of this optics can be classified into two different types: reflective or refractive optical systems. For instance, an ECEI/MIR system on the TEXTOR tokamak [Park et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3787 (2004)] employed the reflective optics which consisted of two large mirrors, while the TEXTOR ECEI upgrade [B. Tobias et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 093502 (2009)] and systems on DIII-D, ASDEX-U, and KSTAR adopted refractive systems. Each system has advantages and disadvantages in the standing wave problem and optical aberrations. In this paper, a comparative study between the two optical systems has been performed in order to design a MIR system for KSTAR.  相似文献   

文章介绍了要求一致性精度很高的圆柱斜齿轮加工方法及相关工装的设计与制造要点,为该类齿轮加工的精度保证提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

王敏敏  孙胜利 《光学精密工程》2016,24(10):2549-2556
提出一种适用于并行压缩成像系统的压缩域小目标检测算法,以便省去获得小目标位置信息时进行的图像重建环节,有效降低算法的复杂度。该方法通过并行压缩成像数学模型捕获背景以及待测图像压缩测量值,通过高斯混合模型进行压缩域背景建模,从而获得压缩域前景观测值。然后计算压缩域前景观测值与各压缩域目标位置模板的余弦相似度,根据局部阈值以及压缩域候选目标面积实现目标检测与定位。最后进行了仿真实验,分析了降采样率、测量次数、投影误差以及噪声等对目标检测效果的影响。结果表明:增大降采样率及噪声均会降低检测效果;测量次数对检测效果的贡献是有限的;测量次数为2次或3次时,可以在保证检测效果的同时有效控制运行时间。此外,噪声对检测效果影响较大,因而需要严格控制系统噪声。该方法可以在不进行任何图像重建的情况下实现目标的实时检测。  相似文献   

对移动机器人的SLAM问题的解决方法进行概述,对近年来出现的大范围环境中解决SLAM问题的主要算法进行了详细论述,探讨了SLAM问题当前的一些研究难点和研究趋势.  相似文献   

针对长平煤业为解决六盘区辅运巷掘进期间受工作面大块煤矸石影响,导致巷道内SSJ-800型带式输送出现撕带、跑偏以及漏煤眼堵塞等现象,给带式输送机安装的一套大块煤矸筛选装置,分析该装置结构原理及特点.通过实际应用来看,安装该装置后降低了带式输送机的故障率,有效防止了带式输送机跑偏现象,取得了显著的应用成效.  相似文献   

少齿数大齿数比的斜齿轮的研制和CAD技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
主要讨论了少齿数大齿数比的斜齿轮的特点和设计加工方法,以及利用CAD技术在AutoCAD2002系统中实现齿轮仿真加工的方法。  相似文献   

A precise absolute intensity calibration of a flat-field space-resolved extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrometer working in wavelength range of 60-400 ? is carried out using a new calibration technique based on radial profile measurement of the bremsstrahlung continuum in Large Helical Device. A peaked vertical profile of the EUV bremsstrahlung continuum has been successfully observed in high-density plasmas (n(e) ≥ 10(14) cm(-3)) with hydrogen ice pellet injection. The absolute calibration can be done by comparing the EUV bremsstrahlung profile with the visible bremsstrahlung profile of which the absolute value has been already calibrated using a standard lamp. The line-integrated profile of measured visible bremsstrahlung continuum is firstly converted into the local emissivity profile by considering a magnetic surface distortion due to the plasma pressure, and the local emissivity profile of EUV bremsstrahlung is secondly calculated by taking into account the electron temperature profile and free-free gaunt factor. The line-integrated profile of the EUV bremsstrahlung continuum is finally calculated from the local emissivity profile in order to compare with measured EUV bremsstrahlung profile. The absolute intensity calibration can be done by comparing measured and calculated EUV bremsstrahlung profiles. The calibration factor is thus obtained as a function of wavelength with excellent accuracy. It is also found in the profile analysis that the grating reflectivity of EUV emissions is constant along the direction perpendicular to the wavelength dispersion. Uncertainties on the calibration factor determined with the present method are discussed including charge-coupled device operation modes.  相似文献   

为了精确测量X射线CT成像系统的投影旋转中心坐标,校准投影几何坐标系,消除由其定位误差引起的CT图像伪影,在概述现有方法优缺点的基础上,分析推导了两个引理:"质点扫描一圈.其投影地址的积分为零"以及"任意两质点扫描投影正弦线的交点坐标之和为零".依据上述引理,设定合适阈值对扫描得到的正弦图进行二值化分割;根据分割结果得...  相似文献   

A method to determine the dielectric constant and loss of high-K thin film dielectrics in the microwave frequency region using the extended cavity perturbation technique is presented. The feasibility of the technique is demonstrated by the determination of the dielectric constant and loss for reactively sputtered TiO2 thin films on borosilicate glass substrates. The dielectric constant and loss is measured at 8.98, 9.96 and 10.97 GHz using a TE10n rectangular cavity. Using this technique, the dielectric properties of TiO2 films deposited under varying oxygen percentage in the sputtering atmosphere from 20% to 100% were measured. The dielectric constant and loss are found to be dependent on both the oxygen partial pressure as well as frequency of measurement. The film deposited at 50% of oxygen had a higher dielectric constant, εr = 44.35 at 8.98 GHz, where as the film deposited at 100% oxygen showed the lowest value of dielectric constant, εr = 21.36 at 10.97 GHz. The dielectric loss tangent varied from 0.004 to 0.019 depending on frequency and oxygen partial pressure. However this technique is applicable only for thin films coated on low K dielectric substrates.  相似文献   

为了实现检测角膜的表面形貌,设计了基于Placido盘的角膜地形图仪投射照明系统。首先,根据人眼的明视觉光谱光视效率、CCD元件光谱响应曲线以及仪器对面光源照度与发光均匀性的要求,进行了LED背光源设计。其次,根据角膜地形图仪检测原理,比较了球形和椭球形Placido盘的利弊,在背光源照明下分析了这两种面型Placido盘的光照情况。分析显示,椭球形Placido盘的最大辐照度优于球形盘。采用反向逆推法建立数学模型,利用Matlab软件求解确定了盘上黑白条纹环的分布。最后,根据上述设计参数进行了Placido盘加工,搭建了投影照明实验装置,并利用标准模型眼对所获得的投射照明系统进行检测。实验结果表明:在主波长为625nm的AlGalnP红色LED面光源照明的情况下,采用所设计的24环椭球型Placido盘成像到CCD上的黑白条纹环满足等间隔均匀分布的要求,检测精度可达到0.05m~(-1),较好地满足了角膜地形图仪对投射照明系统的高对比度、高精度的要求。  相似文献   

开发了一种刚体导引四位置铰链四杆机构综合与分析的可视化软件系统。主要功能有:一、任意给出四位置已知参数,计算出圆心与圆点曲线坐标,绘出圆心与圆点曲线图;二、在曲线图上任意选取两组对应点组成机构,并输出机构参数、绘制出机构图;三、自动判别机构类型,进行机构运动模拟演示;四、对综合的机构或任意给定的已知机构进行运动分析,并绘出连杆轨迹曲线和机构传动角曲线图;五、对机构进行优选,从传动角、机构类型、连杆轨迹及杆长比等方面对机构进行逐一判别,指出具有顺序缺陷、分支缺陷与回路缺陷的机构,筛选出合格的机构。  相似文献   

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