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We developed and installed an electron cyclotron emission radiometer for taking measurements of Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) plasma. In order to precisely measure the absolute value of electron temperatures, a calibration measurement of the whole radiometer system was performed, which confirmed that the radiometer has an acceptably linear output signal for changes in input temperature. It was also found that the output power level predicted by a theoretical calculation agrees with that obtained by the calibration measurement. We also showed that the system displays acceptable noise-temperature performance around 0.23 eV.  相似文献   

We present the first simultaneous measurements of the Thomson scattering and electron cyclotron emission radiometer diagnostics performed at TCABR tokamak with Alfve?n wave heating. The Thomson scattering diagnostic is an upgraded version of the one previously installed at the ISTTOK tokamak, while the electron cyclotron emission radiometer employs a heterodyne sweeping radiometer. For purely Ohmic discharges, the electron temperature measurements from both diagnostics are in good agreement. Additional Alfve?n wave heating does not affect the capability of the Thomson scattering diagnostic to measure the instantaneous electron temperature, whereas measurements from the electron cyclotron emission radiometer become underestimates of the actual temperature values.  相似文献   

A new electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostics system was installed for the Second Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) campaign. The new ECE system consists of an ECE collecting optics system, an overmode circular corrugated waveguide system, and 48 channel heterodyne radiometer with the frequency range of 110-162 GHz. During the 2 T operation of the KSTAR tokamak, the electron temperatures as well as its radial profiles at the high field side were measured and sawtooth phenomena were also observed. We also discuss the effect of a window on in situ calibration.  相似文献   

The installation of a new electron cyclotron emission imaging diagnostic for the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) is underway, making use of a unique optical port cassette design, which allows placement of refractive elements inside the cryostat region without adverse effects. The result is unprecedented window access for the implementation of a state of the art imaging diagnostic. A dual-array optical design has been developed, capable of simultaneously imaging the high and low field sides of the plasma with independent features of focal plane translation, vertical zoom, and radial channel spacing. The number of translating optics has been minimized by making use of a zoom lens triplet and parabolic plasma facing lens for maximum channel uniformity over a continuous vertical zoom range of 3:1. The simulated performance of this design is presented along with preliminary laboratory characterization data.  相似文献   

A combined system of microwave imaging reflectometry and electron cyclotron emission (ECE) imaging has been developed for the Large Helical Device. This system includes a wide-band two-dimensional horn-antenna mixer array (HMA). The HMA consists of horn antennas, waveguides, mixers, and intermediate frequency circuits. The frequency response of the HMA is between 50 and 110 GHz. The ECE signal is selected using a 95 GHz local oscillator and a 93 GHz high-pass filter.  相似文献   

A fast electron bremsstrahlung (FEB) diagnostic technique based on cadmium telluride (CdTe) detector has been developed recently in the HL-2A tokamak for measurements of the temporal evolution of FEB emission in the energy range of 10-200 keV. With a perpendicular viewing into the plasma on the equatorial plane, the hard x-ray spectra with eight different energy channels are measured. The discrimination of the spectra is implemented by an accurate spectrometry. The system also makes use of fast digitization and software signal processing technology. An ambient environment of neutrons, gammas, and magnetic disturbance requires careful shielding. During electron cyclotron resonance heating, the generation of fast electrons and the oscillations of electron fishbone (e-fishbone) have been found. Using the FEB measurement system, it has been experimentally identified that the mode strongly correlates with the electron cyclotron resonance heating produced fast electrons with 30-70 keV.  相似文献   

A new electron cyclotron emission imaging diagnostic has been commissioned on the DIII-D tokamak. Dual detector arrays provide simultaneous two-dimensional images of T(e) fluctuations over radially distinct and reconfigurable regions, each with both vertical and radial zoom capability. A total of 320 (20?vertical×16?radial) channels are available. First data from this diagnostic demonstrate the acquisition of coherent electron temperature fluctuations as low as 0.1% with excellent clarity and spatial resolution. Details of the diagnostic features and capabilities are presented.  相似文献   

We have developed a fast-scanning heterodyne receiver into a plasma diagnostic that measures the fundamental cyclotron emission from the PLT plasma and thus ascertains the time evolution of the electron temperature profile. The receiver scans 60-90 GHz every 10 ms and is interfaced to a computer for completely automated calibrated temperature measurements.  相似文献   

The newly installed electron cyclotron emission imaging diagnostic on ASDEX Upgrade provides measurements of the 2D electron temperature dynamics with high spatial and temporal resolution. An overview of the technical and experimental properties of the system is presented. These properties are illustrated by the measurements of the edge localized mode and the reversed shear Alfve?n eigenmode, showing both the advantage of having a two-dimensional (2D) measurement, as well as some of the limitations of electron cyclotron emission measurements. Furthermore, the application of singular value decomposition as a powerful tool for analyzing and filtering 2D data is presented.  相似文献   

A Martin Puplett interferometer for electron cyclotron emission (ECE) measurements from JET tokamak plasmas was extended to multichannel operation for simultaneous radial and oblique ECE measurements. This paper describes the new optics and the instrument's performance.  相似文献   

A new innovative electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) diagnostic system for the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) produces a large amount of data. The design of the data acquisition and processing system of the ECEI diagnostic system should consider covering the large data production and flow. The system design is based on the layered structure scalable to the future extension to accommodate increasing data demands. Software architecture that allows a web-based monitoring of the operation status, remote experiment, and data analysis is discussed. The operating software will help machine operators and users validate the acquired data promptly, prepare next discharge, and enhance the experiment performance and data analysis in a distributed environment.  相似文献   

The quasioptical design of a new integrated Doppler backscattering (DBS) and correlation electron cyclotron emission (CECE) system is presented. The design provides for simultaneous measurements of intermediate wavenumber density and long wavelength electron temperature turbulence behavior. The Doppler backscattering technique is sensitive to plasma turbulence flow and has been utilized to determine radial electric field, geodesic acoustic modes, zonal flows, and intermediate scale (k~1-6?cm(-1)) density turbulence. The correlation ECE system measures a second turbulent field, electron temperature fluctuations, and is sensitive to long poloidal wavelength (k≤1.8?cm(-1)). The integrated system utilizes a newly installed in-vessel focusing mirror that produces a beam waist diameter of 3.5-5 cm in the plasma depending on the frequency. A single antenna (i.e., monostatic operation) is used for both launch and receive. The DBS wavenumber is selected via an adjustable launch angle and variable probing frequency. Due to the unique system design both positive and negative wavenumbers can be obtained, with a range of low to intermediate wavenumbers possible (approximately -3 to 10?cm(-1)). A unique feature of the design is the ability to place the DBS and CECE measurements at the same radial and poloidal locations allowing for cross correlation studies (e.g., measurement of nT cross-phase).  相似文献   

The oblique electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostic installed at JET allows simultaneous analysis of the ECE spectra along three lines of sight (with toroidal angles of 0°, ~ 10°, and ~ 20°) and two linear polarizations for each oblique line of sight. The diagnostic is capable of measuring EC emission over the band of 75–800 GHz with 5 ms time resolution and 7.5 GHz spectral resolution, and it is designed to investigate the features of ECE spectra related to electron distribution in the thermal velocity range. Instrumental accuracy was assessed using sources at different temperatures (77–900 K) and with plasma emission. ECE from high temperature plasmas and in the presence of fast ions has been compared to simulations performed with the modeling code SPECE, setting an upper limit to possible discrepancies from thermal emission.  相似文献   

The work presents the results of upgrading of microwave spectroradiometer for ground-based remote sensing of Earth’s ozone layer improving essentially the noise temperature (up to value less 1500 K). For this, the low-noise high frequency amplifier was set up in front of the receiver and temperature control of the instrument was changed for stable work of the amplifier.  相似文献   

The secondary electron emission induced by electrons in the energy range 2.5–25 keV was measured in a SEM. Values of the emission coefficient for C, Al, Cu, Mo, Ag and Au are presented showing that it varies systematically with atomic number. The coefficient is still appreciable at 25 keV beam energy. The signal from the secondary electron collector in the SEM includes large contributions from sources other than secondary electron emission from the specimen. These contributions are discussed and their relative importance measured. Physics Abstracts classification numbers: 0.690, 8.900  相似文献   

Influence of shear flows of the dense plasma created under conditions of the electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) gas breakdown on the plasma confinement in the axisymmetric mirror trap ("vortex" confinement) was studied experimentally and theoretically. A limiter with bias potential was set inside the mirror trap for plasma rotation. The limiter construction and the optimal value of the potential were chosen according to the results of the preliminary theoretical analysis. This method of "vortex" confinement realization in an axisymmetric mirror trap for non-equilibrium heavy-ion plasmas seems to be promising for creation of ECR multicharged ion sources with high magnetic fields, more than 1 T.  相似文献   

超声波近场悬浮稳定性提高方法与实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在超声波近场悬浮系统中,回复力的大小是影响悬浮稳定性的重要因素。在分析悬浮片和变幅杆中间空气层的流速分布的基础上,根据空气粘性切应力理论解释了回复力的来源,提出新的回复力理论模型,并根据该回复力理论模型得到提高悬浮稳定性的办法,即提高变幅杆边缘位置的声压和降低变幅杆中心位置声压。应用有限元方法设计并制造了球面端面变幅杆,和传统的平面端面变幅杆进行对比实验,将不同质量的悬浮片偏心不同距离放置,分别测量了其往复运动的周期和不同位置的悬浮片倾角。实验结果证明了该理论模型的合理。  相似文献   

A microwave radiometer for a wavelength of 10.5 cm with a frequency band of received signals of 200 MHz is described. It allows one to perform remote noninvasive temperature measurements deep in a biological object. The use of a modified null–reception method as the basis of the instrument operation made it possible to reduce the influence of the reflectance at the location of the contact between an applicator antenna and a body on the measurement accuracy and increase the dynamic characteristics during mapping of a biological object. At a storage signal time of 1 s, the measurement accuracy was 0.047 K. The output–signal changes were within 0.1 K when the reflectance was varied from 0.1 to 0.5.  相似文献   

It was at the beginning of 1986 when I was summoned by I.I. Vorovich, director of our Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics at Rostov State University. He instructed me (at that time, I was the head of the acoustic emission laboratory) to prepare for a business trip to Moscow. The reason for this was that, a few days before our conversation, Yu.A. Zhdanov, rector of the Rostov State University (RSU), received the following letter from Moscow signed by the Commander of the Dzerzhinskii Military Academy (now the Peter the Great Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces):  相似文献   

An electron cyclotron resonance charge breeder for the Californium rare ion breeder upgrade (CARIBU), a new radioactive beam facility for the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS), has been constructed and commissioned. Charge breeding efficiencies up to 15.6% have been realized for stable beams with a typical breeding time of 10 ms∕charge state. The CARIBU system has been undergoing commissioning tests utilizing a 100 mCi (252)Cf fission source. A charge breeding efficiency of 14.8 ± 5% has been achieved for the first radioactive beam of (143)Cs(27+).  相似文献   

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