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A combined system of microwave imaging reflectometry and electron cyclotron emission (ECE) imaging has been developed for the Large Helical Device. This system includes a wide-band two-dimensional horn-antenna mixer array (HMA). The HMA consists of horn antennas, waveguides, mixers, and intermediate frequency circuits. The frequency response of the HMA is between 50 and 110 GHz. The ECE signal is selected using a 95 GHz local oscillator and a 93 GHz high-pass filter.  相似文献   

The ECE imaging (ECEI) diagnostic tested on the TEXTOR tokamak revealed the sawtooth reconnection physics in unprecedented detail, including the first observation of high-field-side crash and collective heat transport [H. K. Park, N. C. Luhmann, Jr., A. J. H. Donne? et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 195003 (2006)]. An improved ECEI system capable of visualizing both high- and low-field sides simultaneously with considerably better spatial coverage has been developed for the KSTAR tokamak in order to capture the full picture of core MHD dynamics. Direct 2D imaging of other MHD phenomena such as tearing modes, edge localized modes, and even Alfve?n eigenmodes is expected to be feasible. Use of ECE images of the optically thin edge region to recover 2D electron density changes during L/H mode transitions is also envisioned, providing powerful information about the underlying physics. The influence of density fluctuations on optically thin ECE is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to measure the internal structure of density fluctuations using a microwave reflectometer, the broadband frequency tunable system, which has the ability of fast and stable hopping operation, has been improved in the Large Helical Device. Simultaneous multipoint measurement is the key issue of this development. For accurate phase measurement, the system utilizes a single sideband modulation technique. Currently, a dual channel heterodyne frequency hopping reflectometer system has been constructed and applied to the Alfve?n eigenmode measurements.  相似文献   

We report here on the application of an ultrashort-pulse reflectometer (USPR) to Large Helical Device in National Institute for Fusion Science. An impulse with picosecond pulse width is used as a source in an USPR. Since the bandwidth of a source is inversely related to the pulse width, we can utilize the frequency range of microwave to millimeter-wave by using wide band transmission lines. The density profiles can be reconstructed by collecting time-of-flight signal of each frequency component of an impulse reflected from each cutoff layer. Remote control system using super science information network has been introduced to the present USPR system.  相似文献   

A space-resolved extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrometer working in wavelength range of 50-500 A? has been developed to measure two-dimensional distribution of impurity spectral lines emitted from edge plasma of Large Helical Device (LHD), in which the magnetic field is formed by stochastic magnetic field with three-dimensional structure called ergodic layer. The two-dimensional measurement of edge impurity line emissions is carried out by scanning horizontally the observation chord of the space-resolved EUV spectrometer during single LHD discharge. Images of CIV (312.4 A?) and HeII (303.78 A?) are presented as the first result. The results are compared with ones calculated from the edge chord length in the ergodic layer of LHD plasma.  相似文献   

Deuterium experiment on the Large Helical Device (LHD) is now being planned at the National Institute for Fusion Science. The fusion product diagnostics systems currently considered for installation on LHD are described in this paper. The systems will include a time-resolved neutron yield monitor based on neutron gas counters, a time-integrated neutron yield monitor based on activation techniques, a multicollimator scintillation detector array for diagnosing spatial distribution of neutron emission rate, 2.5 MeV neutron spectrometer, 14 MeV neutron counter, and prompt γ-ray diagnostics.  相似文献   

A beam emission spectroscopy (BES) system was developed for density gradient and fluctuation diagnostics in the Large Helical Device (LHD). In order to cover the large Doppler shift of the Hα beam emission because of the high-energy negative-ion-based neutral beam atom (acceleration voltage V(acc)=90-170?kV) and the large motional Stark splitting due to the large v×B field (magnetic field B=3.0?T), a grating spectrometer was used instead of a conventional interference filter system. The reciprocal linear dispersion is about 2 nm/mm, which is sufficient to cover the motional Stark effect spectra using an optical fiber with a diameter of 1 mm.  相似文献   

An avalanche photodiode based (APD) detector for the visible wavelength range was developed for low light level, high frequency beam emission spectroscopy (BES) experiments in fusion plasmas. This solid state detector has higher quantum efficiency than photomultiplier tubes, and unlike normal photodiodes, it has internal gain. This paper describes the developed detector as well as the noise model of the electronic circuit. By understanding the noise sources and the amplification process, the optimal amplifier and APD reverse voltage setting can be determined, where the signal-to-noise ratio is the highest for a given photon flux. The calculations are compared to the absolute calibration results of the implemented circuit. It was found that for a certain photon flux range, relevant for BES measurements (≈10(8)-10(10)?photons/s), the new detector is superior to both photomultipliers and photodiodes, although it does not require cryogenic cooling of any component. The position of this photon flux window sensitively depends on the parameters of the actual experimental implementation (desired bandwidth, detector size, etc.) Several detector units based on these developments have been built and installed in various tokamaks. Some illustrative results are presented from the 8-channel trial BES system installed at Mega-Ampere Spherical Tokamak (MAST) and the 16-channel BES system installed at the Torus Experiment for Technology Oriented Research (TEXTOR).  相似文献   

A simultaneous projection/detection system of four different frequencies for microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) was developed for three-dimensional observation of electron density fluctuations in the Large Helical Device (LHD). The microwave with four frequency components at 60.410, 61.808, 63.008, and 64.610 GHz is projected in a continuous-wave mode to illuminate the target LHD plasma. A two-dimensional horn-antenna mixer array (2D HMA) receives the reflected wave from the plasma as well as the wave from the local oscillator operating at 55.800 GHz. The first intermediate frequency (IF) signals at 4.610, 6.008, 7.208, and 8.810 GHz were confirmed to be obtained by downconversion of these microwaves using the 2D HMA. Each of these first IF components is filtered from each other and downconverted again for the superheterodyne detection. It was confirmed that both the amplitudes and the phases of the detected signals reflect the fluctuations in LHD plasmas.  相似文献   

A beam emission spectroscopy (BES) system has been installed on the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) to study ion gyroscale fluctuations. The BES system measures D(α) emission from a deuterium neutral heating beam. The system includes two optical views centered at r/a≈0.45 and 0.85 and aligned to magnetic field pitch angles at the neutral beam. f/1.5 collection optics produce 2-3 cm spot sizes at the neutral beam. The initial channel layout includes radial arrays, poloidal arrays, and two-dimensional grids. Radial arrays provide coverage from r/a≈0.1 to beyond the last-closed flux surface. Photodetectors and digital filters provide high-sensitivity, low-noise measurements at frequencies of up to 1 MHz. The BES system will be a valuable tool for investigating ion gyroscale turbulence and Alfve?n/energetic particle modes on NSTX.  相似文献   

A novel integrated charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS)/beam emission spectroscopy (BES) system is proposed for C-Mod, in which both measurements are taken from a shared viewing geometry. The supplementary BES system serves to quantify local beam densities and supplants the common calculation of beam attenuation. The new system employs two optical viewing arrays, 20 poloidal and 22 toroidal channels. A dichroic filter splits the light between two spectrometers operating at different wavelengths for impurity ion and beam neutrals emission. In this arrangement, the impurity density is inferred from the electron density, measured BES and CXRS spectral radiances, and atomic emission rates.  相似文献   

Differential interferometry employs two parallel laser beams with a small spatial offset (less than beam width) and frequency difference (1-2 MHz) using common optics and a single mixer for a heterodyne detection. The differential approach allows measurement of the electron density gradient, its fluctuations, as well as the equilibrium density distribution. This novel interferometry technique is immune to fringe skip errors and is particularly useful in harsh plasma environments. Accurate calibration of the beam spatial offset, accomplished by use of a rotating dielectric wedge, is required to enable broad application of this approach. Differential interferometry has been successfully used on the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch plasma to directly measure fluctuation-induced transport along with equilibrium density profile evolution during pellet injection. In addition, by combining differential and conventional interferometry, both linear and nonlinear terms of the electron density fluctuation energy equation can be determined, thereby allowing quantitative investigation of the origin of the density fluctuations. The concept, calibration, and application of differential interferometry are presented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of the beam emission spectroscopy (BES) to Heliotron J, having the nonsymmetrical helical-magnetic-axis configuration. The spectral and spatial profile of the beam emission has been estimated by the numerical calculation taking the collisional excitation processes between plasmas (electrons/ions) and beam atoms. Two sets of the sightlines with good spatial resolution are presented. One is the optimized viewing chords which have 20 sightlines and observe the whole plasma region with the spatial resolution Δρ less than ±0.055 using the newly designed viewing port. The other is 15 sightlines from the present viewing port of Heliotron J for the preliminary measurement to discuss the feasibility of the density fluctuation measurement by BES. The beam emission has been measured by a monochromator with a CCD camera. A good consistency has been obtained between the spectral profiles of the beam emission measured by the monochromator and the beam emission spectrum deduced by the model calculation. An avalanche photodiode with an interference filter system was also used to evaluate the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the beam emission in the present experimental setup. The modification of the optical system is being planned to improve the S/N ratio, which will enable us to estimate the density fluctuation in Heliotron J.  相似文献   

A new beam emission spectroscopy turbulence imaging system has recently been installed onto the MAST spherical tokamak. The system utilises a high-throughput, direct coupled imaging optics, and a single large interference filter for collection of the Doppler shifted D(α) emission from the ~2 MW heating beam of ~70 keV injection energy. The collected light is imaged onto a 2D array detector with 8 × 4 avalanche photodiode sensors which is incorporated into a custom camera unit to perform simultaneous 14-bit digitization at 2 MHz of all 32 channels. The array is imaged at the beam to achieve a spatial resolution of ~2 cm in the radial (horizontal) and poloidal (vertical) directions, which is sufficient for detection of the ion-scale plasma turbulence. At the typical photon fluxes of ~10(11) s(-1) the achieved signal-to-noise ratio of ~300 at the 0.5 MHz analogue bandwidth is sufficient for detection of relative density fluctuations at the level of a few 0.1%. The system is to be utilised for the study of the characteristics of the broadband, ion-scale turbulence, in particular its interaction with flow shear, as well as coherent fluctuations due to various types of MHD activity.  相似文献   

目前,辉光放电发射光谱仪对不同样品的每次检测都需要进行工作曲线的再校准,不仅增加了工作量也降低了工作效率。本文对这一问题进行了研究,提出了一种检测结果的数学推算方法,并进行了大量的测试验证,从而证实了这种方法的可行性。  相似文献   

A facility will be built in Padova (Italy) to develop, commission, and optimize the neutral beam injection system for ITER. The full scale prototype negative ion radio frequency source SPIDER, featuring up to 100 kV acceleration voltage, includes a full set of diagnostics, required for safe operation and to measure and optimize the beam performance. Among them, beam emission spectroscopy (BES) will be used to measure the line integrated beam uniformity, divergence, and neutralization losses inside the accelerator (stripping losses). In the absence of the neutralization stage, SPIDER beam is mainly composed by H(-) or D(-) particles, according to the source filling gas. The capability of a spectroscopic diagnostic of an H(-) (D(-)) beam relies on the interaction of the beam particles with the background gas particles. The BES diagnostic will be able to acquire the H(α) (D(α)) spectrum from up to 40 lines of sight. The system is capable to resolve stripping losses down to 2 keV and to measure beam divergence with an accuracy of about 10%. The design of this diagnostic is reported, with discussion of the layout and its components, together with simulations of the expected performance.  相似文献   

针对复合轴强激光系统光路装调的需求,充分考虑了轴系多,功率密度大等特点,设计出一种光路对准检测方法,对上下行光路进行自准直.同时在上行光路中,建立基准光,利用基准镜内缘的小孔,进行光路对准检测.  相似文献   

First results of ion and electron temperature profile measurements from the x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer (XICS) diagnostic on the Large Helical Device (LHD) are presented. This diagnostic system has been operational since the beginning of the 2011 LHD experimental campaign and is the first application of the XICS diagnostic technique to helical plasma geometry. The XICS diagnostic provides measurements of ion and electron temperature profiles in LHD with a spatial resolution of 2 cm and a maximum time resolution of 5 ms (typically 20 ms). Ion temperature profiles from the XICS diagnostic are possible under conditions where charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) is not possible (high density) or is perturbative to the plasma (low density or radio frequency heated plasmas). Measurements are made by using a spherically bent crystal to provide a spectrally resolved 1D image of the plasma from line integrated emission of helium-like Ar(16 +). The final hardware design and configuration are detailed along with the calibration procedures. Line-integrated ion and electron temperature measurements are presented, and the measurement accuracy is discussed. Finally central temperature measurements from the XICS system are compared to measurements from the Thomson scattering and CXRS systems, showing excellent agreement.  相似文献   

The beam emission spectroscopy (BES) turbulence diagnostic on MAST is to be upgraded in June 2010 from a one-dimensional trial system to a two-dimensional imaging system (8?radial×4?poloidal channels) based on a newly developed avalanche photodiode array camera. The spatial resolution of the new system is calculated in terms of the point spread function to account for the effects of field-line curvature, observation geometry, the finite lifetime of the excited state of the beam atoms, and beam attenuation and divergence. It is found that the radial spatial resolution is ~2-3?cm and the poloidal spatial resolution ~1-5?cm depending on the radial viewing location. The absolute number of detected photons is also calculated, hence the photon noise level can be determined.  相似文献   

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