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An O-mode reflectometer at a frequency of 25.85 GHz was applied to plasmas heated by the high harmonic fast wave (21 MHz) in the TST-2 spherical tokamak. An oscillation in the phase of the reflected microwave in the rf range was observed directly for the first time. In TST-2, the rf (250 kW) induced density oscillation depends mainly on the poloidal rf electric field, which is estimated to be about 0.2 kV/m rms by the reflectometer measurement. Sideband peaks separated in frequency by ion cyclotron harmonics from 21 MHz, and peaks at ion cyclotron harmonics which are suggested to be quasimodes generated by parametric decay, were detected.  相似文献   

A swept-frequency X-mode reflectometer is being built for Alcator C-Mod to measure the scrape-off layer density profiles at the top, middle, and bottom locations in front of both the new lower hybrid launcher and the new ion cyclotron range of frequencies antenna. The system is planned to operate between 100 and 146 GHz at sweep rates from 10?μs to 1 ms, and will cover a density range of approximately 10(16)-10(20)?m(-3) at B(0)=5-5.4?T. To minimize the effects of density fluctuations, both differential phase and full phase reflectometry will be employed. Design, test data, and calibration results of this electronics system will be discussed. To reduce attenuation losses, tallguide (TE(01)) will be used for most of the transmission line system. Simulations of high mode conversion in tallguide components, such as e-plane hyperbolic secant radius of curvature bends, tapers, and horn antennas will be shown. Experimental measurements of the total attenuation losses of these components in the lower hybrid waveguide run will also be presented.  相似文献   

Microwave reflectometry will be used on ITER to measure the electron density profile, density fluctuations due to MHD/turbulence, edge localized mode (ELM) density transients, and as an L-H transition monitor. The ITER low field side reflectometer system will measure both core and edge quantities using multiple antenna arrays spanning frequency ranges of 15-155 GHz for the O-mode system and 55-220 GHz for the X-mode system. Optimization studies using the GENRAY ray-tracing code have been done for edge and core measurements. The reflectometer launchers will utilize the HE11 mode launched from circular corrugated waveguide. The launched beams are assumed to be Gaussian with a beam waist diameter of 0.643 times the waveguide diameter. Optimum launcher size and placement are investigated by computing the antenna coupling between launchers, assuming the launched and received beams have a Gaussian beam pattern.  相似文献   

A poloidally viewing far infrared polarimeter diagnostic is being developed for the Alcator C-Mod tokamak, and will be used to determine the q-profile and to study density and magnetic field fluctuations. A three-chord version of what will eventually be up to a ten-chord system has been designed and fabricated and will be installed on C-Mod before the end of the current run period. Bench tests of a single chord mock-up of this system show acceptable noise levels for the planned measurements. We will discuss the analysis and experimental techniques used to diagnose and reduce noise sources.  相似文献   

New x-ray imaging crystal spectrometers, currently operating on Alcator C-Mod, NSTX, EAST, and KSTAR, record spectral lines of highly charged ions, such as Ar(16+), from multiple sightlines to obtain profiles of ion temperature and of toroidal plasma rotation velocity from Doppler measurements. In the present work, we describe a new data analysis routine, which accounts for the specific geometry of the sightlines of a curved-crystal spectrometer and includes corrections for the Johann error to facilitate the tomographic inversion. Such corrections are important to distinguish velocity induced Doppler shifts from instrumental line shifts caused by the Johann error. The importance of this correction is demonstrated using data from Alcator C-Mod.  相似文献   

Imaging x-ray crystal spectrometer (XCS) arrays are being developed as a US-ITER activity for Doppler measurement of T(i) and v profiles of impurities (W, Kr, and Fe) with ~7?cm (a/30) and 10-100 ms resolution in ITER. The imaging XCS, modeled after a prototype instrument on Alcator C-Mod, uses a spherically bent crystal and 2D x-ray detectors to achieve high spectral resolving power (E/dE>6000) horizontally and spatial imaging vertically. Two arrays will measure T(i) and both poloidal and toroidal rotation velocity profiles. The measurement of many spatial chords permits tomographic inversion for the inference of local parameters. The instrument design, predictions of performance, and results from C-Mod are presented.  相似文献   

The ideal in situ plasma facing component (PFC) diagnostic for magnetic fusion devices would perform surface element and isotope composition measurements on a shot-to-shot (~10?min) time scale with ~1?μm depth and ~1?cm spatial resolution over large areas of PFCs. To this end, the experimental adaptation of the customary laboratory surface diagnostic--nuclear scattering of MeV ions--to the Alcator C-Mod tokamak is being guided by ACRONYM, a Geant4 synthetic diagnostic. The diagnostic technique and ACRONYM are described, and synthetic measurements of film thickness for boron-coated PFCs are presented.  相似文献   

Alcator C-Mod is a particularly challenging environment for thermography. It presents issues that will similarly face ITER, including low-emissivity metal targets, low-Z surface films, and closed divertor geometry. In order to make measurements of the incident divertor heat flux using IR thermography, the C-Mod divertor has been modified and instrumented. A 6° toroidal sector has been given a 2° toroidal ramp in order to eliminate magnetic field-line shadowing by imperfectly aligned divertor tiles. This sector is viewed from above by a toroidally displaced IR camera and is instrumented with thermocouples and calorimeters. The camera provides time histories of surface temperatures that are used to compute incident heat-flux profiles. The camera sensitivity is calibrated in situ using the embedded thermocouples, thus correcting for changes and nonuniformities in surface emissivity due to surface coatings.  相似文献   

A new laser blow-off system for use in impurity transport studies on Alcator C-Mod was developed and installed for the 2009 run campaign. Its design included capabilities for multiple impurity injections during a single plasma pulse and remote manipulation of the ablated spot size. The system uses a 0.68 J, Nd:YAG laser operating at up to 10 Hz coupled with the fast beam steering via a 2D piezoelectric mirror mount able to move spot locations in the 100 ms between laser pulses and a remote controllable optical train that allow ablated spot sizes to vary from ~0.5 to 7 mm. The ability to ablate a wide range in target Z along with Alcator C-Mod's extensive diagnostic capabilities (soft x-ray, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), charge exchange spectroscopy, etc.) allows for detailed studies of the impurity transport dependencies and mechanisms. This system has demonstrated the achievement of all its design goals including the ability for non-perturbative operation allowing for insight into underlying impurity transport processes. A detailed overview of the laser blow-off system and initial results of operation are presented. This includes an investigation into the characterization of impurity confinement in the I-mode confinement regime recently investigated on C-Mod.  相似文献   

A frequency scanning O-mode reflectometer was used for studies of plasma density oscillations during local Alfve?n wave (LAW) excitation in the Tokamak Chauffage Alfve?n Bre?silien (TCABR) at the frequency f(A) = 5 MHz. It was found that the spectrum of the reflectometer output signal, which consists mainly of the "beat" frequency f(B), is modified by the LAW excitation, and two additional frequency peaks appear, which are symmetrical in relation to the LAW excitation frequency f = f(A) ± f(B). This result opens the possibility to improve the efficiency of studying the LAW induced density oscillations. The symmetry of these frequency peaks yields the possibility of finding the microwave frequency at which the reflectometer cutoff layer coincides with radial position of the LAW resonance zone in the TCABR tokamak.  相似文献   

In order to measure the internal structure of density fluctuations using a microwave reflectometer, the broadband frequency tunable system, which has the ability of fast and stable hopping operation, has been improved in the Large Helical Device. Simultaneous multipoint measurement is the key issue of this development. For accurate phase measurement, the system utilizes a single sideband modulation technique. Currently, a dual channel heterodyne frequency hopping reflectometer system has been constructed and applied to the Alfve?n eigenmode measurements.  相似文献   

A scintillator-based energetic ion loss detector has been successfully commissioned on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. This probe is located just below the outer midplane, where it captures ions of energies up to 2 MeV resulting from ion cyclotron resonance heating. After passing through a collimating aperture, ions impact different regions of the scintillator according to their gyroradius (energy) and pitch angle. The probe geometry and installation location are determined based on modeling of expected lost ions. The resulting probe is compact and resembles a standard plasma facing tile. Four separate fiber optic cables view different regions of the scintillator to provide phase space resolution. Evolving loss levels are measured during ion cyclotron resonance heating, including variation dependent upon individual antennae.  相似文献   

A high-resolution x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer, whose concept was tested on NSTX and Alcator C-Mod, is being designed for the large helical device (LHD). This instrument will record spatially resolved spectra of helium-like Ar(16+) and will provide ion temperature profiles with spatial and temporal resolutions of <2?cm and ≥10?ms, respectively. The spectrometer layout and instrumental features are largely determined by the magnetic field structure of LHD. The stellarator equilibrium reconstruction codes, STELLOPT and PIES, will be used for the tomographic inversion of the spectral data.  相似文献   

Two dimensional (2D) plasma image analysis is useful to study the improvement of plasma confinement in magnetically confined fusion plasmas. We have constructed a 2D interferometer system with phase imaging method for studying 2D plasma density distribution and its fluctuation measurement in the tandem mirror GAMMA 10. 2D profiles of electron density and its fluctuation have been successfully obtained by using this 2D phase imaging system. We show that 2D plasma density and fluctuation profiles clearly depends on the axial confining potential formation with application of plug electron cyclotron heating in GAMMA 10.  相似文献   

We present simultaneous Thomson-scattering measurements of light scattered from ion-acoustic and electron-plasma fluctuations in a N(2) gas jet plasma. By varying the plasma density from 1.5×10(18) to 4.0×10(19)?cm(-3) and the temperature from 100 to 600 eV, we observe the transition from the collective regime to the noncollective regime in the high-frequency Thomson-scattering spectrum. These measurements allow an accurate local measurement of fundamental plasma parameters: electron temperature, density, and ion temperature. Furthermore, experiments performed in the high densities typically found in laser produced plasmas result in scattering from electrons moving near the phase velocity of the relativistic plasma waves. Therefore, it is shown that even at low temperatures relativistic corrections to the scattered power must be included.  相似文献   

Reflectometry profile measurement requires an accurate determination of the plasma reflected signal. Along with a good resolution and a high signal to noise ratio of the phase measurement, adequate data analysis is required. A new data processing based on time-frequency tomographic representation is used. It provides a clearer separation between multiple components and improves isolation of the relevant signals. In this paper, this data processing technique is applied to two sets of signals coming from two different reflectometer devices used on the Tore Supra tokamak. For the standard density profile reflectometry, it improves the initialization process and its reliability, providing a more accurate profile determination in the far scrape-off layer with density measurements as low as 10(16) m(-1). For a second reflectometer, which provides measurements in front of a lower hybrid launcher, this method improves the separation of the relevant plasma signal from multi-reflection processes due to the proximity of the plasma.  相似文献   

The multichannel interferometer system on the helically symmetric experiment (HSX) stellarator is reconfigured to perform far-forward collective scattering measurements of electron density fluctuations. The collective scattering system has nine viewing chords with 1.5 cm spacing. Scattered power is measured using a homodyne detection scheme. Far-forward collective scattering provides a line-integrated measurement of fluctuations within the divergence of the probe beam covering wavenumber range: k(⊥)<2?cm(-1). The perpendicular wavenumber consists of poloidal and radial contributions that vary with chord position. Both coherent modes and broadband fluctuation are measured. When HSX is operated without quasihelical symmetry at B(T)=1?T and n(e)~4×10(12)?cm(-3), a coherent electrostatic fluctuation is observed.  相似文献   

针对飞行器在轨飞行时高空大气密度波动剧烈、气动特性辨识难度大等特点,提出了一种基于瑞利散射理论的成像激光雷达大气密度测量方法。利用气体分子的瑞利散射光强与分子密度成正比的特性,通过分析电子倍增成像探测器(EMCCD)拍摄的测量流场区域内激光后向瑞利散射光柱,得到了不同距离处高精度的在线大气密度数据。搭建了基于空间飞行器平台的大气密度在轨测量装置,并对该装置进行了标定。结果表明,所述方法对大气密度的测量精度不大于5%,且具有非接触、时间分辨率高等特点,因此在优化飞行器结构设计、提高气动辨识等方面具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Contrast and specimen resolution in electron micrographs of point defects, voids, aggregates, and precipitates in crystalline material are diminished by multiple scattering of the incident electrons within the crystalline top layer. For the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) the current density distribution inside the crystal has been calculated by employing the k · p perturbation expansion used in solid state physics. Neglecting inelastic scattering the solution of the electron wave function within the crystal can be expressed as a sum of Bloch waves. The excited Bloch waves are expanded in a power series of the angle of incidence, and only terms up to the second order inclusively are taken into account. This procedure permits the analytical integration over the illumination angles in STEM or the aperture angles in the case of a fixed-beam electron microscope (FBEM). Considering only the two strongest Bloch waves an approximate formula is obtained for the current density distribution within the crystal which is valid for light atoms and resolution limits larger than twice the lattice constant. In the case of heavy atoms the approximation for the current density is only valid in the region near the atoms. As the incident electrons channel along the atom rows beam broadening within the crystal is largely suppressed up to depths of about 1000 Å. The image contrast of an embedded scatterer resting on an atom row is strongly enhanced, whereas it is diminished when the scatterer is located midway among the atom rows. The proposed method makes possible a fast calculation of the electron wave propagating in crystalline material.  相似文献   

The heterodyne hopping reflectometer system based on wide-tuned low noise yttrium iron garnet sources was developed for TEXTOR experiment. Being installed in 1998 it successfully operates more than 10 years providing the measurements of plasma density fluctuations. Owing to the advance multihorn antennae systems installed at three different positions around the tokamak, the correlation properties as well as the propagation measurements of plasma density fluctuations are realized. The reflectometer operates in ordinary polarization mode providing the access mostly to plasma gradient and pedestal region. The capabilities of the diagnostic are illustrated with the examples of measured fluctuation characteristics in the variety of TEXTOR plasmas.  相似文献   

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