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High mutation rates and strong selective pressures imposed on human immunodeficiency viruses in vivo result in the formation of pools of genetic variants known as quasispecies. DNA heteroduplex mobility and tracking analyses were used to monitor the generation of HIV sequence diversity, to estimate quasispecies complexity, and to assess the turnover of genetic variants to approach an understanding of the relationship between viral quasispecies evolution in vivo and disease progression. Proviral DNA pools were nearly homogeneous soon after sexual transmission. The emergence and clearance of individual variants then occurred at different rates in different individuals. High quasispecies complexity was found in long-term-infected, asymptomatic individuals, while rapid CD4+ cell decline and AIDS were often, but not always, associated with lower quasispecies complexity. Proviral genetic variation was often low following in vitro culture, because of the outgrowth of one or a few variants that often became more abundant only later as proviruses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. These studies provide insight into the dynamics of human immunodeficiency virus sequence changes in vivo and illustrate the utility of heteroduplex analysis for the study of phenomena associated with rapid genetic changes.  相似文献   

Syncytium-inducing (SI) variants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are evolutionary variants that are associated with rapid CD4+ cell loss and rapid disease progression. The heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) was used to detect evolutionary V3 variants by amplifying the V3 sequences from viral RNA derived from 50 samples of patient plasma. For this V3-specific HTA (V3-HTA), heteroduplexes were formed between the patient V3 sequences and a probe with the subtype B consensus V3 sequence. Evolution was then measured by divergence from the consensus. The presence of evolutionary variants was correlated with SI detection data on the same samples from the MT-2 cell culture assay. Evolutionary variants were correlated with the SI phenotype in 88% of the samples, and 96% of the SI samples contained evolutionary variants. In most cases the evolutionary V3 variants represented discrete clonal outgrowths of virus. Sequence analysis of the six discordant samples that did not show this correlation indicated that three non-syncytium-inducing (NSI) samples had V3 sequences that had evolved away from the consensus sequence but not toward an SI genotype. A fourth sample showed little evolution away from the consensus but was SI, which indicates that not all SI variants require basic substitutions in V3. The other two samples had SI-like genotypes and NSI phenotypes, suggesting that V3-HTA was able to detect SI emergence in these samples in the absence of their detection in vitro. V3-HTA was also used to confirm SI variant selection in MT-2 cells and to examine the possibility of variant selection during virus culture in peripheral blood cells.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the possible association between preeclampsia and the plasma concentrations of Lp(a) lipoprotein and TGF-beta1 in a large series of patients. Additionally, correlation between the concentrations of these molecules and the severity of preeclampsia or fetal growth retardation was evaluated. Following clinical examination and biochemical analyses, both electroimmunoassay and RIA technique were used for quantitative determinations of plasma Lp(a) lipoprotein. ELISA technique was used to measure the active form of TGF-beta1 in plasma of pregnant normotensive and preeclamptic women. We examined 154 women with preeclampsia (preeclampsia group) and 76 healthy, pregnant normotensive women (control group). The preeclampsia group was further divided into the following subgroups: mild preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia and preeclampsia with fetal growth retardation. Plasma levels of Lp(a) lipoprotein were lower in the total preeclampsia group as well as in all preeclampsia subgroups (5.45+/-7.41, 5.58+/-8.02, 5.08+/-5.38, and 4.32+/-5.28 mg/dl in the total preeclampsia group, and in subgroups with mild preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia, and preeclampsia with fetal growth retardation, respectively) than in the control group (7.84+/-9.26 mg/dl) as determined by quantitative electroimmunoassay. Corresponding results were obtained with a radioimmunoassay (166.03+/-200.2 U/l in the total preeclampsia group vs. 229.18+/-257.7 U/l in controls). There was good correlation between the two methods used for Lp(a) lipoprotein measurement. The differences between controls and the total preeclampsia group as well as each preeclampsia subgroup were statistically significant by a non-parametric test (one-way Kruskal-Wallis test). Plasma concentrations of the active form of TGF-beta1 were increased in all preeclampsia subgroups as well as in the total group (5.63+/-1.68 ng/ml) compared to controls (4.67+/-1.33 ng/ml). This increase in TGF-beta1 was statistically highly significant. Plasma concentrations of Lp(a) lipoprotein and the active form of TGF-beta1 did not differ significantly between the preeclampsia subgroups. The outcome of this study may suggest involvement of both parameters in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia and may substantiate the notion of a multifactorial etiology of the disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study percentile distance growth pattern of Body Mass Index (BMI) of Punjabi male and female infants. DESIGN: Longitudinal. SETTING: Growth Clinic. SUBJECTS: 154 Punjabi infants (Male 86; Female 68), aged birth-12 months. FOLLOW-UP: Nude body weight and crownheel length of all babies at birth and whereafter, were measured at monthly age intervals with time tolerance to +/-3 days by the same investigator upto 12 months of life. RESULTS: Mean (+/- SD) values for BMI measured 12.2 +/- 1.40 kg/m2 and 16.5 +/- 1.40 kg/m2 at birth and 12 months, respectively in male infants. The corresponding figures for female infants were 12.5 +/- 1.60 kg/ m2 and 16.5 +/- 1.50 kg/m2. A rapid increase in BMI values amongst infants of both sexes between birth to about six months followed by flattening of curves upto 12 months of age indicates an age dependent nature of BMI during first half of infancy in comparison to latter half during which these demonstrated stable trend. These findings are in contrast to those of the western infants who showed a regular increase in BMI throughout the first year of life. Sex differences were not significant at majority of the age levels. CONCLUSIONS: Percentile grids presented for BMI represent a normal, healthy and well-nourished infant population which can be used to assess the adiposity status of infants of the two sexes during the first year of life.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Limited joint mobility (LJM) in childhood insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes is associated with a substantially increased risk of microvascular complications. Cross-sectional studies have not demonstrated a relationship between LJM and metabolic control. This study was designed to determine whether glycemic control, as measured by glycohemoglobin (hgbA1C) levels from the onset of diabetes, is associated with the occurrence of LJM. METHOD: Probands (n = 18) had hgbA1C values and recorded observation of joint function from soon after onset of their diabetes. Controls (n = 40) were matched to probands for gender and age at diagnosis and had follow-up beyond the age at which the proband was found to have LJM. RESULTS: The odds ratio for occurrence of LJM for the mean hgbA1C from diabetes onset was 1.46, 95% confidence limits 1.07 to 2.00. Thus, for every unit increase in average hgbA1C, there was approximately a 46% increase in the risk of LJM. When hgbA1C was dichotomized, the OR for hgbA1C of more than 8% was 2.55, and the OR was 4.54 if the hgbA1C was greater than 12%. Age at diagnosis and duration of diabetes were not independent prognostic factors for LJM. CONCLUSION: Glycemic control from onset of diabetes is strongly associated with occurrence of LJM.  相似文献   

The normal function of the endothelium is impaired in HIV-1 infection. Disturbances of the local cytokines as well as the release of HIV-1 Tat by infected mononuclear cells play a role in endothelial dysfunction. We studied the effects of Tat on the human endothelial ECV cell line. In this system, Tat inhibited cell proliferation only in the presence of fibronectin as a culture substrate, whereas it did not modulate plasminogen activator activity, cell migration, or synthesis of fibronectin. Because amino acids 49-57 contains a nuclear translocation sequence, we also evaluated the potential intracellular role of Tat in tat-transfected ECV cells. tat transfectants showed inhibition of cell growth, unaffected cell migration and plasminogen activator activity, and a significant induction of the expression of fibronectin.  相似文献   

We have found that the hemolytic and cytotoxic activities of myristoylated Nef N-terminal peptides require a net positive charge in the first seven amino residues of the sequence. The activities are considerably less dependent on the secondary structure of the peptides. Film balance studies showed that both active and inactive peptides interacted with neutral phospholipid monolayers, suggesting that binding to neutral lipids was not a sufficient condition for lytic activity. It was also found that nonmyristoylated N-terminal peptide did not interact to the same extent with the monolayer, indicating that myristoylation was essential for lipid interaction. It is considered that the positively charged residues of the proximate N terminus of Nef interact with acidic lipids of biological membranes, reinforcing the weak membrane-targeting properties of the myristyl chain. Parallels are drawn between this mode of interaction with membranes and that of members of the Src family of proteins, which are also myristoylated and have positively charged residues in their proximate N termini. In particular, these proteins and Nef also have serine residues in their proximal N-terminal regions, which when phosphorylated could neutralize the positive charge and thus provide a mechanism for modulating membrane interaction.  相似文献   

We report a case of hypoglycaemic shock which occurred in a patient 18 h after injury. The patient was involved in a road traffic accident and sustained multiple rib fractures and bruising in the (R) lumbar region. Eleven hours after his last meal he developed sudden weakness, profuse sweating, air hunger, thirst, disorientation and suddenly lapsed into coma 18 h after admission. Administration of 50 ml of 50% dextrose resulted in immediate restoration of consciousness. This case shows that this complication can occur in trauma patients even though the metabolic response to trauma is usually assumed to be hyperglycaemic.  相似文献   

A small group of women (n = 80) within the Nairobi-based Pumwani Sex Workers Cohort demonstrates epidemiologic resistance to HIV-1 infection. Chemokine receptor polymorphisms and beta-chemokine overproduction have been among the mechanisms suggested to be responsible for resistance to HIV-1 infection. This study attempts to determine if any of those mechanisms are protecting the HIV-1-resistant women. Genetic analysis of CCR5 and CCR3 from the resistant women demonstrated no polymorphisms associated with resistance. Expression levels of CCR5 among the resistant women were shown to be equivalent to that found in low-risk seronegative (negative) controls, while CXCR4 expression was greater among some of the resistant women. In vitro infection experiments showed that phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from resistant women were as susceptible to infection to T cell- and macrophage-tropic North American and Kenyan HIV-1 isolates as were the PBMCs from negative controls. No significant difference in circulating plasma levels of MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta were found between the resistant women and negative or HIV-1-infected controls. In vitro cultures of media and PHA-stimulated PBMCs indicated that the resistant women produced significantly less MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta than did negative controls and no significant difference in RANTES levels were observed. In contrast to studies in Caucasian cohorts, these data indicate that CCR5 polymorphisms, altered CCR5 and CXCR4 expression levels, cellular resistance to in vitro HIV-1 infection, and increased levels of beta-chemokine production do not account for the resistance to HIV-1 infection observed among the women of the Pumwani Sex Workers Cohort.  相似文献   

Identification of the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 as the major coreceptors for HIV-1 entry has greatly assisted our understanding of HIV-1 pathogenesis, transmission, and tropism. However, most of our current knowledge on coreceptor usage comes from studies using HIV-1 strains or env genes derived from the genetic subtype B predominant in North America and western Europe. In this report, the coreceptor usage of 20 primary viral isolates representative of genetic subtypes A, B, C, D, E, and group O was examined. Thirty-nine full-length CCR5 sequences from individuals of diverse geographic origins were also obtained to examine the possible effect of CCR5 polymorphism on HIV-1 subtype distribution. Our results indicate that (1) CCR5 and CXCR4 serve as the two major coreceptors for viruses belonging to HIV-1 subtypes A, B, C, D, E, and group O, whereas other chemokine receptors such as CCR2b and CCR3 play only a minor role in facilitating viral entry into stimulated PBMCs; (2) the coreceptor usage is determined by the viral phenotype rather than its genotype because all NSI strains, irrespective of their subtype classification, utilize CCR5, whereas all SI strains are able to use CXCR4; and (3) there is no geographic clustering of CCR5 polymorphism in different ethnic populations, suggesting that CCR5 diversity is not the underlying explanation for differences in the spread of different HIV-1 subtypes. Therefore, the uneven worldwide distribution of HIV-1 subtypes is more likely the result of stochastic dissemination.  相似文献   

Triciribine (TCN) is a tricyclic nucleoside with known antineoplastic and antiviral activity. It is a potent and selective inhibitor of HIV-1 and HIV-2, including strains known to be resistant to AZT or TIBO. TCN is phosphorylated to its 5'-monophosphate (TCN-P) by intracellular adenosine kinase (AK), but is not converted to di- or triphosphates. We now report that 5'-phosphorylation is requisite for the activity of TCN against HIV-1. CEM cells incubated with TCN at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 330 microM gave intracellular TCN-P concentrations from 27 to 775 microM, respectively. There was no difference in the amount of intracellular TCN-P detected in uninfected compared with HIV-1-infected CEM cells. The antiviral effect of TCN against HIV-1 was strongly antagonized by the AK inhibitor 5-iodotubercidin (ITu). In contrast, TCN and ITu only exhibited additive cytotoxicity. The 5'-deoxy analog of TCN, which cannot be phosphorylated, had no antiviral effect against HIV-1 at a concentration more than 100 times higher than the IC50 of TCN. Similarly, TCN was not active against HIV-1 in an AK-deficient cell line (AA-2) at concentrations shown to inhibit the virus by >95% in CEM cells. Consistent with its AK-deficient phenotype, this cell line phosphorylated TCN to only 3% of the extent observed in CEM cells. We conclude that TCN must be phosphorylated to TCN-P for activity against HIV-1.  相似文献   

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