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We have examined the expression of the NR-1 subunit of the glutamate NMDA receptor and the immediate early gene c-jun in lumbar spinal cord following neonatal common peroneal nerve crush. The expression of these two genes was studied up to 12 days post-injury (crush occurring at neonatal day P2). The levels of both NR-1 and c-jun mRNA were increased in spinal cord ipsilateral to the site of crush, the induction of mRNA was shown to occur in a time-dependent manner, peaking at 5 days post-injury. The level of NR-1 mRNA showed the most substantial change following nerve crush, increasing 5 times from 4 h to 5 days post-crush. An increase in expression of NR-1 was also observed in spinal cord contralateral to the injury, although quantitatively this was a smaller effect. These results indicate that early postnatal injury causes a significant increase in the expression of NR-1 mRNA which is most marked at 5 days after injury. This period coincides with that of maximum cell death and indicates that the selective induction of NR-1 could underlie the mechanism of this cell death.  相似文献   

We have expanded the original Glucocorticoid Receptor Resource (GRR) database to include several individual resources as part of a larger project called the Nuclear Receptor Resource (NRR). In addition to the GRR, the NRR currently features the Thyroid Hormone Receptor Resource, the Androgen Receptor Resource, the Mineralocorticoid Receptor Resource, the Vitamin D Receptor Resource, and the Steroid Receptor Associated Proteins Resource. The goal of the NRR project is to provide a comprehensive resource for information on the nuclear receptor superfamily, and to provide a forum for the dissemination and discussion of both published and unpublished material on these proteins. Although the individual resources are managed from different servers, all the files are integrated and can be accessed through the project's Home Page, housed at http://nrr. georgetown.edu/nrr.html. In the near future, we hope to expand the project to contain information on other nuclear receptors and to better our electronic publication system. To accomplish this, we encourage the involvement of nuclear receptor investigators in the NRR.  相似文献   

The oxidation of inulin with Pt/C as catalyst was studied. Methyl alpha-D-fructofuranoside was used as a model compound for the monomeric unit of inulin. Oxidation occurred selectively at the C-6 position in a high yield (79%). The rate of oxidation and the degree of oxidation obtained for inulin oligosaccharides decreased upon increase of the chain length of the substrate. Inulin could only be oxidized partially: the oxidation degree obtained was 20% of the primary hydroxy groups for inulin with an average dp 30. Possible explanations for these relatively low conversions are discussed. Adsorption and desorption phenomena appear to play and important role during the oxidation process.  相似文献   

The neuroprotective properties of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist dizocilpine (MK-801) and the non-NMDA antagonists 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfamoylbenzo[f]quinoxaline (NBQX) and alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG) were evaluated against neuronal injury produced by the intraspinal injection of NMDA and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA). Forty-nine animals were divided into eight groups in order to evaluate the effects of different drug combinations: (a) NMDA; (b) NMDA + MCPG; (c) NMDA + NBQX; (d) NMDA + MK-801; (e) AMPA; (f) AMPA + MCPG; (g) AMPA + MK-801; and (h) AMPA + NBQX. Drugs were microinjected into spinal segments T12-L3 through a micropipette attached to a Hamilton microliter syringe. Spinal cords were evaluated after a survival period of 48 h at which time NMDA and AMPA were found to produce morphological changes over the concentration ranges of 125-500 mM and 75-500 microM, respectively. Neuronal loss following injections of NMDA + MK-801 or AMPA + NBQX was significantly less than that following injections of NMDA or AMPA alone. By contrast, neuronal loss following co-injections of NMDA or AMPA with inappropriate antagonists, i.e., NMDA + NBQX/MCPG or AMPA + MCPG/MK-801, was not significantly different from that produced by NMDA or AMPA. The results suggest that elevations in spinal levels of glutamate followed by prolonged activation of NMDA and AMPA receptor subtypes initiate an excitotoxic cascade resulting in neuronal injury. Blockade of NMDA and AMPA effects by MK-801 and NBQX respectively confirms the well documented neuroprotective effects of these drugs and lends support to the potential importance of NMDA and especially AMPA receptor antagonists as therapeutic agents in the treatment of acute spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is now considered to be the major constitutively expressed COX isozyme in the central nervous system. The present immunocytochemical study details localization of COX-2 immunoreactivity in rat spinal cord along with the expression of prostaglandin E2 receptor subtype EP3. Prominent COX-2 staining was observed in the nuclear envelope of neurons throughout the spinal cord, especially in the superficial dorsal horn laminae and motoneurons of lamina IX, as well as in glial cells of the white matter. Expression of EP3 receptor was strictly confined to afferent terminal areas in the superficial dorsal horns.  相似文献   

Purified and reconstituted sodium channels have previously been shown to be functional in voltage-dependent ion conductance and in high affinity binding of tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin at neurotoxin receptor site 1 and alpha-scorpion toxins at receptor site 3, but high affinity binding of neurotoxins at receptor sites 2, 4, and 5 has not been demonstrated. The pyrethroid insecticide RU39568 enhances the specific binding of [3H]batrachotoxinin A 20-alpha-benzoate (BTX-B) to neurotoxin receptor site 2 on purified and reconstituted sodium channels up to 500-fold, reducing the Kd to 1.5 nM. Brevetoxins and alpha-scorpion toxins cause further allosteric enhancement of BTX-B binding. The pyrethroids deltamethrin and bifenthrin and the nonpyrethroid insecticide 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)trichloroethane can partially substitute for RU39568 in enhancing BTX-B binding, but other pyrethroids are inactive. The brevetoxin PbTx-1 binds specifically to neurotoxin receptor site 5 on purified and reconstituted sodium channels with a Kd value of approximately 30 nM. Brevetoxin binding is enhanced up to 2-fold by the combination of batrachotoxin and RU39568. The allosteric enhancement of BTX-B binding by RU39568 is voltage dependent, decreasing progressively with depolarization to 0 mV. In contrast, PbTx-1 binding is not voltage dependent and PbTx-1 reduces the voltage dependence of the effect of RU39568. The results demonstrate restoration of high affinity binding and allosteric interactions of ligands at neurotoxin receptor sites 2 and 5 on purified and reconstituted sodium channels and provide an experimental approach to covalent labeling and identification of the peptide components of those receptor sites.  相似文献   

The development of intrinsic, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated voltage oscillations and their dependence on co-activation of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) receptors was explored in motor neurons of late embryonic and early larval Xenopus laevis. Under tetrodotoxin, 100 microM NMDA elicited a membrane depolarization of around 20 mV, but did not lead to voltage oscillations. However, following the addition of 2-5 microM 5HT, oscillations were observed in 12% of embryonic and 70% of larval motor neurons. The voltage oscillations depended upon co-activation of NMDA and 5HT receptors since they were curtailed by selectively blocking NMDA receptors with D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV) or by excluding Mg2+ from the experimental saline. 5HT applied in the absence of NMDA also failed to elicit oscillations. Oscillations could be induced by the non-selective 5HT1alpha receptor agonist, 5-carboxamidotryptamine (5CT) and both 5HT- and 5CT-induced oscillations were abolished by pindobind-5HT1, a selective 5HT1alpha receptor antagonist. To test whether 5HT enables voltage oscillations by modulating the voltage-dependent block of NMDA channels by Mg2+, membrane conductance was monitored under tetrodotoxin. Although 5HT caused membrane hyperpolarization of 4-8 mV, there was little detectable change in conductance. NMDA application caused an approximate 20 mV depolarization and an 'apparent' decrease in conductance, presumably due to the conductance pulse bringing the membrane into a voltage region where Mg2+ blocks the NMDA ionophore. 5HT further decreased conductance, which we propose is due to its enhancement of the voltage-dependent Mg2+ block. When the membrane potential was depolarized by approximately 20 mV via depolarizing current injection (to mimic the NMDA-induced depolarization), 5HT increased rather than decreased membrane conductance. Furthermore, 5HT did not affect the increase in membrane conductance following NMDA applications in zero Mg2+ saline. The results suggest that intrinsic, NMDA receptor-mediated voltage oscillations develop in a brief period after hatching, and that they depend upon the co-activation of 5HT and NMDA receptors. The enabling function of 5HT may involve the facilitation of the voltage-dependent block of the NMDA ionophore by Mg2+ through activation of receptors with 5HT1alpha-like pharmacology.  相似文献   

Substance P plays an important role in the transmission of pain-related information in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Recent immunocytochemical studies have shown a mismatch between the distribution of substance P and its receptor in the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn. Because such a mismatch was not observed by using classical radioligand binding studies, we decided to investigate further the issue of the relationship between substance P and its receptor by using an antibody raised against a portion of the carboxyl terminal of the neurokinin 1 receptor and a bispecific monoclonal antibodies against substance P and horseradish peroxidase. Light microscopy revealed a good correlation between the distributions of substance P and the neurokinin 1 receptor, both being localized with highest densities in lamina I and outer lamina II of the spinal dorsal horn. An ultrastructural double-labeling study, combining preembedding immunogold with enzyme-based immunocytochemistry, showed that most neurokinin 1 receptor immunoreactive dendrites were apposed by substance P containing boutons. A detailed quantitative analysis revealed that neurokinin 1 receptor immunoreactive dendrites received more appositions and synapses from substance P immunoreactive terminals than those not expressing the neurokinin 1 receptor. Such preferential innervation by substance P occurred in all superficial dorsal horn laminae even though neurokinin 1 receptor immunoreactive dendrites were a minority of the total number of dendritic profiles in the above laminae. These results suggest that, contrary to the belief that neuropeptides act in a diffuse manner at a considerable distance from their sites of release, substance P should act on profiles expressing the neurokinin 1 receptor at a short distance from its site of release.  相似文献   

In the ovariectomized (ovx) rat, the nonsteroidal antiestrogens, clomiphene (CLO) and tamoxifen (TAM), at dose levels that prevent development of osteopenia to a degree approaching that of 17beta-estradiol are, in contrast to 17beta-estradiol, only weakly uterotrophic. Metabolites of CLO and TAM might contribute differentially to these effects. Thus, we have evaluated bone protective and uterine effects in ovx rats of two such metabolites: 4-hydroxy CLO, produced by p-hydroxylation of CLO; and 4HTA, produced from TAM by stepwise replacement of its dimethylaminoethyl side chain with an acetic acid moiety, accompanied by p-hydroxylation. Also reported are effects of D4HTA, the dihydrodesethyl derivative of 4HTA previously characterized as a full estrogen mimetic in vitro. Administration of 4-hydroxy CLO (2.5 mg/kg subcutaneously) 5 days/week for 5 weeks to 3-month-old ovx rats resulted in complete prevention of bone loss and suppression of bone turnover to levels comparable to those of intact controls and to those of ovx animals similarly receiving 17beta-estradiol (10 microg/kg). However, uterine weight in animals receiving 4-hydroxy CLO was 64% less than that in 17beta-estradiol-treated animals. Although 4HTA (3.7 mg/kg s.c.) had a modest uterotrophic effect, it did not prevent bone loss associated with ovariectomy. In contrast, D4HTA (3.6 mg/kg s.c.) partially reduced bone turnover indicators and cancellous bone loss in a manner similar in many ways to that observed in TAM-treated ovx animals, but it had no uterotrophic effect. These results suggest that, although 4HTA does not contribute to the bone-protective effect of TAM, 4-hydroxy CLO might augment that of CLO.  相似文献   

The number and size distribution of axons and neurons were examined in the L7 spinal roots and ganglia of kittens 14 to 220 days after early postnatal sciatic nerve crush. The results show that motoraxons in the ventral root as well as axons and perikarya of sensory neurons in the dorsal root remained growth-retarded throughout the examined period. This was most evident in the dorsal root. Both ventral and dorsal roots showed some loss of myelinated axons, but this was only half that previously observed after sciatic nerve resection. Whereas in the dorsal roots and dorsal root ganglia the loss seemed to be nonselective with respect to size, axons in the gamma range were primarily affected in the ventral roots. In the dorsal roots the proportion of unmyelinated axons was comparable with controls but in the ventral roots it was somewhat elevated. In most cases the loss of dorsal root ganglion neurons was relatively greater than the decrease of dorsal root axons.  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluated changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) immunoreactivity in the rat lumbar (L) 5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and areas where afferents from the DRG terminate, the L5 spinal cord and gracile nuclei, following unilateral sciatic nerve transection or crush. From 3 days to 4 weeks following cut or crush injury, the percentage of medium and large BDNF-immunoreactive neurons in the ipsilateral DRG increased significantly compared with those on the contralateral side. Following cut injury, there was no significant change in the percentage of small BDNF-immunoreactive neurons in the ipsilateral DRG; however, the intensity of immunoreactivity of these cells decreased. Following crush injury, however, both the percentage and intensity of small BDNF-immunoreactive neurons in the ipsilateral DRG significantly increased. Following cut injury, the expression of BDNF-immunoreactive axonal fibers decreased markedly in the ipsilateral superficial laminae of the L5 spinal cord and increased significantly in the ipsilateral deeper laminae of the spinal cord and gracile nuclei. Crush injury induced a marked increase in the expression of BDNF-immunoreactive axonal fibers in the superficial laminae of the spinal cord and gracile nuclei. These differences in BDNF response in the DRG and spinal cord after cut or crush injuries may reflect differences in trophic support to the injured DRG neurons and altered neuronal activity in the spinal cord and gracile nuclei following different types of peripheral nerve injury.  相似文献   

Two mouse monoclonal antibodies, 11H9.1 and 1G7.10, raised against the COOH-terminus peptide (359-390) of the rat neurokinin-2 receptor, were used to visualize by light and electron microscope immunocytochemistry the distribution of this receptor in adult rat spinal cord. At all spinal levels, immunoreactivity was mainly observed in two narrow crescentic zones bordering the gray matter of the dorsal and ventral horns, and around the central canal. In the light microscope, this labelling was the densest within the outer part of lamina I facing the dorsal column, where it took the form of minute dots and streaks scattered in the neuropil. In the electron microscope, such a localization was exclusively astrocytic and essentially involved astrocytic leaflets, as indicated by the size and irregular shape of the immunostained processes, their location between and around neuronal profiles, and their occasional display of glial filaments. The diaminobenzidine reaction product showed some predilection for the plasma membrane and was occasionally seen at gap junctions of these labelled processes. Many labelled astrocytic leaflets were observed in the immediate vicinity of axon terminals containing large dense-cored vesicles, and around fibres morphologically identifiable as primary afferent, unmyelinated C-fibres. These observations suggest that astrocytic neurokinin-2 receptors could define the effective sphere of neurokinin A neuromodulation in rat spinal cord, via alterations in the regulation of the extracellular environment and glutamate uptake by astrocytes and/or the release of putative astroglial mediators. The astrocyte neurokinin-2 receptors, activated by extrasynaptic neurokinin A, might thus co-operate with neurokinin-1 and neurokinin-3 neuronal receptors in the modulation of nociceptive information.  相似文献   

In the absence of reliable baseline data for normal neuron density in the intestine, the diagnosis of hypo- and hyperganglionosis is purely subjective. This study has established the normal neuron density by neuron counts in paraffin sections taken both transversely (transverse sections, TS) and longitudinally (longitudinally sections, LS) in relation to the long axis of normal postmortem jejunum, ileum, and colon from 21 children (aged 4 weeks to 10 years). Intestine from two adults (aged 16 and 42 years) and colon alone from a further six adults (aged 16 to 83 years) were also studied. The mean density values in childhood were for jejunum 3.6/mm (TS), 3.7/mm (LS); for ileum 4.3/mm (TS, LS); and for colon 7/mm (LS), 7.7/mm (TS). The proximal margins of surgically resected colons from six patients with Hirschsprung's disease and one patient with suspected isolated hypoganglionosis were also analyzed and the neuron densities compared with the established postmortem data. Neuron density values outside two standard deviations from the postmortem mean were shown to correlate with continuing pseudo-obstructive symptoms in these patients.  相似文献   

Radioreceptor binding assays and receptor autoradiography were used to investigate the activity of thiocolchicoside on strychnine-sensitive binding sites in rat brain and spinal cord using [3H]strychnine as a ligand. Thiocolchicoside displaced the binding of [3H]strychnine with an affinity similar to that of unlabeled glycine, and showed a Hill coefficient and proportionality parameter (P) less than unity. The activity of thiocolchicoside toward [3H]strychnine binding sites was confirmed in autoradiographic studies. The results suggest that thiocolchicoside behaves as an allosteric compound acting on the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in rat brainstem and spinal cord, and that this may provide a possible mechanism for the myorelaxant activity of this colchicoside derivative, the first clinically useful drug acting on this receptor.  相似文献   

We report on the autoradiographic distribution of 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D and 5-HT1F receptor subtypes in human brain, focusing on the brainstem and cervical spinal cord. We have used [3H]sumatriptan as a radioligand in the presence of suitable concentrations of 5-CT (5-carboxamidotryptamine) to define 5-HT1F receptors, and ketanserin, to discriminate between 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors. In the brainstem the highest concentrations of [3H]sumatriptan binding sites were seen in substantia nigra. The spinal trigeminal nucleus, substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord, nucleus of the tractus solitarius and periaqueductal grey, also showed significant levels of [3H]sumatriptan binding sites. In the brainstem and spinal cord the total population of 5-CT-insensitive receptors, corresponding to 5-HT1F receptors, ranged from 9.8% in the periaqueductal grey to 53.4% in the substantia gelatinosa. This population represented 67.0% of binding in layer V of the frontal cortex. The decrease in [3H]sumatriptan binding in the presence of 200 nM ketanserin, indicative of the presence of 5-HT1D receptors, was very limited throughout the human brain, only reaching 20% of total specific binding over the periaqueductal grey. The proportion of [3H]sumatriptan binding sites displaced by 5-CT and insensitive to ketanserin, corresponding to 5-HT1B receptors, was, in general, the most abundant, ranging from 43.8% in substantia gelatinosa to 69.9% in the periaqueductal grey. Significant levels of 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D receptors found in migraine control pain areas suggest their involvement in antinociceptive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Bath-application of increasing concentrations of extracellular K+ elicited alternating motor patterns recorded from pairs of various lumbar ventral roots of the neonatal rat (0-2 days old) spinal cord in vitro. The threshold concentration of K+ for this effect was 7.9 +/- 0.8 mM (mean +/- SD). The suprathreshold concentration range useful to evoke persistent motor patterns (lasting >/=10 min) was very narrow ( approximately 1 mM) as further increments elicited only rhythmic activity lasting from 20 s to a few minutes. On average, the fastest period of rhythmic patterns was 1.1 +/- 0.3 s. Intracellular recording from lumbar motoneurons showed that raised extracellular K+ elicited membrane potential oscillations with superimposed repetitive firing. In the presence of N-methyl--aspartate (NMDA) or non-NMDA receptor blockers [R(-)-2-amino-phosphonovaleric acid or 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, respectively] extracellular K+ increases could still induce motor patterns although the threshold concentration was raised. Serotonin (5-HT) also induced alternating motor patterns (threshold 15 +/- 7 microM) that were consistently slower than those induced by high K+ or NMDA. Ritanserin (1 microM) prevented the locomotor-like activity of 5-HT but not that of high K+ provided the concentration of the latter was further increased. Subthreshold concentrations of K+ became effective in the presence of subthreshold doses of 5-HT or NMDA, indicating mutual facilitation between these substances. The fastest pattern frequency was observed by raising K+ or by adding NMDA. In the presence of 5-HT, the pattern frequency was never as fast even if NMDA (or high K+) was coapplied. Furthermore, application of 5-HT significantly slowed down the K+- or NMDA-induced rhythm, an effect strongly potentiated in the presence of ritanserin. It is suggested that the operation of the spinal locomotor network was activated by rises in extracellular K+, which presumably led to a broad increase in neuronal excitability. Whenever the efficiency of excitatory synaptic transmission was diminished (for example by glutamate receptor antagonism), a larger concentration of K+ was required to evoke locomotor-like patterns. The complex effect (comprising stimulation and inhibition) of 5-HT on alternating pattern generation appeared to result from a dual action of this substance on the spinal locomotor network.  相似文献   

Muscarinic receptors in the spinal cord have been shown to mediate antinociception and alter blood pressure. Currently, there is much interest in identifying which muscarinic receptor subtypes regulate these functions. Toward that end, this study aimed to identify and localize the muscarinic receptor subtypes present in spinal cord using in vitro receptor autoradiography with [3H]-pirenzepine and [3H]-N-methylscopolamine. The results showed that M2 binding sites were distributed throughout the dorsal and ventral horns, whereas M3 binding sites were localized to laminae I to III of the dorsal horn. Only background levels of M1 binding sites were detected. Saturation binding assays using [3H]-pirenzepine in spinal cord homogenates confirmed the absence of M1 receptors. Competition membrane receptor assays using [3H]-N-methylscopolamine and the unlabeled antagonists pirenzepine, 11-2[(-[(diethylamino)methyl]-1-piperidinyl)-acetyl]-5, 11-dihydro 6H-pyrido(2, 3-b)(1, 4) benzodiazepine-one, methoctramine, and methoctramine in combination with atropine corroborated the autoradiographic findings and also revealed the presence of M4 binding sites. The finding that M2 and M3 binding sites were localized to the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn where nociceptive A delta and C fibers terminate suggests the possibility that either or both of these muscarinic receptor subtypes modulate antinociception. The present demonstration of M4 binding sites in spinal cord is consistent with the possibility that M2 and/or M4 receptors are involved in the regulation of blood pressure at the spinal level.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) induces rhythmic motor patterns (fictive locomotion) of the neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro; this is a useful experimental model to study the generation of a motor programme at exclusively spinal level. Nevertheless, 5-HT slows down the fictive locomotion typically elicited by activation of NMDA glutamate receptors, suggesting a complex action of this monoamine. By means of electrophysiological recordings from multiple ventral roots we demonstrated that the decrease caused by 5-HT in NMDA-induced periodicity was dose-dependent, enhanced after pharmacological blocking of 5-HT2 excitatory receptors, and imitated by pharmacological agonists of the 5-HT1 receptor family. Selective blockers of the 5-HT1A or 5-HT1B/D receptor classes, either alone or in combination, largely (but not completely) attenuated this inhibitory action of 5-HT. It is concluded that the principal inhibitory action of 5-HT on the spinal locomotor network was mediated by certain subtypes of the 5-HT1 receptor class, which tends to oppose the 5-HT2 receptor-mediated excitation of the same network.  相似文献   

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